/** * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/ * @author Alex Pletzer * * Updated on 22.03.2017 * VTK header is now parsed and used to extract all the compressed data * @author Andrii Iudin https://github.com/andreyyudin * @author Paul Kibet Korir https://github.com/polarise * @author Sriram Somasundharam https://github.com/raamssundar */ THREE.VTKLoader = function ( manager ) { this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager; }; Object.assign( THREE.VTKLoader.prototype, THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype, { load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) { var scope = this; var loader = new THREE.FileLoader( scope.manager ); loader.setPath( scope.path ); loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' ); loader.load( url, function ( text ) { onLoad( scope.parse( text ) ); }, onProgress, onError ); }, setPath: function ( value ) { this.path = value; return this; }, parse: function ( data ) { function parseASCII( data ) { // connectivity of the triangles var indices = []; // triangles vertices var positions = []; // red, green, blue colors in the range 0 to 1 var colors = []; // normal vector, one per vertex var normals = []; var result; // pattern for reading vertices, 3 floats or integers var pat3Floats = /(\-?\d+\.?[\d\-\+e]*)\s+(\-?\d+\.?[\d\-\+e]*)\s+(\-?\d+\.?[\d\-\+e]*)/g; // pattern for connectivity, an integer followed by any number of ints // the first integer is the number of polygon nodes var patConnectivity = /^(\d+)\s+([\s\d]*)/; // indicates start of vertex data section var patPOINTS = /^POINTS /; // indicates start of polygon connectivity section var patPOLYGONS = /^POLYGONS /; // indicates start of triangle strips section var patTRIANGLE_STRIPS = /^TRIANGLE_STRIPS /; // POINT_DATA number_of_values var patPOINT_DATA = /^POINT_DATA[ ]+(\d+)/; // CELL_DATA number_of_polys var patCELL_DATA = /^CELL_DATA[ ]+(\d+)/; // Start of color section var patCOLOR_SCALARS = /^COLOR_SCALARS[ ]+(\w+)[ ]+3/; // NORMALS Normals float var patNORMALS = /^NORMALS[ ]+(\w+)[ ]+(\w+)/; var inPointsSection = false; var inPolygonsSection = false; var inTriangleStripSection = false; var inPointDataSection = false; var inCellDataSection = false; var inColorSection = false; var inNormalsSection = false; var lines = data.split( '\n' ); for ( var i in lines ) { var line = lines[ i ]; if ( inPointsSection ) { // get the vertices while ( ( result = pat3Floats.exec( line ) ) !== null ) { var x = parseFloat( result[ 1 ] ); var y = parseFloat( result[ 2 ] ); var z = parseFloat( result[ 3 ] ); positions.push( x, y, z ); } } else if ( inPolygonsSection ) { if ( ( result = patConnectivity.exec( line ) ) !== null ) { // numVertices i0 i1 i2 ... var numVertices = parseInt( result[ 1 ] ); var inds = result[ 2 ].split( /\s+/ ); if ( numVertices >= 3 ) { var i0 = parseInt( inds[ 0 ] ); var i1, i2; var k = 1; // split the polygon in numVertices - 2 triangles for ( var j = 0; j < numVertices - 2; ++ j ) { i1 = parseInt( inds[ k ] ); i2 = parseInt( inds[ k + 1 ] ); indices.push( i0, i1, i2 ); k ++; } } } } else if ( inTriangleStripSection ) { if ( ( result = patConnectivity.exec( line ) ) !== null ) { // numVertices i0 i1 i2 ... var numVertices = parseInt( result[ 1 ] ); var inds = result[ 2 ].split( /\s+/ ); if ( numVertices >= 3 ) { var i0, i1, i2; // split the polygon in numVertices - 2 triangles for ( var j = 0; j < numVertices - 2; j ++ ) { if ( j % 2 === 1 ) { i0 = parseInt( inds[ j ] ); i1 = parseInt( inds[ j + 2 ] ); i2 = parseInt( inds[ j + 1 ] ); indices.push( i0, i1, i2 ); } else { i0 = parseInt( inds[ j ] ); i1 = parseInt( inds[ j + 1 ] ); i2 = parseInt( inds[ j + 2 ] ); indices.push( i0, i1, i2 ); } } } } } else if ( inPointDataSection || inCellDataSection ) { if ( inColorSection ) { // Get the colors while ( ( result = pat3Floats.exec( line ) ) !