researchman 8 years ago
11 changed files with 740 additions and 410 deletions
  1. 5 0
  2. 0 1
  3. BIN
  4. 307 119
  5. 6 0
  6. 307 209
  7. 32 18
  8. 1 1
  9. 79 61
  10. 3 1
  11. BIN

+ 5 - 0

@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ void CKalmanFilter::Initial(double t)
 	m_pCar->z.setZero(OBSERVATION_NUMS, 1);
+	//ÒÔÏÂ4¸ö²ÎÊýÓÃÓڹߵ¼
+	/*m_pCar->Q(1,0) = 100;
+	m_pCar->Q(3,2) = 100;
+	m_pCar->R(1,1) = 0.1;
+	m_pCar->R(3,3) = 0.1;*/
 	m_pCar->t = 0;

+ 0 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 #include <string>
 using namespace std;
 // CYAServerApp:
 // 有关此类的实现,请参阅 YAServer.cpp


+ 307 - 119

@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CYAServerDlg, CDialogEx)
 	ON_EN_UPDATE(IDC_EDIT_READERID, &CYAServerDlg::OnEnUpdateEditReaderid)
+	ON_COMMAND(ID_ABOUT, &CYAServerDlg::OnAbout)
 // CYAServerDlg 消息处理程序
@@ -504,7 +505,7 @@ HCURSOR CYAServerDlg::OnQueryDragIcon()
 void CYAServerDlg::OnBnStart()
-	Test();
+	//Test();
@@ -899,11 +900,11 @@ int CYAServerDlg::init_vehicle(string vehicle_id /* = "" */, bool is_card /*= fa
-* 初始化所有卡信息
+* 初始化所有自组网卡信息
 * param
-*		vehicle_id ------	车卡id
-*      is_card    ------	是否是卡
+*		adhoc_id   ------	自组网卡id
+*       is_card    ------	是否是卡
 * return
 *		成功返回0,失败返回1
@@ -920,14 +921,59 @@ int CYAServerDlg::init_adhoc(string adhoc_id /*= ""*/,bool is_card /*= false*/)
 	int err = 0;
-	char strsql[LENGTH_SQL] = {0};
-	if(adhoc_id == ""){
-		sprintf_s(strsql,"select adhoc_id,name,card_id from dat_adhoc where state==0");
+	char buf[LENGTH_SQL] = {0};
+	if(adhoc_id.length() == 0){
+		sprintf_s(buf,"select adhoc_id,v.card_id,v.dept_id, \
+ as dname \
+						 from dat_adhoc v \
+						 LEFT JOIN dat_card c ON v.card_id = c.card_id \
+						 LEFT JOIN dat_dept d ON v.dept_id = d.dept_id \
+						 where c.card_type_id = 3 and v.state = 0 ;");
+	}else if(is_card){
+		sprintf_s(buf,"select adhoc_id,v.card_id,v.dept_id, \
+ as dname \
+						 from dat_adhoc v \
+						 LEFT JOIN dat_card c ON v.card_id = c.card_id \
+						 LEFT JOIN dat_dept d ON v.dept_id = d.dept_id \
+						 where c.card_type_id = 3 and v.state = 0 and v.card_id ='%s';",adhoc_id.c_str());
-		sprintf_s(strsql,"select adhoc_id,name,card_id from dat_adhoc where state==0 and adhoc_id =='%s'",adhoc_id);
+		sprintf_s(buf,"select adhoc_id,v.card_id,v.dept_id, \
+ as dname \
+						 from dat_adhoc v \
+						 LEFT JOIN dat_card c ON v.card_id = c.card_id \
+						 LEFT JOIN dat_dept d ON v.dept_id = d.dept_id \
+						 where c.card_type_id = 3 and v.state = 0 and v.adhoc_id ='%s';",adhoc_id.c_str());
+	pRes = pConn->Execute(buf, err);
+	if(pRes == NULL){
+		return 1;
+	}
+	Card* pCard = NULL;
+	int nRow = 0;
+	while(pRow = mysql_fetch_row(pRes)){
+		CardMap::iterator it = mp_card_list_all.find(pRow[1]);
+		if(it != mp_card_list_all.end()){
+			pCard = it->second;
+		}else{
+			pCard = new Card(pRow[1], CT_ADHOC, theApp.z_offset);
+			mp_card_list_all.insert(make_pair(pCard->card_id, pCard));
+		}
+		pCard->id = (pRow[0] == NULL) ? "" : pRow[0];
+		pCard->card_id = (pRow[1] == NULL) ? "" : pRow[1];
+		pCard->dept_id = (pRow[2] == NULL) ? 0:atoi(pRow[2]);
+		pCard->department = (pRow[3] == NULL) ? "" : pRow[3];
+		nRow++;
+	}
+	mysql_free_result(pRes);
+	CString strlog;
+	strlog.Format(_T("%s%d%s"), _T(LOG_INIT_ADHOC), nRow, _T(LOG_RECORD_COUNT));
+	show_log(strlog);
 	return 0;
@@ -1160,15 +1206,20 @@ int CYAServerDlg::init_dev_adhoc( int reader_id /*= 0*/ )
 	int err = 0;
 	char strsql[LENGTH_SQL] = {0};	
 	if(reader_id == 0){//dat_dev_adhoc
-		sprintf_s(strsql, "select ad.adhoc_id, ad.reader_id, ad.idx, ad.x, ad.y, ad.z from dat_adhoc ad, dat_reader r \
+		sprintf_s(strsql, "select, ad.reader_id, ad.level, ad.x, ad.y, ad.z from dat_dev_adhoc ad, dat_reader r \
 						  where ad.reader_id = r.reader_id;");
-		sprintf_s(strsql, "select ad.adhoc_id, ad.reader_id, ad.idx, ad.x, ad.y, ad.z from dat_adhoc ad, dat_reader r \
+		sprintf_s(strsql, "select, ad.reader_id, ad.level, ad.x, ad.y, ad.z from dat_dev_adhoc ad, dat_reader r \
 						  where ad.reader_id = r.reader_id and ad.reader_id = %d; ", reader_id);
 	pRes = pConn->Execute(strsql,err);
+	if(pRes == NULL){
+		return 1;
+	}
 	int nRow = 0;
 	int idx = 0;
 	while(pRow = mysql_fetch_row(pRes)){
 		ReaderMap::iterator it = mp_reader_list.find(atoi(pRow[1]));
 		if(it != mp_reader_list.end()){
@@ -1186,7 +1237,7 @@ int CYAServerDlg::init_dev_adhoc( int reader_id /*= 0*/ )
 	CString strlog;
-	strlog.Format(_T("%s%d%s"), _T(LOG_INIT_ADHOC), nRow, _T(LOG_RECORD_COUNT));
+	strlog.Format(_T("%s%d%s"), _T(LOG_INIT_ADHOC_LOCATE), nRow, _T(LOG_RECORD_COUNT));
 	return 0;
@@ -1605,7 +1656,6 @@ void CYAServerDlg::ws_init()
 	is_websocket_login = false;
 	using std::placeholders::_1;
 	using std::placeholders::_2;
 	using std::placeholders::_3;
@@ -2190,6 +2240,12 @@ void CYAServerDlg::parse_data_locate_card_vehicle(BYTE* DataBuffer, int& nCurPos
 		nCurPos += sizeof(WORD);
+	if(card->accelerate_state != btAcceleration){
+		//如果加速度状态发生了改变,就重置惯导的权重值
+		card->ins_weight = INS_WEIGHT;
+	}
 	if(LT_COORDINATE == theApp.locate_type){
 		card->time_stamp = wCardTickCount;
 		card->ranging_type = btType;
@@ -2271,14 +2327,17 @@ void CYAServerDlg::parse_data_adhoc( BYTE* DataBuffer, int& nCurPos, int reader_
 			CardMap::iterator it_card = mp_card_list_all.find(str_card_id);
 			if(it_card != mp_card_list_all.end()){
 				card = it_card->second;
 				card = new Card(str_card_id, CT_ADHOC, theApp.z_offset);
 				mp_card_list_all.insert(make_pair(str_card_id, card));
 			CardMap::iterator it_adhoc_card = mp_card_list_down_adhoc.find(str_card_id);
-				mp_card_list_down_adhoc.insert(make_pair(str_card_id, it_card->second));
+				if(card == NULL){
+					mp_card_list_down_adhoc.insert(make_pair(str_card_id, it_card->second));
+				}else{
+					mp_card_list_down_adhoc.insert(make_pair(str_card_id, card));
+				}
 			//设置当前分站, 进入分站时间、进入区域时间,当前区域,当前地图
@@ -2294,7 +2353,6 @@ void CYAServerDlg::parse_data_adhoc( BYTE* DataBuffer, int& nCurPos, int reader_
 			if(btCmd & 0x01){ // 呼救
 				card->status_help = STATUS_ERROR;
 			}else if(btCmd & 0x02){ // 呼叫应答,即呼叫成功
-				TRACE("ANS!");
 				if(STATUS_NORMAL == card->status_call){
 					card->state_biz = STATUS_NORMAL;
@@ -2308,58 +2366,6 @@ void CYAServerDlg::parse_data_adhoc( BYTE* DataBuffer, int& nCurPos, int reader_
-		//BYTE btDiret = (btCmd >> 6);
-		//if(btDiret == 0x02){ // 只处理上传数据,0x00、0x03 保留,0x01下发数据,0x02上传数据
-		//	btCmd &= 0x3F;  // 高两位为命令传递方向,上位机无用
-		//	BYTE btId = 0;
-		//	memcpy(&btId, &DataBuffer[nCurPos], sizeof(BYTE));
-		//	nCurPos += sizeof(BYTE);
-		//	BYTE btTickcount = 0;
-		//	memcpy(&btTickcount, &DataBuffer[nCurPos], sizeof(BYTE));
-		//	nCurPos += sizeof(BYTE);
-		//	BYTE btIdx = 0;
-		//	memcpy(&btIdx, &DataBuffer[nCurPos], sizeof(BYTE));
-		//	nCurPos += sizeof(BYTE);
-		//	if(btId != 0){
-		//		string str_card_id = CFunctions::getstrwithzero(CT_ADHOC, 3) + CFunctions::getstrwithzero(btId, 10);
-		//		Card* card = NULL;
-		//		CardMap::iterator it_card = mp_card_list_all.find(str_card_id);
-		//		if(it_card != mp_card_list_all.end()){
-		//			card = it_card->second;
-		//		}else{
-		//			card = new Card(str_card_id, CT_ADHOC, theApp.z_offset);
-		//			mp_card_list_all.insert(make_pair(str_card_id, card));
-		//		}
-		//		//设置当前分站, 进入分站时间、进入区域时间,当前区域,当前地图
-		//		card->set_reader(it->second);
-		//		if(it->second->adhoc[btIdx]){
-		//			card->x = it->second->adhoc[btIdx]->x;
-		//			card->y = it->second->adhoc[btIdx]->y;
