
researchman c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
CSVparser 7df2e3d250 fix release il y a 7 ans
Filter 7e00ff4409 change algo_tdoa_1d struct il y a 7 ans
KNN e2621953cd expand cell range thre il y a 7 ans
SyncTime ae7e8f4653 update cell algo il y a 7 ans
algorithm 4988e7219c fix cell algo il y a 7 ans
debug_server a3ae574a4c update log il y a 7 ans
mylog c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
res 29115b243b add icons il y a 8 ans
system_basic_info bac48d7a4c write to mult-database il y a 7 ans
tdoa 7d85c958a2 fix merge bug il y a 7 ans
.gitignore 07fe9635d4 delete sql print il y a 7 ans
ClientSocket.cpp dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
ClientSocket.h dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
DBConnPool.cpp dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
DBConnPool.h dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
DbSettingDlg.cpp d04e0acf38 20161014 il y a 8 ans
DbSettingDlg.h d04e0acf38 20161014 il y a 8 ans
DownloadManager.h dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
DownloadManagerImpl.cpp dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
DownloadManagerImpl.h dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
LocateRecord.h 1215d60300 locateRecord il y a 7 ans
Log.cpp 9f7d7f6e88 update_1027_1 il y a 8 ans
LogSetting.cpp ea5adcbede modify sys log flag il y a 8 ans
LogSetting.h 7d85c958a2 fix merge bug il y a 7 ans
MysqlConnPool.cpp c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
MysqlConnPool.h fcfbd2f277 fix the db reconnect function & roll filelog il y a 7 ans
ProcessRemodule.cpp c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
ProcessRemodule.h dca00d4a5f modify thread num. il y a 8 ans
QueueStrManager.cpp 729bff1dc2 new algo il y a 7 ans
QueueStrManager.h 7d85c958a2 fix merge bug il y a 7 ans
ReadMe.txt dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
ServerSockert.cpp dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
ServerSockert.h dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
SysSetting.cpp 1586128181 modify algo il y a 7 ans
SysSetting.h b510b2a9a8 fix merging il y a 7 ans
YAServer.cpp c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
YAServer.h c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
YAServer.rc 1fce54d350 socket-port to config il y a 7 ans
YAServer.sln cbdd9a7b56 drivingface & filter card il y a 7 ans
YAServer.vcxproj fa13a280c3 update merging il y a 7 ans
YAServer.vcxproj.filters fa13a280c3 update merging il y a 7 ans
YAServer.vcxproj.orig 6b89b29139 merge special-area il y a 7 ans
YAServer.vcxproj.user ae7e8f4653 update cell algo il y a 7 ans
YAServerDlg.cpp c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
YAServerDlg.h c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
classdef.cpp c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
classdef.h c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
client_thread.cpp dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
config.ini c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
constdef.h c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
def.h c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
libmysql.dll accdb30d09 for mult-thread il y a 8 ans
libmysql.lib accdb30d09 for mult-thread il y a 8 ans
listening_thread.cpp dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
locate_algorithm.cpp c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
locate_algorithm.h c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
log_def.h c837b89822 fix merging il y a 7 ans
log_process_module.cpp 8007d5e3f4 rollback il y a 8 ans
log_process_module.h 3fc8f87dba change log size to 50M each, total num is 200. il y a 8 ans
minidump.cpp 5bf425dd2d “add dupm il y a 8 ans
minidupm.h 24d8731be8 1025_4 il y a 8 ans
pingme.txt 62374f9ea1 fix light bug il y a 8 ans
resource.h 1fce54d350 socket-port to config il y a 7 ans
send_content.cpp dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
send_head.cpp dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
sever_thread.cpp dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
stdafx.cpp 7a02a3bec9 kalman il y a 8 ans
stdafx.h 1a38fc4c5f 20161009 il y a 8 ans
targetver.h dfaa1bb886 add project il y a 8 ans
uwb_msg_def.h 7d85c958a2 fix merge bug il y a 7 ans



ӦóΪ YAServer Ӧó򡣴Ӧó򲻽ʾ Microsoft Ļʹ÷ΪдӦó㡣

ļҪ YAServer Ӧóÿļݡ

ʹӦóɵ VC++ ĿĿļ
ɸļ Visual C++ İ汾ϢԼйʹӦóѡƽ̨úĿܵϢ

ʹáӦó򵼡ɵ VC++ Ŀɸѡļ
йĿļɸѡ֮ĹϢ IDE УֹͨضڵԷʽʾչļ磬.cppļ롰Դļɸѡ

ӦóҪͷļĿضͷļ( Resource.h) CYAServerApp Ӧóࡣ

ǰӦó CYAServerApp ҪӦóԴļ

dzʹõ Microsoft Windows Դб RES Ŀ¼д洢ͼꡢλͼ͹ꡣļֱ Microsoft Visual C++ нб༭ĿԴλ 2052 С

ӦóͼͼļͼҪԴļ YAServer.rc С

ļ Microsoft Visual C++ нб༭ԴӦýԴ༭༭ԴڴļС



YAServerDlg.hYAServerDlg.cpp - Ի
Щļ CYAServerDlg ࡣඨӦóԻΪöԻģλ YAServer.rc Уļ Microsoft Visual C++ нб༭



ActiveX ؼ
Ӧóʹ ActiveX ؼ֧֡

Windows Sockets
Ӧó֧ͨ TCP/IP 罨ͨš



ЩļΪ YAServer.pch Ԥͷ (PCH) ļΪ StdAfx.obj Ԥļ

DZ׼ͷļµԴ ID
Microsoft Visual C++ ȡ´ļ

Ӧó嵥ļ Windows XP Ӧó
Ӧóִļװͬļеⲿ .manifest ļ



Ӧóڹ DLL ʹ MFCҪ·Щ MFC DLLӦóõϵͳĵǰòͬҪ·ӦıػԴ MFC100XXX.DLLйĸϢμ MSDN ĵй Redistributing Visual C++ applications (· Visual C++ Ӧó)½ڡ
