index.vue 122 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <div>
  3. <div class="container" v-show="isOpen3d" key="container">
  4. <SearchBarMain />
  5. <div class="vr-bg" id="vr-bg-container"></div>
  6. <div id="player" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></div>
  7. </div>
  8. <div
  9. class="ordinary-container"
  10. key="ordinary-container"
  11. v-show="!isOpen3d"
  12. @click="onBlur"
  13. >
  14. <div class="ordinary-left">
  15. <SearchBar
  16. class="search-container"
  17. v-model="inputValue"
  18. @focus="onFocus"
  19. @input="onInput"
  20. @blur="onBlur"
  21. ref="searchbar"
  22. />
  23. <div class="square-map" v-show="isOpenSquare && !isOpen">
  24. <el-row>
  25. <el-col v-for="(item, index) in images" :key="item" :span="8">
  26. <div
  27. class="grid-item-background"
  28. :style="{
  29. backgroundColor: item.alt == selectedBenchId ? '#fff': '#000'
  30. }
  31. "
  32. >
  33. <div class="grid-item">
  34. <img
  35. :src="item.url"
  36. @dblclick="handleDblClickImg(item.alt)"
  37. @click="handleClickImg(item.alt, index)"
  38. />
  39. </div>
  40. <div class="grid-item-close">
  41. <img
  42. width="30px"
  43. src="../../images/closeremotebench.png"
  44. @click="handleCloseImg(item.alt)"
  45. />
  46. </div>
  47. </div>
  48. </el-col>
  49. </el-row>
  50. </div>
  51. <div class="filter-bench-list" v-show="isOpen" z-index="9999">
  52. <dropdown :is-open="isOpen" ref="dropdown">
  53. <template v-slot:table>
  54. <table-component
  55. :data="filterBenchList"
  56. :filters="filters"
  57. :row-class-name="rowClassName"
  58. ></table-component>
  59. </template>
  60. </dropdown>
  61. </div>
  62. <div
  63. v-show="!isConnected && !isOpenSquare && !isOpen"
  64. class="ordinary-map-container"
  65. z-index="9998"
  66. >
  67. <div class="ordinary-map" id="ordinary-map">
  68. <!-- <img src="../../images/map.png" /> -->
  69. <div class="vr-bg" id="vr-bg-container"></div>
  70. <div id="playersmall">
  71. <div
  72. v-for="(item, key) in benchList"
  73. :key="key"
  74. class="bmMapItem el-icon-location"
  75. :style="{
  76. left: item.left + 'px',
  77. top: + 'px',
  78. }"
  79. :class="item.status"
  80. @mouseover="bmMapItemSelect(key)"
  81. @mouseleave="bmMapItemOut(key)"
  82. >
  83. <Transition v-if="item.selected">
  84. <template>
  85. <div
  86. class="bmMapItemInfo"
  87. :class="{
  88. bmMapItemInfoSelected: item.selected,
  89. }"
  90. >
  91. <span>
  92. {{ }}
  93. </span>
  94. <span style="display: flex; align-items: center">
  95. {{ item.Project }}
  96. </span>
  97. <div style="width: 100%">
  98. <span
  99. class="bmInfoMsSlideNameStatus"
  100. :class="{
  101. ['bmInfoMsSlideNameStatus ' + item.status]: true,
  102. }"
  103. ></span>
  104. </div>
  105. <!-- <div class="bmMapItemInfoAfter"></div> -->
  106. </div>
  107. </template>
  108. </Transition>
  109. </div>
  110. </div>
  111. <div class="ordinary-map-ex">
  112. <div class="square-count">
  113. <status-bar
  114. :ready="readyCount"
  115. :occupied="occupiedCount"
  116. :offline="offlineCount"
  117. ></status-bar>
  118. </div>
  119. <!-- <div class="bench-list">
  120. <div class="bench-list-buttons" @click="clickBenchList">
  121. My Bench List
  122. </div>
  123. </div> -->
  124. </div>
  125. </div>
  126. <div class="ordinary-map-hidden" v-show="false">
  127. <div class="ordinary-map-blocker" id="ordinary-map-blocker">
  128. </div>
  129. </div>
  130. </div>
  131. <div v-show="isConnected && !isOpenSquare && !isOpen" class="origin-map">
  132. <Transition name="slide">
  133. <div class="bmMap" v-if="false">
  134. <dropdown :is-open="isOpen" ref="dropdown">
  135. <template v-slot:table>
  136. <table-component
  137. :data="benchList"
  138. :filters="filters"
  139. :row-class-name="rowClassName"
  140. ></table-component>
  141. </template>
  142. </dropdown>
  143. <div class="bmMapImage">
  144. <div
  145. v-for="(item, key) in benchList"
  146. :key="key"
  147. class="bmMapItem el-icon-location"
  148. :style="{
  149. left: item.left + '%',
  150. top: + '%',
  151. }"
  152. :class="item.status"
  153. @click="bmMapItemSelect(key)"
  154. >
  155. <Transition v-if="item.selected">
  156. <template>
  157. <div
  158. class="bmMapItemInfo"
  159. :class="{
  160. bmMapItemInfoSelected: item.selected,
  161. }"
  162. >
  163. <span>
  164. {{ }}
  165. </span>
  166. <span style="display: flex; align-items: center">
  167. {{ item.Project }}
  168. </span>
  169. <div style="width: 100%">
  170. <span
  171. class="bmInfoMsSlideNameStatus"
  172. :class="{
  173. ['bmInfoMsSlideNameStatus ' + item.status]: true,
  174. }"
  175. ></span>
  176. </div>
  177. <!-- <div class="bmMapItemInfoAfter"></div> -->
  178. </div>
  179. </template>
  180. </Transition>
  181. </div>
  182. </div>
  183. </div>
  184. </Transition>
  185. <Transition name="slide">
  186. <div class="bmBench" v-if="benchDisplayVisible">
  187. <div class="bmBenchBox">
  188. <img
  189. class="bmBenchImg bmBenchImgUpper"
  190. ref="bmBenchRef"
  191. :src="
  192. currentScreen == 'upper' ? benchImgUpper : benchImgLower
  193. "
  194. alt=""
  195. />
  196. <div
  197. @mousedown="controlCursorMouseDown"
  198. @mousemove="controlCursorMouseMove"
  199. @mouseleave="controlCursorMouseOut"
  200. @mouseup="controlCursorMouseUp"
  201. class="bmBenchTrailUpper"
  202. >
  203. <Transition>
  204. <div
  205. v-if="ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorTap"
  206. class="bmBenchTrailUpperCursorTap"
  207. :style="{
  208. left: trailCursorPosition.left,
  209. top:,
  210. }"
  211. ></div>
  212. </Transition>
  213. <Transition>
  214. <div
  215. v-if="ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe"
  216. class="bmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe"
  217. :style="{
  218. left: 'calc(' + trailCursorPosition.left + '% - 1vh)',
  219. top: 'calc(' + + '% - 1vh)',
  220. }"
  221. ></div>
  222. </Transition>
  223. <Transition>
  224. <div
  225. v-if="ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe"
  226. class="bmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe bmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe2"
  227. :style="{
  228. left:
  229. 'calc(' + trailCursorPosition.left + '% - 0.75vh)',
  230. top: 'calc(' + + '% - 0.75vh)',
  231. }"
  232. ></div>
  233. </Transition>
  234. <Transition>
  235. <div
  236. v-if="ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe"
  237. class="bmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe bmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe3"
  238. :style="{
  239. left: 'calc(' + trailCursorPosition.left + '% - 0.5vh)',
  240. top: 'calc(' + + '% - 0.5vh)',
  241. }"
  242. ></div>
  243. </Transition>
  244. <Transition>
  245. <div
  246. v-if="ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorPress"
  247. class="bmBenchTrailUpperCursorPress"
  248. :style="{
  249. left: 'calc(' + trailCursorPosition.left + '% - 1vh)',
  250. top: 'calc(' + + '% - 1vh)',
  251. }"
  252. ></div>
  253. </Transition>
  254. <Transition>
  255. <div
  256. v-if="ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursor"
  257. class="bmBenchTrailUpperCursor"
  258. :style="{
  259. left:
  260. 'calc(' + controlCursorPosition.left + 'px - 1vh)',
  261. top: 'calc(' + + 'px - 1vh)',
  262. }"
  263. ></div>
  264. </Transition>
  265. </div>
  266. </div>
  267. </div>
  268. </Transition>
  269. <img :src="mainSnapshot" />
  270. </div>
  271. <image-list
  272. v-show="isConnected && !isOpenSquare && !isOpen"
  273. :images="images"
  274. :page-size="pageSize"
  275. :current-page="currentPage"
  276. :current-bench="connetedBenchId"
  277. @handleImageClick="handleImageClick"
  278. @prev-page="prevPage"
  279. @next-page="nextPage"
  280. class="image-container"
  281. />
  282. <el-row v-show="isConnected && !isOpenSquare && !isOpen" class="bench-button">
  283. <el-col :span="5" class="btn-item" style="text-align: center">{{
  284. currentBench &&
  285. }}</el-col>
  286. <el-col
  287. :span="3"
  288. class="btn-item"
  289. :class="{ benchBtnActive: isPlaying }"
  290. >
  291. <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="音量" placement="top-start">
  292. <img
  293. @click="connectAudioDevice('collectAudio')"
  294. src="../../images/sound.png"
  295. />
  296. </el-tooltip>
  297. </el-col>
  298. <el-col
  299. :span="3"
  300. class="btn-item"
  301. :class="{ benchBtnActive: isRecording }"
  302. >
  303. <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="麦克风" placement="top-start">
  304. <img
  305. @click="connectAudioDevice('playAudio')"
  306. src="../../images/mic.png"
  307. />
  308. </el-tooltip>
  309. </el-col>
  310. <el-col
  311. :span="3"
  312. class="btn-item"
  313. :class="{ benchBtnActive: displayTapMode }"
  314. >
  315. <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="点击" placement="top-start">
  316. <img @click="tapModeControl" src="../../images/pointer.png" />
  317. </el-tooltip>
  318. </el-col>
  319. <el-col :span="3" class="btn-item" v-show="false">
  320. <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="日志" placement="top-start">
  321. <img @click="showLogBox" src="../../images/book.png" />
  322. </el-tooltip>
  323. </el-col>
  324. <el-col :span="3" class="btn-item">
  325. <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="唤醒语音助手按钮" placement="top-start">
  326. <img @click="pressPtt" src="../../images/robot.png" />
  327. </el-tooltip>
  328. </el-col>
  329. <!-- <el-col :span="3" class="btn-item" @click="clickBenchList">
  330. <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="最小化按钮" placement="top-start">
  331. <img @click="gotoGrid" src="../../images/grid.png" />
  332. </el-tooltip>
  333. </el-col> -->
  334. <el-col :span="3" class="btn-item">
  335. <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="断开远程控制按钮" placement="top-start">
  336. <img @click="disconnectBench" src="../../images/disconnect.png" />
  337. </el-tooltip>
  338. </el-col>
  339. </el-row>
  340. </div>
  341. <div class="origin-right">
  342. <!-- <div class="square-count" v-show="!currentBench.selected && isOpenSquare">