== null ) { var r = parseFloat( result[ 1 ] ); var g = parseFloat( result[ 2 ] ); var b = parseFloat( result[ 3 ] ); colors.push( r, g, b ); } } else if ( inNormalsSection ) { // Get the normal vectors while ( ( result = pat3Floats.exec( line ) ) !== null ) { var nx = parseFloat( result[ 1 ] ); var ny = parseFloat( result[ 2 ] ); var nz = parseFloat( result[ 3 ] ); normals.push( nx, ny, nz ); } } } if ( patPOLYGONS.exec( line ) !== null ) { inPolygonsSection = true; inPointsSection = false; inTriangleStripSection = false; } else if ( patPOINTS.exec( line ) !== null ) { inPolygonsSection = false; inPointsSection = true; inTriangleStripSection = false; } else if ( patTRIANGLE_STRIPS.exec( line ) !== null ) { inPolygonsSection = false; inPointsSection = false; inTriangleStripSection = true; } else if ( patPOINT_DATA.exec( line ) !== null ) { inPointDataSection = true; inPointsSection = false; inPolygonsSection = false; inTriangleStripSection = false; } else if ( patCELL_DATA.exec( line ) !== null ) { inCellDataSection = true; inPointsSection = false; inPolygonsSection = false; inTriangleStripSection = false; } else if ( patCOLOR_SCALARS.exec( line ) !== null ) { inColorSection = true; inNormalsSection = false; inPointsSection = false; inPolygonsSection = false; inTriangleStripSection = false; } else if ( patNORMALS.exec( line ) !== null ) { inNormalsSection = true; inColorSection = false; inPointsSection = false; inPolygonsSection = false; inTriangleStripSection = false; } } var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geometry.setIndex( indices ); geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) ); if ( normals.length === positions.length ) { geometry.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) ); } if ( colors.length !== indices.length ) { // stagger if ( colors.length === positions.length ) { geometry.addAttribute( 'color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) ); } } else { // cell geometry = geometry.toNonIndexed(); var numTriangles = geometry.attributes.position.count / 3; if ( colors.length === ( numTriangles * 3 ) ) { var newColors = []; for ( var i = 0; i < numTriangles; i ++ ) { var r = colors[ 3 * i + 0 ]; var g = colors[ 3 * i + 1 ]; var b = colors[ 3 * i + 2 ]; newColors.push( r, g, b ); newColors.push( r, g, b ); newColors.push( r, g, b ); } geometry.addAttribute( 'color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( newColors, 3 ) ); } } return geometry; } function parseBinary( data ) { var count, pointIndex, i, numberOfPoints, s; var buffer = new Uint8Array( data ); var dataView = new DataView( data ); // Points and normals, by default, are empty var points = []; var normals = []; var indices = []; // Going to make a big array of strings var vtk = []; var index = 0; function findString( buffer, start ) { var index = start; var c = buffer[ index ]; var s = []; while ( c !== 10 ) { s.push( String.fromCharCode( c ) ); index ++; c = buffer[ index ]; } return { start: start, end: index, next: index + 1, parsedString: s.join( '' ) }; } var state, line; while ( true ) { // Get a string state = findString( buffer, index ); line = state.parsedString; if ( line.indexOf( 'POINTS' ) === 0 ) { vtk.push( line ); // Add the points numberOfPoints = parseInt( line.split( ' ' )[ 1 ], 10 ); // Each point is 3 4-byte floats count = numberOfPoints * 4 * 3; points = new Float32Array( numberOfPoints * 3 ); pointIndex = state.next; for ( i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i ++ ) { points[ 3 * i ] = dataView.getFloat32( pointIndex, false ); points[ 3 * i + 1 ] = dataView.getFloat32( pointIndex + 4, false ); points[ 3 * i + 2 ] = dataView.getFloat32( pointIndex + 8, false ); pointIndex = pointIndex + 12; } // increment our next pointer state.next = state.next + count + 1; } else if ( line.indexOf( 'TRIANGLE_STRIPS' ) === 0 ) { var numberOfStrips = parseInt( line.split( ' ' )[ 1 ], 10 ); var size = parseInt( line.split( ' ' )[ 2 ], 10 ); // 4 byte integers count = size * 4; indices = new Uint32Array( 3 * size - 9 * numberOfStrips ); var indicesIndex = 0; pointIndex = state.next; for ( i = 0; i < numberOfStrips; i ++ ) { // For each strip, read the first value, then record that many more points var indexCount = dataView.getInt32( pointIndex, false ); var strip = []; pointIndex += 4; for ( s = 0; s < indexCount; s ++ ) { strip.push( dataView.getInt32( pointIndex, false ) ); pointIndex += 4; } // retrieves the n-2 triangles from the triangle strip for ( var j = 0; j < indexCount - 2; j ++ ) { if ( j % 2 ) { indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j + 2 ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j + 1 ]; } else { indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j + 1 ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j + 2 ]; } } } // increment our next pointer state.next = state.next + count + 1; } else if ( line.indexOf( 'POLYGONS' ) === 0 ) { var numberOfStrips = parseInt( line.split( ' ' )[ 1 ], 10 ); var size = parseInt( line.split( ' ' )[ 2 ], 10 ); // 4 byte integers count = size * 4; indices = new Uint32Array( 3 * size - 9 * numberOfStrips ); var indicesIndex = 0; pointIndex = state.next; for ( i = 0; i < numberOfStrips; i ++ ) { // For each strip, read the first value, then record that many more points var indexCount = dataView.getInt32( pointIndex, false ); var strip = []; pointIndex += 4; for ( s = 0; s < indexCount; s ++ ) { strip.push( dataView.getInt32( pointIndex, false ) ); pointIndex += 4; } // divide the polygon in n-2 triangle for ( var j = 1; j < indexCount - 1; j ++ ) { indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ 0 ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j + 1 ]; } } // increment our next pointer state.next = state.next + count + 1; } else if ( line.indexOf( 'POINT_DATA' ) === 0 ) { numberOfPoints = parseInt( line.split( ' ' )[ 1 ], 10 ); // Grab the next line state = findString( buffer, state.next ); // Now grab the binary data count = numberOfPoints * 4 * 3; normals = new Float32Array( numberOfPoints * 3 ); pointIndex = state.next; for ( i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i ++ ) { normals[ 3 * i ] = dataView.getFloat32( pointIndex, false ); normals[ 3 * i + 1 ] = dataView.getFloat32( pointIndex + 4, false ); normals[ 3 * i + 2 ] = dataView.getFloat32( pointIndex + 8, false ); pointIndex += 12; } // Increment past our data state.next = state.next + count; } // Increment index index = state.next; if ( index >= buffer.byteLength ) { break; } } var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geometry.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( indices, 1 ) ); geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( points, 3 ) ); if ( normals.length === points.length ) { geometry.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) ); } return geometry; } function Float32Concat( first, second ) { var firstLength = first.length, result = new Float32Array( firstLength + second.length ); result.set( first ); result.set( second, firstLength ); return result; } function Int32Concat( first, second ) { var firstLength = first.length, result = new Int32Array( firstLength + second.length ); result.set( first ); result.set( second, firstLength ); return result; } function parseXML( stringFile ) { // Changes XML to JSON, based on https://davidwalsh.name/convert-xml-json function xmlToJson( xml ) { // Create the return object var obj = {}; if ( xml.nodeType === 1 ) { // element // do attributes if ( xml.attributes ) { if ( xml.attributes.length > 0 ) { obj[ 'attributes' ] = {}; for ( var j = 0; j < xml.attributes.length; j ++ ) { var attribute = xml.attributes.item( j ); obj[ 'attributes' ][ attribute.nodeName ] = attribute.nodeValue.trim(); } } } } else if ( xml.nodeType === 3 ) { // text obj = xml.nodeValue.trim(); } // do children if ( xml.hasChildNodes() ) { for ( var i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) { var item = xml.childNodes.item( i ); var nodeName = item.nodeName; if ( typeof obj[ nodeName ] === 'undefined' ) { var tmp = xmlToJson( item ); if ( tmp !