-		//			card->z = it->second->adhoc[btIdx]->z;
-		//		}
-		//		if(btCmd & 0x01){ // 呼救
-		//			card->state_biz = STATUS_HELP;
-		//		}else if(btCmd & 0x02){ // 呼叫应答,即呼叫成功
-		//			TRACE("ANS!");
-		//			if(STATUS_NORMAL == card->status_call){
-		//			}
-		//		}else {
-		//			card->status_call = STATUS_NORMAL;
-		//			card->status_help = STATUS_NORMAL;
-		//		}
-		//		card->issent = false;
-		//		//if(card->status_help != btCmd){
-		//		//	card->status_help = btCmd;
-		//		//}
-		//		deal_card_msg(card);
-		//	}
-		//}else{
-		//	nCurPos += 3 * sizeof(BYTE);
-		//}
@@ -2786,6 +2792,7 @@ std::string CYAServerDlg::get_json_help()
 	Json::Value root;
 	Json::Value alarms;
+	Json::Value adhoc;
 	char _time[STR_LEN_TIME];
 	struct tm local_time;
@@ -2805,10 +2812,11 @@ std::string CYAServerDlg::get_json_help()
-			alarms=alarm;
+			//alarms=alarm;
+			alarms.append(alarm);
 			string sss = "";
 			sss = alarms.toStyledString();
+			//adhoc.append(alarms);
@@ -3440,10 +3448,12 @@ void CYAServerDlg::card_enter_park( Card* card )
 	if(card->is_pos_state_pack_changed(TEST_CONFIRM_COUNT)){ // 位置没有变化
 		if(AAT_ENTER == card->pos_state_park){ //
-			card->up_time = card->deal_time;	
+			//card->up_time = card->deal_time;	
+			card->up_time = CFunctions::systime_to_timet(card->deal_time);
 			store_data_card(card, RPT_ATTEND_UP);
 		}else if(AAT_LEAVE == card->pos_state_park){ // 入井
-			card->down_time = card->deal_time;
+			//card->down_time = card->deal_time;
+			card->down_time = CFunctions::systime_to_timet(card->deal_time);
 			store_data_card(card, RPT_ATTEND_DOWN);
@@ -3507,7 +3517,8 @@ void CYAServerDlg::card_enter_area( Card* card)
 					card_leave_area(card, it_area_cur->second);
 				card->area_id = it_area->second->area_id;
-				card->enter_area_time = card->deal_time;
+				//card->enter_area_time = card->deal_time;
+				card->enter_area_time = CFunctions::systime_to_timet(card->deal_time);
 				card->pos_state = (0 == it_area->second->area_type_id) ? DT_UP :DT_DOWN;
 				card->pos_state_park = it_area->second->is_att;
@@ -3547,7 +3558,8 @@ void CYAServerDlg::card_enter_area( Card* card)
 			card_leave_area(card, it_area_cur->second);
 		card->area_id = it_area_reader->second->area_id;
-		card->enter_area_time = card->deal_time;
+		//card->enter_area_time = card->deal_time;
+		card->enter_area_time = CFunctions::systime_to_timet(card->deal_time);
 		card->pos_state = (0 == it_area_reader->second->area_type_id) ? DT_UP :DT_DOWN;
 		card->pos_state_park = it_area_reader->second->is_att;
 		if(CT_PERSON == card->card_type){
@@ -3836,11 +3848,17 @@ void CYAServerDlg::store_data_card( Card* card, int tag )
 	char sql[LENGTH_SQL] = {0};
 	char _time[STR_LEN_TIME], _time_ex[STR_LEN_TIME];
 	struct tm local_time, local_time_ex;
-	localtime_s(&local_time, &card->deal_time);
-	strftime(_time, 30, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &local_time);
+	//localtime_s(&local_time, &card->deal_time);
+	//strftime(_time, 30, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &local_time);
 	bool b_exec = false;
+	sprintf_s(_time,
+		"%u-%u-%u %u:%u:%u.%u",
+		card->deal_time.wYear,card->deal_time.wMonth,card->deal_time.wDay,
+		card->deal_time.wHour + 8,card->deal_time.wMinute,card->deal_time.wSecond,card->deal_time.wMilliseconds);
@@ -3924,6 +3942,7 @@ void CYAServerDlg::store_data_card( Card* card, int tag )
 			if(card->map_id != 0 && card->area_id != 0){
+				TRACE(_T(" 6 "));
 				b_exec = true;
 				localtime_s(&local_time_ex, &card->down_time);
 				strftime(_time_ex, 30, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &local_time_ex);
@@ -4593,12 +4612,6 @@ void CYAServerDlg::parse_json_data_call_card(message::ptr const& data /*const ch
 	map<string,message::ptr> data_map = data->get_map()[JSON_ROOT_KEY_DATA]->get_map();
-	/*if(m_log_recv_package){
-		string s_log = "";
-		s_log = data->get_string();
-		writeErrorLog(_T("JSON_R"),CFunctions::c2wc(s_log.c_str()),false);
-	}*/
 	call_id = data_map[JSON_KEY_CALL_CARD_CALL_ID]->get_string();
 	call_time_out = data_map[JSON_KEY_CALL_CARD_CALL_TIME_OUT]->get_int();
 	call_type_id = data_map[JSON_KEY_CALL_CARD_CALL_TYPE]->get_int();
@@ -4722,6 +4735,8 @@ void CYAServerDlg::parse_json_data_call_card(message::ptr const& data /*const ch
 			if(it_call_reader != mp_call_info.end()){
 				call_reader = it_call_reader->second;	
 				call_reader->is_start_call = true;
+				call_reader->is_call_all = false;
+				call_reader->cards_count = 1;
 				if(call_reader->call_type > call_type_id){
 					call_reader->call_type = call_type_id;
@@ -4993,6 +5008,8 @@ void CYAServerDlg::deal_call_edit_card(string id, EDIT_TYPE_ID edit_type_id)
 				init_vehicle(id, true);
 			}else if(CT_PERSON == card_type_id) {
 				init_staffer(id, true);
+			}else if(CT_ADHOC == card_type_id){
+				init_adhoc(id, true);
@@ -5002,6 +5019,8 @@ void CYAServerDlg::deal_call_edit_card(string id, EDIT_TYPE_ID edit_type_id)
 				init_vehicle(id, true);
 			}else if(CT_PERSON == card_type_id) {
 				init_staffer(id, true);
+			}else if(CT_ADHOC == card_type_id){
+				init_adhoc(id, true);
@@ -5087,6 +5106,41 @@ void CYAServerDlg::deal_call_edit_vehicle(string id, EDIT_TYPE_ID edit_type_id)
+void CYAServerDlg::deal_call_edit_adhoc(string id, EDIT_TYPE_ID edit_type_id)
+	CString strlog;
+	switch (edit_type_id)
+	{
+	case ET_INSERT:
+		{
+			init_adhoc(id);
+			break;
+		}
+	case ET_UPDATE:
+		{
+			init_adhoc(id);
+			break;
+		}
+	case ET_DELETE:
+		{
+			string cardid = "";
+			CardMap::iterator it_card = mp_card_list_down_adhoc.begin();
+			for(; it_card != mp_card_list_down_adhoc.end(); ++it_card){
+				if(it_card->second->id == id){
+					cardid = it_card->second->card_id;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			remove_card(cardid);
+			break;
+		}
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	strlog.Format(_T("%s%s"), _T(LOG_EDIT_ADHOC), _T(LOG_SUCCESS));
+	show_log(strlog);
 void CYAServerDlg::remove_card( string card_id )
 	if(card_id.length() == 0)
@@ -5526,6 +5580,7 @@ void CYAServerDlg::init_base_data()
+	init_adhoc();
 void CYAServerDlg::load_his_data()
@@ -5773,7 +5828,8 @@ int CYAServerDlg::init_card( string card_id /*= ""*/ )
 void CYAServerDlg::card_up_mine( Card* card )
-	card->up_time = card->deal_time;
+	//card->up_time = card->deal_time;
+	card->up_time = CFunctions::systime_to_timet(card->deal_time);
 	store_data_card(card, RPT_ATTEND_UP);
 	if(CT_PERSON == card->card_type){
 		CardMap::iterator it_card = mp_card_list_down_person.find(card->card_id);
@@ -5822,7 +5878,8 @@ void CYAServerDlg::card_up_mine( Card* card )
 void CYAServerDlg::card_down_mine( Card* card )
-	card->down_time = card->deal_time;
+	//card->down_time = card->deal_time;
+	card->down_time = CFunctions::systime_to_timet(card->deal_time);
 	if(CT_PERSON == card->card_type){
 		CardMap::iterator it_card = mp_card_list_down_person.find(card->card_id);
 		if(it_card == mp_card_list_down_person.end()){
@@ -6115,7 +6172,8 @@ void CYAServerDlg::deal_card_state( Card* card )
 		store_data_card(card, ALARM_CARD_LOW_POWER_END);
 	if(card->power_state_last == 0 && card->power_state != 0){
-		card->low_power_time = card->deal_time;
+		//card->low_power_time = card->deal_time;CFunctions::systime_to_timet(card->deal_time)
+		card->low_power_time = CFunctions::systime_to_timet(card->deal_time);
 		store_data_card(card, ALARM_CARD_LOW_POWER_START);
 	card->power_state_last = card->power_state;
