@@ -725,3 +725,393 @@ int main()
+void sit_list_v::read_sit_list(int id /*= -1*/)
+ std::string sql = "SELECT antenna_id, a.reader_id, idx, a.x, a.y, a.z, a.angle \
+ FROM dat_antenna_v a, dat_reader_v r \
+ WHERE a.reader_id = r.reader_id";
+ if (-1 == id)
+ {
+ sql.append(";");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sql.append(" AND antenna_id=");
+ sql.append(std::to_string(id));
+ sql.append(";");
+ log_info("基础数据 增加或修改天线 sql=%s", sql.c_str());
+ }
+ std::string Error;
+ YADB::CDBResultSet DBRes;
+ sDBConnPool.Query(sql.c_str(), DBRes, Error);
+ int nCount = DBRes.GetRecordCount(Error);
+ if (nCount < 1)
+ {
+ log_error("基础数据 增加或修改失败,数据库中找不到: 天线id=%d", id);
+ return;
+ }
+ log_info("init_antenna. The record count=%ld\n", nCount);
+ while (DBRes.GetNextRecod(Error))
+ {
+ int antenna_id = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("antenna_id", antenna_id, Error);
+ int reader_id = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("reader_id", reader_id, Error);
+ int idx = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("idx", idx, Error);
+ int antid = idx - 1;
+ if (antid >= 2 || antid < 0)
+ continue;
+ double x = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("x", x, Error);
+ double y = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("y", y, Error);
+ double z = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("z", z, Error);
+ double _angle = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("angle", _angle, Error);
+ log_info("ant-position:reader=%d, antid=%d, x=%.2lf, y=%.2lf, angle=%.2f", reader_id, antid, x, y, _angle);
+ if (-1 == id)
+ {
+ std::shared_ptr<site> site_ptr = nullptr;
+ site_ptr = sit_list_v::instance()->get(reader_id);
+ if (!site_ptr)
+ continue;
+ site_ptr->m_ant[antid].m_id = antenna_id;
+ site_ptr->m_ant[antid].set(x, y);
+ site_ptr->m_ant[antid].m_angle = _angle;
+ site_ptr->set_ex();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto site_ptr = sit_list_v::instance()->get(reader_id);
+ if (site_ptr)
+ {
+ site_ptr->m_ant[antid].set(x, y);
+ site_ptr->m_ant[antid].m_angle = _angle;
+ site_ptr->set_ex();
+ }
+ log_info("基础数据 增加或修改天线成功:天线id:%d,分站id:%d", id, reader_id);
+ }
+ }
+void sit_list_v::read_ant_path(int id /*= -1*/)
+ std::string sql = "SELECT reader_id,tof_flag,b_x,b_y,b_z,e_x,e_y,e_z,spacing_ratio FROM dat_reader_path_tof_n_v";
+ std::map<int, std::vector<line_v>> map_path;
+ if (-1 == id)
+ {
+ sql.append(";");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sql.append(" where reader_id=");
+ sql.append(std::to_string(id));
+ sql.append(";");
+ std_debug("修改path sql=%s", sql.c_str());
+ log_info("修改path sql=%s", sql.c_str());
+ }
+ std::string Error;
+ YADB::CDBResultSet DBRes;
+ sDBConnPool.Query(sql.c_str(), DBRes, Error);
+ int nCount = DBRes.GetRecordCount(Error);
+ if (nCount < 1)
+ {
+ log_error("修改path失败,数据库中找不到(dat_reader_path_tof_n_v): 分站id=%d", id);
+ return;
+ }
+ log_info("read_ant_path. The record count=%ld\n", nCount);
+ while (DBRes.GetNextRecod(Error))
+ {
+ int reader_id = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("reader_id", reader_id, Error);
+ auto site_ptr = sit_list_v::instance()->get(reader_id);
+ if (nullptr == site_ptr)
+ {
+ log_error("[site] 定义了分站路径,但是没有定义分站:%d", reader_id);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (site_ptr->m_num_dims != 1) {
+ log_info("[site] 多维定位分站,无需定义路径:%d", reader_id);
+ continue;
+ }
+ int pid = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("tof_flag", pid, Error);
+ double b_x = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("b_x", b_x, Error);
