/** * SEA3D for Three.JS * @author Sunag / http://www.sunag.com.br/ */ 'use strict'; // // // SEA3D // THREE.SEA3D = function ( config ) { this.config = { id: "", scripts: true, runScripts: true, autoPlay: false, dummys: true, multiplier: 1, bounding: true, audioRolloffFactor: 10, lights: true, useEnvironment: true, useVertexTexture: true, forceStatic: false, streaming: true, async: true, paths: {}, timeLimit: 10 }; if ( config ) this.loadConfig( config ); }; // // Polyfills // if ( THREE.Float32BufferAttribute === undefined ) { THREE.Float32BufferAttribute = THREE.Float32Attribute; } THREE.SEA3D.useMultiMaterial = THREE.MultiMaterial.prototype.isMultiMaterial; // // Config // THREE.SEA3D.MTXBUF = new THREE.Matrix4(); THREE.SEA3D.VECBUF = new THREE.Vector3(); THREE.SEA3D.QUABUF = new THREE.Quaternion(); THREE.SEA3D.BACKGROUND_COLOR = 0x333333; THREE.SEA3D.HELPER_COLOR = 0x9AB9E5; THREE.SEA3D.RTT_SIZE = 512; THREE.SEA3D.identityMatrixScale = function () { var scl = new THREE.Vector3(); return function identityMatrixScale( matrix ) { scl.setFromMatrixScale( matrix ); return matrix.scale( scl.set( 1 / scl.x, 1 / scl.y, 1 / scl.z ) ); }; }(); THREE.SEA3D.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D, setShadowMap: function ( light ) { light.shadow.mapSize.width = 2048; light.shadow.mapSize.height = 1024; light.castShadow = true; light.shadow.camera.left = - 200; light.shadow.camera.right = 200; light.shadow.camera.top = 200; light.shadow.camera.bottom = - 200; light.shadow.camera.near = 1; light.shadow.camera.far = 3000; light.shadow.camera.fov = 45; light.shadow.bias = - 0.001; } } ); Object.defineProperties( THREE.SEA3D.prototype, { container: { set: function ( val ) { this.config.container = val; }, get: function () { return this.config.container; } }, elapsedTime: { get: function () { return this.file.timer.elapsedTime; } } } ); // // Domain // THREE.SEA3D.Domain = function ( id, objects, container ) { this.id = id; this.objects = objects; this.container = container; this.sources = []; this.local = {}; this.scriptTargets = []; this.events = new THREE.EventDispatcher(); }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.global = {}; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.Domain, add: function ( src ) { this.sources.push( src ); }, remove: function ( src ) { this.sources.splice( this.sources.indexOf( src ), 1 ); }, contains: function ( src ) { return this.sources.indexOf( src ) != - 1; }, addEventListener: function ( type, listener ) { this.events.addEventListener( type, listener ); }, hasEventListener: function ( type, listener ) { return this.events.hasEventListener( type, listener ); }, removeEventListener: function ( type, listener ) { this.events.removeEventListener( type, listener ); }, print: function () { console.log.apply( console, arguments ); }, watch: function () { console.log.apply( console, 'watch:', arguments ); }, runScripts: function () { for ( var i = 0; i < this.scriptTargets.length; i ++ ) { this.runJSMList( this.scriptTargets[ i ] ); } }, runJSMList: function ( target ) { var scripts = target.scripts; for ( var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i ++ ) { this.runJSM( target, scripts[ i ] ); } return scripts; }, runJSM: function ( target, script ) { var include = { print: this.print, watch: this.watch, sea3d: this, scene: this.container, source: new THREE.SEA3D.ScriptDomain( this, target instanceof THREE.SEA3D.Domain ) }; Object.freeze( include.source ); THREE.SEA3D.ScriptHandler.add( include.source ); try { this.methods[ script.method ]( include, this.getReference, THREE.SEA3D.Domain.global, this.local, target, script.params ); } catch ( e ) { console.error( 'SEA3D JavaScript: Error running method "' + script.method + '".' ); console.error( e ); } }, getReference: function ( ns ) { return eval( ns ); }, disposeList: function ( list ) { if ( ! list || ! list.length ) return; list = list.concat(); var i = list.length; while ( i -- ) { list[ i ].dispose(); } }, dispatchEvent: function ( event ) { event.domain = this; var sources = this.sources.concat(), i = sources.length; while ( i -- ) { sources[ i ].dispatchEvent( event ); } this.events.dispatchEvent( event ); }, dispose: function () { this.disposeList( this.sources ); while ( this.container.children.length ) { this.container.remove( this.container.children[ 0 ] ); } var i = THREE.SEA3D.EXTENSIONS_DOMAIN.length; while ( i -- ) { var domain = THREE.SEA3D.EXTENSIONS_DOMAIN[ i ]; if ( domain.dispose ) domain.dispose.call( this ); } this.disposeList( this.materials ); this.disposeList( this.dummys ); this.dispatchEvent( { type: "dispose" } ); } } ); // // Domain Manager // THREE.SEA3D.DomainManager = function ( autoDisposeRootDomain ) { this.domains = []; this.autoDisposeRootDomain = autoDisposeRootDomain !== undefined ? autoDisposeRootDomain : true; }; Object.assign( THREE.SEA3D.DomainManager.prototype, { onDisposeDomain: function ( e ) { this.remove( e.domain ); if ( this.autoDisposeRootDomain && this.domains.length == 1 ) { this.dispose(); } }, add: function ( domain ) { this._onDisposeDomain = this._onDisposeDomain || this.onDisposeDomain.bind( this ); domain.on( "dispose", this._onDisposeDomain ); this.domains.push( domain ); this.textures = this.textures || domain.textures; this.cubemaps = this.cubemaps || domain.cubemaps; this.geometries = this.geometries || domain.geometries; }, remove: function ( domain ) { domain.removeEvent( "dispose", this._onDisposeDomain ); this.domains.splice( this.domains.indexOf( domain ), 1 ); }, contains: function ( domain ) { return this.domains.indexOf( domain ) != - 1; }, disposeList: function ( list ) { if ( ! list || ! list.length ) return; list = list.concat(); var i = list.length; while ( i -- ) { list[ i ].dispose(); } }, dispose: function () { this.disposeList( this.domains ); this.disposeList( this.textures ); this.disposeList( this.cubemaps ); this.disposeList( this.geometries ); } } ); // // Script ( closure for private functions ) // THREE.SEA3D.ScriptDomain = function ( domain, root ) { domain = domain || new THREE.SEA3D.Domain(); domain.add( this ); var events = new THREE.EventDispatcher(); this.getId = function () { return domain.id; }; this.isRoot = function () { return root; }; this.addEventListener = function ( type, listener ) { events.addEventListener( type, listener ); }; this.hasEventListener = function ( type, listener ) { return events.hasEventListener( type, listener ); }; this.removeEventListener = function ( type, listener ) { events.removeEventListener( type, listener ); }; this.dispatchEvent = function ( event ) { event.script = this; events.dispatchEvent( event ); }; this.dispose = function () { domain.remove( this ); if ( root ) domain.dispose(); this.dispatchEvent( { type: "dispose" } ); }; }; // // Script Manager ( closure for private functions ) // THREE.SEA3D.ScriptManager = function () { this.scripts = []; var onDisposeScript = ( function ( e ) { this.remove( e.script ); } ).bind( this ); this.add = function ( src ) { src.addEventListener( "dispose", onDisposeScript ); this.scripts.push( src ); }; this.remove = function ( src ) { src.removeEventListener( "dispose", onDisposeScript ); this.scripts.splice( this.scripts.indexOf( src ), 1 ); }; this.contains = function ( src ) { return this.scripts.indexOf( src ) > - 1; }; this.dispatchEvent = function ( event ) { var scripts = this.scripts.concat(), i = scripts.length; while ( i -- ) { scripts[ i ].dispatchEvent( event ); } }; }; // // Script Handler // THREE.SEA3D.ScriptHandler = new THREE.SEA3D.ScriptManager(); THREE.SEA3D.ScriptHandler.dispatchUpdate = function ( delta ) { this.dispatchEvent( { type: "update", delta: delta } ); }; // // Animation Clip // THREE.SEA3D.AnimationClip = function ( name, duration, tracks, repeat ) { THREE.AnimationClip.call( this, name, duration, tracks ); this.repeat = repeat !