@@ -6552,52 +6610,52 @@ void CYAServerDlg::Test()
 	ReceiveData* prd2 = new ReceiveData();	
-	prd2->reader_id = 218;
+	prd2->reader_id = 217;
 	prd2->antenna_id = 1;
-	prd2->rec_time_stamp = 60380465780;//283613853712;//
-	prd2->x = 164.0*dMapScale;
+	prd2->rec_time_stamp = 777596169634;//283613853712;//
+	prd2->x = 210.1*dMapScale;
 	prd2->y = 449.5*dMapScale;
 	prd2->z = 0;
-	prd2->special = 0;
+	prd2->special = 1;
 	ReceiveData* prd3 = new ReceiveData();	
-	prd3->reader_id = 217;
+	prd3->reader_id = 218;
 	prd3->antenna_id = 1;
-	prd3->rec_time_stamp = 60380488541;//283613846609;
-	prd3->x = 210.1*dMapScale;
+	prd3->rec_time_stamp = 777596203395;//283613846609;
+	prd3->x = 164.0*dMapScale;
 	prd3->y = 449.5*dMapScale;
 	prd3->z = 0;
 	prd2->special = 0;
-	//ReceiveData* prd1 = new ReceiveData();	
-	//prd1->reader_id = 214;
-	//prd1->antenna_id = 1;
-	//prd1->rec_time_stamp = 464710764016;//283613846791;
-	//prd1->x = 328.7*dMapScale;
-	//prd1->y = 449.5*dMapScale;
-	//prd1->z = 0;
-	//prd1->special = 0;
-	//pRdm.insert(ReceiveDataMap::value_type(prd1->reader_id,*prd1));
-	//ReceiveData* prd4 = new ReceiveData();	
-	//prd4->reader_id = 213;
-	//prd4->antenna_id = 1;
-	//prd4->rec_time_stamp = 464710783767;//283613846609;
-	//prd4->x = 356.3*dMapScale;
-	//prd4->y = 449.5*dMapScale;
-	//prd4->z = 0;
-	//pRdm.insert(ReceiveDataMap::value_type(prd4->reader_id,*prd4));
+	ReceiveData* prd1 = new ReceiveData();	
+	prd1->reader_id = 216;
+	prd1->antenna_id = 1;
+	prd1->rec_time_stamp = 777596203705;//283613846791;
+	prd1->x = 242.8*dMapScale;
+	prd1->y = 449.5*dMapScale;
+	prd1->z = 0;
+	prd1->special = 0;
+	pRdm.insert(ReceiveDataMap::value_type(prd1->reader_id,*prd1));
+	ReceiveData* prd4 = new ReceiveData();	
+	prd4->reader_id = 215;
+	prd4->antenna_id = 1;
+	prd4->rec_time_stamp = 777596242277;//283613846609;
+	prd4->x = 296.4*dMapScale;
+	prd4->y = 449.5*dMapScale;
+	prd4->z = 0;
+	pRdm.insert(ReceiveDataMap::value_type(prd4->reader_id,*prd4));
 	//ReceiveData* prd5 = new ReceiveData();	
-	//prd5->reader_id = 205;
+	//prd5->reader_id = 214;
 	//prd5->antenna_id = 1;
-	//prd5->rec_time_stamp = 630968206079;//283613846609;
-	//prd5->x = 804.000000*dMapScale;
-	//prd5->y = 285.200000*dMapScale;
+	//prd5->rec_time_stamp = 277993299781;//283613846609;
+	//prd5->x = 328.7*dMapScale;
+	//prd5->y = 449.5*dMapScale;
 	//prd5->z = 0;
@@ -6633,13 +6691,124 @@ void CYAServerDlg::release_memory()
 		delete[] theApp.m_path_monitor;
 		theApp.m_path_monitor = NULL;
+	int nSize = 0;
+	release_area_memory();
+	release_map_memory();
+	release_card_memory();
+	release_reader_memory();
+	//mp_dept_list
-	delete m_qsmSQL;
+	if(m_qsmSQL){
+		delete m_qsmSQL;
+		m_qsmSQL = NULL;
+	}
+void CYAServerDlg::release_area_memory()
+	if(mp_area_list.size() > 0){
+		AreaMap::iterator it = mp_area_list.begin();
+		for(;it!=mp_area_list.end();){
+			Area* tmp = (Area*)(it->second);
+			mp_area_list.erase(it);
+			if(tmp){
+				/*if(tmp->polygon){
+					delete[] tmp->polygon;
+					tmp->polygon = NULL;
+				}*/
+				delete tmp;
+				tmp = NULL;
+			}
+			it = mp_area_list.begin();
+		}
+	}
+void CYAServerDlg::release_map_memory()
+	if(mp_map_list.size() > 0 ){
+		MapInfoMap::iterator it = mp_map_list.begin();
+		for(it;it!=mp_map_list.end();){
+			MapInfo* tmp = (MapInfo*)(it->second);
+			mp_map_list.erase(it);
+			if(tmp){
+				delete tmp;
+				tmp = NULL;
+			}
+			it = mp_map_list.begin();
+		}
+	}
+void CYAServerDlg::release_card_memory()
+	if(mp_card_list_all.size()>0){
+		CardMap::iterator it = mp_card_list_all.begin();
+		for(;it!=mp_card_list_all.end();){
+			Card* tmp = (Card*)(it->second);
+			mp_card_list_all.erase(it);
+			if(tmp){
+				delete tmp;
+				tmp = NULL;
+			}
+			it = mp_card_list_all.begin();
+		}
+	}
+void CYAServerDlg::release_reader_memory()
+	if(mp_reader_list.size() > 0 ){
+		ReaderMap::iterator it = mp_reader_list.begin();
+		for(;it!=mp_reader_list.end();){
+			Reader* tmp = (Reader*)(it->second);
+			mp_reader_list.erase(it);
+			if(tmp){
+				delete tmp;
+				tmp = NULL;
+			}
+			it = mp_reader_list.begin();
+		}
+	}
+	if(mp_reader_path_list_tdoa.size() > 0 ){
+		TDOAReaderPathMap::iterator it = mp_reader_path_list_tdoa.begin();
+		for(;it != mp_reader_path_list_tdoa.end();){
+			ReaderPathMap* tmpMap = (ReaderPathMap*)(it->second);
+			for(ReaderPathMap::iterator it_r = tmpMap->begin();it_r != tmpMap->end();){
+				ReaderPath* tmpPath = (ReaderPath* )(it_r->second);
+				tmpMap->erase(it_r);
+				if(tmpPath){
+					delete tmpPath;
+					tmpPath = NULL;
+				}
+				it_r = tmpMap->begin();
+			}
+			mp_reader_path_list_tdoa.erase(it);
+			if(tmpMap){
+				delete tmpMap;
+				tmpMap = NULL;
+			}
+			it = mp_reader_path_list_tdoa.begin();
+		}
+	}
@@ -6858,6 +7027,7 @@ void CYAServerDlg::deal_card_msg( Card* card, bool is_hist /*= false*/ )
 			dist->d_offset = 0;
 			dist->special = card->p_reader->m_nIsSpecial;
 			dist->st = card->sync_num;
+			dist->acce_state = card->accelerate_state;
 			unsigned short root_sync_num = 0;
 			bool bUseAlgo = false;
@@ -6892,6 +7062,7 @@ void CYAServerDlg::deal_card_msg( Card* card, bool is_hist /*= false*/ )
+				card->is_deal_by_algo = false;
@@ -6919,8 +7090,15 @@ void CYAServerDlg::deal_card_msg( Card* card, bool is_hist /*= false*/ )
 					strLog = _T("");
-					strLog.Format(_T("%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,f: %f,s: %f,ct: %d, ov: %f,cv: %f,av: %f, lsn: %d,cardid: %s"),card->m_unCalcSyncNum,card->origin_locate.x,card->origin_locate.y,card->x, card->y,card->m_dFirstDiff,card->m_dSecondDiff,card->time_stamp_cal,card->origin_locate.v,card->v,card->last_locate.acceleration,card->m_unSyncNumInList,p_card_id);
+					strLog.Format(_T("%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,f: %f,s: %f,ct: %d, ov: %f,cv: %f,av: %f, lsn: %d,cardid: %s"),card->m_nCalcSyncNum,card->origin_locate.x,card->origin_locate.y,card->x, card->y,card->m_dFirstDiff,card->m_dSecondDiff,card->time_stamp_cal,card->origin_locate.v,card->v,card->last_locate.acceleration,card->m_nSyncNumInList,p_card_id);
+				}else{
+					if(card->is_deal_by_algo){
+						strLog = _T("");
+						strLog.Format(_T("%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,f: %f,s: %f,ct: %d, ov: %f,cv: %f,av: %f, lsn: %d,cardid: %s"),card->m_nCalcSyncNum,card->origin_locate.x,card->origin_locate.y,card->x, card->y,card->m_dFirstDiff,card->m_dSecondDiff,card->time_stamp_cal,card->origin_locate.v,card->v,card->last_locate.acceleration,card->m_nSyncNumInList,p_card_id);
+						writeErrorLog(_T("KALMAN_S"),strLog,false);
+						card->is_deal_by_algo = false;
+					}
@@ -6932,12 +7110,15 @@ void CYAServerDlg::deal_card_msg( Card* card, bool is_hist /*= false*/ )
 	if(LT_READER == theApp.locate_type){
 		//TRACE(_T("time memcpy 1\n"));
 		time_t cur_time = time(NULL);
-		if(difftime(cur_time, card->deal_time) <30){
+		time_t c_time = CFunctions::systime_to_timet(card->deal_time);
+		//if(difftime(cur_time, card->deal_time) <30){
+		if(difftime(cur_time, c_time) <30){
 			return ;
 	//TRACE(_T("time memcpy 2\n"));
-	card->deal_time = time(NULL);
+	//card->deal_time = time(NULL);
+	GetSystemTime(&card->deal_time);
 	dw = ::GetTickCount();
 	card_enter_map(card); // 切换地图
@@ -7609,4 +7790,11 @@ void CYAServerDlg::parse_json_data_call_card_cancel(message::ptr const& data )
 	strlog.Format(_T("%s%s"), _T(LOG_CANCEL_CALL_CARD), _T(LOG_SUCCESS));
+void CYAServerDlg::OnAbout()
+	// TODO: 在此添加命令处理程序代码
+	CAboutDlg dlg;
+	dlg.DoModal();