+ double b_y = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("b_y", b_y, Error);
+ double b_z = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("b_z", b_z, Error);
+ double e_x = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("e_x", e_x, Error);
+ double e_y = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("e_y", e_y, Error);
+ double e_z = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("e_z", e_z, Error);
+ double spacing_ratio = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("spacing_ratio", spacing_ratio, Error);
+ log_info("src-path:site=%d,x0=%.2f,y0=%.2f,x1=%.2f,y1=%.2f", reader_id, b_x, b_y, e_x, e_y);
+ point p1(b_x, b_y, spacing_ratio);
+ point p2(e_x, e_y, spacing_ratio);
+ map_path.insert(std::make_pair(reader_id, std::vector<line_v>()));
+ map_path.find(reader_id)->second.push_back(line_v(p1, p2));
+#if 0
+ auto &sit_ = *site_ptr;
+ if (-1 != id)//清空path
+ {
+ sit_.clear_path();
+ log_info("修改path 清空path,分站id=%d\n", id);
+ }
+ if (pid == 0)
+ {
+ line_v l(p1, p2);
+ {
+ point px = l.line::projection(sit_);
+ sit_.set(px);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ path p;
+ p.m_slope[0] = spacing_ratio;
+ p.m_line[0] = line_v(px, l[i]);
+ sit_.m_ant[i].m_path.push_back(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ant &a = pid < 0 ? sit_.m_ant[0] : sit_.m_ant[1];
+ if (a.m_path.size() != 0)
+ {
+ path &p = a.m_path[0];
+ p.m_line[abs(pid) - 1] = line_v(p1, p2);
+ p.m_slope[abs(pid) - 1] = spacing_ratio;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ path p;
+ p.m_line[abs(pid) - 1] = line_v(p1, p2);
+ p.m_slope[abs(pid) - 1] = spacing_ratio;
+ a.m_path.push_back(p);
+ }
+ if (abs(pid) == 1)
+ sit_.set(p1);
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (-1 == id)
+ {
+ for (auto&_s : sit_list::instance()->m_map)
+ {
+ _s.second->deal_path();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto sit_ptr = sit_list::instance()->get(id);
+ if (sit_ptr)
+ {
+ sit_ptr->deal_path();
+ log_info("修改path成功,分站id=%d\n", id);
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto&vl : map_path)
+ {
+ auto sit_ptr = sit_list_v::instance()->get(vl.first);
+ if (!sit_ptr)
+ {
+ log_error("[site] 定义了分站路径,但是没有定义分站:%d", vl.first);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (sit_ptr->m_num_dims > 1) {
+ log_info("[site] 多维定位分站,无需定义路径:%d", vl.first);
+ continue;
+ }
+ sit_ptr->set_path(vl.second);
+ point p;
+ if (!sit_ptr->m_path_empty) {
+ p = (*sit_ptr)[0][0][0].line::projection(*sit_ptr);
+ sit_ptr->set(p);
+ }
+ if (p == *sit_ptr)
+ log_info("[site_path]%s", sit_ptr->to_string().c_str());
+ else
+ log_info("[site_path_diff](%f,%f)--%f--%s", p.x, p.y, p.dist(*sit_ptr), sit_ptr->to_string().c_str());
+ }
+ card_path::init();
+void sit_list_v::init_site(const std::string &ids /*= ""*/)
+ /*std::string sql = "SELECT reader_id, reader_type_id, dat_reader_v.map_id, \
+ area_id, device_type_id, dimension, dat_map.scale,need_power_alarm \
+ ,x,y, pdoa_offset, pdoa_direction, isSpecial, down_stream_idx \
+ FROM dat_reader_v, dat_map where \
+ dat_reader_v.map_id=dat_map.map_id and state=0";*/
+ std::string sql = "SELECT r.reader_id, r.reader_type_id, r.map_id, r.area_id, r.device_type_id, r.dimension, m.scale, r.need_power_alarm, r.x, r.y, \
+ r.pdoa_offset, r.pdoa_direction, r.isSpecial, r.down_stream_idx, \
+ rc.plus_dist, rc.plus_card_id, rc.plus_occur_time, rc.minus_dist, rc.minus_card_id, rc.minus_occur_time \
+ FROM dat_reader_v AS r \
+ LEFT JOIN dat_map AS m ON r.map_id=m.map_id \
+ LEFT JOIN his_reader_coverage AS rc ON r.reader_id = rc.reader_id \
+ WHERE r.state=0;";
+ if (ids.empty())
+ {