== undefined ? repeat : true; }; THREE.SEA3D.AnimationClip.fromClip = function ( clip, repeat ) { return new THREE.SEA3D.AnimationClip( clip.name, clip.duration, clip.tracks, repeat ); }; THREE.SEA3D.AnimationClip.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.AnimationClip.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.AnimationClip } ); // // Animation // THREE.SEA3D.Animation = function ( clip, timeScale ) { this.clip = clip; this.timeScale = timeScale !== undefined ? timeScale : 1; }; THREE.SEA3D.Animation.COMPLETE = "animationComplete"; THREE.SEA3D.Animation.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.Animation, onComplete: function ( scope ) { this.dispatchEvent( { type: THREE.SEA3D.Animation.COMPLETE, target: this } ); } } ); Object.defineProperties( THREE.SEA3D.Animation.prototype, { name: { get: function () { return this.clip.name; } }, repeat: { get: function () { return this.clip.repeat; } }, duration: { get: function () { return this.clip.duration; } }, mixer: { set: function ( val ) { if ( this.mx ) { this.mx.uncacheClip( this.clip ); delete this.mx; } if ( val ) { this.mx = val; this.mx.clipAction( this.clip ); } }, get: function () { return this.mx; } } } ); // // Animator // THREE.SEA3D.Animator = function ( clips, mixer ) { this.updateAnimations( clips, mixer ); this.clone = function ( scope ) { return new this.constructor( this.clips, new THREE.AnimationMixer( scope ) ).copyFrom( this ); }.bind( this ); }; Object.assign( THREE.SEA3D.Animator.prototype, { update: function ( dt ) { this.mixer.update( dt || 0 ); if ( this.currentAnimationAction && this.currentAnimationAction.paused ) { this.pause(); if ( this.currentAnimation ) { this.currentAnimation.onComplete( this ); } } return this; }, updateAnimations: function ( clips, mixer ) { if ( this.playing ) this.stop(); if ( this.mixer ) THREE.SEA3D.AnimationHandler.remove( this ); this.mixer = mixer; this.relative = false; this.playing = false; this.paused = false; this.timeScale = 1; this.animations = []; this.animation = {}; this.clips = []; if ( clips ) { for ( var i = 0; i < clips.length; i ++ ) { this.addAnimation( clips[ i ] ); } } return this; }, addAnimation: function ( animation ) { if ( animation instanceof THREE.AnimationClip ) { this.clips.push( animation ); animation = new THREE.SEA3D.Animation( animation ); } this.animations.push( animation ); this.animation[ animation.name ] = animation; animation.mixer = this.mixer; return animation; }, removeAnimation: function ( animation ) { if ( animation instanceof THREE.AnimationClip ) { animation = this.getAnimationByClip( animation ); } this.clips.splice( this.clips.indexOf( animation.clip ), 1 ); delete this.animation[ animation.name ]; this.animations.splice( this.animations.indexOf( animation ), 1 ); animation.mixer = null; return animation; }, getAnimationByClip: function ( clip ) { for ( var i = 0; i < this.animations.length; i ++ ) { if ( this.animations[ i ].clip === clip ) return clip; } }, getAnimationByName: function ( name ) { return typeof name === "number" ? this.animations[ name ] : this.animation[ name ]; }, setAnimationWeight: function ( name, val ) { this.mixer.clipAction( this.getAnimationByName( name ).clip ).setEffectiveWeight( val ); }, getAnimationWeight: function ( name ) { return this.mixer.clipAction( this.getAnimationByName( name ).clip ).getEffectiveWeight(); }, pause: function () { if ( this.playing && this.currentAnimation ) { THREE.SEA3D.AnimationHandler.remove( this ); this.playing = false; } return this; }, resume: function () { if ( ! this.playing && this.currentAnimation ) { THREE.SEA3D.AnimationHandler.add( this ); this.playing = true; } return this; }, setTimeScale: function ( val ) { this.timeScale = val; if ( this.currentAnimationAction ) this.updateTimeScale(); return this; }, getTimeScale: function () { return this.timeScale; }, updateTimeScale: function () { this.currentAnimationAction.setEffectiveTimeScale( this.timeScale * ( this.currentAnimation ? this.currentAnimation.timeScale : 1 ) ); return this; }, play: function ( name, crossfade, offset, weight ) { var animation = this.getAnimationByName( name ); if ( ! animation ) throw new Error( 'Animation "' + name + '" not found.' ); if ( animation == this.currentAnimation ) { if ( offset !== undefined || ! animation.repeat ) this.currentAnimationAction.time = offset !== undefined ? offset : ( this.currentAnimationAction.timeScale >= 0 ? 0 : this.currentAnimation.duration ); this.currentAnimationAction.setEffectiveWeight( weight !== undefined ? weight : 1 ); this.currentAnimationAction.paused = false; return this.resume(); } else { this.previousAnimation = this.currentAnimation; this.currentAnimation = animation; this.previousAnimationAction = this.currentAnimationAction; this.currentAnimationAction = this.mixer.clipAction( animation.clip ).setLoop( animation.repeat ? THREE.LoopRepeat : THREE.LoopOnce, Infinity ).reset(); this.currentAnimationAction.clampWhenFinished = ! animation.repeat; this.currentAnimationAction.paused = false; this.updateTimeScale(); if ( offset !== undefined || ! animation.repeat ) this.currentAnimationAction.time = offset !== undefined ? offset : ( this.currentAnimationAction.timeScale >= 0 ? 0 : this.currentAnimation.duration ); this.currentAnimationAction.setEffectiveWeight( weight !== undefined ? weight : 1 ); this.currentAnimationAction.play(); if ( ! this.playing ) this.mixer.update( 0 ); this.playing = true; if ( this.previousAnimation ) this.previousAnimationAction.crossFadeTo( this.currentAnimationAction, crossfade || 0, false ); THREE.SEA3D.AnimationHandler.add( this ); } return this; }, stop: function () { if ( this.playing ) THREE.SEA3D.AnimationHandler.remove( this ); if ( this.currentAnimation ) { this.currentAnimationAction.stop(); this.previousAnimation = this.currentAnimation; this.previousAnimationAction = this.currentAnimationAction; delete this.currentAnimationAction; delete this.currentAnimation; this.playing = false; } return this; }, playw: function ( name, weight ) { if ( ! this.playing && ! this.paused ) THREE.SEA3D.AnimationHandler.add( this ); var animation = this.getAnimationByName( name ); this.playing = true; var clip = this.mixer.clipAction( animation.clip ); clip.setLoop( animation.repeat ? THREE.LoopRepeat : THREE.LoopOnce, Infinity ).reset(); clip.clampWhenFinished = ! animation.repeat; clip.paused = false; clip.setEffectiveWeight( weight ).play(); return clip; }, crossFade: function ( fromAnimName, toAnimName, duration, wrap ) { this.mixer.stopAllAction(); var fromAction = this.playw( fromAnimName, 1 ); var toAction = this.playw( toAnimName, 1 ); fromAction.crossFadeTo( toAction, duration, wrap !