card_base.h 5.6 KB

  1. #ifndef _CARD_BASE_HPP_
  2. #define _CARD_BASE_HPP_
  3. #include <vector>
  4. #include <memory>
  5. #include <atomic>
  6. #include "point.h"
  7. #include "common.h"
  8. #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
  9. #define CARD_LOST_TIME_OUT (60*1000)
  10. struct task;
  11. template<typename T> struct zloop;
  12. struct select_tool;
  13. struct smooth_tool;
  14. struct monkey_person;
  15. struct card_message_handle;
  16. struct card_location_base;
  17. struct message_locinfo;
  18. struct loc_message;
  19. struct mine_tool;
  20. struct location_card;
  21. struct card_pos;
  22. struct area_hover;
  23. struct site_area_hover;
  24. struct site;
  25. struct area_tool;
  26. struct message_tdoa_locinfo;
  27. struct message_pdoa_locinfo;
  28. namespace YA{
  29. struct _CARD_POS_;
  30. }
  31. struct card:point
  32. {
  33. card(uint32_t id,uint16_t dis,uint64_t type,int32_t deptid,int32_t level_id,uint32_t cid)
  34. :m_type(type)
  35. ,m_time(0)
  36. ,m_id(id)
  37. ,m_cid(cid)
  38. ,m_deptid(deptid)
  39. ,m_level_id(level_id)
  40. ,m_stat(0)
  41. ,m_biz_stat(0)
  42. ,m_pwr_stat(0)
  43. ,m_display(dis)
  44. ,m_ct(0)
  45. ,m_freq_id(0)
  46. ,m_freq(0.0)
  47. ,m_acc(0)
  48. ,m_speed(0)
  49. {}
  50. uint64_t type_(){return m_type;}
  51. uint64_t time_(){return m_time;}
  52. uint64_t m_type; //类型
  53. uint64_t m_time; //时间戳 ms
  54. uint32_t m_id; //卡号
  55. uint32_t m_cid; //标识id 人staff_id 车 vehicle_id
  56. int32_t m_deptid; //部门编号
  57. int32_t m_level_id; //职务级别
  58. int m_stat; //运动静止状态
  59. int m_biz_stat;
  60. int m_pwr_stat; //电量状态
  61. uint16_t m_display; //1显示0不显示,往前端推送
  62. uint16_t m_ct; //ct
  63. uint8_t m_freq_id; // 频率索引
  64. double m_freq; // 频率值
  65. ///人卡(加速度状态),其值就是0和1,掘进机和采煤机,其值就是0~255,车辆,其值就需要乘以0.01,用于表示加速度值
  66. double m_acc;
  67. double m_speed; //速度
  68. };
  69. struct card_location_base:card,std::enable_shared_from_this<card_location_base>
  70. {
  71. uint64_t m_timeval=0;
  72. uint16_t m_display_old{0}; //1显示0不显示,往前端推送
  73. void update_display()
  74. {
  75. m_display_old = m_display;
  76. }
  77. bool eq_display()
  78. {
  79. return m_display_old == m_display;
  80. }
  81. std::uint8_t m_event[CARD_EVENT_COUNT_MAX]{0};
  82. std::unique_ptr<select_tool> m_sel_tool;
  83. std::unique_ptr<smooth_tool> m_smo_tool;
  84. std::unique_ptr<card_message_handle> m_message_handle;
  85. std::unique_ptr<location_card> m_his_location_card;
  86. std::atomic<int> m_upmine_flag{0};
  87. time_t m_help_last_time=0;
  88. int m_help_bit=0;
  89. //pdoa
  90. int16_t m_last_ct = -1;
  91. float m_last_dist = 0.0;
  92. uint16_t m_last_site_id = 0; // 卡上一次定位的分站id
  93. uint64_t m_last_recv_time = 0; // 卡上一次接收时间
  94. int m_last_site_dir = -1; // 卡上一次定位的分站天线1朝向
  95. int m_buff_size = 0;
  96. float m_pdoa_diff = 100.0; // pdoa分站当前上传相位差
  97. float m_last_pdoa_diff = 100.0; // pdoa 分站上一帧数据的相位差
  98. boost::circular_buffer<float> m_cb_pdoa; // the list of current pdoa's different of phase;
  99. boost::circular_buffer<float> m_cb_tof; // the list of tof that is pdoa history value
  100. boost::circular_buffer<point> m_cb_point;
  101. point m_last_point;
  102. bool m_enable_anti_collision = false;
  103. int m_call_level = 0;
  104. card_location_base()=default;
  105. card_location_base(const std::string&type,uint32_t id,uint16_t dis,int16_t t,int32_t,int32_t,uint32_t );
  106. void inc_upmine_flag(int flag){m_upmine_flag=flag;}
  107. int upmine_flag(){return m_upmine_flag.load();}
  108. virtual void do_business(const std::shared_ptr<site>&site,const point &pt,double acc)=0;
  109. virtual void on_timer()=0;
  110. virtual std::shared_ptr<mine_tool> get_mine_tool()=0;
  111. virtual void clear();
  112. virtual void reset(std::shared_ptr<monkey_person> mp){}
  113. virtual int get_vehicle_type_id(){return 0;}
  114. virtual void set_area_info(int mapid,double scale,int areaid,uint64_t t,int type)=0;
  115. virtual int get_area(){return -1;}
  116. virtual std::shared_ptr<area_tool> get_area_tool()=0;
  117. virtual int get_vehicle_category_id(){return -1;}
  118. virtual int get_workline(){return -1;}
  119. virtual void get_card(bool f)=0;
  120. virtual void site_hover(int sid){}
  121. virtual void handle_message(uint16_t ct,uint8_t& value){}
  122. void make_his_location(uint64_t t,const point & pt,bool bclose = false);
  123. void on_message(zloop<task*>* loop, message_locinfo&loc, bool is_history);
  124. void on_message(zloop<task*>* loop, message_tdoa_locinfo& loc, bool is_history);
  125. void on_message(zloop<task*>* loop, message_pdoa_locinfo& loc, bool is_history);
  126. void on_location(const std::vector<point>&vp,const std::vector<loc_message> &lm );
  127. void do_status(int st);
  128. void upt_card_pos(YA::_CARD_POS_&cp, point &pt);
  129. void del_card_pos();
  130. int get_stat();
  131. void put_three_rates(card_pos &);
  132. void put_traffic_light(card_pos& cp);
  133. void set_event_flag(EVENT_TYPE et,std::uint8_t f=1){m_event[et]=f;}
  134. bool get_event_flag(EVENT_TYPE et){return m_event[et];}
  135. bool is_person() const;
  136. bool is_vehicle() const;
  137. void set_base_data(uint32_t cid,uint16_t type,uint32_t deptid,int32_t level_id);
  138. virtual ~card_location_base();
  139. static std::shared_ptr<card_location_base> make_person(const std::string&type,uint32_t cardid,uint16_t needdisplay,int16_t t,
  140. int32_t deptid,int32_t level_id,uint32_t cid,int wl,const std::string & sname,const std::string & dname,int worktype_id);
  141. static std::shared_ptr<card_location_base> make_car(const std::string&type,uint32_t cardid,uint16_t needdisplay,int16_t t,
  142. int32_t deptid, int32_t categoryid, int type_id,int32_t level_id,uint32_t cid);
  143. void set_freq_id(const uint8_t& val)
  144. {
  145. m_freq_id = val;
  146. }
  147. };
  148. #endif