import baseComponent from '../helpers/baseComponent' import classNames from '../helpers/classNames' const defaultStyle = 'transition: transform .4s; transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) scale(1);' baseComponent({ properties: { prefixCls: { type: String, value: 'wux-refresher', }, pullingIcon: { type: String, value: '', }, pullingText: { type: String, value: '下拉刷新', }, refreshingIcon: { type: String, value: '', }, refreshingText: { type: String, value: '正在刷新', }, disablePullingRotation: { type: Boolean, value: false, }, distance: { type: Number, value: 30, }, prefixLCls: { type: String, value: 'wux-loader' }, isShowLoadingText: { type: Boolean, value: false }, loadingText: { type: String, value: '正在加载' }, loadNoDataText: { type: String, value: '没有更多数据' }, scrollTop: { type: Number, value: 0, observer: function (n) { let that = this // 获取节点高度 const query = wx.createSelectorQuery();`#${}`).boundingClientRect(function (res) { that.setData({ newContentHeight: res.height }) }).exec() const { newContentHeight, oldContentHeight, windowHeight, distance, loading, noData } = if (windowHeight && !this.isRefreshing()) { // 到临界点时触发上拉加载 // 防止节点高度一致时引发重复加载 if ( n > newContentHeight - windowHeight - (distance * 1.5) && loading === false && noData === false && newContentHeight !== oldContentHeight ) { this.setData({ loading: true, refreshing: false, oldContentHeight: newContentHeight }) this.triggerEvent('loadmore') } else if ( loading === false && noData === false ) { // 隐藏上拉加载动画 this.hide() } else if(loading === true) { // 如果在加载中,保持内容的高度一致,以此来防止临界点重复加载 this.setData({ oldContentHeight: newContentHeight }) } this.deactivate() } } }, }, data: { style: defaultStyle, visible: false, active: false, refreshing: false, tail: false, lVisible: false, noData: false, // 是否没有更多数据 windowHeight: 0, // 窗口高度 newContentHeight: 0, // 新节点内容高度 oldContentHeight: 0, // 旧节点内容高度 loading: false, // 判断是否正在加载 }, computed: { classes() { const { prefixCls, pullingText, pullingIcon, disablePullingRotation, refreshingText, refreshingIcon, visible, active, refreshing, tail, prefixLCls, loading, noData, } = const wrap = classNames(prefixCls, { [`${prefixCls}--hidden`]: !visible, [`${prefixCls}--visible`]: visible, [`${prefixCls}--active`]: active, [`${prefixCls}--refreshing`]: refreshing, [`${prefixCls}--refreshing-tail`]: tail, }) const content = classNames(`${prefixCls}__content`, { [`${prefixCls}__content--text`]: pullingText || refreshingText, }) const iconPulling = classNames(`${prefixCls}__icon-pulling`, { [`${prefixCls}__icon-pulling--disabled`]: disablePullingRotation, }) const textPulling = `${prefixCls}__text-pulling` const iconRefreshing = `${prefixCls}__icon-refreshing` const textRefreshing = `${prefixCls}__text-refreshing` const pIcon = pullingIcon || `${prefixCls}__icon--arrow-down` const rIcon = refreshingIcon || `${prefixCls}__icon--refresher` const lWrap = classNames(prefixLCls, { [`${prefixLCls}--hidden`]: !loading, [`${prefixLCls}--visible`]: loading, [`${prefixLCls}--end`]: noData, }) const lContent = `${prefixLCls}__content` return { wrap, content, iconPulling, textPulling, iconRefreshing, textRefreshing, pIcon, rIcon, lWrap, lContent, } }, }, methods: { /** * 显示 */ activate() { this.setData({ style: defaultStyle, visible: true, }) }, /** * 隐藏 */ deactivate() { if (this.activated) this.activated = false this.setData({ style: defaultStyle, visible: false, active: false, refreshing: false, tail: false, }) }, /** * 正在刷新 */ refreshing() { this.setData({ style: 'transition: transform .4s; transform: translate3d(0, 50px, 0) scale(1);', visible: true, active: true, refreshing: true, // 刷新时重新初始化加载状态 loading: false, noData: false, newContentHeight: 0, oldContentHeight: 0, lVisible: false, }) }, /** * 刷新后隐藏动画 */ tail() { this.setData({ visible: true, active: true, refreshing: true, tail: true, }) }, /** * 加载后隐藏动画 */ hide() { this.setData({ lVisible: false, }) }, /** * 正在下拉 * @param {Number} diffY 距离 */ move(diffY) { const style = `transition-duration: 0s; transform: translate3d(0, ${diffY}px, 0) scale(1);` const className = diffY < ? 'visible' : 'active' this.setData({ style, [className]: true, }) }, /** * 判断是否正在刷新 */ isRefreshing() { return }, /** * 判断是否正在加载 */ isLoading() { return }, /** * 获取触摸点坐标 */ getTouchPosition(e) { return { x: e.changedTouches[0].pageX, y: e.changedTouches[0].pageY, } }, /** * 创建定时器 */ requestAnimationFrame(callback) { let currTime = new Date().getTime() let timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - this.lastTime)) let timeout = setTimeout(() => { callback.bind(this)(currTime + timeToCall) }, timeToCall) this.lastTime = currTime + timeToCall return timeout }, /** * 清空定时器 */ cancelAnimationFrame(timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout) }, /** * 下拉刷新完成后的函数 */ finishPullToRefresh() { setTimeout(() => { this.requestAnimationFrame(this.tail) setTimeout(() => this.deactivate(), 200) }, 200) }, /** * 上拉加载完成后的函数 */ finishLoadmore(bool) { if (bool === true) { setTimeout(() => { this.setData({ noData: true, loading: false, }) }, 200) } else { setTimeout(() => { this.setData({ loading: false }) this.requestAnimationFrame(this.hide) setTimeout(() => this.deactivate(), 200) }, 200) } }, /** * 手指触摸动作开始 */ bindtouchstart(e) { if (this.isRefreshing() || this.isLoading()) return false const p = this.getTouchPosition(e) this.start = p this.diffX = this.diffY = 0 this.activate() }, /** * 手指触摸后移动 */ bindtouchmove(e) { if (!this.start || this.isRefreshing() || this.isLoading()) return false const p = this.getTouchPosition(e) this.diffX = p.x - this.start.x this.diffY = p.y - this.start.y if (this.diffY < 0) return false this.diffY = Math.pow(this.diffY, 0.8) if (!this.activated && this.diffY > { this.activated = true this.triggerEvent('pulling') } else if (this.activated && this.diffY < { this.activated = false } this.move(this.diffY) }, /** * 手指触摸动作结束 */ bindtouchend(e) { this.start = false if (this.diffY <= 0 || this.isRefreshing() || this.isLoading()) return false this.deactivate() if (Math.abs(this.diffY) >= { this.refreshing() this.triggerEvent('refresh') } }, }, created() { this.lastTime = 0 this.activated = false }, attached() { let that = this wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { that.setData({ windowHeight: res.windowHeight }) } }); } })