== undefined ? wrap : false ); return this; }, stopAll: function () { this.stop().mixer.stopAllAction(); this.playing = false; return this; }, unPauseAll: function () { this.mixer.timeScale = 1; this.playing = true; this.paused = false; return this; }, pauseAll: function () { this.mixer.timeScale = 0; this.playing = false; this.paused = true; return this; }, setRelative: function ( val ) { if ( this.relative == val ) return; this.stop(); this.relative = val; return this; }, getRelative: function () { return this.relative; }, copyFrom: function ( scope ) { for ( var i = 0; i < this.animations.length; i ++ ) { this.animations[ i ].timeScale = scope.animations[ i ].timeScale; } return this; } } ); // // Object3D Animator // THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator = function ( clips, object3d ) { this.object3d = object3d; THREE.SEA3D.Animator.call( this, clips, new THREE.AnimationMixer( object3d ) ); this.clone = function ( scope ) { return new this.constructor( this.clips, scope ).copyFrom( this ); }.bind( this ); }; THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.SEA3D.Animator.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator, stop: function () { if ( this.currentAnimation ) { var animate = this.object3d.animate; if ( animate && this instanceof THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator ) { animate.position.set( 0, 0, 0 ); animate.quaternion.set( 0, 0, 0, 1 ); animate.scale.set( 1, 1, 1 ); } } THREE.SEA3D.Animator.prototype.stop.call( this ); }, setRelative: function ( val ) { THREE.SEA3D.Animator.prototype.setRelative.call( this, val ); this.object3d.setAnimator( this.relative ); this.updateAnimations( this.clips, new THREE.AnimationMixer( this.relative ? this.object3d.animate : this.object3d ) ); } } ); // // Camera Animator // THREE.SEA3D.CameraAnimator = function ( clips, object3d ) { THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator.call( this, clips, object3d ); }; THREE.SEA3D.CameraAnimator.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.CameraAnimator } ); // // Sound Animator // THREE.SEA3D.SoundAnimator = function ( clips, object3d ) { THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator.call( this, clips, object3d ); }; THREE.SEA3D.SoundAnimator.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.SoundAnimator } ); // // Light Animator // THREE.SEA3D.LightAnimator = function ( clips, object3d ) { THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator.call( this, clips, object3d ); }; THREE.SEA3D.LightAnimator.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.LightAnimator } ); // // Container // THREE.SEA3D.Object3D = function ( ) { THREE.Object3D.call( this ); }; THREE.SEA3D.Object3D.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.Object3D, // Relative Animation Extension ( Only used if relative animation is enabled ) // TODO: It can be done with shader updateAnimateMatrix: function ( force ) { if ( this.matrixAutoUpdate === true ) this.updateMatrix(); if ( this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate === true || force === true ) { if ( this.parent === null ) { this.matrixWorld.copy( this.matrix ); } else { this.matrixWorld.multiplyMatrices( this.parent.matrixWorld, this.matrix ); } this.animate.updateMatrix(); this.matrixWorld.multiplyMatrices( this.matrixWorld, this.animate.matrix ); this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = false; force = true; } // update children for ( var i = 0, l = this.children.length; i < l; i ++ ) { this.children[ i ].updateMatrixWorld( force ); } }, setAnimator: function ( val ) { if ( this.getAnimator() == val ) return; if ( val ) { this.animate = new THREE.Object3D(); this.updateMatrixWorld = THREE.SEA3D.Object3D.prototype.updateAnimateMatrix; } else { delete this.animate; this.updateMatrixWorld = THREE.Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld; } this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true; }, getAnimator: function () { return this.animate != undefined; }, copy: function ( source ) { THREE.Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source ); this.attribs = source.attribs; this.scripts = source.scripts; if ( source.animator ) this.animator = source.animator.clone( this ); return this; } } ); // // Dummy // THREE.SEA3D.Dummy = function ( width, height, depth ) { this.width = width != undefined ? width : 100; this.height = height != undefined ? height : 100; this.depth = depth != undefined ? depth : 100; var geo = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( this.width, this.height, this.depth, 1, 1, 1 ); geo.computeBoundingBox(); geo.computeBoundingSphere(); THREE.Mesh.call( this, geo, THREE.SEA3D.Dummy.MATERIAL ); }; THREE.SEA3D.Dummy.MATERIAL = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { wireframe: true, color: THREE.SEA3D.HELPER_COLOR } ); THREE.SEA3D.Dummy.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.Mesh.prototype ), THREE.SEA3D.Object3D.prototype, { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.Dummy, copy: function ( source ) { THREE.Mesh.prototype.copy.call( this, source ); this.attribs = source.attribs; this.scripts = source.scripts; if ( source.animator ) this.animator = source.animator.clone( this ); return this; }, dispose: function () { this.geometry.dispose(); } } ); // // Mesh // THREE.SEA3D.Mesh = function ( geometry, material ) { THREE.Mesh.call( this, geometry, material ); }; THREE.SEA3D.Mesh.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.Mesh.prototype ), THREE.SEA3D.Object3D.prototype, { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.Mesh, setWeight: function ( name, val ) { var index = typeof name === "number" ? name : this.morphTargetDictionary[ name ]; this.morphTargetInfluences[ index ] = val; }, getWeight: function ( name ) { var index = typeof name === "number" ? name : this.morphTargetDictionary[ name ]; return this.morphTargetInfluences[ index ]; }, copy: function ( source ) { THREE.Mesh.prototype.copy.call( this, source ); this.attribs = source.attribs; this.scripts = source.scripts; if ( source.animator ) this.animator = source.animator.clone( this ); return this; } } ); // // Skinning // THREE.SEA3D.SkinnedMesh = function ( geometry, material ) { THREE.SkinnedMesh.call( this, geometry, material ); this.bind( new THREE.Skeleton( this.initBones() ), this.matrixWorld ); this.updateAnimations( geometry.animations, new THREE.AnimationMixer( this ) ); }; THREE.SEA3D.SkinnedMesh.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype ), THREE.SEA3D.Mesh.prototype, THREE.SEA3D.Animator.prototype, { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.SkinnedMesh, initBones: function () { var bones = [], bone, gbone; var i, il; if ( this.geometry && this.geometry.bones !