  343. <status-bar
  344. :ready="readyCount"
  345. :occupied="occupiedCount"
  346. :offline="offlineCount"
  347. ></status-bar>
  348. </div> -->
  349. <!-- <div
  350. class="origin-basic"
  351. v-show="currentBench.type == 2 && !isOpenSquare"
  352. @dblclick="handleInfoDblClick(currentBench.benchId)"
  353. >
  354. <h2 @click="bmMapItemActivate">{{ }} 🔗</h2>
  355. <div class="originBasicRow">
  356. <div>
  357. <span>Location:</span>
  358. <span>Automation Lab-7E</span>
  359. </div>
  360. <div>
  361. <span>MU_SW</span>
  362. <span>{{ currentBench.MU_SW }}</span>
  363. </div>
  364. </div>
  365. <div class="originBasicRow">
  366. <div>
  367. <span>Cluster</span>
  368. <span>{{ currentBench.Cluster }}</span>
  369. </div>
  370. <div>
  371. <span>Market</span>
  372. <span>{{ currentBench.Market }}</span>
  373. </div>
  374. </div>
  375. <div class="originBasicRow">
  376. <div>
  377. <span>Box IP</span>
  378. <span>{{ currentBench.ip }}</span>
  379. </div>
  380. <div>
  381. <span>Box Version</span>
  382. <span>{{ }}</span>
  383. </div>
  384. </div>
  385. </div> -->
  386. <!-- <div
  387. class="secondScreen"
  388. v-if="benchDisplayLowerVisible && !isOpenSquare"
  389. @click="switchScreen"
  390. >
  391. <img
  392. class="bmBenchImg bmBenchImgLower"
  393. :src="currentScreen == 'upper' ? benchImgLower : benchImgUpper"
  394. alt=""
  395. />
  396. </div> -->
  397. <!--<div
  398. class="origin-basic backgroundBox"
  399. v-show="currentBench.type == 2"
  400. @dblclick="handleInfoDblClick(currentBench.benchId)"
  401. >
  402. <h2 @click="bmMapItemActivate">{{ }} 🔗</h2>
  403. <div class="originBasicRow">
  404. <div>
  405. <span>Location:</span>
  406. <span>Automation Lab-7E</span>
  407. </div>
  408. <div>
  409. <span>MU_SW</span>
  410. <span>{{ currentBench.MU_SW }}</span>
  411. </div>
  412. </div>
  413. <div class="originBasicRow">
  414. <div>
  415. <span>Cluster</span>
  416. <span>{{ currentBench.Cluster }}</span>
  417. </div>
  418. <div>
  419. <span>Market</span>
  420. <span>{{ currentBench.Market }}</span>
  421. </div>
  422. </div>
  423. <div class="originBasicRow">
  424. <div>
  425. <span>Box IP</span>
  426. <span>{{ currentBench.ip }}</span>
  427. </div>
  428. <div>
  429. <span>Box Version</span>
  430. <span>{{ }}</span>
  431. </div>
  432. </div>
  433. </div>
  434. <div
  435. class="secondScreen"
  436. v-if="benchDisplayLowerVisible"
  437. @click="switchScreen"
  438. >
  439. <img
  440. class="bmBenchImg bmBenchImgLower"
  441. :src="currentScreen == 'upper' ? benchImgLower : benchImgUpper"
  442. alt=""
  443. />
  444. </div>-->
  445. <div class="ordinary-list">
  446. <TabList
  447. :tabs="tabs"
  448. :itemRender="itemRender"
  449. :planRender="planRender"
  450. :taskRender="taskRender"
  451. :issueRender="issueRender"
  452. :planList="planList"
  453. :caseList="caseList"
  454. :autoCaseList="autoCaseList"
  455. :is-show-auto-case-list="isShowAutoCaseList"
  456. :planName="planName"
  457. :taskName="taskName"
  458. :caseName="caseName"
  459. :is-show-plan-list="isShowPlanList"
  460. :is-show-task-list="isShowTaskList"
  461. :is-show-case-commit="isShowCaseCommit"
  462. :is-show-case-list="isShowCaseList"
  463. :is-show-case-detail="isShowCaseDetail"
  464. :clickBackToTaskList="clickBackToTaskList"
  465. :clickBackToPlanList="clickBackToPlanList"
  466. :selectRowPlan="selectRowPlan"
  467. :caseProject="caseProject"
  468. :currentCase="currentCase"
  469. :caseActive="caseActive"
  470. :caseFunction="caseFunction"
  471. caseContent="caseContent"
  472. :isShowAutoCaseCommit="isShowAutoCaseCommit"
  473. @turnNextCase="turnNextCase"
  474. :caseSubFunction="caseSubFunction"
  475. :caseMarket="caseMarket"
  476. :caseLanguage="caseLanguage"
  477. :selectRowCase="selectRowCase"
  478. :clickBackToAutoPlanList="clickBackToAutoPlanList"
  479. :tabClass="tabClass"
  480. :planBack="planBack"
  481. :clickBackToPlan="clickBackToPlan"
  482. :submitManualCase="submitManualCase"
  483. :clickBackToCaseList="clickBackToCaseList"
  484. :isShowIssueList="isShowIssueList"
  485. :isShowIssueDetail="isShowIssueDetail"
  486. :currentIssue="currentIssue"
  487. :currentPlanId="currentPlanId"
  488. :currentPlanName="currentPlanName"
  489. :submitAutoCase="submitAutoCase"
  490. :clickBackToAutoCaseList="clickBackToAutoCaseList"
  491. :clickBackToIssueList="clickBackToIssueList"
  492. :benchDisplayLowerVisible="benchDisplayLowerVisible"
  493. :currentScreen="currentScreen"
  494. :benchImgLower="benchImgLower"
  495. :benchImgUpper="benchImgUpper"
  496. :readyCount="readyCount"
  497. :occupiedCount="occupiedCount"
  498. :offlineCount="offlineCount"
  499. ></TabList>
  500. </div>
  501. </div>
  502. </div>
  503. <bench-detail
  504. :is-detail-visible="isDetailVisible"
  505. :is-remote-btn-visible="isRemoteBtnVisible"
  506. :closeDetail="closeDetail"
  507. ref="benchdetail"
  508. :bench="benchDetail"
  509. @changeCurrentBench="changeCurrentBench"
  510. />
  511. <!-- <div v-show="mouseStatus" class="mouse-flow bmMapItem el-icon-location" :style="{ left: mouseX+'px', top: mouseY+'px' }">
  512. <div class="mouse-flow-title">{{ }}</div>
  513. <div class="mouse-flow-dep">{{ mouseBenchDetail.Platform }}</div>
  514. <div class="mouse-flow-status" :class="mouseBenchDetail.status"></div>
  515. </div> -->
  516. <div
  517. class="bmMapItemInfoWater"
  518. v-show="mouseStatus"
  519. :class="{
  520. bmMapItemInfoSelected: mouseStatus,
  521. }"
  522. :style="{ left: mouseX+'px', top: mouseY+'px' }"
  523. >
  524. <span>
  525. {{ }}
  526. </span>
  527. <span style="display: flex; align-items: center">
  528. {{ mouseBenchDetail.Project }}
  529. </span>
  530. <div style="width: 100%">
  531. <span
  532. class="bmInfoMsSlideNameStatus"
  533. :class="{
  534. ['bmInfoMsSlideNameStatus ' + mouseBenchDetail.status]: true,
  535. }"
  536. ></span>
  537. </div>
  538. <!-- <div class="bmMapItemInfoAfter"></div> -->
  539. </div>
  540. </div>
  541. </template>
  542. <script>
  543. import "./index.less";
  544. import "./origin.less";
  545. import "./square.less";
  546. import TabList from "../../components/TabList";
  547. import SearchBar from "../../components/SearchBar";
  548. import Dropdown from "./components/DropDown";
  549. import TableComponent from "./components/TableComponent";
  550. import BenchDetail from "../../components/BenchDetail";
  551. import StatusBar from "../../components/StatusBar";
  552. //import { benchList } from './api'
  553. import THREE from "three";
  554. import { uwbMain } from "../../uwb-sample";
  555. import { mapState } from "vuex";
  556. import ImageList from "./components/ImageList";
  557. import webSocket from "../../service/ws";
  558. import bus from "../../service/bus";
  559. import { FBXLoader } from "../../FBXLoader.js";
  560. import SearchBarMain from "../../components/SearchBarMain";
  561. const ws = new webSocket();
  562. let that = null;
  563. let wsArray = [];
  564. let wsArrayLength = 0;
  565. for (var iR = 0; iR < 50; iR++) {
  566. const wsRemote = new webSocket();
  567. => {
  568. // console.log("res", res);
  569. });
  570. wsArray.push(wsRemote);
  571. }
  572. export default {
  573. components: {
  574. StatusBar,
  575. TabList,
  576. SearchBar,
  577. Dropdown,
  578. TableComponent,
  579. BenchDetail,
  580. ImageList,
  581. SearchBarMain,
  582. },
  583. data() {
  584. return {
  585. inputValue: "",
  586. isDetailVisible: false,
  587. isRemoteBtnVisible: false,
  588. isShowPlanList: false,
  589. isShowCaseList: false,
  590. isShowAutoCaseList: false,
  591. isShowCaseDetail: false,
  592. isShowCaseCommit: false,
  593. isShowIssueList: true,
  594. isShowIssueDetail: false,
  595. isShowAutoCaseCommit: false,
  596. taskName: "",
  597. planName: "",
  598. caseName: "",
  599. caseProject: "",
  600. caseActive: "",
  601. caseFunction: "",
  602. caseSubFunction: "",
  603. caseMarket: "",
  604. caseLanguage: "",
  605. caseContent: "",
  606. isShowTaskList: true,
  607. benchDisplayVisible: false,
  608. mainSnapshot: "",
  609. currentBench: {},
  610. readyCount: 10,
  611. occupiedCount: 5,
  612. offlineCount: 3,
  613. previousSelectedBenchList: [],
  614. selectedBenchList: [],
  615. renderBenchList: true,
  616. filters: [],
  617. currentCase: null,
  618. currentIssue: null,
  619. currentPlanId: null,
  620. currentPlanName: null,
  621. currentCaseIndex: 0,
  622. tabs: [
  623. {
  624. title: "Bench",
  625. list: [
  626. // {
  627. // title: 'Item 1',
  628. // description: '1111111',
  629. // image: 'item1.jpg',
  630. // tag: 'Tag 1'
  631. // },
  632. // {
  633. // title: 'Item 2',
  634. // description: '32222',
  635. // image: 'item2.jpg',
  636. // tag: 'Tag 2'
  637. // },
  638. // {
  639. // title: 'Item 3',
  640. // description: '1111111',
  641. // image: 'item3.jpg',
  642. // tag: 'Tag 3'
  643. // }
  644. ],
  645. },
  646. {
  647. title: "Task",
  648. list: [
  649. {
  650. itemtype: 2,
  651. title: "Item 4",
  652. description: "1111111",
  653. image: "item4.jpg",
  654. tag: "Tag 4",
  655. },
  656. {
  657. itemtype: 2,
  658. title: "Item 5",
  659. description: "1111111",
  660. image: "item5.jpg",
  661. tag: "Tag 5",
  662. },
  663. {
  664. itemtype: 2,
  665. title: "Item 6",
  666. description: "1111111",
  667. image: "item6.jpg",
  668. tag: "Tag 6",
  669. },
  670. ],
  671. },
  672. {
  673. title: "Issue",
  674. list: [
  675. {
  676. title: "Item 7",
  677. image: "item7.jpg",
  678. tag: "Tag 7",
  679. },
  680. {
  681. title: "Item 8",
  682. image: "item8.jpg",
  683. tag: "Tag 8",
  684. },
  685. {
  686. title: "Item 9",
  687. image: "item9.jpg",
  688. tag: "Tag 9",
  689. },
  690. ],
  691. },
  692. ],
  693. tableData: [
  694. {
  695. benchname: "Bench 1",
  696. project: "Project A",
  697. carline: "Carline A",
  698. market: "Market A",
  699. sw: "SW 1",
  700. status: "Status A",
  701. },
  702. {
  703. benchname: "Bench 2",
  704. project: "Project B",
  705. carline: "Carline B",
  706. market: "Market B",
  707. sw: "SW 2",
  708. status: "Status B",
  709. },
  710. // ...