== '' ) obj[ nodeName ] = tmp; } else { if ( typeof obj[ nodeName ].push === 'undefined' ) { var old = obj[ nodeName ]; obj[ nodeName ] = [ old ]; } var tmp = xmlToJson( item ); if ( tmp !== '' ) obj[ nodeName ].push( tmp ); } } } return obj; } // Taken from Base64-js function Base64toByteArray( b64 ) { var Arr = typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? Uint8Array : Array; var i; var lookup = []; var revLookup = []; var code = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; var len = code.length; for ( i = 0; i < len; i ++ ) { lookup[ i ] = code[ i ]; } for ( i = 0; i < len; ++ i ) { revLookup[ code.charCodeAt( i ) ] = i; } revLookup[ '-'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ] = 62; revLookup[ '_'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ] = 63; var j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr; var len = b64.length; if ( len % 4 > 0 ) { throw new Error( 'Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4' ); } placeHolders = b64[ len - 2 ] === '=' ? 2 : b64[ len - 1 ] === '=' ? 1 : 0; arr = new Arr( len * 3 / 4 - placeHolders ); l = placeHolders > 0 ? len - 4 : len; var L = 0; for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3 ) { tmp = ( revLookup[ b64.charCodeAt( i ) ] << 18 ) | ( revLookup[ b64.charCodeAt( i + 1 ) ] << 12 ) | ( revLookup[ b64.charCodeAt( i + 2 ) ] << 6 ) | revLookup[ b64.charCodeAt( i + 3 ) ]; arr[ L ++ ] = ( tmp & 0xFF0000 ) >> 16; arr[ L ++ ] = ( tmp & 0xFF00 ) >> 8; arr[ L ++ ] = tmp & 0xFF; } if ( placeHolders === 2 ) { tmp = ( revLookup[ b64.charCodeAt( i ) ] << 2 ) | ( revLookup[ b64.charCodeAt( i + 1 ) ] >> 4 ); arr[ L ++ ] = tmp & 0xFF; } else if ( placeHolders === 1 ) { tmp = ( revLookup[ b64.charCodeAt( i ) ] << 10 ) | ( revLookup[ b64.charCodeAt( i + 1 ) ] << 4 ) | ( revLookup[ b64.charCodeAt( i + 2 ) ] >> 2 ); arr[ L ++ ] = ( tmp >> 8 ) & 0xFF; arr[ L ++ ] = tmp & 0xFF; } return arr; } function parseDataArray( ele, compressed ) { var numBytes = 0; if ( json.attributes.header_type === 'UInt64' ) { numBytes = 8; } else if ( json.attributes.header_type === 'UInt32' ) { numBytes = 4; } // Check the format if ( ele.attributes.format === 'binary' && compressed ) { var rawData, content, byteData, blocks, cSizeStart, headerSize, padding, dataOffsets, currentOffset; if ( ele.attributes.type === 'Float32' ) { var txt = new Float32Array( ); } else if ( ele.attributes.type === 'Int64' ) { var txt = new Int32Array( ); } // VTP data with the header has the following structure: // [#blocks][#u-size][#p-size][#c-size-1][#c-size-2]...[#c-size-#blocks][DATA] // // Each token is an integer value whose type is specified by "header_type" at the top of the file (UInt32 if no type specified). The token meanings are: // [#blocks] = Number of blocks // [#u-size] = Block size before compression // [#p-size] = Size of last partial block (zero if it not needed) // [#c-size-i] = Size in bytes of block i after compression // // The [DATA] portion stores contiguously every block appended together. The offset from the beginning of the data section to the beginning of a block is // computed by summing the compressed block sizes from preceding blocks according to the header. rawData = ele[ '#text' ]; byteData = Base64toByteArray( rawData ); blocks = byteData[ 0 ]; for ( var i = 1; i < numBytes - 1; i ++ ) { blocks = blocks | ( byteData[ i ] << ( i * numBytes ) ); } headerSize = ( blocks + 3 ) * numBytes; padding = ( ( headerSize % 3 ) > 0 ) ? 