+ 6 - 0

@@ -378,6 +378,7 @@ public:
 	void deal_call_edit_card(string id, EDIT_TYPE_ID edit_type_id);
 	void deal_call_edit_staff(string id, EDIT_TYPE_ID edit_type_id);
 	void deal_call_edit_vehicle(string id, EDIT_TYPE_ID edit_type_id);
+	void deal_call_edit_adhoc(string id, EDIT_TYPE_ID edit_type_id);
 	void remove_card(string card_id);
 	void send_call_info();
@@ -386,6 +387,10 @@ public:
 	void clear_call_info();
 	int get_card_id_len(int card_type);
 	void release_memory();
+	void release_area_memory();
+	void release_map_memory();
+	void release_card_memory();
+	void release_reader_memory();
 	void release_dept_memory();
 	void Test();
@@ -410,4 +415,5 @@ protected:
 	UINT m_reader_id_hist;
 	afx_msg void OnEnUpdateEditReaderid();
+	afx_msg void OnAbout();

+ 307 - 209

@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ Card::Card( string cardid, int cardtype, double z_offset, double offset_x /*= 12
 	coor_offset_x = offset_x;
 	coor_offset_y = offset_y;
 	this->z_offset = z_offset;
-	down_time = up_time = enter_area_time = enter_reader_time = deal_time = rec_time = time(NULL);
+	GetSystemTime(&deal_time);
+	down_time = up_time = enter_area_time = enter_reader_time = rec_time = time(NULL);
 	time_over_time = time_area_over_time = time_area_forbidden = time_over_speed = time_low_power = time(NULL);
 	x =	y = z = last_x = last_y = last_z = stored_x = stored_y = stored_z = 0;
@@ -57,20 +58,17 @@ Card::Card( string cardid, int cardtype, double z_offset, double offset_x /*= 12
 		p_dists[i] = NULL;
 		p_dists_locate[i] = NULL;
-	//p2_anchors = new Point2[ANCHOR_COUNT];
 	p3_anchors = new Point3[ANCHOR_COUNT];
-	is_init_kalman = false;
+	is_deal_by_algo = false;
 	pReaderPathMap = NULL;
 	pTdoaReaderPathMap = NULL;
 	last_s_locate_reader[0] = last_s_locate_reader[1] = -1;
 	m_dFirstDiff = m_dSecondDiff = 0.0;
-	m_unCalcSyncNum = 0;
+	m_nCalcSyncNum = 0;
+	m_nSyncNumInList = 0; = 0;
 	last_locate.a = last_locate.antenna_id = last_locate.reader_id = last_locate.t = 0;
 	last_locate.x = last_locate.y = last_locate.z = last_locate.d = last_locate.d_offset = last_locate.v = 0.0;
@@ -82,6 +80,7 @@ Card::Card( string cardid, int cardtype, double z_offset, double offset_x /*= 12
 	origin_locate.x = origin_locate.y = origin_locate.z = origin_locate.v = 0.0;
 	last_vx = last_vy = 0.0;
 	v = 0.0;
+	ins_weight = uwb_weight = weight = 0;
 	time_stamp_last = 0;
 	reader_id_last  = 0;
@@ -529,15 +528,18 @@ void Card::get_coordinate( int cnt )
 	bRet = false;
-	unsigned long long maxSycnTimes = 0;
+	int maxSyncTimes = 0;
+	int acce_state = 2;
 	for(int i=0;i<k;i++){
-			maxSycnTimes = p_dists_locate[i]->st;
+			maxSyncTimes = p_dists_locate[i]->st;
+			acce_state = p_dists_locate[i]->acce_state;
-			if(maxSycnTimes < p_dists_locate[i]->st){
-				maxSycnTimes = p_dists_locate[i]->st;
+			if(maxSyncTimes < p_dists_locate[i]->st){
+				maxSyncTimes = p_dists_locate[i]->st;
+				acce_state = p_dists_locate[i]->acce_state;
 		ReceiveDataMap::iterator prdm_it = pRdm.find(p_dists_locate[i]->reader_id);
@@ -560,11 +562,12 @@ void Card::get_coordinate( int cnt )
+	acce_state = 2;
 	bool bOutput = false;
 	int nSize = 0;
 	if(pTdoaReaderPathMap->size() > 0 && pRdm.size() > 1){
-		this->m_unCalcSyncNum = maxSycnTimes;
+		this->m_nCalcSyncNum = maxSyncTimes;
 		p = LocateAlgorithm::Pos(&pRdm,*pTdoaReaderPathMap);
 		this->origin_locate.x = p->posx / (this->map_scale*1.0);
@@ -594,20 +597,31 @@ void Card::get_coordinate( int cnt )
 		sync_data sdNew;
 		sync_data sd;
 		cx = p->posx / (this->map_scale*1.0);
 		cy = p->posy / (this->map_scale*1.0);
 		cz = p->posz / (this->map_scale*1.0);
+		int ins_state = 0;
+		int uwb_state = 0;
+		bool bUseKalman = false;
+		bool bOriginLocateState = false;
 		if(p->posx != INVALID_COORDINATE && p->posy != INVALID_COORDINATE){
+			bOriginLocateState = true;
 			if(this->m_nLastLocateT == 0){
-				sd.sync_num = maxSycnTimes;
-				sd.x = cx;
-				sd.y = cy;
-				sd.vx = 0;
-				sd.vy = 0;
-				m_syncNumList.push_back(sd);
+				sdNew.sync_num = maxSyncTimes;
+				sdNew.x = cx;
+				sdNew.y = cy;
+				sdNew.vx = 0;
+				sdNew.vy = 0;
+				sdNew.update = false;
+				m_syncNumList.push_back(sdNew);
@@ -619,91 +633,38 @@ void Card::get_coordinate( int cnt )
 				this->m_dFirstDiff = p->dFirstDiff;
 				this->m_dSecondDiff = p->dSecondDiff;
-				//deltaT = (maxSycnTimes - this->m_nLastLocateT)*interval_time;
-				//处理相同同步序号里有两个卡的不同时间戳的情况
-				//if(fabs(deltaT)<1E-5){
-				//	deltaT = 0.2;
-				//}
-				////使用加速度抛掉位置相差过大的数据
-				//if(deltaT > 0){
-				//	cvx = (cx - this->last_locate.x)/deltaT;
-				//	cvy = (cy - this->last_locate.y)/deltaT;
-				//	cvx *= this->map_scale;
-				//	cvy *= this->map_scale;
-				//	//速度正负的判断:已x轴,y轴正向运动为正
-				//	//如果x相等,则y2 - y1 > 0为正
-				//	//其他情况,则x2 - x1 > 0 为正
-				//	if(cx == this->last_locate.x){
-				//		if(cy >= this->last_locate.y){
-				//			nSign = 1;
-				//		}else{
-				//			nSign = -1;
-				//		}
-				//	}else{
-				//		if(cx > this->last_locate.x){
-				//			nSign = 1;
-				//		}else{
-				//			nSign = -1;
-				//		}
-				//	}
-				//	cv = sqrt(pow(cvx,2) + pow(cvy,2));
-				//	cv = cv*nSign;
-				//	double avx = (cvx - this->last_vx) / deltaT;
-				//	double avy = (cvy - this->last_vy) / deltaT;
-				//	double av = sqrt(pow(avx,2) + pow(avy,2));
-				//	//车卡的加速度
-				//	switch(this->card_type){
-				//	case CT_PERSON:
-				//		if(av > 3){
-				//			this->x = this->last_locate.x;
-				//			this->y = this->last_locate.y;
-				//			return;
-				//		}
-				//		break;
-				//	case CT_VEHICLE:
-				//		if(av > 5){
-				//			//保留上次结果
-				//			this->x = this->last_locate.x;
-				//			this->y = this->last_locate.y;
-				//			return;
-				//		}
-				//		break;
-				//	}
-				//}
-				list<sync_data>::reverse_iterator it = m_syncNumList.rbegin();			
+				//list<sync_data>::reverse_iterator it = m_syncNumList.rbegin();	
+				list<sync_data>::reverse_iterator it;
 				bool bOverflow = false;
-				for(it;it!=m_syncNumList.rend();++it){
-					if(maxSycnTimes - it->sync_num >= 5){
+				for(it = m_syncNumList.rbegin();it!=m_syncNumList.rend();it++){
+					if(maxSyncTimes - it->sync_num >= 5){
 						sd = *it;
-						if(maxSycnTimes - it->sync_num < 0 ){
+						if(maxSyncTimes - it->sync_num < 0 && maxSyncTimes < 100){
-							if(maxSycnTimes + 65536 - it->sync_num >=5 ){
+							if(maxSyncTimes + 65536 - it->sync_num >=5 ){
 								bOverflow = true;
 								sd = *it;
+						}else{
+							continue;
-					deltaT = (maxSycnTimes + 65536 - sd.sync_num)*interval_time;
+					deltaT = (maxSyncTimes + 65536 - sd.sync_num)*interval_time;
-					deltaT = (maxSycnTimes - sd.sync_num)*interval_time;
+					deltaT = (maxSyncTimes - sd.sync_num)*interval_time;
 				if(deltaT - 1.0 >= 0){
-					cvx = (cx - sd.x)/deltaT;
-					cvy = (cy - sd.y)/deltaT;
-					cvx *= this->map_scale;
-					cvy *= this->map_scale;
+					//转为m/s
+					cvx = (cx - sd.x)*this->map_scale/deltaT;
+					cvy = (cy - sd.y)*this->map_scale/deltaT;
 					//如果x相等,则y2 - y1 > 0为正
@@ -749,7 +710,6 @@ void Card::get_coordinate( int cnt )
 					this->last_locate.acceleration = av;
 					this->last_vx = cvx;
 					this->last_vy = cvy;	
 					cv = cv*3.6;
@@ -768,151 +728,264 @@ void Card::get_coordinate( int cnt )
 					//sync_data sdNew;
-					sdNew.sync_num = maxSycnTimes;
-					this->m_unSyncNumInList = sd.sync_num;
+					sdNew.sync_num = maxSyncTimes;
+					this->m_nSyncNumInList = sd.sync_num;
 					//sdNew.x = cx;
 					//sdNew.y = cy;