  711. ],
  712. currentPage: 1,
  713. pageSize: 5,
  714. benchId: "219",
  715. mainSnapshot: "",
  716. timer: 0,
  717. platform: null,
  718. connetedBenchId: "",
  719. displayTapMode: false,
  720. controlCursorPosition: {},
  721. ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorTap: false,
  722. benchLog: [],
  723. trailCursorPosition: {},
  724. audioName: "",
  725. ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe: false,
  726. ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorPress: false,
  727. ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursor: false,
  728. controlStartPoint: {},
  729. ifShowLogBox: false,
  730. filterData: {
  731. keyword: "",
  732. currentPage: 1,
  733. pageSize: 10,
  734. status: [4, 3, 5, 0, 2, 6],
  735. types: [],
  736. "basic attributes": [],
  737. ips: [],
  738. orderBy: "desc",
  739. orderkey: "id",
  740. },
  741. benchImgUpper: "",
  742. benchImgUpperMap: {},
  743. currentScreen: "upper",
  744. benchDisplayLowerVisible: false,
  745. benchImgLower: "",
  746. benchImgLowerMap: {},
  747. isPlaying: false,
  748. isRecording: false,
  749. loopSendAudioTime: null,
  750. sendAudioString: "",
  751. vadThreshold: 0,
  752. recStream: null,
  753. paAc: null,
  754. paSource: null,
  755. paScriptNode: null,
  756. sempleRateMultiple: null,
  757. recordSuperposeArr: [],
  758. sempleRateHandlingThreshold: null,
  759. playAudioBenchList: [],
  760. isConnected: false,
  761. currentBenchId: 0,
  762. gridItems: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
  763. timerIdMap: { num: 0 },
  764. timerId: 0,
  765. autoPlanResultInterval: 0,
  766. remoteBenchList: [],
  767. waterdotrefresh: false,
  768. selectedBenchId: 0,
  769. benchDetail: {},
  770. mouseBenchDetail: {},
  771. brnchshow:true,//用来判断是否点击过一次
  772. };
  773. },
  774. computed: {
  775. // tabClass(){
  776. // return 'ordinary';
  777. // },
  778. tabClass() {
  779. return this.currentBench.type == 2 ? "short" : "long";
  780. },
  781. ...mapState({
  782. isOpen: (state) => {
  783. return state.common.isOpen
  784. },
  785. mouseX: (state) => {
  786. return state.benchList.mouseoverx
  787. },
  788. mouseY: (state) => {
  789. return state.benchList.mouseovery
  790. },
  791. mouseStatus: (state) => {
  792. return state.benchList.mouseoverstatus
  793. },
  794. mouseBenchId: (state) => {
  795. return state.benchList.mouseoverbenchid
  796. },
  797. images: (state) => {
  798. console.log(state.benchList.benchImgList, "imageList");
  799. return state.benchList.benchImgList;
  800. },
  801. isOpenSquare: (state) => {
  802. return state.common.isOpenSquare;
  803. },
  804. isOpen3d: (state) => {
  805. return state.common.isOpen3d;
  806. },
  807. benchList: (state) => {
  808. return state.benchList.benchList;
  809. },
  810. taskList: (state) => {
  811. return state.taskList.taskList;
  812. },
  813. planList: (state) => {
  814. console.log(state.planList.planList, "planList==============");
  815. let planList = state.planList.planList.concat(
  816. state.planList.autoPlanList
  817. );
  818. planList = planList.sort((p1, p2) => -;
  819. return planList;
  820. },
  821. autoPlanList: (state) => {
  822. return state.planList.autoPlanList;
  823. },
  824. caseList: (state) => {
  825. return state.caseList.caseList;
  826. },
  827. autoCaseList: (state) => {
  828. return state.caseList.autoCaseList;
  829. },
  830. issueList: (state) => {
  831. return state.issueList.issueList;
  832. },
  833. autoTaskStatus: (state) => {
  834. return state.caseList.autoTaskStatusMap[state.caseList.currentTaskIndex];
  835. },
  836. filterBenchList: (state) => {
  837. return state.benchList.filterBenchList.sort((a, b) => {
  838. let i = 0;
  839. let j = 0;
  840. for (let m = 0; m < a.MU_SW.length; m++) {
  841. i += a.MU_SW.charCodeAt(m);
  842. }
  843. for (let n = 0; n < b.MU_SW.length; n++) {
  844. j += b.MU_SW.charCodeAt(n);
  845. }
  846. return i - j;
  847. });
  848. },
  849. autoTaskStatusMap: (state) => {
  850. return state.caseList.autoTaskStatusMap
  851. },
  852. autoTaskPercentMap: (state) => {
  853. return state.caseList.autoTaskPercentMap
  854. }
  855. }),
  856. },
  857. created() {
  858. // uwbMain("player", window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, "panorama");
  859. => {
  860. // console.log("res", res);
  861. });
  862. window.handleListClick = this.handleListClick;
  863. window.handleBenchClick = this.handleBenchClick;
  864. window.handleClickTask = this.handleClickTask.bind(this);
  865. window.selectRowPlan = this.selectRowPlan.bind(this);
  866. window.selectRowCase = this.selectRowCase.bind(this);
  867. window.selectRowIssue = this.selectRowIssue.bind(this);
  868. window.handleListDbClick = this.handleListDbClick;
  869. window.showBenchPos = this.showBenchPos;
  870. window.handleClickImg = this.handleClickImg;
  871. let that = this;
  872. window.bmMapItemSelect = this.bmMapItemSelect.bind(this);
  873. window.bmMapItemOut = this.bmMapItemOut.bind(this);
  874. window.bmMapItemUnSelect = this.bmMapItemUnSelect.bind(this);
  875. window.handleClickIssue = this.handleClickIssue.bind(this);
  876. window.selectBench = this.selectBench.bind(this);
  877. that.$store.dispatch("taskList/clearTaskList");
  878. that.$store.dispatch("taskList/fetchTaskList", {
  879. page_num: 1,
  880. page_size: 1000,
  881. });
  882. window.bmMapItemActivate = this.bmMapItemActivate;
  883.     this.$store.dispatch("benchList/fetchBenchList").then(()=>{
  884.       this.getImageName();
  885.     });
  886. // 调用定时器方法,返回定时器id,用于按条件清空
  887. that.timerId = that.myInterval((count) => {
  888. // console.log(count)
  889. this.$store.dispatch("benchList/fetchBenchList");
  890. if (!this.waterdotrefresh) {
  891. this.waterdotrefresh = true;
  892. window.getsqlData(window.sdkInstance, window.uwbInstance,true)
  893. }
  894. this.refreshBenchStatus()
  895. if (count > 30000) {
  896. console.log("end");
  897. that.clearMyInterval(that.timerId);
  898. }
  899. }, 10000);
  900. setTimeout(() => {
  901. this.$store.dispatch("benchList/fetchBenchList");
  902. if (!this.waterdotrefresh) {
  903. window.getsqlData(window.sdkInstance, window.uwbInstance,false)
  904. }
  905. this.refreshBenchStatus()
  906. },2000)
  907. this.$store.dispatch("issueList/fetchIssueList", {
  908. bench_id: null,
  909. page_num: 1,
  910. page_size: 10,
  911. processor: 0,
  912. ticket_status: 0,
  913. ticket_type: 0,
  914. });
  915. },
  916. async mounted() {
  917. that = this;
  918. //this.getBenchList();
  919. console.log(this.benchList, "benchList");
  920. this.tabs[0].list = this.benchList;
  921. this.tabs[1].list = this.taskList;
  922. this.tabs[2].list = this.issueList;
  923. let mapDom = document.getElementsByClassName("ordinary-map")[0];
  924. let style = getComputedStyle(mapDom);
  925. let width = parseFloat(style.width);
  926. let height = parseFloat(style.height);
  927. let ratio = 1.8;
  928. window.renderWidth = width * ratio;
  929. window.renderHeight = height * ratio;
  930. sessionStorage.setItem('3dMode', 0)
  931. uwbMain('player', width * ratio, height * ratio, "floorplan");
  932. // window.sdkInstance.sceneRenderer.updateScreenSize(width * ratio, height * ratio);
  933. setTimeout(() => {
  934. var element = document.getElementById('house-player');
  935. = ((width - (width * ratio)) / 2) + 'px';
  936. = ((height - (height * ratio)) / 2) + 'px';
  937. }, 3500)
  938. setTimeout(() => {
  939. let self = this;
  940. var objRBL = this.remoteBenchList;
  941. if (objRBL) {
  942. console.log("objRBL", objRBL);
  943. wsArrayLength = objRBL.length;
  944. for (var iW = 0; iW < objRBL.length; iW++) {
  945. var i = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(iW));
  946. let benchId = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objRBL[i]));
  947. setTimeout(() => {
  948. console.log("connect bench", benchId);
  949. wsArray[i]
  950. ?.connectBench({ bench_id: String(benchId) })
  951. .then((res) => {
  952. console.log("connect bench success", benchId);
  953. self.getBenchImage(benchId, 1, wsArray[i], () => {});
  954. })
  955. .catch((err) => {
  956. console.log("connect bench failed", benchId);
  957. this.$message({
  958. message: "This bench is offline",
  959. // message: "",
  960. type: "warning",
  961. });
  962. });
  963. }, iW * 2000);
  964. }
  965. }
  966. }, 3000);
  967. bus.on("newLog", (param) => {
  968. if (param.action) {
  969. this.benchLog.unshift(param);
  970. // document.getElementsByClassName("bmLogBottom")[0].scrollIntoView();
  971. if (Object.keys(param.action).length != 0) {
  972. // console.log("actionType", param.action.actionType);
  973. let position = param.action.pos;
  974. // console.log("position", position);
  975. if (param.action.actionType == "swipe on") {
  976. this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe = true;
  977. this.trailCursorPosition.left = (position[0] / 1540) * 100;
  978. = (position[1] / 720) * 100;
  979. setTimeout(() => {
  980. this.trailCursorPosition.left =
  981. ((position[0] + position[2]) / 1540) * 100;
  982. =
  983. ((position[1] + position[3]) / 720) * 100;
  984. }, 800);
  985. setTimeout(() => {
  986. this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorSwipe = false;
  987. }, 2000);
  988. } else if (param.action.actionType == "tap on") {
  989. this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorTap = true;
  990. setTimeout(() => {
  991. this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorTap = false;
  992. }, 1500);
  993. this.trailCursorPosition.left =
  994. "calc(" + ((position[0] * 2) / 1540) * 100 + "% - 1vh)";
  995. =
  996. "calc(" + ((position[1] * 2) / 720) * 100 + "% - 1vh)";
  997. } else if (param.action.actionType == "longPress on") {
  998. this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorPress = true;
  999. setTimeout(() => {
  1000. this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursorPress = false;
  1001. }, 1500);
  1002. this.trailCursorPosition.left = ((position[0] * 2) / 1540) * 100;
  1003. = ((position[1] * 2) / 720) * 100;
  1004. } else if (param.action.actionType == "audio") {
  1005. // console.log("newLog", param);
  1006. let fileName = param.action.file_name;
  1007. console.log("audiofileName", fileName);
  1008. this.audioName = fileName;
  1009. bus.emit("planAudioEmit");
  1010. }
  1011. }
  1012. }
  1013. if (this.benchLog.length > 100) {
  1014. this.benchLog.pop();
  1015. }
  1016. });
  1017. bus.on("switchScreen", (param) => {
  1018. this.currentScreen = param.currentScreen;
  1019. });
  1020. bus.on("goHome", () => {
  1021. this.isConnected = false;
  1022. this.$store.dispatch("common/setSquareStatus", false);
  1023. this.$store.dispatch("common/setConnectedStatus", false);
  1024. });
  1025. {
  1026. this.autoPlanResultInterval = setInterval(() => {
  1027. let autoCurrentTaskData = window.localStorage.getItem("autoCurrentTaskData");
  1028. let autoCurrentTaskName = window.localStorage.getItem("autoCurrentTaskName");
  1029. autoCurrentTaskData = JSON.parse(autoCurrentTaskData);
  1030. autoCurrentTaskName = JSON.parse(autoCurrentTaskName);
  1031. if (autoCurrentTaskData) {
  1032. for (let planId in autoCurrentTaskData) {
  1033. let planExecId = autoCurrentTaskData[planId];
  1034. if (autoCurrentTaskName) {
  1035. let planName = autoCurrentTaskName[planId];
  1036. if (planName) {
  1037. this.$store.dispatch("caseList/fetchAutoCaseList", {