== undefined ) { // first, create array of 'Bone' objects from geometry data for ( i = 0, il = this.geometry.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) { gbone = this.geometry.bones[ i ]; // create new 'Bone' object bone = new THREE.Bone(); bones.push( bone ); // apply values bone.name = gbone.name; bone.position.fromArray( gbone.pos ); bone.quaternion.fromArray( gbone.rotq ); if ( gbone.scl !== undefined ) bone.scale.fromArray( gbone.scl ); } // second, create bone hierarchy for ( i = 0, il = this.geometry.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) { gbone = this.geometry.bones[ i ]; if ( ( gbone.parent !== - 1 ) && ( gbone.parent !== null ) && ( bones[ gbone.parent ] !== undefined ) ) { // subsequent bones in the hierarchy bones[ gbone.parent ].add( bones[ i ] ); } else { // topmost bone, immediate child of the skinned mesh this.add( bones[ i ] ); } } } // now the bones are part of the scene graph and children of the skinned mesh. // let's update the corresponding matrices this.updateMatrixWorld( true ); return bones; }, boneByName: function ( name ) { var bones = this.skeleton.bones; for ( var i = 0, bl = bones.length; i < bl; i ++ ) { if ( name == bones[ i ].name ) return bones[ i ]; } }, copy: function ( source ) { THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype.copy.call( this, source ); this.attribs = source.attribs; this.scripts = source.scripts; if ( source.animator ) this.animator = source.animator.clone( this ); return this; } } ); // // Vertex Animation // THREE.SEA3D.VertexAnimationMesh = function ( geometry, material ) { THREE.Mesh.call( this, geometry, material ); this.type = 'MorphAnimMesh'; this.updateAnimations( geometry.animations, new THREE.AnimationMixer( this ) ); }; THREE.SEA3D.VertexAnimationMesh.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.Mesh.prototype ), THREE.SEA3D.Mesh.prototype, THREE.SEA3D.Animator.prototype, { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.VertexAnimationMesh, copy: function ( source ) { THREE.Mesh.prototype.copy.call( this, source ); this.attribs = source.attribs; this.scripts = source.scripts; if ( source.animator ) this.animator = source.animator.clone( this ); return this; } } ); // // Camera // THREE.SEA3D.Camera = function ( fov, aspect, near, far ) { THREE.PerspectiveCamera.call( this, fov, aspect, near, far ); }; THREE.SEA3D.Camera.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype ), THREE.SEA3D.Object3D.prototype, { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.Camera, copy: function ( source ) { THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.copy.call( this, source ); this.attribs = source.attribs; this.scripts = source.scripts; if ( source.animator ) this.animator = source.animator.clone( this ); return this; } } ); // // Orthographic Camera // THREE.SEA3D.OrthographicCamera = function ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ) { THREE.OrthographicCamera.call( this, left, right, top, bottom, near, far ); }; THREE.SEA3D.OrthographicCamera.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype ), THREE.SEA3D.Object3D.prototype, { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.OrthographicCamera, copy: function ( source ) { THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype.copy.call( this, source ); this.attribs = source.attribs; this.scripts = source.scripts; if ( source.animator ) this.animator = source.animator.clone( this ); return this; } } ); // // PointLight // THREE.SEA3D.PointLight = function ( hex, intensity, distance, decay ) { THREE.PointLight.call( this, hex, intensity, distance, decay ); }; THREE.SEA3D.PointLight.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.PointLight.prototype ), THREE.SEA3D.Object3D.prototype, { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.PointLight, copy: function ( source ) { THREE.PointLight.prototype.copy.call( this, source ); this.attribs = source.attribs; this.scripts = source.scripts; if ( source.animator ) this.animator = source.animator.clone( this ); return this; } } ); // // Point Sound // THREE.SEA3D.PointSound = function ( listener, sound ) { THREE.PositionalAudio.call( this, listener ); this.setSound( sound ); }; THREE.SEA3D.PointSound.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.PositionalAudio.prototype ), THREE.SEA3D.Object3D.prototype, { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.PointSound, setSound: function ( sound ) { this.sound = sound; if ( sound ) { if ( sound.buffer ) { this.setBuffer( sound.buffer ); } else { sound.addEventListener( "complete", function ( e ) { this.setBuffer( sound.buffer ); }.bind( this ) ); } } return this; }, copy: function ( source ) { THREE.PositionalAudio.prototype.copy.call( this, source ); this.attribs = source.attribs; this.scripts = source.scripts; if ( source.animator ) this.animator = source.animator.clone( this ); return this; } } ); // // Animation Handler // THREE.SEA3D.AnimationHandler = { animators: [], update: function ( dt ) { var i = 0; while ( i < this.animators.length ) { this.animators[ i ++ ].update( dt ); } }, add: function ( animator ) { var index = this.animators.indexOf( animator ); if ( index === - 1 ) this.animators.push( animator ); }, remove: function ( animator ) { var index = this.animators.indexOf( animator ); if ( index !== - 1 ) this.animators.splice( index, 1 ); } }; // // Sound // THREE.SEA3D.Sound = function ( src ) { this.uuid = THREE.Math.generateUUID(); this.src = src; new THREE.AudioLoader().load( src, function ( buffer ) { this.buffer = buffer; this.dispatchEvent( { type: "complete" } ); }.bind( this ) ); }; THREE.SEA3D.Sound.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype ), { constructor: THREE.SEA3D.Sound } ); // // Output // THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getMesh = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getMesh = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "m3d/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getDummy = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getDummy = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "dmy/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getLine = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getLine = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "line/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getSound3D = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getSound3D = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "sn3d/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getMaterial = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getMaterial = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "mat/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getLight = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getLight = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "lht/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getGLSL = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getGLSL = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "glsl/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getCamera = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getCamera = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "cam/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getTexture = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getTexture = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "tex/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getCubeMap = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getCubeMap = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "cmap/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getJointObject = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getJointObject = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "jnt/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getContainer3D = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getContainer3D = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "c3d/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getSprite = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getSprite = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "m2d/" + name ]; }; THREE.SEA3D.Domain.prototype.getProperties = THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getProperties = function ( name ) { return this.objects[ "prop/" + name ]; }; // // Utils // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.isPowerOfTwo = function ( num ) { return num ? ( ( num & - num ) == num ) : false; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.nearestPowerOfTwo = function ( num ) { return Math.pow( 2, Math.round( Math.log( num ) / Math.LN2 ) ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.updateTransform = function ( obj3d, sea ) { var mtx = THREE.SEA3D.MTXBUF, vec = THREE.SEA3D.VECBUF; if ( sea.transform ) mtx.fromArray( sea.transform ); else mtx.makeTranslation( sea.position.x, sea.position.y, sea.position.z ); // matrix obj3d.position.setFromMatrixPosition( mtx ); obj3d.scale.setFromMatrixScale( mtx ); // ignore rotation scale obj3d.quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( THREE.SEA3D.identityMatrixScale( mtx ) ); // optimize if is static if ( this.config.forceStatic || sea.isStatic ) { obj3d.updateMatrix(); obj3d.matrixAutoUpdate = false; } }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.toVector3 = function ( data ) { return new THREE.Vector3( data.x, data.y, data.z ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.toFaces = function ( faces ) { // xyz(- / +) to xyz(+ / -) sequence var f = []; f[ 0 ] = faces[ 1 ]; f[ 1 ] = faces[ 0 ]; f[ 2 ] = faces[ 3 ]; f[ 3 ] = faces[ 2 ]; f[ 4 ] = faces[ 5 ]; f[ 5 ] = faces[ 4 ]; return f; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.updateScene = function () { if ( this.materials != undefined ) { for ( var i = 0, l = this.materials.length; i < l; ++ i ) { this.materials[ i ].needsUpdate = true; } } }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.addSceneObject = function ( sea, obj3d ) { obj3d = obj3d || sea.tag; obj3d.visible = sea.visible; if ( sea.parent ) sea.parent.tag.add( obj3d ); else if ( this.config.container ) this.config.container.add( obj3d ); if ( sea.attributes ) obj3d.attribs = sea.attributes.tag; if ( sea.scripts ) { obj3d.scripts = this.getJSMList( obj3d, sea.scripts ); if ( this.config.scripts && this.config.runScripts ) this.domain.runJSMList( obj3d ); } }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.createObjectURL = function ( raw, mime ) { return ( window.URL || window.webkitURL ).createObjectURL( new Blob( [ raw ], { type: mime } ) ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.parsePath = function ( url ) { var paths = this.config.paths; for ( var name in paths ) { url = url.replace( new RegExp( "%" + name + "%", "g" ), paths[ name ] ); } return url; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.addDefaultAnimation = function ( sea, animatorClass ) { var scope = sea.tag; for ( var i = 0, count = sea.animations ? sea.animations.length : 0; i < count; i ++ ) { var anm = sea.animations[ i ]; switch ( anm.tag.type ) { case SEA3D.Animation.prototype.type: var animation = anm.tag.tag || this.getModifier( { sea: anm.tag, scope: scope, relative: anm.relative } ); scope.animator = new animatorClass( animation, scope ); scope.animator.setRelative( anm.relative ); if ( this.config.autoPlay ) { scope.animator.play( 0 ); } return scope.animator; break; } } }; // // Geometry // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readGeometryBuffer = function ( sea ) { var geo = sea.tag || new THREE.BufferGeometry(); for ( var i = 0; i < sea.groups.length; i ++ ) { var g = sea.groups[ i ]; geo.addGroup( g.start, g.count, i ); } // not indexes? use polygon soup if ( sea.indexes ) geo.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( sea.indexes, 1 ) ); geo.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( sea.vertex, 3 ) ); if ( sea.uv ) { geo.addAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute( sea.uv[ 0 ], 2 ) ); if ( sea.uv.length > 1 ) geo.addAttribute( 'uv2', new THREE.BufferAttribute( sea.uv[ 1 ], 2 ) ); } if ( sea.normal ) geo.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( sea.normal, 3 ) ); else geo.computeVertexNormals(); if ( sea.tangent4 ) geo.addAttribute( 'tangent', new THREE.BufferAttribute( sea.tangent4, 4 ) ); if ( sea.color ) geo.addAttribute( 'color', new THREE.BufferAttribute( sea.color[ 0 ], sea.numColor ) ); if ( sea.joint ) { geo.addAttribute( 'skinIndex', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( sea.joint, sea.jointPerVertex ) ); geo.addAttribute( 'skinWeight', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( sea.weight, sea.jointPerVertex ) ); } if ( this.config.bounding ) { geo.computeBoundingBox(); geo.computeBoundingSphere(); } geo.name = sea.name; this.domain.geometries = this.geometries = this.geometries || []; this.geometries.push( this.objects[ "geo/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = geo ); }; // // Dummy // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readDummy = function ( sea ) { var dummy = new THREE.SEA3D.Dummy( sea.width, sea.height, sea.depth ); dummy.name = sea.name; this.domain.dummys = this.dummys = this.dummys || []; this.dummys.push( this.objects[ "dmy/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = dummy ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( dummy, sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator ); }; // // Line // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readLine = function ( sea ) { var geo = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); if ( sea.closed ) sea.vertex.push( sea.vertex[ 0 ], sea.vertex[ 1 ], sea.vertex[ 2 ] ); geo.