 					sdNew.vx = cvx;
 					sdNew.vy = cvy;
 					sdNew.update = true;
+					uwb_state = nSign == 1?1:-1;		//uwb形式判断不出静止或者怠速
 					//cv = this->last_locate.v;
 					cv = this->origin_locate.v;
+					uwb_state = this->accelerate_state_last;
+		}	
+		else{
+			bOriginLocateState = false;
+			uwb_state = this->accelerate_state_last;
-		if(m_nFilterType == FILTER_KALMAN){
-			double kalman_detal_t = (maxSycnTimes - this->*interval_time;
-			//通过卡尔曼滤波处理
-			if(p->posx == INVALID_COORDINATE && p->posy == INVALID_COORDINATE){
-				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_bFlag = false;	
-				if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts < 3 || this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->P(0,0) > 2 || kalman_detal_t > 3){
-					//P(0,0):连续时间(大于2s)都定位失败
-					//deltaT>3:距离上次成功定位时间间隔为3s
-					this->x = this->last_locate.x;
-					this->y = this->last_locate.y;
-					this->z = -3;
-					return;
-				}
-				if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts >= 3){
-					//只有三次以上才允许使用kalman滤波以下的函数
-					//this->m_pKalmanFilter->Predict(deltaT);
-					this->m_pKalmanFilter->Predict(kalman_detal_t);
-					this->x = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0);
-					this->y = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0);
-					this->z = -4;
-					sdNew.update = true;
-				}		
+		bRet = false;
+		switch(acce_state){
+		case 0:	//熄火
+		case 1:	//怠速
+			//如果是熄火或者怠速状态,则将x,y方向的速度置为0,并送到卡尔曼滤波中
+			cvx = 0;
+			cvy = 0;
+			bRet = true;
+			break;
+		case 2:	//前进
+			//如果根据加速度状态判断为前进,则取1
+			ins_state = 1;
+			break;
+		case 3:	//倒退
+			//如果根据加速度状态判断为后退,则取-1
+			ins_state = -1;
+			break;
+		}
+		if(!bRet){
+			double cweight = 0;
+			cweight = this->ins_weight * ins_state + this->uwb_weight*uwb_state;
+			//如果计算出的权重在合适范围内,就逐渐降低惯导的权限
+			//如果计算出的权重超过范围,则重置惯导的权重为90%
+			if(cweight>=INS_WEIGHT*-1&&cweight<=INS_WEIGHT){
+				this->ins_weight = abs(cweight);
-				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_bFlag = true;
-				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts++;
+				this->ins_weight = INS_WEIGHT;
+			}
-				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(0,0) = cx;
-				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(1,0) = cvx;
-				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(2,0) = cy;
-				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(3,0) = cvy;
+			this->weight = cweight;
-				if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts == 1){
-					//第一次直接赋值
-					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z;
-				}
-				if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts == 2){
-					//两次处理
-					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(1, 0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(0, 0) - this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0, 0))/deltaT;
-					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(3, 0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(2, 0) - this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2, 0))/deltaT;
-					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z;
+			if(bOriginLocateState){
+				if(cweight*uwb_state <= 0){
+					//惯导和uwb定位方向不一致,定位失败
+					//增加一次判断,与上一次的进行比对,如果和上一次的一致,则送进卡尔曼滤波
+					if(cweight*this->accelerate_state_last > 0){
+						bUseKalman = true;
+					}else{
+						bUseKalman = false;
+					}
+				}else{
+					//惯导和uwb定位方向一致,定位成功
+					//送进卡尔曼滤波
+					bUseKalman = true;
-				if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts >= 3){
-					//只有三次以上才允许使用kalman滤波以下的函数
-					//this->m_pKalmanFilter->Predict_Correct(deltaT);
-					this->m_pKalmanFilter->Predict_Correct(kalman_detal_t);
-					sdNew.update = true;
-					if(deltaT!=0){
-						/*this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0) - this->last_locate.x)/deltaT;
-						this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) - this->last_locate.y)/deltaT;*/
-						this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0) - sd.x)/deltaT;
-						this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) - sd.y)/deltaT;
-					}	
+			}else{
+				if(k*uwb_state > 0){
+					//方向一致,但原始定位失败了
+					//送进卡尔曼滤波
+					bUseKalman = true;
+				}else{
+					//方向不一致,而且定位也失败了
+					//不送了,直接取上一次的结果
+					bUseKalman = false;
+		}
+		else{
+			//不送到卡尔曼滤波
+			//bUseKalman = true;
+			bUseKalman = false;
+		}
+		if(m_nFilterType == FILTER_KALMAN){
+			if(bUseKalman){
+				double kalman_detal_t = (maxSyncTimes - this->*interval_time;
+				//通过卡尔曼滤波处理
+				if(p->posx == INVALID_COORDINATE && p->posy == INVALID_COORDINATE){
+					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_bFlag = false;	
+					if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts < 3 || this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->P(0,0) > 2 || kalman_detal_t > 3){
+						//P(0,0):连续时间(大于2s)都定位失败
+						//deltaT>3:距离上次成功定位时间间隔为3s
+						this->x = this->last_locate.x;
+						this->y = this->last_locate.y;
+						this->z = -3;
+						return;
+					}
-			if(p->nFirstReader == -1 && p->nSecondReader == -1){
-				p->nFirstReader = last_s_locate_reader[0];
-				p->nSecondReader = last_s_locate_reader[1];
-			}
-			//增加地图集的判定,判断定位结果是否在地图集上
-			//如果不在地图集上,需要再次定位
-			//需要带出定位结果的分站信息,
-			//利用地图集中分站信息再次定位
-			POS kalman_p;
-			kalman_p.nFirstReader = p->nFirstReader;
-			kalman_p.nSecondReader = p->nSecondReader;
-			kalman_p.posx = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0) * this->map_scale;
-			kalman_p.posy = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) * this->map_scale;
-			//kalman_p.posz = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) * this->map_scale;
-			kalman_p.pos_radius = p->pos_radius;
-			if(!LocateAlgorithm::IsOnMap(&kalman_p,*pTdoaReaderPathMap)){
-				//再一次定位到地图集上
-				POS* cp = LocateAlgorithm::Pos(&kalman_p,*pTdoaReaderPathMap);
-				if(cp != NULL){}
+					if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts >= 3){
+						//只有三次以上才允许使用kalman滤波以下的函数
+						//this->m_pKalmanFilter->Predict(deltaT);
+						this->m_pKalmanFilter->Predict(kalman_detal_t);
+						//this->x = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0) / this->map_scale;
+						//this->y = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) / this->map_scale;
+						this->z = -4;
+						sdNew.update = true;
+					}		
+				}else{
+					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_bFlag = true;
+					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts++;
-				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0) = cp->posx/this->map_scale;
-				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) = cp->posy/this->map_scale;
+					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(0,0) = cx * this->map_scale;
+					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(1,0) = cvx;
+					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(2,0) = cy * this->map_scale;
+					this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(3,0) = cvy;
-				if(cp){
-					delete cp;
-					cp = NULL;
+					if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts == 1){
+						//第一次直接赋值
+						this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z;
+					}
+					if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts == 2){
+						//两次处理
+						this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(1, 0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(0, 0) - this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0, 0))/deltaT;