  1038. planId: planId,
  1039. planName: planName
  1040. });
  1041. }
  1042. }
  1043. this.$store.dispatch("caseList/setPlanExecId", planExecId);
  1044. this.$store.dispatch('caseList/getAutoPlanResult',{planId, planExecId});
  1045. }
  1046. }
  1047. }, 5000);
  1048. }
  1049. },
  1050. methods: {
  1051. getImageName() {
  1052.       var sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM dat_bench_extend order by bench_id asc";
  1053.       let msg = {
  1054.         cmd: "query", // server端要进行判断的
  1055.         data: {
  1056.           name: "name", // 这个无所谓怎么写,有就行
  1057.           sql: sqlstr,
  1058.         },
  1059.       };
  1060.       window.vm.$socket.emit("REPT", msg, (datas) => {
  1061.         let result =;
  1062.         for (var item of result) {
  1063.           console.log("hhhh",item)
  1064.           var currentBench = this.benchList.find((a) => == item.bench_id);
  1065.           if (currentBench) {
  1066.             currentBench.image = require("../../assets/bench_img/"+item.bench_img);
  1067.           }
  1068.           this.tabs[0].list = this.benchList;
  1069.         }
  1070.       })
  1071.     },
  1072. changeCurrentBench(benchId) {
  1073. this.isDetailVisible = false;
  1074. if (this.isOpen3d) {
  1075. this.$store.dispatch("common/toggle3dStatus");
  1076. }
  1077. this.selectBench(benchId);
  1078. },
  1079. myInterval(callback, interval) {
  1080. // 每设置一次定时器,num++ 代表系统中有num个自定义的定时器
  1081. this.timerIdMap.num++;
  1082. // 第 num 个定时器的id
  1083. let intervalId = "id" + this.timerIdMap.num;
  1084. this.timerIdMap[intervalId] = true;
  1085. // 循环次数
  1086. let count = 0;
  1087. let startTime =;
  1088. let loop = () => {
  1089. // 系统map中不存在这个id,就停止循环
  1090. if (!this.timerIdMap[intervalId]) {
  1091. return;
  1092. }
  1093. if ( > startTime + interval * (count + 1)) {
  1094. count++;
  1095. callback(count);
  1096. }
  1097. window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);
  1098. };
  1099. loop();
  1100. return intervalId;
  1101. },
  1102. // 清空定时器,删除全局的定时器id map
  1103. clearMyInterval(intervalId) {
  1104. delete this.timerIdMap[intervalId];
  1105. },
  1106. turnToNextManualCase() {},
  1107. clickBackToTaskList() {
  1108. this.isShowPlanList = false;
  1109. this.isShowTaskList = true;
  1110. // this.planList = [];
  1111. },
  1112. clickBackToCaseList() {
  1113. this.isShowCaseCommit = false;
  1114. this.isShowCaseList = true;
  1115. },
  1116. submitManualCase(item) {
  1117. console.log(this.currentCase, "manualcasedetail============");
  1118. this.isShowCaseCommit = true;
  1119. this.isShowCaseDetail = false;
  1120. },
  1121. clickBackToIssueList() {
  1122. this.isShowIssueList = true;
  1123. this.isShowIssueDetail = false;
  1124. },
  1125. clickBackToPlan() {
  1126. this.isShowCaseDetail = false;
  1127. if (sessionStorage.getItem("autoCase") == 0) {
  1128. this.isShowCaseList = true;
  1129. } else {
  1130. this.isShowAutoCaseList = true;
  1131. }
  1132. },
  1133. submitAutoCase() {
  1134. if (this.autoTaskStatus == 'waiting' || this.autoTaskStatus == 'running') {
  1135. this.$store.dispatch('caseList/cancelPlan');
  1136. this.clickBackToTaskList()
  1137. this.isShowAutoCaseList = false;
  1138. return
  1139. }
  1140. this.isShowAutoCaseList = false;
  1141. this.isShowAutoCaseCommit = true;
  1142. },
  1143. clickBackToAutoCaseList() {
  1144. this.isShowAutoCaseList = true;
  1145. this.isShowAutoCaseCommit = false;
  1146. },
  1147. selectRowPlan(id, auto, name) {
  1148. console.log(id, "selectrowdata");
  1149. debugger
  1150. if (!auto || auto == "undefined" || auto == "false") {
  1151. this.currentPlanId = id;
  1152. this.currentPlanName = name;
  1153. this.$store.dispatch("caseList/fetchCaseList", {
  1154. uuid: id,
  1155. page_num: 1,
  1156. page_size: 100,
  1157. });
  1158. this.isShowCaseList = true;
  1159. sessionStorage.setItem("autoCase", 0);
  1160. this.$store.dispatch("caseList/setCurrentTask", id);
  1161. } else {
  1162. if (id == 109) id = 222;
  1163. this.currentPlanId = id;
  1164. this.currentPlanName = name;
  1165. this.$store.dispatch("caseList/setCurrentPlanId", id);
  1166. this.$store.dispatch("caseList/fetchAutoCaseList", {
  1167. planId: id,
  1168. planName: name
  1169. });
  1170. this.isShowAutoCaseList = true;
  1171. this.$store.dispatch("caseList/setCurrentTask", id);
  1172. sessionStorage.setItem("autoCase", 1);
  1173. }
  1174. this.$store.dispatch("common/fetchOptionList");
  1175. this.isShowPlanList = false;
  1176. this.planName = name;
  1177. },
  1178. selectRowCase(row) {
  1179. this.isShowCaseList = false;
  1180. this.isShowCaseDetail = true;
  1181. this.caseName = row.m_id;
  1182. this.caseProject = row.precondition;
  1183. //this.caseActive =,
  1184. this.caseFunction = row.action;
  1185. this.caseSubFunction = row.expectation;
  1186. this.caseMarket =;
  1187. this.caseLanguage = row.language;
  1188. this.currentCase = row;
  1189. for (let i = 0; i < this.caseList.length; i++) {
  1190. if (this.caseList[i].case_no == row.case_no) {
  1191. this.currentCaseIndex = i;
  1192. break;
  1193. }
  1194. }
  1195. //this.caseContent =,
  1196. },
  1197. turnNextCase() {
  1198. this.currentCaseIndex++;
  1199. if (this.currentCaseIndex == this.caseList.length) {
  1200. this.isShowCaseList = true;
  1201. this.isShowCaseCommit = false;
  1202. } else {
  1203. this.currentCase = this.caseList[this.currentCaseIndex];
  1204. this.caseName = this.currentCase.m_id;
  1205. this.caseProject = this.currentCase.precondition;
  1206. //this.caseActive =,
  1207. this.caseFunction = this.currentCase.action;
  1208. this.caseSubFunction = this.currentCase.expectation;
  1209. this.caseMarket =;
  1210. this.caseLanguage = this.currentCase.language;
  1211. this.isShowCaseCommit = false;
  1212. this.isShowCaseDetail = true;
  1213. }
  1214. },
  1215. selectRowIssue(id) {
  1216. let row = this.issueList.find((i) => == id);
  1217. this.isShowIssueList = false;
  1218. this.isShowIssueDetail = true;
  1219. this.currentIssue = row;
  1220. console.log(row, "==============issue============");
  1221. },
  1222. clickBackToPlanList() {
  1223. this.isShowPlanList = true;
  1224. this.isShowCaseList = false;
  1225. this.caseList = [];
  1226. },
  1227. clickBackToAutoPlanList() {
  1228. this.isShowPlanList = true;
  1229. this.isShowAutoCaseList = false;
  1230. this.$store.dispatch('caseList/clearAutoCaseList');
  1231. },
  1232. bmMapItemUnSelect() {
  1233. let items = document.getElementsByClassName("item-box");
  1234. for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
  1235. items[index].style.background = "#00000032";
  1236. let title = items[index].getElementsByClassName("item-title");
  1237. console.log("textContent", title[0].textContent);
  1238. let itemOther = this.benchList.find(
  1239. (b) => parseInt( == parseInt(title[0].textContent)
  1240. );
  1241. itemOther.selected = false;
  1242. itemOther.scale = 1;
  1243. }
  1244. },
  1245. onFocus() {
  1246. this.$store.dispatch("common/setIsOpen", true);
  1247. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/filterBenchList', {type: 'status', value: 'Status'});
  1248. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/filterBenchList', {type: 'project', value: 'Project'});
  1249. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/filterBenchList', {type: 'carline', value: 'Carline'});
  1250. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/filterBenchList', {type: 'variant', value: 'Variant'});
  1251. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/filterBenchList', {type: 'cluster', value: 'Cluster'});
  1252. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/filterBenchList', {type: 'market', value: 'Market'});
  1253. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/setFilterBenchFlag', true);
  1254. },
  1255. onBlur(e) {
  1256. console.log("=====----====",;
  1257. if (
  1258., "ordinary-left") > -1
  1259. ) {
  1260. this.$store.dispatch("common/setIsOpen", false);
  1261. }
  1262. },
  1263. onInput(value) {
  1264. this.inputValue = value;
  1265. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/filterBenchList', {type: 'name', value: value});
  1266. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/setFilterBenchFlag', true);
  1267. },
  1268. onClickOutside() {
  1269. if (
  1270. this.$refs.searchbar.$el.contains( ||
  1271. this.$refs.dropdown.$el.contains(
  1272. ) {
  1273. return;
  1274. }
  1275. this.$store.dispatch("common/setIsOpen", false);
  1276. },
  1277. handleClickTask(taskId, auto) {
  1278. let task = that.taskList.find((t) => == taskId);
  1279. // 获取手动测试plan列表
  1280. let manualList = task.plan_list[1];
  1281. // 获取自动测试plan列表
  1282. let autoList = task.plan_list[2];
  1283. autoList.forEach((at) => {
  1284. that.$store.dispatch("planList/fetchPlanDetail", {
  1285. planId: at < 100 ? at + 101 : at,
  1286. });
  1287. });
  1288. that.isShowPlanList = true;
  1289. that.isShowTaskList = false;
  1290. this.$store.commit("planList/setAutoPlanList", autoList);
  1291. this.$store.commit("planList/setPlanList", manualList);
  1292. that.taskName =;
  1293. this.$nextTick(() => {
  1294. that.$store.dispatch("planList/clearPlanList");
  1295. that.$store.dispatch("planList/fetchPlanList", {
  1296. page_num: 1,
  1297. page_size: 10000,
  1298. });
  1299. });
  1300. console.log(task, "任务详情");
  1301. },
  1302. handleClickIssue(issueId) {
  1303. console.log(issueId, "issueid");
  1304. },
  1305. showBenchPos(benchList) {
  1306. console.log("benchList", benchList);
  1307. for (var item of benchList) {
  1308. var currentBench = this.benchList.find((b) => == item.benchId);
  1309. if (currentBench) {
  1310. //console.log('currentBench',currentBench);
  1311. currentBench.left = item.x - 548 + 48;
  1312. = item.y - 137 - 150 + 11;
  1313. currentBench.benchId = item.benchId;
  1314. currentBench.benchType = item.benchType;
  1315. console.log('item.benchImg',item.benchImg);
  1316. currentBench.image = require("../../assets/bench_img/"+item.benchImg);
  1317. if (currentBench.benchType == 2) {
  1318. //currentBench.image = require("../../assets/mechine2.png");
  1319. } else {
  1320. //currentBench.image = require("../../assets/mechine.png");
  1321. }
  1322. }
  1323. }
  1324. this.renderBenchList = false;
  1325. setTimeout(() => {
  1326. this.renderBenchList = true;
  1327. }, 10);
  1328. },
  1329. planBack() {
  1330. that.isShowPlanList = false;
  1331. that.isShowTaskList = true;
  1332. },
  1333. taskRender(item) {
  1334. return `<div class="item-box" onClick="handleClickTask('${
  1335. item.uuid ||
  1336. }', '${}')">
  1337. <div class="left">
  1338. <div style="">
  1339. <div class="item-title">${}</div>
  1340. <div class="item-description">${item.description}</div>
  1341. </div>
  1342. <div class="item-time">
  1343. <div class="time">${item.start_time}</div>
  1344. to
  1345. <div class="time"> ${item.end_time}</div>
  1346. </div>
  1347. <div class="item-tag">
  1348. <div class="tag">${item.processor_name}</div>
  1349. <div class="tag">${item.sw}</div>
  1350. </div>
  1351. </div>
  1352. <div class="taskBtn" onClick="handleClickTask('${
  1353. item.uuid ||
  1354. }', '${}')">To Do</div>
  1355. </div>`;
  1356. },
  1357. planRender(item) {
  1358. console.log(item, "plan", this.autoTaskStatusMap[]);
  1359. return `<div onClick="selectRowPlan('${item.uuid ||}', '${
  1361. }', '${}')" class="item-box" style="display:${