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( sea.vertex, 3 ) ); var line = new THREE.Line( geo, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: THREE.SEA3D.HELPER_COLOR, linewidth: 3 } ) ); line.name = sea.name; this.lines = this.lines || []; this.lines.push( this.objects[ "line/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = line ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( line, sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator ); }; // // Container3D // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readContainer3D = function ( sea ) { var container = new THREE.SEA3D.Object3D(); this.domain.containers = this.containers = this.containers || []; this.containers.push( this.objects[ "c3d/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = container ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( container, sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator ); }; // // Sprite // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readSprite = function ( sea ) { var mat; if ( sea.material ) { if ( ! sea.material.tag.sprite ) { mat = sea.material.tag.sprite = new THREE.SpriteMaterial(); this.setBlending( mat, sea.blendMode ); var map = sea.material.tag.map; if ( map ) { map.flipY = true; mat.map = map; } mat.color.set( sea.material.tag.color ); mat.opacity = sea.material.tag.opacity; mat.fog = sea.material.receiveFog; } else { mat = sea.material.tag.sprite; } } var sprite = new THREE.Sprite( mat ); sprite.name = sea.name; this.domain.sprites = this.sprites = this.sprites || []; this.sprites.push( this.objects[ "m2d/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = sprite ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( sprite, sea ); sprite.scale.set( sea.width, sea.height, 1 ); }; // // Mesh // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readMesh = function ( sea ) { var i, count, geo = sea.geometry.tag, mesh, mat, skeleton, morpher, skeletonAnimation, vertexAnimation, uvwAnimationClips, morphAnimation; for ( i = 0, count = sea.modifiers ? sea.modifiers.length : 0; i < count; i ++ ) { var mod = sea.modifiers[ i ]; switch ( mod.type ) { case SEA3D.Skeleton.prototype.type: case SEA3D.SkeletonLocal.prototype.type: skeleton = mod; geo.bones = skeleton.tag; break; case SEA3D.Morph.prototype.type: morpher = mod.tag || this.getModifier( { sea: mod, geometry: sea.geometry } ); geo.morphAttributes = morpher.attribs; geo.morphTargets = morpher.targets; break; } } for ( i = 0, count = sea.animations ? sea.animations.length : 0; i < count; i ++ ) { var anm = sea.animations[ i ], anmTag = anm.tag; switch ( anmTag.type ) { case SEA3D.SkeletonAnimation.prototype.type: skeletonAnimation = anmTag; geo.animations = skeletonAnimation.tag || this.getModifier( { sea: skeletonAnimation, skeleton: skeleton, relative: true } ); break; case SEA3D.VertexAnimation.prototype.type: vertexAnimation = anmTag; geo.morphAttributes = vertexAnimation.tag.attribs; geo.morphTargets = vertexAnimation.tag.targets; geo.animations = vertexAnimation.tag.animations; break; case SEA3D.UVWAnimation.prototype.type: uvwAnimationClips = anmTag.tag || this.getModifier( { sea: anmTag } ); break; case SEA3D.MorphAnimation.prototype.type: morphAnimation = anmTag.tag || this.getModifier( { sea: anmTag } ); break; } } var uMorph = morpher != undefined || vertexAnimation != undefined, uMorphNormal = ( morpher && morpher.attribs.normal != undefined ) || ( vertexAnimation && vertexAnimation.tag.attribs.normal != undefined ); if ( sea.material ) { if ( sea.material.length > 1 ) { var mats = []; for ( i = 0; i < sea.material.length; i ++ ) { mats[ i ] = sea.material[ i ].tag; mats[ i ].skinning = skeleton != undefined; mats[ i ].morphTargets = uMorph; mats[ i ].morphNormals = uMorphNormal; mats[ i ].vertexColors = sea.geometry.color ? THREE.VertexColors : THREE.NoColors; } mat = THREE.SEA3D.useMultiMaterial ? new THREE.MultiMaterial( mats ) : mats; } else { mat = sea.material[ 0 ].tag; mat.skinning = skeleton != undefined; mat.morphTargets = uMorph; mat.morphNormals = uMorphNormal; mat.vertexColors = sea.geometry.color ? THREE.VertexColors : THREE.NoColors; } } if ( skeleton ) { mesh = new THREE.SEA3D.SkinnedMesh( geo, mat, this.config.useVertexTexture ); if ( this.config.autoPlay && skeletonAnimation ) { mesh.play( 0 ); } } else if ( vertexAnimation ) { mesh = new THREE.SEA3D.VertexAnimationMesh( geo, mat ); if ( this.config.autoPlay ) { mesh.play( 0 ); } } else { mesh = new THREE.SEA3D.Mesh( geo, mat ); } if ( uvwAnimationClips ) { mesh.uvwAnimator = new THREE.SEA3D.Animator( uvwAnimationClips, new THREE.AnimationMixer( mat.map ) ); if ( this.config.autoPlay ) { mesh.uvwAnimator.play( 0 ); } } if ( morphAnimation ) { mesh.morphAnimator = new THREE.SEA3D.Animator( morphAnimation, new THREE.AnimationMixer( mesh ) ); if ( this.config.autoPlay ) { mesh.morphAnimator.play( 0 ); } } mesh.name = sea.name; mesh.castShadow = sea.castShadows; mesh.receiveShadow = sea.material ? sea.material[ 0 ].receiveShadows : true; this.domain.meshes = this.meshes = this.meshes || []; this.meshes.push( this.objects[ "m3d/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = mesh ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( mesh, sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.Object3DAnimator ); }; // // Sound Point // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readSoundPoint = function ( sea ) { if ( ! this.audioListener ) { this.audioListener = new THREE.AudioListener(); if ( this.config.container ) { this.config.container.add( this.audioListener ); } } var sound3d = new THREE.SEA3D.PointSound( this.audioListener ); sound3d.autoplay = sea.autoPlay; sound3d.setLoop( sea.autoPlay ); sound3d.setVolume( sea.volume ); sound3d.setRefDistance( sea.distance ); sound3d.setRolloffFactor( this.config.audioRolloffFactor ); sound3d.setSound( sea.sound.tag ); sound3d.name = sea.name; this.domain.sounds3d = this.sounds3d = this.sounds3d || []; this.sounds3d.push( this.objects[ "sn3d/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = sound3d ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( sound3d, sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.SoundAnimator ); }; // // Cube Render // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readCubeRender = function ( sea ) { var cube = new THREE.CubeCamera( 0.1, 5000, THREE.SEA3D.RTT_SIZE ); cube.renderTarget.cubeCamera = cube; sea.tag = cube.renderTarget; this.domain.cubeRenderers = this.cubeRenderers = this.cubeRenderers || []; this.cubeRenderers.push( this.objects[ "rttc/" + sea.name ] = cube ); this.addSceneObject( sea, cube ); this.updateTransform( cube, sea ); }; // // Texture (WDP, JPEG, PNG and GIF) // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readTexture = function ( sea ) { var image = new Image(), texture = new THREE.Texture(); texture.name = sea.name; texture.wrapS = texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; texture.flipY = false; texture.image = image; if ( this.config.anisotropy !