+						this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(3, 0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z(2, 0) - this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2, 0))/deltaT;
+						this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->z;
+					}
+					if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_nCounts >= 3){
+						//只有三次以上才允许使用kalman滤波以下的函数
+						//this->m_pKalmanFilter->Predict_Correct(deltaT);
+						this->m_pKalmanFilter->Predict_Correct(kalman_detal_t);
+						sdNew.update = true;
+						if(deltaT!=0){
+							/*this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0) - this->last_locate.x)/deltaT;
+							this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) - this->last_locate.y)/deltaT;*/
+							this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0) - sd.x*this->map_scale)/deltaT;
+							this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0) = (this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) - sd.y*this->map_scale)/deltaT;
+						}	
+					}
-			}		
-			this->last_locate.x = this->x = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0);
-			this->last_locate.y = this->y = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0);
-			this->last_locate.z = this->z;
-			this-> = maxSycnTimes;
-			last_s_locate_reader[0] = p->nFirstReader;
-			last_s_locate_reader[1] = p->nSecondReader;
-			this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->t = this->m_nLastLocateT = maxSycnTimes;
-			this->v = sqrt(pow(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0),2) + pow(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0),2))*this->map_scale;
-			this->v*=3.6;	//转为km/h
-			cvx = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0);
-			cvy = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0);
-			nSign = 1;
-			if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0) == 0){
-				if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0)>0){
-					nSign = 1;
+				if(p->nFirstReader == -1 && p->nSecondReader == -1){
+					p->nFirstReader = last_s_locate_reader[0];
+					p->nSecondReader = last_s_locate_reader[1];
-			}else{
-				if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0) > 0){
-					nSign = 1;
+				//增加地图集的判定,判断定位结果是否在地图集上
+				//如果不在地图集上,需要再次定位
+				//需要带出定位结果的分站信息,
+				//利用地图集中分站信息再次定位
+				POS kalman_p;
+				kalman_p.nFirstReader = p->nFirstReader;
+				kalman_p.nSecondReader = p->nSecondReader;
+				kalman_p.posx = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0);//* this->map_scale
+				kalman_p.posy = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0);//* this->map_scale
+				kalman_p.pos_radius = p->pos_radius;
+				if(!LocateAlgorithm::IsOnMap(&kalman_p,*pTdoaReaderPathMap)){
+					//再一次定位到地图集上
+					POS* cp = LocateAlgorithm::Pos(&kalman_p,*pTdoaReaderPathMap);
+					if(cp != NULL){
+						this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0) = cp->posx;
+						this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) = cp->posy;
+					}
+					if(cp){
+						delete cp;
+						cp = NULL;
+					}
+				}		
+				this->last_locate.x = this->x = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(0,0) / this->map_scale;
+				this->last_locate.y = this->y = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(2,0) / this->map_scale;
+				this->last_locate.z = this->z;
+				this-> = maxSyncTimes;
+				last_s_locate_reader[0] = p->nFirstReader;
+				last_s_locate_reader[1] = p->nSecondReader;
+				this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->t = this->m_nLastLocateT = maxSyncTimes;
+				this->v = sqrt(pow(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0),2) + pow(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0),2)); //*this->map_scale
+				this->v*=3.6;	//转为km/h
+				cvx = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0);
+				cvy = this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0);
+				nSign = 1;
+				if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0) == 0){
+					if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(3,0)>0){
+						nSign = 1;
+					}
-					nSign = -1;
+					if(this->m_pKalmanFilter->m_pCar->x(1,0) > 0){
+						nSign = 1;
+					}else{
+						nSign = -1;
+					}
-			}
-			this->v*=nSign;
+				this->v*=nSign;
+				this->last_locate.v = this->v;
+				this->origin_locate.v = cv;
-			this->last_locate.v = this->v;
-			this->origin_locate.v = cv;
+				if(sdNew.update){
+					sdNew.sync_num = maxSyncTimes;
+					sdNew.x = this->x;
+					sdNew.y = this->y;
+					sdNew.vx = cvx;
+					sdNew.vy = cvy;
+					m_syncNumList.push_back(sdNew);
+				}
+			}else{
+				//这组数据的处理方法是:
+				//如果第一次成功定位,但状态是静止,就取第一次成功定位值(这是为了处理当第一次成功定位,但状态是静止的,此时取上一次定位值为零的问题),
+				//后续如果不管定位成功还是失败,只要状态是静止的,就输出上一次成功定位值,并更新同步序号。
+				//取上次结果
+				if(this->last_locate.x == 0 && this->last_locate.y == 0){
+					if(this->map_scale > 0){
+						this->last_locate.x = this->x = p->posx / (this->map_scale*1.0);
+						this->last_locate.y = this->y = p->posy / (this->map_scale*1.0);
+						this->last_locate.z = this->z = p->posz / (this->map_scale*1.0);
+						this->last_locate.v = this->v = cv;
+					}
+				}else{
+					this->x = this->last_locate.x;
+					this->y = this->last_locate.y;
+					this->z = this->last_locate.z;
+					this->v = this->last_locate.v;
+				}
+				this->m_nLastLocateT = this->m_nCalcSyncNum = this-> = this->sync_num = maxSyncTimes;
+				if(sdNew.update){
+					sdNew.sync_num = maxSyncTimes;
+					sdNew.x = this->x;
+					sdNew.y = this->y;
+					sdNew.vx = cvx;
+					sdNew.vy = cvy;
+					m_syncNumList.push_back(sdNew);	
-			if(sdNew.update){
-				sdNew.sync_num = maxSycnTimes;
-				sdNew.x = this->x;
-				sdNew.y = this->y;
-				sdNew.vx = cvx;
-				sdNew.vy = cvy;
-				m_syncNumList.push_back(sdNew);
+					this->m_nSyncNumInList = maxSyncTimes;
+				}
+				this->is_deal_by_algo = true;
 			//TRACE(_T("no kalman . \n"));
@@ -933,7 +1006,7 @@ void Card::get_coordinate( int cnt )
 				this->last_locate.y = this->y;
 				this->last_locate.z = this->z;
 				this->last_locate.v = this->v;
-				this->m_nLastLocateT = this-> = maxSycnTimes;
+				this->m_nLastLocateT = this-> = maxSyncTimes;
 			this->a = 0;
@@ -963,11 +1036,9 @@ void Card::get_coordinate()
 std::string Card::get_state_text()
-	//if(this->state == 0){
-	//	return "正常";
-	//}
 	string ret = "";
 	state = 0;
+	state_biz = 0;
 	if(status_help == STATUS_ERROR){
 		state += STATUS_HELP;
 		state_biz += STATUS_HELP;
@@ -1067,9 +1138,11 @@ void Card::EnableFilter(int nType)
-		m_pKalmanFilter = new CKalmanFilter();
-		m_pKalmanFilter->Initial(0.2);
-		m_pKalmanFilter->m_bFlag = false;
+		if(m_pKalmanFilter == NULL){
+			m_pKalmanFilter = new CKalmanFilter();
+			m_pKalmanFilter->Initial(0.2);
+			m_pKalmanFilter->m_bFlag = false;
+		}
@@ -1104,6 +1177,11 @@ Reader::Reader(void)
 	for(int i = 0;i < ANTENNA_COUNT;i++){
 		ant[i] = NULL;
+	for(int i = 0;i < ADHOC_COUNT;i++){
+		adhoc[i] = NULL;
+	}
 	bIsInitCoverage = false;
 	reader_interval_time = 0.0;
@@ -1113,6 +1191,26 @@ Reader::Reader(void)
+	for(int i = 0;i < ANTENNA_COUNT;i++){
+		Antenna* tmp = NULL;
+		tmp = ant[i];
+		if(tmp){
+			delete tmp;
+			tmp = NULL;
+			ant[i] = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	for(int i = 0; i < ADHOC_COUNT;i++){
+		Adhoc * tmp = NULL;
+		tmp = adhoc[i];
+		if(tmp){
+			delete tmp;
+			tmp = NULL;
+			adhoc[i] = NULL;
+		}
+	}
 std::string Reader::get_state_text()