+ sql.append(";");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sql.append(" AND reader_id in (");
+ sql += ids;
+ sql.append(");");
+ std_debug("增加或修改分站 sql=%s", sql.c_str());
+ log_info("增加或修改分站 sql=%s", sql.c_str());
+ }
+ std::string Error;
+ YADB::CDBResultSet DBRes;
+ sDBConnPool.Query(sql.c_str(), DBRes, Error);
+ int nCount = DBRes.GetRecordCount(Error);
+ if (nCount < 1)
+ {
+ log_error("增加或修改失败,数据库中找不到: 分站id=%s", ids.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ log_info("init_site. The record count=%ld\n", nCount);
+ while (DBRes.GetNextRecod(Error))
+ {
+ int reader_id = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("reader_id", reader_id, Error);
+ auto site_ptr = sit_list_v::instance()->get(reader_id);
+ if (nullptr == site_ptr)
+ {
+ site_ptr = std::make_shared<site>(reader_id);
+ sit_list_v::instance()->add(reader_id, site_ptr);
+ }
+ int reader_type_id = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("reader_type_id", reader_type_id, Error);
+ int map_id = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("map_id", map_id, Error);
+ int area_id = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("area_id", area_id, Error);
+ int device_type_id = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("device_type_id", device_type_id, Error);
+ int dimension = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("dimension", dimension, Error);
+ double scale = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("scale", scale, Error);
+ int power_alarm = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("need_power_alarm", power_alarm, Error);
+ int down_stream_idx = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("down_stream_idx", down_stream_idx, Error);
+ site_ptr->m_reader_type_id = reader_type_id;
+ site_ptr->m_map_id = map_id;
+ site_ptr->m_area_id = area_id;
+ site_ptr->m_power_check_enable = power_alarm;
+ site_ptr->m_device_type_id = device_type_id;
+ site_ptr->m_num_dims = dimension;
+ site_ptr->m_scale = scale;
+ site_ptr->m_down_stream_idx = down_stream_idx;
+ site_ptr->create_area();
+ double x = 0, y = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("x", x, Error);
+ DBRes.GetField("y", y, Error);
+ site_ptr->x = x;
+ site_ptr->y = y;
+ double offset = 0.0;
+ DBRes.GetField("pdoa_offset", offset, Error);
+ site_ptr->m_pdoa_offset = offset;
+ int direction = 0;
+ if (DBRes.GetField("pdoa_direction", direction, Error)) {
+ site_ptr->m_pdoa_direction = direction;
+ }
+ int special = 0;
+ if (DBRes.GetField("isSpecial", special, Error)) {
+ site_ptr->m_special = special;
+ }
+ double dist = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("plus_dist", dist, Error);
+ site_ptr->m_coverage[0].m_distance = dist;
+ std::string ctx = "";
+ DBRes.GetField("plus_card_id", ctx, Error);
+ site_ptr->m_coverage[0].m_cid = ctx;
+ ctx.clear();
+ DBRes.GetField("plus_occur_time", ctx, Error);
+ site_ptr->m_coverage[0].m_time = tool_time::to_time(ctx);
+ dist = 0;
+ DBRes.GetField("plus_dist", dist, Error);
+ site_ptr->m_coverage[1].m_distance = dist;
+ ctx.clear();
+ DBRes.GetField("plus_card_id", ctx, Error);
+ site_ptr->m_coverage[1].m_cid = ctx;
+ ctx.clear();
+ DBRes.GetField("plus_occur_time", ctx, Error);
+ site_ptr->m_coverage[1].m_time = tool_time::to_time(ctx);
+ log_info("site_position: site=%d, x=%.2lf, y=%.2lf, area_id=%d, m_scale=%.2f, pdoa_offset=%.2f, pdoa_direction=%d, special=%d, device_type_id=%d, plus_dist=%.2f, minus_dist=%.2f", reader_id, x, y, area_id, scale, offset, direction, special, device_type_id, site_ptr->m_coverage[0].m_distance, site_ptr->m_coverage[1].m_distance);
+ }