@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+struct over_speed_data:business_data
+ over_speed_data()
+ {
+ m_near_geofault_count=0;
+ m_far_geofault_count=0;
+ }
+ int m_near_geofault_count;
+ int m_far_geofault_count;
+void module_geofault::module_geofault::on_enter(std::shared_ptr<card_location_base> card_ptr, int index)
+ auto area_hover_ptr = card_ptr->get_area_hover();
+ if(!area_hover_ptr)
+ {
+ log_error("if(!area_hover_ptr)==true");
+ return;
+ }
+ area_hover_ptr->m_data[index] = std::make_shared<over_speed_data>();
+ double dist=0;
+ if(_is_near(area_hover_ptr->m_area, card_ptr->x, card_ptr->y, dist))
+ {
+ auto ptr = static_cast<over_speed_data*>(area_hover_ptr->m_data[index].get());
+ ptr->m_near_geofault_count++;
+ }
+void module_geofault::on_hover(std::shared_ptr<card_location_base> card_ptr, int index)
+ auto area_hover_ptr = card_ptr->get_area_hover();
+ if(!area_hover_ptr)
+ {
+ log_error("if(!area_hover_ptr)==true");
+ return;
+ }
+ auto ptr = static_cast<over_speed_data*>(area_hover_ptr->m_data[index].get());
+ double dist=0;
+ if(_is_near(area_hover_ptr->m_area, card_ptr->x, card_ptr->y, dist))
+ {
+ ptr->m_near_geofault_count++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptr->m_far_geofault_count++;
+ }
+ //确定告警
+ if(_geofault_count_limit <= ptr->m_near_geofault_count)
+ {
+ ptr->m_near_geofault_count=_geofault_count_limit;
+ auto ev_ptr = event_list::instance()->get_event_card(card_ptr->m_id, card_ptr->m_type, ET_VEHICLE_NEAR_GEOFAULT);
+ if(!ev_ptr)//从没有告警状态转化为告警状态
+ {
+ ptr->m_far_geofault_count=0;
+ }
+ uint64_t id = tool_other::type_id_to_u64(card_ptr->m_type, card_ptr->m_id);
+ event_tool::instance()->handle_event(OT_CARD, ET_VEHICLE_NEAR_GEOFAULT, id, CYaSetting::m_sys_setting.geofault_warn_dis, dist, true);
+ }
+ //确定正常
+ if(_geofault_count_limit <= ptr->m_far_geofault_count)
+ {
+ ptr->m_far_geofault_count=_geofault_count_limit;
+ auto ev_ptr = event_list::instance()->get_event_card(card_ptr->m_id, card_ptr->m_type, ET_VEHICLE_NEAR_GEOFAULT);
+ if(ev_ptr && !ev_ptr->is_end())
+ {
+ ptr->m_near_geofault_count=0;
+ uint64_t id = tool_other::type_id_to_u64(card_ptr->m_type, card_ptr->m_id);
+ event_tool::instance()->handle_event(OT_CARD, ET_VEHICLE_NEAR_GEOFAULT, id, CYaSetting::m_sys_setting.geofault_warn_dis, dist, false);
+ }
+ }
+void module_geofault::on_leave(std::shared_ptr<card_location_base> card_ptr, int index)
+ auto area_hover_ptr = card_ptr->get_area_hover();
+ if(!area_hover_ptr)
+ {
+ log_error("if(!area_hover_ptr)==true");
+ return;
+ }
+ uint64_t id = tool_other::type_id_to_u64(card_ptr->m_type, card_ptr->m_id);
+ event_tool::instance()->handle_event(OT_CARD, ET_VEHICLE_NEAR_GEOFAULT, id, CYaSetting::m_sys_setting.geofault_warn_dis, 1000, false);
+ area_hover_ptr->m_data[index] = std::make_shared<over_speed_data>();
+void module_geofault::module_geofault::init_geofault_from_db()
+ const char *sql = "select area_id, pt_data from dat_geofault g, dat_work_face w \
+ where g.workface_id=w.work_face_id;";
+ std::string Error;
+ YADB::CDBResultSet DBRes;
+ sDBConnPool.Query(sql,DBRes,Error);
+ if(!Error.empty())
+ {
+ log_error("init_geofault_from_db Error,%s",Error.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ uint64_t nCount = DBRes.GetRecordCount( Error );
+ if (static_cast<int64_t>(nCount) < 0)
+ {
+ log_error("错误,init_geofault_from_db. The record count=%ld\n", nCount );
+ return;
+ }
+ log_info( "init_geofault_from_db. The record count=%ld\n", nCount );
+ _area_geofault_map.clear();
+ while ( DBRes.GetNextRecod(Error) )
+ {
+ int area_id = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField( "area_id",area_id, Error );
+ std::string pt_data;
+ DBRes.GetField( "pt_data",pt_data, Error );
+ std::vector<point> points;
+ std::vector<std::string> strs = split(pt_data,';');
+ for (const auto & s:strs)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> xy = split(s, ',');
+ if (xy.size()!=2)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ point pt;
+ pt.x = std::atof(xy[0].c_str());
+ pt.y = std::atof(xy[1].c_str());
+ points.push_back(pt);
+ }
+ _area_geofault_map.insert({area_id,points});
+ }
+ for(const auto &p : _area_geofault_map)
+ {
+ auto kk = p.second;
+ std_debug("init_geofault_from_db:area_id:%d--points: %s",p.first, points2str(kk).c_str());
+ log_info("init_geofault_from_db:area_id:%d--points: %s",p.first, points2str(kk).c_str());
+ }
+bool module_geofault::_is_near(std::shared_ptr<area>& area_ptr, double x, double y, double& out_dist)
+ auto serch = _area_geofault_map.find(area_ptr->m_id);
+ if(serch == _area_geofault_map.end())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ point pt(x, y);
+ double min=0;
+ out_dist=1000000;
+ for(auto& p : serch->second)
+ {
+ min = pt.dist(p) * area_ptr->m_scale;
+ if(min < out_dist)
+ {
+ out_dist = min;
+ }
+ if(min < CYaSetting::m_sys_setting.geofault_warn_dis)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;