+ 32 - 18

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #define ANTENNA_COUNT 2
-#define ADHOC_COUNT 4
+#define ADHOC_COUNT 10
 #define READER_TIMEOUT 20
 #define OVER_TIME 480 * 60
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+//#define ALGORITHM_TYPE_INS		//使用惯导判断
 //#define FILTER_KALMAN
@@ -46,11 +47,12 @@
 #define MIN(x,y) (x < y ? x : y)
 #define MAX(x,y) (x > y ? x : y)
-//#define MAP_SCALE 0.392
-//#define MAP_SCALE 0.77  
-//#define MAP_SCALE 7 
 using namespace std;
+const int MAX_CALC_POINTS = 30;
+const double INS_WEIGHT = 9.0;	//惯导权重
+const double UWB_WEIGHT = 1.0;  //UWB权重
 enum TIMER_ID
@@ -215,6 +217,7 @@ struct _coordinate{
 		d_offset = 0.0;
 		special = 0;
 		acceleration = 0;
+		acce_state = 0;	
 	int t; // 定位时间戳
 	int reader_id;
@@ -231,6 +234,7 @@ struct _coordinate{
 	int st;   //同步序号
 	double acceleration;	//加速度
+	int acce_state;	//加速度状态
 	int special; //分站是否属于特殊分站,0属于特殊分站,1普通分站
 	_coordinate& operator=(_coordinate &tmp){
@@ -248,6 +252,7 @@ struct _coordinate{
 		d_offset = tmp.d_offset;
 		special = tmp.special;
 		acceleration = tmp.acceleration;
+		acce_state = tmp.acce_state;
 		return *this;
@@ -265,7 +270,7 @@ struct sync_data{
 	double vx;
 	double vy;
-	unsigned long long sync_num;	//本次同步号
+	int sync_num;	//本次同步号
 	bool update;
@@ -311,8 +316,6 @@ struct _call_info_reader
 typedef map<int, _call_info_reader*> CallInfoReaderMap;
-const int MAX_CALC_POINTS = 30;
 // 分站接收时间定义
 struct ReceiveData{
 	unsigned int reader_id;		// 分站号
@@ -356,6 +359,18 @@ struct POS{
 	double dFirstDiff;
 	double dSecondDiff;
+	POS(){
+		nSecondReader = INVALID_COORDINATE;
+		posx = 0;
+		posy = 0;
+		posz = 0;
+		dFirstDiff = 0;
+		dSecondDiff = 0;
+		pos_radius = 0;
+	}
 	POS& operator=(POS& tmp){
 		nFirstReader = tmp.nFirstReader;
 		nSecondReader = tmp.nSecondReader;
@@ -377,8 +392,6 @@ struct RESULT{
 	int nCount;
-//2016-09-12 end
 class Mine;
 class Area;
 class Reader;
@@ -394,20 +407,15 @@ typedef map<int, MapInfo*> MapInfoMap;
 typedef map<int, Dept*> DeptMap;
 typedef map<int, string> AlarmTypeMap;
 typedef map<int,ReaderPath*> ReaderPathMap;
-//typedef map<int,ReaderPathMap> TDOAReaderPathMap;
 typedef unordered_map<int,ReaderPathMap*> TDOAReaderPathMap;
 typedef unordered_map<string, _coordinate*> DistMap;
-//typedef unordered_map<DWORD, DistMap> DistQueMap;
 struct DistQueMapItem
 	WORD cardstamp;
 	DistMap distmap;
 typedef deque<DistQueMapItem> DistQueMap;
-//typedef unordered_map<DWORD, DistMap> DistQueMap;
-//typedef list<DWORD, DistMap> DistQueMap;
 // 地图
 class MapInfo{
@@ -509,6 +517,7 @@ public:
 	CardMap area_card_list_person;
 	CardMap area_card_list_vehicle;
 // 自组网预置坐标
 class Adhoc
@@ -610,7 +619,8 @@ public:
 	string group; // 班组 
 	string worktype; // 工种、车辆类型
-	time_t deal_time; // 最后处理卡逻辑时间
+	//time_t deal_time; // 最后处理卡逻辑时间
+	SYSTEMTIME deal_time;
 	time_t rec_time; // 最后接收时间
 	time_t down_time; // 入井时间
 	time_t up_time; // 升井时间
@@ -702,8 +712,8 @@ public:
 	int m_nFilterType;
 	int m_nLastLocateT;
-	unsigned short m_unCalcSyncNum;	//卡在算法中的同步号,此同步号和卡的实时同步号并不一定一致
-	unsigned short m_unSyncNumInList;	//从队列中取出的大于5的同步号
+	int m_nCalcSyncNum;	//卡在算法中的同步号,此同步号和卡的实时同步号并不一定一致
+	int m_nSyncNumInList;	//从队列中取出的大于5的同步号
 	//int last_area_type_id;
 	//int cur_area_type_id;
@@ -713,7 +723,7 @@ public:
 	bool isdealed; // 已经处理
 	bool isreceive; // 接收到
 	bool is_pos_changed;
-	bool is_init_kalman ;
+	bool is_deal_by_algo;
 	bool is_hist;
 	bool is_need_cal;
 	bool m_bUseFilter;
@@ -752,6 +762,10 @@ public:
 	int last_s_locate_reader[2];	//上一次定位成功的分站信息
+	double ins_weight;
+	double uwb_weight;
+	double weight;
 	bool is_anchor_changed;
 	void get_coordinate();
 	void get_coordinate(int cnt);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #define JSON_CMD_VALUE_SET_LIMIT_VALUE "set_limit_value"
 #define JSON_CMD_VALUE_CALL_CARD "call_card"
 #define JSON_CMD_VALUE_CLEAR_CARD "clear_card"
-#define JSON_CMD_VALUE_DEAL_HELP "deal_help"
+#define JSON_CMD_VALUE_DEAL_HELP "helpme_done"   //deal_help
 #define JSON_CMD_VALUE_EDIT_MAP "edit_map"
 #define JSON_CMD_VALUE_EDIT_AREA "edit_area"
 #define JSON_CMD_VALUE_EDIT_STATION "edit_station"