  1362. ! && !item.uuid ? "none" : "flex"
  1363. };align-items: top; justify-content: space-between;color: #fff;">
  1364. <div class="left">
  1365. <div style="display:flex;align-items: center;">
  1366. <div class="item-title">${}</div>
  1367. <div class="process-percent" style="margin-left: 10px; width: 80px">
  1368. <div style="width: ${this.autoTaskPercentMap[] || 0}%; height: 10px; border-radius: 10px;background-image: linear-gradient(-90deg,transparent 0px,#95d475 50px,#95d475)" }"></div>
  1369. </div>
  1370. <div style="width:40px;color:#fff;font-size: 12px;padding-left: 3px">${Number(this.autoTaskPercentMap[] || 0).toFixed(1) || 0}%</div>
  1371. <div class="task-auto" style="display:${
  1372. ? "block" : "none"
  1373. }">Auto</div>
  1374. </div>
  1375. </div>
  1376. <div style="width: unset; padding: 0 10px;" class="taskBtn ${this.autoTaskStatusMap[] || 'ready'}">${this.autoTaskStatusMap[] || 'ready'}</div>
  1377. </div>`;
  1378. },
  1379. issueRender(item) {
  1380. return `<div class="item-box" style="display:flex; align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;" onClick="selectRowIssue('${
  1381. item.uuid ||
  1382. }')">
  1383. <div class="left">
  1384. <div style="display:flex;align-items: center;">
  1385. <div class="item-title" style="width: 20vw; white-space: nowrap; overflow:hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">${item.ticket_title}</div>
  1386. <div class="${"status" + item.ticket_status}"></div>
  1387. </div>
  1388. <div class="item-tag">
  1389. <div class="tag">${item.creator}</div>
  1390. <div class="tag">${item.create_time}</div>
  1391. </div>
  1392. </div>
  1393. <div class="${
  1394. item.checked ? "el-icon-circle-check" : "uncheck"
  1395. }"></div>
  1396. </div>`;
  1397. },
  1398. closeDetail() {
  1399. this.isDetailVisible = false;
  1400. },
  1401. rowClassName() {
  1402. return "row-class";
  1403. },
  1404. getImgList(objRBL) {
  1405. console.log("zmg3", objRBL);
  1406. let benchId = objRBL.pop();
  1407. if (benchId == null) {
  1408. console.log("zmg2");
  1409. setTimeout(() => {
  1410. let href = window.location.href;
  1411. if (href.indexOf("benchid=") != -1) {
  1412. let benchid = href.substring(href.indexOf("benchid=") + 8);
  1413. let remoteBenchList = this.remoteBenchList;
  1414. console.log("benchid", benchid);
  1415. console.log(
  1416. "item == benchId",
  1417. remoteBenchList.find((item) => item == benchid)
  1418. );
  1419. if (remoteBenchList.find((item) => item == benchid)) {
  1420. this.selectBench(parseInt(benchid));
  1421. }
  1422. }
  1423. }, 200);
  1424. return;
  1425. }
  1426. let self = this;
  1427. console.log("benchId", benchId);
  1428. ws.connectBench({ bench_id: String(benchId) })
  1429. .then((res) => {
  1430. ws.getImage(String(benchId), 1).then((res) => {
  1431. self.$store.dispatch("benchList/setBenchImgList", {
  1432. benchId,
  1433. img:,
  1434. });
  1435. self.getImgList(objRBL);
  1436. });
  1437. })
  1438. .catch((err) => {
  1439. console.log("connect bench failed", benchId);
  1440. self.$message({
  1441. message: "This bench is offline",
  1442. // message: "",
  1443. type: "warning",
  1444. });
  1445. });
  1446. },
  1447. gotoGrid() {
  1448. this.$router.push({
  1449. path: "/squarePage",
  1450. });
  1451. },
  1452. itemRender(item) {
  1453. // console.log(item, 'bench---item')
  1454. //item.image = require("../../assets/mechine.png");
  1455. //item.image = require("../../assets/bench_img/"+item.benchImg);
  1456. /*return `
  1457. <div class="item-box">
  1458. <div class="item-image"><img src="${item.image}" alt="${item.title}"></div>
  1459. <div class="item-right">
  1460. <div class="item-title">
  1461. <span onClick="handleListClick(${})">${}</span>
  1462. <span onClick="selectBench(${})" class="el-icon-s-platform ${item.status}"></span>
  1463. </div>
  1464. <div class="item-text">
  1465. <div class="item-description">Automation Lab-7E</div>
  1466. <div class="item-description">${}</div>
  1467. <div class="item-tag">
  1468. <div class="tag">${item.Market}</div>
  1469. <div class="tag">${item.Platform}</div>
  1470. <div class="tag">${item.Project}</div>
  1471. <div class="tag">${item.Carline}</div>
  1472. <div class="tag">${item.Cluster}</div>
  1473. </div>
  1474. <div class="item-tag">
  1475. <div class="tag">${item.MU_SW}</div>
  1476. <div class="tag">${item.Variant}</div>
  1477. <div class="tag">${item.ip}</div>
  1478. </div>
  1479. </div>
  1480. </div>
  1481. </div>`;*/
  1482. return `
  1483. <div onDblClick="handleListDbClick(${})" data-index="${}" onClick="handleListClick(${})" class="item-box">
  1484. <div class="item-image"><img src="${item.image}" alt="${item.title}"></div>
  1485. <div class="item-right">
  1486. <div class="item-text">
  1487. <div class="item-title">${}
  1488. <span onClick="selectBench(${})" class="el-icon-monitor ${item.status}"></span>
  1489. </div>
  1490. <div class="item-description">Automation Lab-7E</div>
  1491. <div class="item-tag">
  1492. <div class="tag" title="Market">${item.Market}</div>
  1493. <div class="tag" title="Platform">${item.Platform}</div>
  1494. <div class="tag" title="Project">${item.Project}</div>
  1495. <div class="tag" title="Carline">${item.Carline}</div>
  1496. <div class="tag" title="Cluster">${item.Cluster}</div>
  1497. <div class="tag" title="MU_SW">${item.MU_SW}</div>
  1498. <div class="tag" title="Variant">${item.Variant}</div>
  1499. </div>
  1500. </div>
  1501. </div>
  1502. </div>`;
  1503. },
  1504. handleImageClick(index) {
  1505. this.selectBench(
  1506. parseInt(this.images[index + 5 * (this.currentPage - 1)].alt)
  1507. );
  1508. this.handleListClick(parseInt(this.images[index + 5 * (this.currentPage - 1)].alt))
  1509. },
  1510. prevPage() {
  1511. if (this.currentPage > 1) {
  1512. this.currentPage--;
  1513. }
  1514. },
  1515. nextPage() {
  1516. if (this.currentPage < Math.ceil(this.images.length / this.pageSize)) {
  1517. this.currentPage++;
  1518. }
  1519. },
  1520. handleInfoDblClick(benchId) {
  1521. console.log("handleInfoDblClick", benchId);
  1522. this.currentBench = this.benchList.find((b) => == benchId);
  1523. this.isDetailVisible = true;
  1524. },
  1525. getImage() {},
  1526. dataCallBack(data) {
  1527. switch (data.method) {
  1528. case "get_image":
  1529. this.handleGetImageData(;
  1530. break;
  1531. }
  1532. console.log(data);
  1533. },
  1534. handleGetImageData(data) {
  1535. this.mainSnapshot = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + data;
  1536. },
  1537. selectBench(benchId) {
  1538. // 全屏选择bench
  1539. this.saveSelectedBenchToLs(benchId);
  1540. var i = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(wsArrayLength));
  1541. let self = this;
  1542. wsArrayLength++;
  1543. setTimeout(() => {
  1544. console.log("connect bench", benchId);
  1545. wsArray[i]
  1546. ?.connectBench({ bench_id: String(benchId) })
  1547. .then((res) => {
  1548. console.log("connect bench success", benchId);
  1549. self.getBenchImage(benchId, 1, wsArray[i], () => {});
  1550. this.currentBench = this.benchList.find((b) => == benchId) || {};
  1551. this.remoteBenchList.push(benchId)
  1552. this.$store.dispatch("common/setGoHome", false);
  1553. let nList = Array.from(new Set(this.remoteBenchList));
  1554. let len = nList.length;
  1555. if (len > 9) {
  1556. setTimeout(() => {
  1557. let square = document.querySelector('.square-map');
  1558. if (square) {
  1559. square.scrollTo(0, 10000)
  1560. }
  1561. }, 1000)
  1562. }
  1563. })
  1564. .catch((err) => {
  1565. console.log("connect bench failed", benchId);
  1566. this.$message({
  1567. message: "This bench is offline",
  1568. // message: "",
  1569. type: "warning",
  1570. });
  1571. });
  1572. }, 200);
  1573. // 非全屏选择bench
  1574. var objRBL = this.remoteBenchList;
  1575. if (objRBL && objRBL.length > 0) {
  1576. var bExist = false;
  1577. for (var i = 0; i < objRBL.length; i++) {
  1578. if (objRBL[i] == benchId) {
  1579. bExist = true;
  1580. } else {
  1581. }
  1582. }
  1583. if (bExist == false) {
  1584. objRBL.push(benchId);
  1585. this.remoteBenchList.push(benchId)
  1586. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/addRemoteBenchList', benchId);
  1587. }
  1588. } else {
  1589. var rml = [];
  1590. rml.push(benchId);
  1591. this.remoteBenchList.push(benchId)
  1592. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/addRemoteBenchList', benchId);
  1593. }
  1594. console.log("benchList", this.benchList);
  1595. let bench = this.benchList.find((b) => == benchId);
  1596. console.log("selectedBench", bench);
  1597. if (this.previousSelectedBenchList.length) {
  1598. this.selectedBenchList = JSON.parse(
  1599. JSON.stringify(this.previousSelectedBenchList)
  1600. );
  1601. }
  1602. this.previousSelectedBenchList = [];
  1603. this.platform = null;
  1604. this.benchList.forEach((b) => (b.selected = false));
  1605. bench.selected = !bench.selected;
  1606. if (bench.selected) {
  1607. this.currentBench = bench;
  1608. bench.benchId = "'" + bench.benchId + "'";
  1609. this.selectedBenchList.push(bench);
  1610. console.log("selected", this.selectedBenchList);
  1611. // this.images = => {
  1612. // return {
  1613. // url: "",
  1614. // alt:,
  1615. // };
  1616. // });
  1617. } else {
  1618. for (let i in this.selectedBenchList) {
  1619. if (this.selectedBenchList[i].id == {
  1620. this.selectedBenchList.splice(i, 1);
  1621. // this.images = => {
  1622. // return {
  1623. // url: "",
  1624. // alt:,
  1625. // };
  1626. // });
  1627. break;
  1628. }
  1629. }
  1630. }
  1631. if (this.selectedBenchList.length == 0) {
  1632. nextTick(() => {
  1633. self.initBmInfoNsChart();
  1634. });
  1635. } else {
  1636. self.bmMapItemActivate(, wsArray[i]);
  1637. }
  1638. },
  1639. bmMapItemActivate(benchId, ws) {
  1640. let self = this;
  1641. if (this.selectedBenchList.length == 0) {
  1642. this.$message({
  1643. message: "Please select a bench to activate.",
  1644. // message: "",
  1645. type: "warning",
  1646. });
  1647. return;
  1648. }
  1649. this.selectedBenchList = [this.selectedBenchList[0]];
  1650. console.log("selectedBenchList[0]", this.selectedBenchList);
  1651. let key = 0;
  1652. for (let i in this.benchList) {
  1653. this.benchList[i].selected = false;
  1654. }
  1655. for (let i in this.benchList) {
  1656. if (this.benchList[i].id == benchId) {
  1657. this.benchList[i].selected = true;
  1658. key = i;
  1659. break;
  1660. }
  1661. }
  1662. this.benchList[key].acitveAnimation = true;
  1663. //let benchId = this.benchList[key].benchId;
  1664. this.benchList[key].benchId = benchId;
  1665. let screenType = this.benchList[key].Display;
  1666. this.connetedBenchId = String(benchId);
  1667. // this.connectedBenchData = this.benchList[key];
  1668. setTimeout(() => {
  1669. console.log("connect bench", benchId);
  1670. ws.connectBench({ bench_id: String(benchId) })
  1671. .then((res) => {
  1672. self.isConnected = true;
  1673. this.$store.dispatch("common/setConnectedStatus", true);
  1674. console.log("connect bench success");
  1675. this.currentScreen = "upper";
  1676. self.setSendAudioBus(benchId);
  1677. self.getBenchImage(benchId, 1, ws, () => {
  1678. if (this.benchList[key].acitveAnimation) {
  1679. this.benchList[key].acitveAnimation = false;
  1680. this.benchDisplayVisible = true;
  1681. }
  1682. });
  1683. if (screenType == "DUO") {
  1684. self.getBenchImage(String(benchId), 2, ws, () => {