3 - ( headerSize % 3 ) : 0; headerSize = headerSize + padding; dataOffsets = []; currentOffset = headerSize; dataOffsets.push( currentOffset ); // Get the blocks sizes after the compression. // There are three blocks before c-size-i, so we skip 3*numBytes cSizeStart = 3 * numBytes; for ( var i = 0; i < blocks; i ++ ) { var currentBlockSize = byteData[ i * numBytes + cSizeStart ]; for ( var j = 1; j < numBytes - 1; j ++ ) { // Each data point consists of 8 bytes regardless of the header type currentBlockSize = currentBlockSize | ( byteData[ i * numBytes + cSizeStart + j ] << ( j * 8 ) ); } currentOffset = currentOffset + currentBlockSize; dataOffsets.push( currentOffset ); } for ( var i = 0; i < dataOffsets.length - 1; i ++ ) { var inflate = new Zlib.Inflate( byteData.slice( dataOffsets[ i ], dataOffsets[ i + 1 ] ), { resize: true, verify: true } ); // eslint-disable-line no-undef content = inflate.decompress(); content = content.buffer; if ( ele.attributes.type === 'Float32' ) { content = new Float32Array( content ); txt = Float32Concat( txt, content ); } else if ( ele.attributes.type === 'Int64' ) { content = new Int32Array( content ); txt = Int32Concat( txt, content ); } } delete ele[ '#text' ]; if ( ele.attributes.type === 'Int64' ) { if ( ele.attributes.format === 'binary' ) { txt = txt.filter( function ( el, idx ) { if ( idx % 2 !== 1 ) return true; } ); } } } else { if ( ele.attributes.format === 'binary' && ! compressed ) { var content = Base64toByteArray( ele[ '#text' ] ); // VTP data for the uncompressed case has the following structure: // [#bytes][DATA] // where "[#bytes]" is an integer value specifying the number of bytes in the block of data following it. content = content.slice( numBytes ).buffer; } else { if ( ele[ '#text' ] ) { var content = ele[ '#text' ].split( /\s+/ ).filter( function ( el ) { if ( el !== '' ) return el; } ); } else { var content = new Int32Array( 0 ).buffer; } } delete ele[ '#text' ]; // Get the content and optimize it if ( ele.attributes.type === 'Float32' ) { var txt = new Float32Array( content ); } else if ( ele.attributes.type === 'Int32' ) { var txt = new Int32Array( content ); } else if ( ele.attributes.type === 'Int64' ) { var txt = new Int32Array( content ); if ( ele.attributes.format === 'binary' ) { txt = txt.filter( function ( el, idx ) { if ( idx % 2 !== 1 ) return true; } ); } } } // endif ( ele.attributes.format === 'binary' && compressed ) return txt; } // Main part // Get Dom var dom = null; if ( window.DOMParser ) { try { dom = ( new DOMParser() ).parseFromString( stringFile, 'text/xml' ); } catch ( e ) { dom = null; } } else if ( window.ActiveXObject ) { try { dom = new ActiveXObject( 'Microsoft.XMLDOM' ); // eslint-disable-line no-undef dom.async = false; if ( ! dom.loadXML( /* xml */ ) ) { throw new Error( dom.parseError.reason + dom.parseError.srcText ); } } catch ( e ) { dom = null; } } else { throw new Error( 'Cannot parse xml string!' ); } // Get the doc var doc = dom.documentElement; // Convert to json var json = xmlToJson( doc ); var points = []; var normals = []; var indices = []; if ( json.PolyData ) { var piece = json.PolyData.Piece; var compressed = json.attributes.hasOwnProperty( 'compressor' ); // Can be optimized // Loop through the sections var sections = [ 'PointData', 'Points', 'Strips', 'Polys' ];// +['CellData', 'Verts', 'Lines']; var sectionIndex = 0, numberOfSections = sections.length; while ( sectionIndex < numberOfSections ) { var section = piece[ sections[ sectionIndex ] ]; // If it has a DataArray in it if ( section && section.DataArray ) { // Depending on the number of DataArrays if ( Object.prototype.toString.call( section.DataArray ) === '[object Array]' ) { var arr = section.DataArray; } else { var arr = [ section.DataArray ]; } var dataArrayIndex = 0, numberOfDataArrays = arr.length; while ( dataArrayIndex < numberOfDataArrays ) { // Parse the DataArray if ( ( '#text' in arr[ dataArrayIndex ] ) && ( arr[ dataArrayIndex ][ '#text' ].length > 0 ) ) { arr[ dataArrayIndex ].text = parseDataArray( arr[ dataArrayIndex ], compressed ); } dataArrayIndex ++; } switch ( sections[ sectionIndex ] ) { // if