/** * SEA3D Legacy for Three.JS * @author Sunag / http://www.sunag.com.br/ */ 'use strict'; // // Header // Object.assign( THREE.SEA3D.prototype, { _onHead: THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onHead, _updateTransform: THREE.SEA3D.prototype.updateTransform, _readMorph: THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readMorph, _readVertexAnimation: THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readVertexAnimation, _readGeometryBuffer: THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readGeometryBuffer, _readLine: THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readLine, _getModifier: THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getModifier, _readAnimation: THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readAnimation } ); // // Utils // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.isLegacy = function ( sea ) { var sea3d = sea.sea3d; if ( sea3d.sign === "S3D" ) { return sea3d.config.legacy; } return false; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.flipVec3 = function ( v ) { if ( ! v ) return; var i = 2; while ( i < v.length ) { v[ i ] = - v[ i ]; i += 3; } return v; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.addVector = function ( v, t ) { if ( ! v ) return; for ( var i = 0; i < v.length; i ++ ) { v[ i ] += t[ i ]; } return v; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.expandJoints = function ( sea ) { var numJoints = sea.numVertex * 4; var joint = sea.isBig ? new Uint32Array( numJoints ) : new Uint16Array( numJoints ); var weight = new Float32Array( numJoints ); var w = 0, jpv = sea.jointPerVertex; for ( var i = 0; i < sea.numVertex; i ++ ) { var tjsIndex = i * 4; var seaIndex = i * jpv; joint[ tjsIndex ] = sea.joint[ seaIndex ]; if ( jpv > 1 ) joint[ tjsIndex + 1 ] = sea.joint[ seaIndex + 1 ]; if ( jpv > 2 ) joint[ tjsIndex + 2 ] = sea.joint[ seaIndex + 2 ]; if ( jpv > 3 ) joint[ tjsIndex + 3 ] = sea.joint[ seaIndex + 3 ]; weight[ tjsIndex ] = sea.weight[ seaIndex ]; if ( jpv > 1 ) weight[ tjsIndex + 1 ] = sea.weight[ seaIndex + 1 ]; if ( jpv > 2 ) weight[ tjsIndex + 2 ] = sea.weight[ seaIndex + 2 ]; if ( jpv > 3 ) weight[ tjsIndex + 3 ] = sea.weight[ seaIndex + 3 ]; w = weight[ tjsIndex ] + weight[ tjsIndex + 1 ] + weight[ tjsIndex + 2 ] + weight[ tjsIndex + 3 ]; weight[ tjsIndex ] += 1 - w; } sea.joint = joint; sea.weight = weight; sea.jointPerVertex = 4; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.compressJoints = function ( sea ) { var numJoints = sea.numVertex * 4; var joint = sea.isBig ? new Uint32Array( numJoints ) : new Uint16Array( numJoints ); var weight = new Float32Array( numJoints ); var w = 0, jpv = sea.jointPerVertex; for ( var i = 0; i < sea.numVertex; i ++ ) { var tjsIndex = i * 4; var seaIndex = i * jpv; joint[ tjsIndex ] = sea.joint[ seaIndex ]; joint[ tjsIndex + 1 ] = sea.joint[ seaIndex + 1 ]; joint[ tjsIndex + 2 ] = sea.joint[ seaIndex + 2 ]; joint[ tjsIndex + 3 ] = sea.joint[ seaIndex + 3 ]; weight[ tjsIndex ] = sea.weight[ seaIndex ]; weight[ tjsIndex + 1 ] = sea.weight[ seaIndex + 1 ]; weight[ tjsIndex + 2 ] = sea.weight[ seaIndex + 2 ]; weight[ tjsIndex + 3 ] = sea.weight[ seaIndex + 3 ]; w = weight[ tjsIndex ] + weight[ tjsIndex + 1 ] + weight[ tjsIndex + 2 ] + weight[ tjsIndex + 3 ]; weight[ tjsIndex ] += 1 - w; } sea.joint = joint; sea.weight = weight; sea.jointPerVertex = 4; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.flipIndexes = function ( v ) { var i = 1; // y >-< z while ( i < v.length ) { var idx = v[ i + 1 ]; v[ i + 1 ] = v[ i ]; v[ i ] = idx; i += 3; } return v; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.flipBoneMatrix = function () { var zero = new THREE.Vector3(); return function ( mtx ) { var pos = THREE.SEA3D.VECBUF.setFromMatrixPosition( mtx ); pos.z = - pos.z; mtx.setPosition( zero ); mtx.multiplyMatrices( THREE.SEA3D.MTXBUF.makeRotationZ( THREE.Math.degToRad( 180 ) ), mtx ); mtx.setPosition( pos ); return mtx; }; }(); THREE.SEA3D.prototype.flipScaleMatrix = function () { var pos = new THREE.Vector3(); var qua = new THREE.Quaternion(); var slc = new THREE.Vector3(); return function ( local, rotate, parent, parentRotate ) { if ( parent ) local.multiplyMatrices( parent, local ); local.decompose( pos, qua, slc ); slc.z = - slc.z; local.compose( pos, qua, slc ); if ( rotate ) { local.multiplyMatrices( local, THREE.SEA3D.MTXBUF.makeRotationZ( THREE.Math.degToRad( 180 ) ) ); } if ( parent ) { parent = parent.clone(); this.flipScaleMatrix( parent, parentRotate ); local.multiplyMatrices( parent.getInverse( parent ), local ); } return local; }; }(); // // Legacy // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.flipDefaultAnimation = function () { var buf1 = new THREE.Matrix4(); var buf2 = new THREE.Matrix4(); var pos = new THREE.Vector3(); var qua = new THREE.Quaternion(); var slc = new THREE.Vector3(); var to_pos = new THREE.Vector3(); var to_qua = new THREE.Quaternion(); var to_slc = new THREE.Vector3(); return function ( animation, obj3d, relative ) { if ( animation.isFliped ) return; var dataList = animation.dataList, t_anm = []; for ( var i = 0; i < dataList.length; i ++ ) { var data = dataList[ i ], raw = data.data, kind = data.kind, numFrames = raw.length / data.blockSize; switch ( kind ) { case SEA3D.Animation.POSITION: case SEA3D.Animation.ROTATION: case SEA3D.Animation.SCALE: t_anm.push( { kind: kind, numFrames: numFrames, raw: raw } ); break; } } if ( t_anm.length > 0 ) { var numFrames = t_anm[ 0 ].numFrames, parent = undefined; if ( relative ) { buf1.identity(); parent = this.flipScaleMatrix( buf2.copy( obj3d.matrixWorld ) ); } else { if ( obj3d.parent ) { parent = this.flipScaleMatrix( buf2.copy( obj3d.parent.matrixWorld ) ); } this.flipScaleMatrix( buf1.copy( obj3d.matrix ), false, parent ); } buf1.decompose( pos, qua, slc ); for ( var f = 0, t, c; f < numFrames; f ++ ) { for ( t = 0; t < t_anm.length; t ++ ) { var raw = t_anm[ t ].raw, kind = t_anm[ t ].kind; switch ( kind ) { case SEA3D.Animation.POSITION: c = f * 3; pos.set( raw[ c ], raw[ c + 1 ], raw[ c + 2 ] ); break; case SEA3D.Animation.ROTATION: c = f * 4; qua.set( raw[ c ], raw[ c + 1 ], raw[ c + 2 ], raw[ c + 3 ] ); break; case SEA3D.Animation.SCALE: c = f * 4; slc.set( raw[ c ], raw[ c + 1 ], raw[ c + 2 ] ); break; } } buf1.compose( pos, qua, slc ); this.flipScaleMatrix( buf1, false, buf2 ); buf1.decompose( to_pos, to_qua, to_slc ); for ( t = 0; t < t_anm.length; t ++ ) { var raw = t_anm[ t ].raw, kind = t_anm[ t ].kind; switch ( kind ) { case SEA3D.Animation.POSITION: c = f * 3; raw[ c ] = to_pos.x; raw[ c + 1 ] = to_pos.y; raw[ c + 2 ] = to_pos.z; break; case SEA3D.Animation.ROTATION: c = f * 4; raw[ c ] = to_qua.x; raw[ c + 1 ] = to_qua.y; raw[ c + 2 ] = to_qua.z; raw[ c + 3 ] = to_qua.w; break; case SEA3D.Animation.SCALE: c = f * 3; raw[ c ] = to_slc.x; raw[ c + 1 ] = to_slc.y; raw[ c + 2 ] = to_slc.z; break; } } } } animation.isFliped = true; }; }(); THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readAnimation = function ( sea ) { if ( ! this.isLegacy( sea ) ) { this._readAnimation( sea ); } }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getModifier = function ( req ) { var sea = req.sea; if ( this.isLegacy( sea ) && ! sea.done ) { sea.done = true; switch ( sea.type ) { case SEA3D.SkeletonAnimation.prototype.type: this.readSkeletonAnimationLegacy( sea, req.skeleton ); return sea.tag; break; case SEA3D.Animation.prototype.type: case SEA3D.MorphAnimation.prototype.type: case SEA3D.UVWAnimation.prototype.type: if ( req.scope instanceof THREE.Object3D ) { this.flipDefaultAnimation( sea, req.scope, req.relative ); } this._readAnimation( sea ); return sea.tag; break; case SEA3D.Morph.prototype.type: this.readMorphLegacy( sea, req.geometry ); break; } } return this._getModifier( req ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.updateTransform = function () { var buf1 = new THREE.Matrix4(); var identity = new THREE.Matrix4(); return function ( obj3d, sea ) { if ( this.isLegacy( sea ) ) { if ( sea.transform ) buf1.fromArray( sea.transform ); else buf1.makeTranslation( sea.position.x, sea.position.y, sea.position.z ); this.flipScaleMatrix( buf1, false, obj3d.parent ? obj3d.parent.matrixWorld : identity, obj3d.parent instanceof THREE.Bone ); obj3d.position.setFromMatrixPosition( buf1 ); obj3d.scale.setFromMatrixScale( buf1 ); // ignore rotation scale buf1.scale( THREE.SEA3D.VECBUF.set( 1 / obj3d.scale.x, 1 / obj3d.scale.y, 1 / obj3d.scale.z ) ); obj3d.rotation.setFromRotationMatrix( buf1 ); obj3d.updateMatrixWorld(); } else { this._updateTransform( obj3d, sea ); } }; }(); THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readSkeleton = function () { var mtx_tmp_inv = new THREE.Matrix4(), mtx_local = new THREE.Matrix4(), mtx_parent = new THREE.Matrix4(), pos = new THREE.Vector3(), qua = new THREE.Quaternion(); return function ( sea ) { var bones = [], isLegacy = sea.sea3d.config.legacy; for ( var i = 0; i < sea.joint.length; i ++ ) { var bone = sea.joint[ i ]; // get world inverse matrix mtx_tmp_inv.fromArray( bone.inverseBindMatrix ); // convert to world matrix mtx_local.getInverse( mtx_tmp_inv ); // convert to three.js order if ( isLegacy ) this.flipBoneMatrix( mtx_local ); if ( bone.parentIndex > - 1 ) { // to world mtx_tmp_inv.fromArray( sea.joint[ bone.parentIndex ].inverseBindMatrix ); mtx_parent.getInverse( mtx_tmp_inv ); // convert parent to three.js order if ( isLegacy ) this.flipBoneMatrix( mtx_parent ); // to local mtx_parent.getInverse( mtx_parent ); mtx_local.multiplyMatrices( mtx_parent, mtx_local ); } // apply matrix pos.setFromMatrixPosition( mtx_local ); qua.setFromRotationMatrix( mtx_local ); bones[ i ] = { name: bone.name, pos: [ pos.x, pos.y, pos.z ], rotq: [ qua.x, qua.y, qua.z, qua.w ], parent: bone.parentIndex }; } this.domain.bones = this.bones = this.bones || []; this.bones.push( this.objects[ sea.name + '.sklq' ] = sea.tag = bones ); return bones; }; }(); THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readSkeletonAnimationLegacy = function () { var mtx_tmp_inv = new THREE.Matrix4(), mtx_local = new THREE.Matrix4(), mtx_global = new THREE.Matrix4(), mtx_parent = new THREE.Matrix4(); return function ( sea, skl ) { if ( sea.tag ) return sea.tag; var animations = [], delta = ( 1000 / sea.frameRate ) / 1000, scale = [ 1, 1, 1 ]; for ( var i = 0; i < sea.sequence.length; i ++ ) { var seq = sea.sequence[ i ]; var start = seq.start; var end = start + seq.count; var animation = { name: seq.name, repeat: seq.repeat, fps: sea.frameRate, JIT: 0, length: delta * seq.count, hierarchy: [] }; var numJoints = sea.numJoints, raw = sea.raw; for ( var j = 0; j < numJoints; j ++ ) { var bone = skl.joint[ j ], node = { parent: bone.parentIndex, keys: [] }, keys = node.keys, time = 0; for ( var frame = start; frame < end; frame ++ ) { var idx = ( frame * numJoints * 7 ) + ( j * 7 ); mtx_local.makeRotationFromQuaternion( THREE.SEA3D.QUABUF.set( raw[ idx + 3 ], raw[ idx + 4 ], raw[ idx + 5 ], raw[ idx + 6 ] ) ); mtx_local.setPosition( THREE.SEA3D.VECBUF.set( raw[ idx ], raw[ idx + 1 ], raw[ idx + 2 ] ) ); if ( bone.parentIndex > - 1 ) { // to global mtx_tmp_inv.fromArray( skl.joint[ bone.parentIndex ].inverseBindMatrix ); mtx_parent.getInverse( mtx_tmp_inv ); mtx_global.multiplyMatrices( mtx_parent, mtx_local ); // convert to three.js matrix this.flipBoneMatrix( mtx_global ); // flip parent inverse this.flipBoneMatrix( mtx_parent ); // to local mtx_parent.getInverse( mtx_parent ); mtx_local.multiplyMatrices( mtx_parent, mtx_global ); } else { this.flipBoneMatrix( mtx_local ); } var posQ = THREE.SEA3D.VECBUF.setFromMatrixPosition( mtx_local ); var newQ = THREE.SEA3D.QUABUF.setFromRotationMatrix( mtx_local ); keys.push( { time: time, pos: [ posQ.x, posQ.y, posQ.z ], rot: [ newQ.x, newQ.y, newQ.z, newQ.w ], scl: scale } ); time += delta; } animation.hierarchy[ j ] = node; } animations.push( THREE.SEA3D.AnimationClip.fromClip( THREE.AnimationClip.parseAnimation( animation, skl.tag ), seq.repeat ) ); } this.domain.clips = this.clips = this.clips || []; this.clips.push( this.objects[ sea.name + '.anm' ] = sea.tag = animations ); }; }(); THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readMorphLegacy = function ( sea, geo ) { for ( var i = 0; i < sea.node.length; i ++ ) { var node = sea.node[ i ]; this.flipVec3( node.vertex ); this.flipVec3( node.normal ); this.addVector( node.vertex, geo.vertex ); this.addVector( node.normal, geo.normal ); } this._readMorph( sea ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readMorph = function ( sea ) { if ( ! this.isLegacy( sea ) ) { this._readMorph( sea ); } }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readVertexAnimation = function ( sea ) { if ( this.isLegacy( sea ) ) { for ( var i = 0, l = sea.frame.length; i < l; i ++ ) { var frame = sea.frame[ i ]; this.flipVec3( frame.vertex ); this.flipVec3( frame.normal ); } } this._readVertexAnimation( sea ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readGeometryBuffer = function ( sea ) { if ( this.isLegacy( sea ) ) { this.flipVec3( sea.vertex ); this.flipVec3( sea.normal ); this.flipIndexes( sea.indexes ); if ( sea.jointPerVertex > 4 ) this.compressJoints( sea ); else if ( sea.jointPerVertex < 4 ) this.expandJoints( sea ); } this._readGeometryBuffer( sea ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readLines = function ( sea ) { if ( this.isLegacy( sea ) ) { this.flipVec3( sea.vertex ); } this._readLines( sea ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onHead = function ( args ) { if ( args.sign != "S3D" && args.sign != "TJS" ) { throw new Error( "Sign '" + args.sign + "' unknown." ); } }; THREE.SEA3D.EXTENSIONS_LOADER.push( { setTypeRead: function () { // CONFIG this.config.legacy = this.config.legacy == undefined ? true : this.config.legacy; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Skeleton.prototype.type ] = this.readSkeleton; } } );