  1685. if (this.connetedBenchId) {
  1686. this.benchDisplayLowerVisible = true;
  1687. }
  1688. });
  1689. } else {
  1690. this.benchDisplayLowerVisible = false;
  1691. }
  1692. })
  1693. .catch((err) => {
  1694. console.log("connect bench failed");
  1695. this.benchList[key].acitveAnimation = false;
  1696. this.$message({
  1697. message: "This bench is offline",
  1698. // message: "",
  1699. type: "warning",
  1700. });
  1701. });
  1702. }, 300);
  1703. },
  1704. switchScreen() {
  1705. if (this.currentScreen == "upper") {
  1706. this.currentScreen = "lower";
  1707. } else {
  1708. this.currentScreen = "upper";
  1709. }
  1710. console.log("this.currentScreen", this.currentScreen);
  1711. },
  1712. singleFingerTouch(id, x, y, screenType) {
  1713. let self = this;
  1714. ws.singleFingerTouch(id, x, y, screenType).then((res) => {});
  1715. },
  1716. singleFingerDrag(id, x1, y1, x2, y2, screenType) {
  1717. let self = this;
  1718. ws.singleFingerDrag(id, x1, y1, x2, y2, screenType).then((res) => {});
  1719. },
  1720. singleFingerLongTouch(id, x, y, duration, screenType) {
  1721. let self = this;
  1722. ws.singleFingerLongTouch(id, x, y, duration, screenType).then(
  1723. (res) => {}
  1724. );
  1725. },
  1726. controlCursorMouseDown(e) {
  1727. let self = this;
  1728. if (this.displayTapMode) {
  1729. // console.log("e", e);
  1730. this.controlCursorPosition.left = e.offsetX;
  1731. = e.offsetY;
  1732. this.controlStartPoint.x = e.offsetX;
  1733. this.controlStartPoint.y = e.offsetY;
  1734. this.controlStartPoint.time =;
  1735. this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursor = true;
  1736. }
  1737. },
  1738. controlCursorMouseMove(e) {
  1739. let self = this;
  1740. if (this.displayTapMode && this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursor) {
  1741. this.controlCursorPosition.left = e.offsetX;
  1742. = e.offsetY;
  1743. }
  1744. },
  1745. controlCursorMouseOut(e) {
  1746. this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursor = false;
  1747. },
  1748. controlCursorMouseUp(e, screenType = 1) {
  1749. let self = this;
  1750. if (this.currentScreen == "upper") {
  1751. screenType = 1;
  1752. } else if (this.currentScreen == "lower") {
  1753. screenType = 2;
  1754. }
  1755. if (this.displayTapMode) {
  1756. this.ifBmBenchTrailUpperCursor = false;
  1757. if (
  1758. Math.abs(this.controlStartPoint.x - e.offsetX) < 30 &&
  1759. Math.abs(this.controlStartPoint.y - e.offsetY) < 30 &&
  1760. - this.controlStartPoint.time < 500
  1761. ) {
  1762. self.singleFingerOperation(e, "tap", screenType);
  1763. } else if (
  1764. Math.abs(this.controlStartPoint.x - e.offsetX) > 30 ||
  1765. Math.abs(this.controlStartPoint.y - e.offsetY) > 30
  1766. ) {
  1767. // console.log("controlStartPoint", controlStartPoint);
  1768. self.singleFingerOperation(
  1769. e,
  1770. "swipe",
  1771. screenType,
  1772. this.controlStartPoint
  1773. );
  1774. } else if ( - this.controlStartPoint.time > 500) {
  1775. self.singleFingerOperation(
  1776. e,
  1777. "longPress",
  1778. screenType,
  1779. this.controlStartPoint
  1780. );
  1781. }
  1782. }
  1783. },
  1784. singleFingerOperation(e, operation, screenType, startPoint = {}) {
  1785. let self = this;
  1786. console.log("singleFingerOperation", e, operation, screenType);
  1787. if (this.displayTapMode) {
  1788. let width = this.$refs.bmBenchRef.width;
  1789. let height = this.$refs.bmBenchRef.height;
  1790. let offsetX = e.offsetX;
  1791. let offsetY = e.offsetY;
  1792. let screenWidth = this.currentScreen == "upper" ? 1540 : 1280;
  1793. let screenHeight = this.currentScreen == "upper" ? 720 : 720;
  1794. let x = Math.round(screenWidth * (offsetX / width));
  1795. let y = Math.round(screenHeight * (offsetY / height));
  1796. let x1 = 0;
  1797. let y1 = 0;
  1798. if (startPoint != {}) {
  1799. x1 = Math.round(screenWidth * (startPoint.x / width));
  1800. y1 = Math.round(screenHeight * (startPoint.y / height));
  1801. }
  1802. // console.log("x", x);
  1803. // console.log("y", y);
  1804. // console.log("x1", x1);
  1805. // console.log("y1", y1);
  1806. let operationDesc = "";
  1807. if (operation == "tap") {
  1808. console.log("selected", this.connetedBenchId, x, y);
  1809. self.singleFingerTouch(this.connetedBenchId, x, y, screenType);
  1810. // tap on lower x: 48 y: 292
  1811. operationDesc =
  1812. "tap on " +
  1813. (screenType == 1 ? "upper " : "lower ") +
  1814. ("x: " + x + " y: " + y);
  1815. } else if (operation == "swipe") {
  1816. self.singleFingerDrag(this.connetedBenchId, x1, y1, x, y, screenType);
  1817. operationDesc =
  1818. "swipe on " +
  1819. (screenType == 1 ? "upper " : "lower ") +
  1820. ("x1: " + x1 + " y1: " + y1 + " x: " + x + " y: " + y);
  1821. } else if (operation == "longPress") {
  1822. self.singleFingerLongTouch(
  1823. this.connetedBenchId,
  1824. x,
  1825. y,
  1826. - startPoint.time,
  1827. screenType
  1828. );
  1829. operationDesc =
  1830. "longPress on " +
  1831. (screenType == 1 ? "upper " : "lower ") +
  1832. ("x: " + x + " y: " + y);
  1833. }
  1834. this.benchLog.push({
  1835. bench_id: this.connetedBenchId,
  1836. data: operationDesc,
  1837. levelStr: "DEBUG",
  1838. startTime: self.getNowDate(),
  1839. });
  1840. }
  1841. },
  1842. getNowDate() {
  1843. var myDate = new Date();
  1844. var year = myDate.getFullYear(); //获取当前年
  1845. var mon = myDate.getMonth() + 1; //获取当前月
  1846. var date = myDate.getDate(); //获取当前日
  1847. var hours = myDate.getHours(); //获取当前小时
  1848. var minutes = myDate.getMinutes(); //获取当前分钟
  1849. var seconds = myDate.getSeconds(); //获取当前秒
  1850. var now =
  1851. year +
  1852. "-" +
  1853. mon +
  1854. "-" +
  1855. date +
  1856. "T" +
  1857. hours +
  1858. ":" +
  1859. minutes +
  1860. ":" +
  1861. seconds;
  1862. return now;
  1863. },
  1864. initBmInfoNsChart() {
  1865. let self = this;
  1866. let seriesData = [0, 0, 0];
  1867. for (let i in this.benchList) {
  1868. if (this.benchList[i].status == 5 || this.benchList[i].status == 6) {
  1869. seriesData[1]++;
  1870. } else if (
  1871. this.benchList[i].status == 2 ||
  1872. this.benchList[i].status == 3
  1873. ) {
  1874. seriesData[2]++;
  1875. } else {
  1876. seriesData[0]++;
  1877. }
  1878. }
  1879. console.log("seriesData", seriesData);
  1880. var option = {
  1881. tooltip: {
  1882. trigger: "axis",
  1883. axisPointer: {
  1884. type: "shadow",
  1885. },
  1886. },
  1887. grid: {
  1888. left: 0,
  1889. right: "20",
  1890. bottom: 0,
  1891. top: 0,
  1892. containLabel: true,
  1893. },
  1894. xAxis: {
  1895. type: "value",
  1896. axisLabel: {
  1897. show: false,
  1898. },
  1899. splitLine: {
  1900. show: false,
  1901. },
  1902. // axisLine: {
  1903. // show: false,
  1904. // },
  1905. // axisTick: {
  1906. // show: false, //刻度线
  1907. // },
  1908. },
  1909. yAxis: {
  1910. type: "category",
  1911. data: ["Offline", "Occupied", "Ready"],
  1912. axisLine: {
  1913. show: false,
  1914. lineStyle: {
  1915. color: "#7F7F7F",
  1916. },
  1917. },
  1918. axisTick: {
  1919. show: false, //刻度线
  1920. },
  1921. // axisLine: {
  1922. // },
  1923. },
  1924. series: [
  1925. {
  1926. type: "bar",
  1927. barWidth: "50%",
  1928. data: seriesData,
  1929. itemStyle: {
  1930. color: function (params) {
  1931. // 给出颜色组
  1932. var colorList = ["#b1b3b8", "#79bbff", "#95d475"];
  1933. return colorList[params.dataIndex];
  1934. },
  1935. },
  1936. showBackground: false,
  1937. backgroundStyle: {
  1938. color: "rgba(180, 180, 180, 0.2)",
  1939. },
  1940. label: {
  1941. show: true,
  1942. position: "right",
  1943. color: "#7F7F7F",
  1944. },
  1945. },
  1946. ],
  1947. };
  1948. bmInfoNsChartStorage = echarts.init(
  1949. document.getElementsByClassName("bmInfoNsChart")[0]
  1950. );
  1951. bmInfoNsChartStorage.setOption(option);
  1952. },
  1953. backToMap() {
  1954. let self = this;
  1955. ws.unsubscribeBenchStatus({ bench_id: this.connetedBenchId }).then(
  1956. (res) => {
  1957. console.log("unsubscribeBenchStatus", res);
  1958. }
  1959. );
  1960. this.connetedBenchId = "";
  1961. setTimeout(() => {
  1962. this.benchDisplayVisible = false;
  1963. this.ifShowLogBox = false;
  1964. }, 600);
  1965. },
  1966. tagSearch(field, value) {
  1967. let self = this;
  1968. this.selectedBenchList = [];
  1969. for (let i in this.benchList) {
  1970. this.benchList[i].selected = false;
  1971. if (this.benchList[i][field] == value) {
  1972. this.benchList[i].selected = true;
  1973. this.benchList[i].benchId = "'" + this.benchList[i].benchId + "'";
  1974. this.selectedBenchList.push(this.benchList[i]);
  1975. // this.images = => {
  1976. // return {
  1977. // url: "",
  1978. // alt:,
  1979. // };
  1980. // });
  1981. }
  1982. }
  1983. },
  1984. selectAllBench() {
  1985. let self = this;
  1986. console.log('this.benchList===', this.benchList.length)
  1987. if (this.selectedBenchList.length == this.benchList.length) {
  1988. this.selectedBenchList = [];
  1989. this.previousSelectedBenchList = [];
  1990. for (let i in this.benchList) {
  1991. this.benchList[i].selected = false;
  1992. }
  1993. self.nextTick(() => {
  1994. self.initBmInfoNsChart();
  1995. });
  1996. } else {
  1997. this.selectedBenchList = [];
  1998. for (let i in this.benchList) {
  1999. this.benchList[i].selected = true;
  2000. this.selectedBenchList.push(this.benchList[i]);
  2001. // this.images = => {
  2002. // return {
  2003. // url: "",
  2004. // alt:,
  2005. // };
  2006. // });
  2007. }
  2008. }
  2009. },
  2010. tapModeControl() {
  2011. this.displayTapMode = !this.displayTapMode;
  2012. },
  2013. getBenchDetail(id, index) {
  2014. let self = this;
  2015. let getBenchParam = { id };
  2016. srv
  2017. .getBenchDetail(getBenchParam)
  2018. .then((res) => {
  2019. // console.log("res", res);
  2020. this.benchList[index].status =;
  2021. })
  2022. .catch((err) => {
  2023. console.error(err);
  2024. });
  2025. },
  2026. showLogBox() {
  2027. let self = this;
  2028. if (this.ifShowLogBox) {
  2029. ws.unsubscribeBenchStatus({ bench_id: this.connetedBenchId }).then(
  2030. (res) => {
  2031. console.log("unsubscribeBenchStatus", res);
  2032. }
  2033. );
  2034. } else {
  2035. ws.subscribeBenchStatus({ bench_id: this.connetedBenchId }).then(
  2036. (res) => {
  2037. console.log("subscribeBenchStatus", res);
  2038. }
  2039. );
  2040. }
  2041. this.benchLog = [];
  2042. this.ifShowLogBox = !this.ifShowLogBox;
  2043. },
  2044. connectAudioDevice(type) {
  2045. let self = this;
  2046. ws.connect_audio_device({
  2047. benchId: String(this.connetedBenchId),
  2048. }).then(
  2049. (res) => {
  2050. console.log("connect_audio_device_res", res);
  2051. if (type == "playAudio") {
  2052. this.isRecording = !this.isRecording;
  2053. self.recordAudio();
  2054. } else if (type == "collectAudio") {
  2055. self.collectAudio();
  2056. }
  2057. },
  2058. (rej) => {}
  2059. );
  2060. },
  2061. recordAudio(data) {
  2062. let self = this;
  2063. // console.log("selectedBenchList.value[0]", this.selectedBenchList[0]);
  2064. let channel = 1;
  2065. this.vadThreshold = 0;
  2066. if (this.isRecording) {
  2067. this.playAudioBenchList.push(this.connetedBenchId);
  2068. // this.changePlayAudioBenchList(params);
  2069. navigator.getUserMedia =
  2070. navigator.getUserMedia ||
  2071. navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
  2072. navigator.mozGetUserMedia ||