iti is point data case 'PointData': var numberOfPoints = parseInt( piece.attributes.NumberOfPoints ); var normalsName = section.attributes.Normals; if ( numberOfPoints > 0 ) { for ( var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i ++ ) { if ( normalsName === arr[ i ].attributes.Name ) { var components = arr[ i ].attributes.NumberOfComponents; normals = new Float32Array( numberOfPoints * components ); normals.set( arr[ i ].text, 0 ); } } } break; // if it is points case 'Points': var numberOfPoints = parseInt( piece.attributes.NumberOfPoints ); if ( numberOfPoints > 0 ) { var components = section.DataArray.attributes.NumberOfComponents; points = new Float32Array( numberOfPoints * components ); points.set( section.DataArray.text, 0 ); } break; // if it is strips case 'Strips': var numberOfStrips = parseInt( piece.attributes.NumberOfStrips ); if ( numberOfStrips > 0 ) { var connectivity = new Int32Array( section.DataArray[ 0 ].text.length ); var offset = new Int32Array( section.DataArray[ 1 ].text.length ); connectivity.set( section.DataArray[ 0 ].text, 0 ); offset.set( section.DataArray[ 1 ].text, 0 ); var size = numberOfStrips + connectivity.length; indices = new Uint32Array( 3 * size - 9 * numberOfStrips ); var indicesIndex = 0; for ( var i = 0, len = numberOfStrips; i < len; i ++ ) { var strip = []; for ( var s = 0, len1 = offset[ i ], len0 = 0; s < len1 - len0; s ++ ) { strip.push( connectivity[ s ] ); if ( i > 0 ) len0 = offset[ i - 1 ]; } for ( var j = 0, len1 = offset[ i ], len0 = 0; j < len1 - len0 - 2; j ++ ) { if ( j % 2 ) { indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j + 2 ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j + 1 ]; } else { indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j + 1 ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = strip[ j + 2 ]; } if ( i > 0 ) len0 = offset[ i - 1 ]; } } } break; // if it is polys case 'Polys': var numberOfPolys = parseInt( piece.attributes.NumberOfPolys ); if ( numberOfPolys > 0 ) { var connectivity = new Int32Array( section.DataArray[ 0 ].text.length ); var offset = new Int32Array( section.DataArray[ 1 ].text.length ); connectivity.set( section.DataArray[ 0 ].text, 0 ); offset.set( section.DataArray[ 1 ].text, 0 ); var size = numberOfPolys + connectivity.length; indices = new Uint32Array( 3 * size - 9 * numberOfPolys ); var indicesIndex = 0, connectivityIndex = 0; var i = 0, len = numberOfPolys, len0 = 0; while ( i < len ) { var poly = []; var s = 0, len1 = offset[ i ]; while ( s < len1 - len0 ) { poly.push( connectivity[ connectivityIndex ++ ] ); s ++; } var j = 1; while ( j < len1 - len0 - 1 ) { indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = poly[ 0 ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = poly[ j ]; indices[ indicesIndex ++ ] = poly[ j + 1 ]; j ++; } i ++; len0 = offset[ i - 1 ]; } } break; default: break; } } sectionIndex ++; } var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geometry.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( indices, 1 ) ); geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( points, 3 ) ); if ( normals.length === points.length ) { geometry.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) ); } return geometry; } else { // TODO for vtu,vti,and other xml formats } } function getStringFile( data ) { var stringFile = ''; var charArray = new Uint8Array( data ); var i = 0; var len = charArray.length; while ( len -- ) { stringFile += String.fromCharCode( charArray[ i ++ ] ); } return stringFile; } // get the 5 first lines of the files to check if there is the key word binary var meta = THREE.LoaderUtils.decodeText( new Uint8Array( data, 0, 250 ) ).split( '\n' ); if ( meta[ 0 ].indexOf( 'xml' ) !== - 1 ) { return parseXML( getStringFile( data ) ); } else if ( meta[ 2 ].includes( 'ASCII' ) ) { return parseASCII( getStringFile( data ) ); } else { return parseBinary( data ); } } } );