+ 79 - 61

@@ -836,12 +836,14 @@ POS* LocateAlgorithm::Pos(ReceiveDataMap* pRdm,TDOAReaderPathMap trpm)
 	POS *pos = NULL;
 	pos = new POS;
-	pos->posx = 0;
+	/*pos->posx = 0;
 	pos->posy = 0;
 	pos->posz = 0;
 	pos->pos_radius = 0;
 	pos->dFirstDiff = INVALID_COORDINATE;
 	pos->dSecondDiff = INVALID_COORDINATE;
+	pos->nFirstReader = INVALID_COORDINATE;
+	pos->nSecondReader = INVALID_COORDINATE;*/
 	double a = 0;
 	double ref_dist = 0.0;   //两分站之间无路径的距离差
@@ -864,6 +866,10 @@ POS* LocateAlgorithm::Pos(ReceiveDataMap* pRdm,TDOAReaderPathMap trpm)
 	//ReceiveData* tmp_reader = new ReceiveData[Totals];
 	ReceiveData tmp_reader[Totals];
+	//存储和第一条分站存在路径的分站信息
+	ReceiveData tmp_dist_reader[Totals];
+	int nDistReaders = 0;
 	ReceiveDataMap::iterator first = pRdm->begin();
 	//for(ReceiveDataMap::iterator first = pRdm->begin();first!=pRdm->end();++first){///11
 		//ReceiveDataMap::iterator second = pRdm->begin();
@@ -899,17 +905,26 @@ POS* LocateAlgorithm::Pos(ReceiveDataMap* pRdm,TDOAReaderPathMap trpm)
 		if(f1.reader_id == f2.reader_id){
+		ReaderPathMap::iterator rpm_it = trpm.find(f1.reader_id)->second->find(f2.reader_id);
+		if(rpm_it == trpm.find(f1.reader_id)->second->end()){
+			continue;
+		}else{
+			//如果和第一条分站存在地图集
+			tmp_dist_reader[nDistReaders].reader_id = f2.reader_id;
+			tmp_dist_reader[nDistReaders].x = f2.x;
+			tmp_dist_reader[nDistReaders].y = f2.y;
+			tmp_dist_reader[nDistReaders].z = f2.z;
+			tmp_dist_reader[nDistReaders].rec_time_stamp = f2.rec_time_stamp;
+			nDistReaders++;
+		}
 		int nSign = 1;
 		long long diffTime = f1.rec_time_stamp - f2.rec_time_stamp;
-		/*if(diffTime < 0){
-		diffTime = diffTime*(-1);
-		nSign = -1;
-		}*/
 		double dist = CFunctions::getDistance(diffTime,CFunctions::TDOA);
-		/*dist = dist * nSign;*/
 		double readers_dist = sqrt(pow(f1.x - f2.x,2) + pow(f1.y - f2.y,2));
@@ -923,26 +938,6 @@ POS* LocateAlgorithm::Pos(ReceiveDataMap* pRdm,TDOAReaderPathMap trpm)
-		ReaderPathMap::iterator rpm_it = trpm.find(f1.reader_id)->second->find(f2.reader_id);
-		if(rpm_it == trpm.find(f1.reader_id)->second->end()){
-		//	//如果两个分站之间无地图集
-		//	diffTime = f1.rec_time_stamp - f2.rec_time_stamp;
-		//	//计算位置
-		//	ref_dist = CFunctions::getDistance(diffTime,CFunctions::TDOA);
-		//	tmp_reader[0].reader_id = f1.reader_id;
-		//	tmp_reader[0].x = f1.x;
-		//	tmp_reader[0].y = f1.y;
-		//	tmp_reader[0].z = f1.z;
-		//	tmp_reader[1].reader_id = f2.reader_id;
-		//	tmp_reader[1].x = f2.x;
-		//	tmp_reader[1].y = f2.y;
-		//	tmp_reader[1].z = f2.z;
-			continue;
-		}
 		ReaderPath * pRP = trpm.find(f1.reader_id)->second->find(f2.reader_id)->second;
 		ReaderPath pRP2 = *trpm.find(f1.reader_id)->second->find(f2.reader_id)->second;
@@ -1076,60 +1071,81 @@ POS* LocateAlgorithm::Pos(ReceiveDataMap* pRdm,TDOAReaderPathMap trpm)
-		if(pRdm->size()>=3){
-			ReceiveDataMap::iterator it = pRdm->begin();
+		if(pRdm->size()>=3&&bValid){
+			/*ReceiveDataMap::iterator it = pRdm->begin();
 			ReceiveDataMap::iterator f_it = pRdm->end();
 			int k = 0;
 			int readersNo[2] = {0};
 			readersNo[0] = nFirstReader[0];
-			readersNo[1] = nSecondReader[0];
+			readersNo[1] = nSecondReader[0];*/
-			ReceiveData rd;
-			bool isExist = false;
-			for(it;it!=pRdm->end();++it){
-				for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
-					if(it->first == readersNo[i]){
-						f_it = pRdm->end();
-						isExist = false;
-						break;
-					}else{
-						isExist = true;
-					}
-				}
-				if(isExist){
-					//如果存在
-					rd.reader_id = it->first;
-					rd.rec_time_stamp = it->second.rec_time_stamp;
-					rd.antenna_id = it->second.antenna_id;
-					rd.special = it->second.special;
-					rd.x = it->second.x;
-					rd.y = it->second.y;
-					rd.z = it->second.z;
-				}
-			}
+			//ReceiveData rd;
+			//bool isExist = false;
+			//for(it;it!=pRdm->end();++it){
+			//	for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
+			//		if(it->first == readersNo[i]){
+			//			f_it = pRdm->end();
+			//			isExist = false;
+			//			break;
+			//		}else{
+			//			isExist = true;
+			//		}
+			//	}
+			//	if(isExist){
+			//		//如果存在
+			//		rd.reader_id = it->first;
+			//		rd.rec_time_stamp = it->second.rec_time_stamp;
+			//		rd.antenna_id = it->second.antenna_id;
+			//		rd.special = it->second.special;
+			//		rd.x = it->second.x;
+			//		rd.y = it->second.y;
+			//		rd.z = it->second.z;
+			//	}
+			//}
 			double dist[2] = {0};
-			if(rd.reader_id!=0){
-				ReceiveDataMap::iterator it = pRdm->find(nFirstReader[0]);
+			//if(rd.reader_id!=0){
+			//	ReceiveDataMap::iterator it = pRdm->find(nFirstReader[0]);
+			//	dist[0] = sqrt(pow(res[0].x - it->second.x,2) + pow(res[0].y - it->second.y,2));
+			//	dist[1] = sqrt(pow(res[0].x - rd.x,2) + pow(res[0].y - rd.y,2));
+			//	double dif1 = fabs(dist[0] - dist[1]);
-				dist[0] = sqrt(pow(res[0].x - it->second.x,2) + pow(res[0].y - it->second.y,2));
-				dist[1] = sqrt(pow(res[0].x - rd.x,2) + pow(res[0].y - rd.y,2));
+			//	double dt = it->second.rec_time_stamp - rd.rec_time_stamp;
+			//	double dif2 = fabs(CFunctions::getDistance(dt,CFunctions::TDOA));
+			//	double dif = fabs(dif1 - dif2);
+			//	if(dif>10){//4
+			//		bValid = false;
+			//	}	
+			//}
+			//判断下定位坐标距离定位分站的距离
+			//2016/12/06 更改选取分站方式:
+			//选取和第一个分站有地图集的两个分站来参与判别,
+			//例如:分站顺序是2,1,3,其中(1,2)和(2,3)之间有地图集,那么就选取1,3来参与判别
+			//如果分站顺序是1,2,3,其中(1,2)有地图集,(1,3)之间无地图集,那么此时就不使用以下方法进行判别
+			if(nDistReaders == 2){
+				dist[0] = sqrt(pow(res[0].x - tmp_dist_reader[0].x,2) + pow(res[0].y - tmp_dist_reader[0].y,2));
+				dist[1] = sqrt(pow(res[0].x - tmp_dist_reader[1].x,2) + pow(res[0].y - tmp_dist_reader[1].y,2));
 				double dif1 = fabs(dist[0] - dist[1]);
-				double dt = it->second.rec_time_stamp - rd.rec_time_stamp;
+				double dt = tmp_dist_reader[0].rec_time_stamp - tmp_dist_reader[1].rec_time_stamp;
 				double dif2 = fabs(CFunctions::getDistance(dt,CFunctions::TDOA));
 				double dif = fabs(dif1 - dif2);
-				if(dif>4){
+				if(dif>10){//4
 					bValid = false;
-			//判断下定位坐标距离定位分站的距离
@@ -1184,8 +1200,10 @@ POS* LocateAlgorithm::Pos(ReceiveDataMap* pRdm,TDOAReaderPathMap trpm)
 	//pos->posz = res.z;
 	pos->posz = 0;
-	pos->nFirstReader = nFirstReader[r_idx];
-	pos->nSecondReader = nSecondReader[r_idx];
+	if(pos->posx != INVALID_COORDINATE && pos->posy != INVALID_COORDINATE){
+		pos->nFirstReader = nFirstReader[r_idx];
+		pos->nSecondReader = nSecondReader[r_idx];
+	}
 	return pos;

+ 3 - 1

@@ -13,13 +13,14 @@
 #define LOG_INIT_CARD "初始化标识卡信息"
 #define LOG_INIT_STAFF "初始化人员信息"
 #define LOG_INIT_VEHICLE "初始化车辆信息"
+#define LOG_INIT_ADHOC "初始化自组网信息"
 #define LOG_INIT_MAP_PATH "初始化地图路径信息"
 #define LOG_INIT_READER_PATH "初始化分站路径信息"
 #define LOG_INIT_MAP "初始化地图信息"
 #define LOG_INIT_AREA "初始化区域信息"
 #define LOG_INIT_READER "初始化分站信息"
 #define LOG_INIT_ANTENNA "初始化分站天线信息"
-#define LOG_INIT_ADHOC "初始化自组网设备预置坐标信息"
+#define LOG_INIT_ADHOC_LOCATE "初始化自组网设备预置坐标信息"
 #define LOG_LOAD_HIS_AREA "载入区域历史数据"
 #define LOG_LOAD_HIS_POSTION "载入位置历史数据"
 #define LOG_LOAD_HIS_STATE "载入状态历史数据"
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@
 #define LOG_EDIT_CARD "编辑标识卡"
 #define LOG_EDIT_STAFFER "编辑员工"
 #define LOG_EDIT_VEHICLE "编辑车辆"
+#define LOG_EDIT_ADHOC "编辑自组网卡"
 #define LOG_REQUEST_ALL_POSTION "请求所有位置信息"
 #define LOG_INVALID_PARSE "非法数据解析"