  2073. navigator.msGetUserMedia;
  2074. if (navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) {
  2075. // 支持getUserMedia
  2076. navigator.mediaDevices
  2077. .getUserMedia({
  2078. video: false,
  2079. audio: true,
  2080. })
  2081. .then((stream) => {
  2082. this.recStream = stream;
  2083. this.paAc = new AudioContext({
  2084. sampleRate: 8000,
  2085. });
  2086. this.paSource = this.paAc.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
  2087. //构造参数依次为缓冲区大小,输入通道数,输出通道数
  2088. this.paScriptNode = this.paAc.createScriptProcessor(
  2089. 1024,
  2090. channel,
  2091. 2
  2092. );
  2093. this.sempleRateMultiple = this.paAc.sampleRate / 8000;
  2094. this.paScriptNode.onaudioprocess = function (e) {
  2095. for (let i = 0; i < channel; i++) {
  2096. let data = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(i);
  2097. self.recordSuperposeArr.push.apply(
  2098. self.recordSuperposeArr,
  2099. data
  2100. );
  2101. if (
  2102. self.sempleRateHandlingThreshold <
  2103. self.sempleRateMultiple - 1
  2104. ) {
  2105. self.sempleRateHandlingThreshold++;
  2106. } else {
  2107. let arr = [];
  2108. for (
  2109. let a = 0;
  2110. a < self.recordSuperposeArr.length;
  2111. a = a + self.sempleRateMultiple
  2112. ) {
  2113. arr.push(self.recordSuperposeArr[a]);
  2114. }
  2115. self.recordSuperposeArr = arr.splice(0, 1024);
  2116. self.recordSuperposeArr = new Float32Array(
  2117. self.recordSuperposeArr
  2118. );
  2119. if (Math.abs(self.recordSuperposeArr[0]) < 0.003) {
  2120. self.vadThreshold++;
  2121. } else {
  2122. self.vadThreshold = 0;
  2123. }
  2124. if (self.vadThreshold <= 20) {
  2125. let dataU8 = new Uint8Array(
  2126. self.recordSuperposeArr.buffer
  2127. );
  2128. let string = "";
  2129. for (let i = 0; i < dataU8.length; i++) {
  2130. string = string + String.fromCharCode(dataU8[i]);
  2131. }
  2132. ws.play_audio({
  2133. data: string,
  2134. benchIds: self.playAudioBenchList,
  2135. }).then(
  2136. (res) => {},
  2137. (rej) => {}
  2138. );
  2139. }
  2140. self.sempleRateHandlingThreshold = 0;
  2141. self.recordSuperposeArr = [];
  2142. }
  2143. }
  2144. };
  2145. this.paScriptNode.connect(this.paAc.destination);
  2146. this.paSource.connect(this.paScriptNode);
  2147. })
  2148. .catch((err) => {
  2149. console.log("err: " + err);
  2150. });
  2151. } else {
  2152. // 不支持getUserMedia
  2153. console.log("Environment not supported");
  2154. }
  2155. } else {
  2156. // this.changePlayAudioBenchList(params);
  2157. this.playAudioBenchList = [];
  2158. self.stopRecord();
  2159. this.ifConnectedAudioDevice = false;
  2160. ws.stop_play_audio({
  2161. benchId: this.connetedBenchId,
  2162. }).then(
  2163. (res) => {
  2164. // console.log("res", res);
  2165. },
  2166. (rej) => {
  2167. // console.log("rej", rej);
  2168. }
  2169. );
  2170. // $bus.$emit("stopPlayAudio", {
  2171. // benchId: params.benchId,
  2172. // });
  2173. // }
  2174. }
  2175. },
  2176. stopRecord() {
  2177. let self = this;
  2178. if (!this.isRecording) {
  2179. this.recStream.getTracks().forEach(function (track) {
  2180. track.stop();
  2181. });
  2182. this.paScriptNode.disconnect(this.paAc.destination);
  2183. this.paSource.disconnect(this.paScriptNode);
  2184. this.paAc.close();
  2185. }
  2186. },
  2187. collectAudio() {
  2188. let self = this;
  2189. this.isPlaying = !this.isPlaying;
  2190. if (this.isPlaying) {
  2191. ws.collect_audio({
  2192. benchId: String(this.connetedBenchId),
  2193. }).then(
  2194. (res) => {},
  2195. (rej) => {}
  2196. );
  2197. } else {
  2198. ws.stop_collect_audio({
  2199. benchId: String(this.connetedBenchId),
  2200. }).then(
  2201. (res) => {},
  2202. (rej) => {}
  2203. );
  2204. this.loopSendAudioTime = 0;
  2205. this.sendAudioString = "";
  2206. }
  2207. },
  2208. setSendAudioBus(benchId) {
  2209. let self = this;
  2210. bus.on("sendAudio" + benchId, (data) => {
  2211. self.sendAudioTransformCode(, true);
  2212. this.loopSendAudioTime++;
  2213. this.sendAudioTimer = setTimeout(() => {
  2214. this.loopSendAudioTime = 5;
  2215. self.sendAudioTransformCode("", false);
  2216. }, 500);
  2217. });
  2218. },
  2219. sendAudioTransformCode(data, fill) {
  2220. let dataU8 = [];
  2221. let dataF32 = [];
  2222. let arr = [];
  2223. let self = this;
  2224. this.sendAudioString += data;
  2225. if (this.loopSendAudioTime > 4) {
  2226. arr = this.sendAudioString.split("");
  2227. for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  2228. dataU8[i] = arr[i].charCodeAt();
  2229. }
  2230. dataU8 = new Uint8Array(dataU8);
  2231. dataF32 = new Float32Array(dataU8.buffer);
  2232. if (!fill) {
  2233. // console.log("dataF32-", dataF32);
  2234. let newDataF32 = new Float32Array(5120);
  2235. for (let i = 0; i < 5120; i++) {
  2236. if (i < dataF32.length) {
  2237. newDataF32[i] = dataF32[i];
  2238. } else {
  2239. newDataF32[i] = 0;
  2240. }
  2241. }
  2242. dataF32 = newDataF32;
  2243. // console.log("dataF32+", dataF32);
  2244. }
  2245. self.pcPlayAudio(dataF32, 1, 8000);
  2246. this.sendAudioString = "";
  2247. this.loopSendAudioTime = 0;
  2248. }
  2249. if (fill) {
  2250. clearTimeout(this.sendAudioTimer);
  2251. }
  2252. },
  2253. pcPlayAudio(data, channels, sampleRate) {
  2254. let self = this;
  2255. var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)({
  2256. sampleRate: sampleRate,
  2257. });
  2258. var myArrayBuffer = audioCtx.createBuffer(
  2259. channels,
  2260. data.length,
  2261. sampleRate
  2262. );
  2263. for (let channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) {
  2264. var nowBuffering = myArrayBuffer.getChannelData(channel);
  2265. for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  2266. if (i < data.length) {
  2267. nowBuffering[i] = data[i];
  2268. } else {
  2269. nowBuffering[i] = 0;
  2270. }
  2271. }
  2272. }
  2273. // console.log("audioCtx", audioCtx);
  2274. // console.log("nowBuffering", nowBuffering);
  2275. var source = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
  2276. source.buffer = myArrayBuffer;
  2277. source.connect(audioCtx.destination);
  2278. source.start();
  2279. },
  2280. pressPtt() {
  2281. let self = this;
  2282. ws.press_ptt({
  2283. benchId: String(this.connetedBenchId),
  2284. }).then(
  2285. (res) => {},
  2286. (rej) => {}
  2287. );
  2288. },
  2289. bmMapItemSelect(key) {
  2290. let self = this;
  2291. if (this.previousSelectedBenchList.length) {
  2292. this.selectedBenchList = JSON.parse(
  2293. JSON.stringify(this.previousSelectedBenchList)
  2294. );
  2295. }
  2296. this.previousSelectedBenchList = [];
  2297. this.platform = null;
  2298. this.benchList.forEach((b) => (b.selected = false));
  2299. this.benchList[key].selected = !this.benchList[key].selected;
  2300. console.log('划入。。。'+key+this.benchList[key].selected);
  2301. if (this.benchList[key].selected) {
  2302. this.currentBench = this.benchList[key];
  2303. this.selectedBenchList.push(this.benchList[key]);
  2304. // this.images = => {
  2305. // return {
  2306. // url: "",
  2307. // alt:,
  2308. // };
  2309. // });
  2310. } else {
  2311. for (let i in this.selectedBenchList) {
  2312. if (this.selectedBenchList[i].id == this.benchList[key].id) {
  2313. this.selectedBenchList.splice(i, 1);
  2314. // this.images = => {
  2315. // return {
  2316. // url: "",
  2317. // alt:,
  2318. // };
  2319. // });
  2320. break;
  2321. }
  2322. }
  2323. }
  2324. if (this.selectedBenchList.length == 0) {
  2325. nextTick(() => {
  2326. self.initBmInfoNsChart();
  2327. });
  2328. }
  2329. this.$forceUpdate();
  2330. },
  2331. bmMapItemOut(key){
  2332. // this.$set(this.benchList[key], "selected", false);
  2333. this.benchList[key].selected = false;
  2334. console.log('划出。。。'+key+this.benchList[key].selected);
  2335. this.$forceUpdate();
  2336. },
  2337. clickBenchList() {
  2338. // window.location.href = "/squarePage?m=8b934420_ZJUb_b6f9";
  2339. this.$store.dispatch("common/setSquareStatus", true);
  2340. },
  2341. disconnectBench() {
  2342. ws.disconnectBench({ bench_id: String(this.connetedBenchId) }).then(
  2343. (res) => {
  2344. var remoteBenchList = this.remoteBenchList;
  2345. let newRemoteBenchList = remoteBenchList.filter((item) => {
  2346. return item != this.connetedBenchId;
  2347. });
  2348. while(this.remoteBenchList.length) {
  2349. this.remoteBenchList.pop();
  2350. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/popRemoteBenchList')
  2351. this.$store.dispatch("common/setSquareStatus", true);
  2352. }
  2353. newRemoteBenchList.forEach(e => {
  2354. this.remoteBenchList.push(e);
  2355. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/addRemoteBenchList', e)
  2356. })
  2357. this.$store.dispatch("benchList/removeBenchImgList", {
  2358. benchId: this.connetedBenchId,
  2359. });
  2360. this.getImgList(newRemoteBenchList);
  2361. this.connetedBenchId = "";
  2362. this.currentBench = {};
  2363. this.benchDisplayVisible = false;
  2364. this.benchDisplayLowerVisible = false;
  2365. this.isConnected = false;
  2366. this.$store.dispatch("common/setConnectedStatus", false);
  2367. }
  2368. );
  2369. },
  2370. sleep(delay) {
  2371. var start = new Date().getTime();
  2372. while (new Date().getTime() - start < delay) {
  2373. continue;
  2374. }
  2375. },
  2376. saveSelectedBenchToLs(benchId) {
  2377. var objRBL = this.remoteBenchList;
  2378. if (objRBL && objRBL.length > 0) {
  2379. var bExist = false;
  2380. for (var i = 0; i < objRBL.length; i++) {
  2381. if (objRBL[i] == benchId) {
  2382. bExist = true;
  2383. } else {
  2384. }
  2385. }
  2386. if (bExist == false) {
  2387. objRBL.push(benchId);
  2388. this.remoteBenchList.push(benchId)
  2389. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/addRemoteBenchList', benchId)
  2390. }
  2391. } else {
  2392. var rml = [];
  2393. rml.push(benchId);
  2394. this.remoteBenchList.push(benchId);
  2395. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/addRemoteBenchList', benchId)
  2396. }
  2397. },
  2398. handleListClick(benchId, itemtype) {
  2399. this.$store.dispatch("common/setGoHome", false);
  2400. if (itemtype == 2) {
  2401. return;
  2402. }
  2403. try{
  2404. for(let key in window.waterMap) {
  2405. if (key == benchId) {
  2406. window.waterMap[key].scale.set(1.3, 1.3, 1.3);
  2407. } else {
  2408. window.waterMap[key].scale.set(1, 1, 1);
  2409. }
  2410. }
  2411. } catch (e) {
  2412. }
  2413. console.log("benchId", benchId);
  2414. let selectedBench = this.benchList.find((i) => i.benchId == benchId);
  2415. bus.emit("benchInfoVisible", selectedBench);
  2416. this.$nextTick(() => {
  2417. if (benchId == this.currentBench.benchId) {
  2418. let items = document.getElementsByClassName("grid-item-background");
  2419. for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
  2420. items[index].style.background = "#000000";
  2421. }
  2422. return;
  2423. }
  2424. let items = document.getElementsByClassName("grid-item-background");
  2425. for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
  2426. items[index].style.background = "#000000";
  2427. if (this.images[index].alt == benchId) {
  2428. console.log("equal");
  2429. items[index].style.background = "#ffffff";
  2430. }
  2431. }
  2432. });
  2433. //this.currentBench = this.benchList.find(b => == benchId);
  2434. //this.isDetailVisible = true;
  2435. this.$nextTick(() => {
  2436. //this.$refs.benchdetail.init(benchId);
  2437. //this.benchList.forEach(element =>
