/** * @author Prashant Sharma / spidersharma03 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io / bhouston */ THREE.HDRCubeTextureLoader = function ( manager ) { this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager; // override in sub classes this.hdrLoader = new THREE.RGBELoader(); }; THREE.HDRCubeTextureLoader.prototype.load = function ( type, urls, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) { var RGBEByteToRGBFloat = function ( sourceArray, sourceOffset, destArray, destOffset ) { var e = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 3 ]; var scale = Math.pow( 2.0, e - 128.0 ) / 255.0; destArray[ destOffset + 0 ] = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 0 ] * scale; destArray[ destOffset + 1 ] = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 1 ] * scale; destArray[ destOffset + 2 ] = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 2 ] * scale; }; var RGBEByteToRGBHalf = ( function () { // Source: http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/17326/conversion-of-a-number-from-single-precision-floating-point-representation-to-a/17410#17410 var floatView = new Float32Array( 1 ); var int32View = new Int32Array( floatView.buffer ); /* This method is faster than the OpenEXR implementation (very often * used, eg. in Ogre), with the additional benefit of rounding, inspired * by James Tursa?s half-precision code. */ function toHalf( val ) { floatView[ 0 ] = val; var x = int32View[ 0 ]; var bits = ( x >> 16 ) & 0x8000; /* Get the sign */ var m = ( x >> 12 ) & 0x07ff; /* Keep one extra bit for rounding */ var e = ( x >> 23 ) & 0xff; /* Using int is faster here */ /* If zero, or denormal, or exponent underflows too much for a denormal * half, return signed zero. */ if ( e < 103 ) return bits; /* If NaN, return NaN. If Inf or exponent overflow, return Inf. */ if ( e > 142 ) { bits |= 0x7c00; /* If exponent was 0xff and one mantissa bit was set, it means NaN, * not Inf, so make sure we set one mantissa bit too. */ bits |= ( ( e == 255 ) ? 0 : 1 ) && ( x & 0x007fffff ); return bits; } /* If exponent underflows but not too much, return a denormal */ if ( e < 113 ) { m |= 0x0800; /* Extra rounding may overflow and set mantissa to 0 and exponent * to 1, which is OK. */ bits |= ( m >> ( 114 - e ) ) + ( ( m >> ( 113 - e ) ) & 1 ); return bits; } bits |= ( ( e - 112 ) << 10 ) | ( m >> 1 ); /* Extra rounding. An overflow will set mantissa to 0 and increment * the exponent, which is OK. */ bits += m & 1; return bits; } return function ( sourceArray, sourceOffset, destArray, destOffset ) { var e = sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 3 ]; var scale = Math.pow( 2.0, e - 128.0 ) / 255.0; destArray[ destOffset + 0 ] = toHalf( sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 0 ] * scale ); destArray[ destOffset + 1 ] = toHalf( sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 1 ] * scale ); destArray[ destOffset + 2 ] = toHalf( sourceArray[ sourceOffset + 2 ] * scale ); }; } )(); // var texture = new THREE.CubeTexture(); texture.type = type; texture.encoding = ( type === THREE.UnsignedByteType ) ? THREE.RGBEEncoding : THREE.LinearEncoding; texture.format = ( type === THREE.UnsignedByteType ) ? THREE.RGBAFormat : THREE.RGBFormat; texture.minFilter = ( texture.encoding === THREE.RGBEEncoding ) ? THREE.NearestFilter : THREE.LinearFilter; texture.magFilter = ( texture.encoding === THREE.RGBEEncoding ) ? THREE.NearestFilter : THREE.LinearFilter; texture.generateMipmaps = ( texture.encoding !== THREE.RGBEEncoding ); texture.anisotropy = 0; var scope = this; var loaded = 0; function loadHDRData( i, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) { var loader = new THREE.FileLoader( scope.manager ); loader.setPath( scope.path ); loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' ); loader.load( urls[ i ], function ( buffer ) { loaded ++; var texData = scope.hdrLoader._parser( buffer ); if ( ! texData ) return; if ( type === THREE.FloatType ) { var numElements = ( texData.data.length / 4 ) * 3; var floatdata = new Float32Array( numElements ); for ( var j = 0; j < numElements; j ++ ) { RGBEByteToRGBFloat( texData.data, j * 4, floatdata, j * 3 ); } texData.data = floatdata; } else if ( type === THREE.HalfFloatType ) { var numElements = ( texData.data.length / 4 ) * 3; var halfdata = new Uint16Array( numElements ); for ( var j = 0; j < numElements; j ++ ) { RGBEByteToRGBHalf( texData.data, j * 4, halfdata, j * 3 ); } texData.data = halfdata; } if ( texData.image !== undefined ) { texture[ i ].images = texData.image; } else if ( texData.data !== undefined ) { var dataTexture = new THREE.DataTexture( texData.data, texData.width, texData.height ); dataTexture.format = texture.format; dataTexture.type = texture.type; dataTexture.encoding = texture.encoding; dataTexture.minFilter = texture.minFilter; dataTexture.magFilter = texture.magFilter; dataTexture.generateMipmaps = texture.generateMipmaps; texture.images[ i ] = dataTexture; } if ( loaded === 6 ) { texture.needsUpdate = true; if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture ); } }, onProgress, onError ); } for ( var i = 0; i < urls.length; i ++ ) { loadHDRData( i, onLoad, onProgress, onError ); } return texture; }; THREE.HDRCubeTextureLoader.prototype.setPath = function ( value ) { this.path = value; return this; };