// socket.io-client-cpp_test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "sio_client.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "constdef.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "jsonCommon.h" #include #include "wsClient.h" #include "wsClientMgr.h" #include "wsTimerThread.h" #include "singleton_test_class1.h" using namespace sio; using namespace std; std::mutex _lock; std::condition_variable_any _cond; bool connect_finish = false; bool socket_opened = false; class connection_listener { public: connection_listener() { } void on_connected() { std::cout << "sio connected" << std::endl; _lock.lock(); _cond.notify_all(); connect_finish = true; _lock.unlock(); } void on_close( client::close_reason const& reason ) { std::cout << "sio closed" << std::endl; exit( 0 ); } void on_fail() { std::cout << "sio failed" << std::endl; exit( 0 ); } void on_socket_opened() { std::cout << "on_socket_opened" << std::endl; _lock.lock(); socket_opened = true; _cond.notify_all(); _lock.unlock(); } void OnLogin( std::string const& name, message::ptr const& data, bool isAck, message::list &ack_resp ) { int res_code = ( int ) data->get_map()["code"]->get_int(); switch ( res_code ) { case -100: //登录失败 { std::cout << "sio failed to login" << std::endl; break; } case 0: { if ( "" == data->get_map()["code"]->get_string() ) { // 登录成功 std::cout << "sio login ok" << std::endl; } else { // 退出登录 std::cout << "sio failed to login" << std::endl; } break; } default: break; } } void OnCallMessage( string const& name, message::ptr const& data, bool isAck, message::list &ack_resp ) { std::cout << "OnCallMessage, name=" << name.c_str() << std::endl; if ( data->get_flag() == message::flag_object ) { string cmd = data->get_map()[JSON_ROOT_KEY_CMD]->get_string(); char szLog[1024] = { 0 }; sprintf( szLog, "received cmd from web: %s", cmd.c_str() ); std::cout << szLog << std::endl; } } void OnReConnect( unsigned, unsigned ) { std::cout << "sio OnReConnect" << std::endl; connect_finish = false; socket_opened = false; } }; std::unique_ptr ws_client( new sio::client() ); //sio::client ws_client; connection_listener l; socket::ptr current_socket; std::string BuildLogin( const YA::_JS_LOGIN_& Login ) { rapidjson::StringBuffer sb; rapidjson::Writer writer( sb ); rapidjson::Document doc; rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = doc.GetAllocator(); rapidjson::Value root( rapidjson::kObjectType ); rapidjson::Value child( rapidjson::kObjectType ); rapidjson::Value key( rapidjson::kStringType ); rapidjson::Value value( rapidjson::kStringType ); key.SetString( "cmd", allocator ); value.SetString( YA::JASON_CMD_LOGIN, allocator ); root.AddMember( key, value, allocator ); key.SetString( "user_name", allocator ); value.SetString( Login.user_name.c_str(), allocator ); child.AddMember( key, value, allocator ); key.SetString( "user_pass", allocator ); value.SetString( Login.user_password.c_str(), allocator ); child.AddMember( key, value, allocator ); key.SetString( "data", allocator ); root.AddMember( key, child, allocator ); root.Accept( writer ); return sb.GetString(); } //初始化 void ws_init() { ws_client->set_reconnect_attempts( 0 ); using std::placeholders::_1; using std::placeholders::_2; using std::placeholders::_3; using std::placeholders::_4; socket::ptr sock = ws_client->socket(); //sock->on( JSON_CMD_VALUE_USER, sio::socket::event_listener_aux( std::bind( &connection_listener::OnLogin, &l, _1, _2, _3, _4 ) ) ); //sock->on( "code", sio::socket::event_listener_aux( std::bind( &connection_listener::OnLogin, &l, _1, _2, _3, _4 ) ) ); sock->on( JSON_CMD_VALUE_CALL, sio::socket::event_listener_aux( std::bind( &connection_listener::OnCallMessage, &l, _1, _2, _3, _4 ) ) ); ws_client->set_open_listener( std::bind( &connection_listener::on_connected, &l ) ); ws_client->set_close_listener( std::bind( &connection_listener::on_close, &l, std::placeholders::_1 ) ); ws_client->set_reconnect_listener(std::bind(&connection_listener::OnReConnect, &l, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); ws_client->set_fail_listener( std::bind( &connection_listener::on_fail, &l ) ); ws_client->set_socket_open_listener( std::bind( &connection_listener::on_socket_opened, &l ) ); } //登录 void ws_login() { std::cout << "ws_login()" << std::endl; YA::_JS_LOGIN_ Login; Login.user_name = JSON_VALUE_USERNAME; Login.user_password = JSON_VALUE_PASSWORD; std::string strLogin = BuildLogin( Login ); strLogin += "\n"; strLogin = boost::locale::conv::to_utf( strLogin, "GBK" ); current_socket->emit( JSON_CMD_VALUE_USER, strLogin, [&]( sio::message::list const& msglist ) { message::ptr msg_ptr = msglist[0]; int n = ( int ) msg_ptr->get_map()["code"]->get_int(); if ( 0 == n ) { std::cout << "Login ok, code=" << n << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Login failed,code=" << n << std::endl; } } ); } void simple_test() { //初始化 ws_init(); ws_client->connect( "ws://" ); //ws_client->connect( "ws://" ); //ws_client->connect( "ws://localhost:8086" ); _lock.lock(); if ( !connect_finish ) { _cond.wait( _lock ); } _lock.unlock(); current_socket = ws_client->socket(); _lock.lock(); if ( !socket_opened ) { _cond.wait( _lock ); } _lock.unlock(); std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 500 ) ); //登录 ws_login(); system( "PAUSE" ); } //处理req_all_data命令的函数 void On_req_all_data( int ID, std::string const& name, sio::message::ptr const& data, bool need_ack, sio::message::list &ack_resp ) { std::cout << "[Onreq_all_data] "; std::cout << "{" << ID << "} "; string strdata = data->get_map()["data"]->get_string().c_str(); string version = data->get_map()["version"]->get_string().c_str(); std::cout << "data=" << strdata.c_str() << ", version=" << version.c_str() << std::endl; } void On_req_all_person_on_car( int ID, std::string const& name, sio::message::ptr const& data, bool need_ack, sio::message::list &ack_resp ) { std::cout << "[On_req_all_person_on_car] "; std::cout << "{" << ID << "} "; std::vector vdata = data->get_map()["data"]->get_vector(); std::cout << vdata[0]->get_string() << ","; std::cout << vdata[1]->get_int() << std::endl; } void wsClient_class_test() { YA::wsClient client; std::map MsgFuncList; MsgFuncList.insert( std::make_pair( "req_all_data", On_req_all_data ) ); MsgFuncList.insert( std::make_pair( "req_all_person_on_car", On_req_all_person_on_car ) ); //初始化 client.init( 1, "ws://", MsgFuncList ); //连接服务器端 if ( client.connect() != 0 ) { std::cout << "连接服务器失败" << std::endl; client.close(); return; } //登录 client.login(); } void wsClientMgr_class_test() { //构造 std::vector uri_list; std::map MsgFuncList; uri_list.push_back( "ws://" ); //uri_list.push_back( "ws://" ); MsgFuncList.insert( std::make_pair( "req_all_data", On_req_all_data ) ); MsgFuncList.insert( std::make_pair( "req_all_person_on_car", On_req_all_person_on_car ) ); swsClientMgr.Build( uri_list, MsgFuncList ); //连接服务器 if ( swsClientMgr.connect() != 0 ) { std::cout << "连接服务器失败" << std::endl; return; } //登录 swsClientMgr.login(); std::shared_ptr pClient; //通过URI获得某个websocket客户端 pClient = swsClientMgr.GetClientByURI( "ws://" ); if ( pClient != NULL ) { std::cout << "ID=" << pClient->GetID() << ",URI=" << pClient->get_uri().c_str() << std::endl; } //通过下标获得某个websocket客户端 pClient = swsClientMgr[1]; if ( pClient != NULL ) { std::cout << "ID=" << pClient->GetID() << ",URI=" << pClient->get_uri().c_str() << std::endl; } } void wsTimerThread_test() { YA::_THREAD_CONFIG_ Config; Config.SendInterval = 1; swsTimerThrd.Init( Config ); swsTimerThrd.Start(); boost::this_thread::sleep( boost::posix_time::millisec( 3000 ) ); swsTimerThrd.Stop(); } int main() { //simple_test(); //wsClient_class_test(); //wsClientMgr_class_test(); wsTimerThread_test(); singleton_test_class1 st1; st1.DoSome(); while ( true ) { std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 1 ) ); } return 0; }