  2438. //{
  2439. // = "{background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)}"
  2440. //});
  2441. // if (benchId == &&this.currentBench.selected) {
  2442. // this.currentBench.selected = false;
  2443. // this.currentBench.scale = 1;
  2444. // this.currentBench = {};
  2445. // let items = document.getElementsByClassName("item-box");
  2446. // for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
  2447. // items[index].style.background = "#00000032";
  2448. // }
  2449. // return;
  2450. // }
  2451. let items = document.getElementsByClassName("item-box");
  2452. for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
  2453. items[index].style.background = "#00000032";
  2454. // console.log("textContent", title[0].textContent);
  2455. let itemOther = this.benchList.find(
  2456. (b) => == items[index].dataset.index
  2457. );
  2458. if (itemOther) {
  2459. itemOther.selected = false;
  2460. }
  2461. if (benchId == items[index].dataset.index) {
  2462. items[index].style.background = "#000000C0";
  2463. this.selectedBenchId = benchId
  2464. }
  2465. }
  2466. // console.log('this.currentBench', this.currentBench);
  2467. // bus.emit("benchInfoVisible", this.currentBench);
  2468. });
  2469. },
  2470. handleBenchClick(benchId, showRemoteButton) {
  2471. this.currentBench = this.benchList.find((b) => == benchId);
  2472. this.benchDetail = this.benchList.find((b) => == benchId);
  2473. this.isRemoteBtnVisible = showRemoteButton;
  2474. this.isDetailVisible = true;
  2475. },
  2476. handleListDbClick(benchId, itemtype) {
  2477. //this.currentBench = this.benchList.find(b => == benchId);
  2478. //this.isDetailVisible = true;
  2479. this.$nextTick(() => {
  2480. //this.$refs.benchdetail.init(benchId);
  2481. //this.benchList.forEach(element =>
  2482. //{
  2483. // = "{background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)}"
  2484. //});
  2485. this.benchDetail = this.benchList.find((b) => == benchId);
  2486. // = "{background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)}"
  2487. console.log("current bench", this.benchDetail);
  2488. this.isRemoteBtnVisible = true;
  2489. this.isDetailVisible = true;
  2490. });
  2491. },
  2492. getBenchImage(benchId, screenType, wsRemote, func) {
  2493. let self = this;
  2494. setTimeout(() => {
  2495. wsRemote.getImage(String(benchId), screenType).then((res) => {
  2496. console.log("getImageRes", res);
  2497. // let screen = screenType == 1 ? "upper" : "lower";
  2498. func();
  2499. if (screenType == 1) {
  2500. self.benchImgUpper = "data:image/png;base64," +;
  2501. self.benchImgUpperMap[benchId] =
  2502. "data:image/png;base64," +;
  2503. bus.emit("benchImgChange", { benchImgUpper: self.benchImgUpper });
  2504. } else {
  2505. self.benchImgLower = "data:image/png;base64," +;
  2506. self.benchImgLowerMap[benchId] =
  2507. "data:image/png;base64," +;
  2508. bus.emit("benchImgChange", { benchImgLower: self.benchImgLower });
  2509. }
  2510. // let screen =;
  2511. //self.getBenchImage(benchId, screenType, wsRemote, func);
  2512. if (benchId == this.connetedBenchId) {
  2513. //self.getBenchImage(benchId, screenType, wsRemote, func);
  2514. this.$store.dispatch("benchList/setBenchImgList", {
  2515. benchId,
  2516. img:,
  2517. });
  2518. }
  2519. setTimeout(()=>{
  2520. self.getBenchImageSub(benchId, screenType, wsRemote, func);
  2521. },500)
  2522. });
  2523. }, 500);
  2524. },
  2525. getBenchImageSub(benchId, screenType, wsRemote, func) {
  2526. let self = this;
  2527. if (benchId == this.connetedBenchId) {
  2528. wsRemote.getImage(String(benchId), screenType).then((res) => {
  2529. console.log("getImageRes", res);
  2530. // let screen = screenType == 1 ? "upper" : "lower";
  2531. //func();
  2532. {
  2533. if (screenType == 1) {
  2534. self.benchImgUpper = "data:image/png;base64," +;
  2535. self.benchImgUpperMap[benchId] =
  2536. "data:image/png;base64," +;
  2537. bus.emit("benchImgChange", { benchImgUpper: self.benchImgUpper });
  2538. } else {
  2539. self.benchImgLower = "data:image/png;base64," +;
  2540. self.benchImgLowerMap[benchId] =
  2541. "data:image/png;base64," +;
  2542. bus.emit("benchImgChange", { benchImgLower: self.benchImgLower });
  2543. }
  2544. }
  2545. setTimeout(() => {
  2546. self.getBenchImageSub(benchId, screenType, wsRemote, func);
  2547. }, 100)
  2548. });
  2549. }
  2550. else {
  2551. setTimeout(() => {
  2552. self.getBenchImageSub(benchId, screenType, wsRemote, func);
  2553. }, 500)
  2554. }
  2555. },
  2556. handleDblClickImg(benchId) {
  2557. this.benchImgUpper = this.benchImgUpperMap[benchId];
  2558. this.benchImgLower = this.benchImgLowerMap[benchId];
  2559. this.$store.dispatch("common/setSquareStatus", false);
  2560. this.selectBench(benchId);
  2561. },
  2562. handleClickImg(benchId, indexParam) {
  2563. console.log(benchId)
  2564. this.selectedBenchId = benchId;
  2565. this.$nextTick(() => {
  2566. console.log(this.currentBenchId)
  2567. if (benchId == this.currentBenchId) {
  2568. console.log(this.brnchshow)
  2569. if(this.brnchshow){
  2570. benchId = 0;
  2571. let items = document.getElementsByClassName("grid-item-background");
  2572. for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
  2573. items[index].style.background = "#000000";
  2574. }
  2575. this.brnchshow = false;
  2576. return;
  2577. }else{
  2578. this.brnchshow = true;
  2579. }
  2580. }
  2581. this.currentBenchId = benchId;
  2582. let items = document.getElementsByClassName("grid-item-background");
  2583. for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
  2584. items[index].style.background = "#000000";
  2585. if (index == indexParam) {
  2586. console.log("equal");
  2587. items[index].style.background = "#ffffff";
  2588. }
  2589. }
  2590. });
  2591. this.$nextTick(() => {
  2592. if (
  2593. benchId == &&
  2594. this.currentBench.selected == true
  2595. ) {
  2596. this.currentBench.selected = false;
  2597. this.currentBench.scale = 1;
  2598. this.currentBench = {};
  2599. let items = document.getElementsByClassName("item-box");
  2600. for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
  2601. items[index].style.background = "#00000032";
  2602. }
  2603. return;
  2604. }
  2605. let items = document.getElementsByClassName("item-box");
  2606. for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
  2607. items[index].style.background = "#00000032";
  2608. let title = items[index].getElementsByClassName("item-title");
  2609. console.log("textContent", title[0].textContent);
  2610. let itemOther = this.benchList.find(
  2611. (b) => parseInt( == parseInt(title[0].textContent) || == benchId
  2612. );
  2613. itemOther.selected = false;
  2614. if(items[index].dataset.index == benchId){
  2615. items[index].style.background = "#000000C0";
  2616. this.currentBench = this.benchList.find((b) => == benchId);
  2617. this.currentBench.selected = true;
  2618. }
  2619. }
  2620. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/setCurrentBench', this.currentBench);
  2621. });
  2622. },
  2623. handleCloseImg(benchId) {
  2624. this.connetedBenchId = benchId;
  2625. this.disconnectBench()
  2626. console.log("benchId", benchId, this.connetedBenchId);
  2627. var objRBL = this.remoteBenchList;
  2628. if (objRBL) {
  2629. for (var i = 0; i < objRBL.length; i++) {
  2630. if (parseInt(objRBL[i]) == parseInt(benchId)) {
  2631. console.log("images", this.images);
  2632. for (var ii = 0; ii < this.images.length; ii++) {
  2633. if (parseInt(this.images[ii].alt) == parseInt(benchId)) {
  2634. this.images.splice(ii, 1);
  2635. console.log("images", this.images);
  2636. break;
  2637. }
  2638. }
  2639. //delete objRBL[i];
  2640. objRBL.splice(i, 1);
  2641. console.log("objRBL", objRBL);
  2642. while(this.remoteBenchList.length) {
  2643. this.remoteBenchList.pop();
  2644. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/popRemoteBenchList')
  2645. this.$store.dispatch("common/setSquareStatus", true);
  2646. }
  2647. objRBL.forEach(e => {
  2648. this.remoteBenchList.push(e)
  2649. this.$store.dispatch('benchList/addRemoteBenchList', e)
  2650. })
  2651. return;
  2652. }
  2653. }
  2654. }
  2655. },
  2656. getAutoPlanResult(key) {},
  2657. refreshBenchStatus() {
  2658. var readyCount = 0;
  2659. var occupiedCount = 0;
  2660. var offlineCount = 0;
  2661. console.log("this.benchList", this.benchList.length);
  2662. this.benchList.forEach((element) => {
  2663. //console.log('element',element);
  2664. if (element.status == "ready") {
  2665. readyCount++;
  2666. } else if (element.status == "error") {
  2667. offlineCount++;
  2668. } else if (element.status == "offline") {
  2669. offlineCount++;
  2670. } else {
  2671. occupiedCount++;
  2672. }
  2673. });
  2674. this.readyCount = readyCount;
  2675. this.offlineCount = offlineCount;
  2676. this.occupiedCount = occupiedCount;
  2677. }
  2678. },
  2679. watch: {
  2680. benchDisplayVisible(newValue, oldValue) {
  2681. bus.emit("benchDisplayVisible", {
  2682. benchDisplayVisible: newValue,
  2683. benchInfo: this.selectedBenchList[0],
  2684. });
  2685. },
  2686. benchDisplayLowerVisible(newValue, oldValue) {
  2687. bus.emit("benchDisplayLowerVisibleChange", {
  2688. benchDisplayLowerVisible: newValue,
  2689. });
  2690. },
  2691. benchList(newValue, oldValue) {
  2692. console.log("newValue", newValue);
  2693. var objRBL = this.remoteBenchList;
  2694. console.log("zmg1", objRBL);
  2695. var objRBLReverse = [];
  2696. if(objRBL)
  2697. {
  2698. for (; objRBL.length > 0; ) {
  2699. objRBLReverse.push(objRBL.pop());
  2700. }
  2701. }
  2702. if (objRBLReverse.length > 0) {
  2703. setTimeout(() => {
  2704. this.getImgList(objRBLReverse);
  2705. }, 300);
  2706. }
  2707. },
  2708. isOpen3d(newValue, oldValue) {
  2709. // if (!newValue) {
  2710. // this.$nextTick(() => {
  2711. // let mapDom = document.getElementsByClassName("ordinary-map")[0];
  2712. // let style = getComputedStyle(mapDom);
  2713. // let width = parseFloat(style.width);
  2714. // let height = parseFloat(style.height);
  2715. // uwbMain('playersmall', width, height, "floorplan");
  2716. // })
  2717. // } else {
  2718. // uwbMain('player', window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, "panorama");
  2719. // }
  2720. },
  2721. autoPlanList() {
  2722. this.autoPlanList.forEach(m => {
  2723. this.$store.dispatch('caseList/getAllAutoPlanStatus', {
  2724. planId:,
  2725. planName:
  2726. })
  2727. })
  2728. },
  2729. mouseBenchId(newValue, oldValue) {
  2730. let bench = this.benchList.find(b => b.benchId == newValue);
  2731. if (bench) {
  2732. this.mouseBenchDetail = bench;
  2733. } else {
  2734. this.mouseBenchDetail = {};
  2735. }
  2736. }
  2737. },
  2738. };
  2739. </script>
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  3013. transition: all 1s;
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  3023. transition: all 1s 0.1s;
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  3025. .bmBenchTrailUpperCursorPress {
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  3029. background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
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  3032. top: 0;
  3033. animation: bmBenchTrailUpperCursorPressAnimation 2s linear 0s 1;
  3034. }
  3035. @keyframes bmBenchTrailUpperCursorPressAnimation {
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  3039. 12% {
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