== undefined ) texture.anisotropy = this.config.anisotropy; image.onload = function () { texture.needsUpdate = true; }; image.src = this.createObjectURL( sea.data.buffer, "image/" + sea.type ); this.domain.textures = this.textures = this.textures || []; this.textures.push( this.objects[ "tex/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = texture ); }; // // Cube Map // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readCubeMap = function ( sea ) { var faces = this.toFaces( sea.faces ), texture = new THREE.CubeTexture( [] ); var loaded = 0; texture.name = sea.name; texture.flipY = false; texture.format = THREE.RGBFormat; var onLoaded = function () { if ( ++ loaded == 6 ) { texture.needsUpdate = true; if ( ! this.config.async ) this.file.resume = true; } }.bind( this ); for ( var i = 0; i < faces.length; ++ i ) { var cubeImage = new Image(); cubeImage.onload = onLoaded; cubeImage.src = this.createObjectURL( faces[ i ].buffer, "image/" + sea.extension ); texture.images[ i ] = cubeImage; } if ( ! this.config.async ) this.file.resume = false; this.domain.cubemaps = this.cubemaps = this.cubemaps || []; this.cubemaps.push( this.objects[ "cmap/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = texture ); }; // // Updaters // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readTextureUpdate = function ( sea ) { var obj = this.file.objects[ sea.index ], tex = obj.tag; var image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { tex.image = image; tex.needsUpdate = true; }; image.src = this.createObjectURL( sea.bytes.buffer, "image/" + obj.type ); }; // // Sound (MP3, OGG) // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readSound = function ( sea ) { var sound = new THREE.SEA3D.Sound( this.createObjectURL( sea.data.buffer, "audio/" + sea.type ) ); sound.name = sea.name; this.domain.sounds = this.sounds = this.sounds || []; this.sounds.push( this.objects[ "snd/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = sound ); }; // // Script URL // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readScriptURL = function ( sea ) { this.file.resume = false; var loader = new THREE.FileLoader(); loader.setResponseType( "text" ).load( sea.url, function ( src ) { this.file.resume = true; this.domain.scripts = this.scripts = this.scripts || []; this.scripts.push( this.objects[ "src/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = src ); }.bind( this ) ); }; // // Texture URL // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readTextureURL = function ( sea ) { var texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( this.parsePath( sea.url ) ); texture.name = sea.name; texture.wrapS = texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; texture.flipY = false; if ( this.config.anisotropy !== undefined ) texture.anisotropy = this.config.anisotropy; this.domain.textures = this.textures = this.textures || []; this.textures.push( this.objects[ "tex/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = texture ); }; // // CubeMap URL // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readCubeMapURL = function ( sea ) { var faces = this.toFaces( sea.faces ); for ( var i = 0; i < faces.length; i ++ ) { faces[ i ] = this.parsePath( faces[ i ] ); } var texture, format = faces[ 0 ].substr( - 3 ); if ( format == "hdr" ) { var usePMREM = THREE.PMREMGenerator != null; this.file.resume = ! usePMREM; texture = new THREE.HDRCubeTextureLoader().load( THREE.UnsignedByteType, faces, function ( texture ) { if ( usePMREM ) { var pmremGenerator = new THREE.PMREMGenerator( texture ); pmremGenerator.update( this.config.renderer ); var pmremCubeUVPacker = new THREE.PMREMCubeUVPacker( pmremGenerator.cubeLods ); pmremCubeUVPacker.update( this.config.renderer ); this.objects[ "cmap/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = pmremCubeUVPacker.CubeUVRenderTarget.texture; this.file.resume = true; texture.dispose(); pmremGenerator.dispose(); pmremCubeUVPacker.dispose(); } }.bind( this ) ); } else { texture = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader().load( faces ); } texture.name = sea.name; texture.wrapS = texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; texture.flipY = false; if ( this.config.anisotropy !== undefined ) texture.anisotropy = this.config.anisotropy; this.domain.cubemaps = this.cubemaps = this.cubemaps || []; this.cubemaps.push( this.objects[ "cmap/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = texture ); }; // // Runtime // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getJSMList = function ( target, scripts ) { var scriptTarget = []; for ( var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i ++ ) { var script = scripts[ i ]; if ( script.tag.type == SEA3D.JavaScriptMethod.prototype.type ) { scriptTarget.push( script ); } } this.domain.scriptTargets = this.scriptTargets = this.scriptTargets || []; this.scriptTargets.push( target ); return scriptTarget; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readJavaScriptMethod = function ( sea ) { try { var src = '(function() {\n' + 'var $METHOD = {}\n'; var declare = 'function($INC, $REF, global, local, self, $PARAM) {\n' + 'var watch = $INC["watch"],\n' + 'scene = $INC["scene"],\n' + 'sea3d = $INC["sea3d"],\n' + 'print = $INC["print"];\n'; declare += 'var $SRC = $INC["source"],\n' + 'addEventListener = $SRC.addEventListener.bind( $SRC ),\n' + 'hasEventListener = $SRC.hasEventListener.bind( $SRC ),\n' + 'removeEventListener = $SRC.removeEventListener.bind( $SRC ),\n' + 'dispatchEvent = $SRC.dispatchEvent.bind( $SRC ),\n' + 'dispose = $SRC.dispose.bind( $SRC );\n'; for ( var name in sea.methods ) { src += '$METHOD["' + name + '"] = ' + declare + sea.methods[ name ].src + '}\n'; } src += 'return $METHOD; })'; this.domain.methods = eval( src )(); } catch ( e ) { console.error( 'SEA3D JavaScriptMethod: Error running "' + sea.name + '".' ); console.error( e ); } }; // // GLSL // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readGLSL = function ( sea ) { this.domain.glsl = this.glsl = this.glsl || []; this.glsl.push( this.objects[ "glsl/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = sea.src ); }; // // Material // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.materialTechnique = ( function () { var techniques = {}; // FINAL techniques.onComplete = function ( mat, sea ) { if ( sea.alpha < 1 || mat.blending > THREE.NormalBlending ) { mat.opacity = sea.alpha; mat.transparent = true; } }; // PHYSICAL techniques[ SEA3D.Material.PHYSICAL ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.color.setHex( tech.color ); mat.roughness = tech.roughness; mat.metalness = tech.metalness; }; // REFLECTIVITY techniques[ SEA3D.Material.REFLECTIVITY ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.reflectivity = tech.strength; }; // CLEAR_COAT techniques[ SEA3D.Material.CLEAR_COAT ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.clearCoat = tech.strength; mat.clearCoatRoughness = tech.roughness; }; // PHONG techniques[ SEA3D.Material.PHONG ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.color.setHex( tech.diffuseColor ); mat.specular.setHex( tech.specularColor ).multiplyScalar( tech.specular ); mat.shininess = tech.gloss; }; // DIFFUSE_MAP techniques[ SEA3D.Material.DIFFUSE_MAP ] = function ( mat, tech, sea ) { mat.map = tech.texture.tag; mat.color.setHex( 0xFFFFFF ); mat.map.wrapS = mat.map.wrapT = sea.repeat ? THREE.RepeatWrapping : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping; if ( tech.texture.transparent ) { mat.transparent = true; } }; // ROUGHNESS_MAP techniques[ SEA3D.Material.ROUGHNESS_MAP ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.roughnessMap = tech.texture.tag; }; // METALNESS_MAP techniques[ SEA3D.Material.METALNESS_MAP ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.metalnessMap = tech.texture.tag; }; // SPECULAR_MAP techniques[ SEA3D.Material.SPECULAR_MAP ] = function ( mat, tech ) { if ( mat.specular ) { mat.specularMap = tech.texture.tag; mat.specular.setHex( 0xFFFFFF ); } }; // NORMAL_MAP techniques[ SEA3D.Material.NORMAL_MAP ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.normalMap = tech.texture.tag; }; // REFLECTION techniques[ SEA3D.Material.REFLECTION ] = techniques[ SEA3D.Material.FRESNEL_REFLECTION ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.envMap = tech.texture.tag; mat.envMap.mapping = THREE.CubeReflectionMapping; mat.combine = THREE.MixOperation; mat.reflectivity = tech.alpha; }; // REFLECTION_SPHERICAL techniques[ SEA3D.Material.REFLECTION_SPHERICAL ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.envMap = tech.texture.tag; mat.envMap.mapping = THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping; mat.combine = THREE.MixOperation; mat.reflectivity = tech.alpha; }; // REFRACTION techniques[ SEA3D.Material.REFRACTION_MAP ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.envMap = tech.texture.tag; mat.envMap.mapping = THREE.CubeRefractionMapping; mat.refractionRatio = tech.ior; mat.reflectivity = tech.alpha; }; // LIGHT_MAP techniques[ SEA3D.Material.LIGHT_MAP ] = function ( mat, tech ) { if ( tech.blendMode == "multiply" ) mat.aoMap = tech.texture.tag; else mat.lightMap = tech.texture.tag; }; // EMISSIVE techniques[ SEA3D.Material.EMISSIVE ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.emissive.setHex( tech.color ); }; // EMISSIVE_MAP techniques[ SEA3D.Material.EMISSIVE_MAP ] = function ( mat, tech ) { mat.emissiveMap = tech.texture.tag; }; // ALPHA_MAP techniques[ SEA3D.Material.ALPHA_MAP ] = function ( mat, tech, sea ) { mat.alphaMap = tech.texture.tag; mat.transparent = true; mat.alphaMap.wrapS = mat.alphaMap.wrapT = sea.repeat ? THREE.RepeatWrapping : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping; }; return techniques; } )(); THREE.SEA3D.prototype.createMaterial = function ( sea ) { if ( sea.tecniquesDict[ SEA3D.Material.REFLECTIVITY ] || sea.tecniquesDict[ SEA3D.Material.CLEAR_COAT ] ) { return new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial(); } else if ( sea.tecniquesDict[ SEA3D.Material.PHYSICAL ] ) { return new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial(); } return new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.setBlending = function ( mat, blendMode ) { if ( blendMode === "normal" ) return; switch ( blendMode ) { case "add": mat.blending = THREE.AdditiveBlending; break; case "subtract": mat.blending = THREE.SubtractiveBlending; break; case "multiply": mat.blending = THREE.MultiplyBlending; break; case "screen": mat.blending = THREE.CustomBlending; mat.blendSrc = THREE.OneFactor; mat.blendDst = THREE.OneMinusSrcColorFactor; mat.blendEquation = THREE.AddEquation; break; } mat.transparent = true; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readMaterial = function ( sea ) { var mat = this.createMaterial( sea ); mat.name = sea.name; mat.lights = sea.receiveLights; mat.fog = sea.receiveFog; mat.depthWrite = sea.depthWrite; mat.depthTest = sea.depthTest; mat.premultipliedAlpha = sea.premultipliedAlpha; mat.side = sea.doubleSided ? THREE.DoubleSide : THREE.FrontSide; this.setBlending( mat, sea.blendMode ); for ( var i = 0; i < sea.technique.length; i ++ ) { var tech = sea.technique[ i ]; if ( this.materialTechnique[ tech.kind ] ) { this.materialTechnique[ tech.kind ].call( this, mat, tech, sea ); } } if ( this.materialTechnique.onComplete ) { this.materialTechnique.onComplete.call( this, mat, sea ); } this.domain.materials = this.materials = this.materials || []; this.materials.push( this.objects[ "mat/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = mat ); }; // // Point Light // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readPointLight = function ( sea ) { var light = new THREE.SEA3D.PointLight( sea.color, sea.multiplier * this.config.multiplier ); light.name = sea.name; if ( sea.attenuation ) { light.distance = sea.attenuation.end; } if ( sea.shadow ) this.setShadowMap( light ); this.domain.lights = this.lights = this.lights || []; this.lights.push( this.objects[ "lht/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = light ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( light, sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.LightAnimator ); this.updateScene(); }; // // Hemisphere Light // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readHemisphereLight = function ( sea ) { var light = new THREE.HemisphereLight( sea.color, sea.secondColor, sea.multiplier * this.config.multiplier ); light.position.set( 0, 500, 0 ); light.name = sea.name; this.domain.lights = this.lights = this.lights || []; this.lights.push( this.objects[ "lht/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = light ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.LightAnimator ); this.updateScene(); }; // // Ambient Light // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readAmbientLight = function ( sea ) { var light = new THREE.AmbientLight( sea.color, sea.multiplier * this.config.multiplier ); light.name = sea.name; this.domain.lights = this.lights = this.lights || []; this.lights.push( this.objects[ "lht/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = light ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.LightAnimator ); this.updateScene(); }; // // Directional Light // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readDirectionalLight = function ( sea ) { var light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( sea.color, sea.multiplier * this.config.multiplier ); light.name = sea.name; if ( sea.shadow ) { this.setShadowMap( light ); } this.domain.lights = this.lights = this.lights || []; this.lights.push( this.objects[ "lht/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = light ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( light, sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.LightAnimator ); this.updateScene(); }; // // Camera // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readCamera = function ( sea ) { var camera = new THREE.SEA3D.Camera( sea.fov ); camera.name = sea.name; this.domain.cameras = this.cameras = this.cameras || []; this.cameras.push( this.objects[ "cam/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = camera ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( camera, sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.CameraAnimator ); }; // // Orthographic Camera // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readOrthographicCamera = function ( sea ) { var aspect, width, height; var stageWidth = this.config.stageWidth !== undefined ? this.config.stageWidth : ( window ? window.innerWidth : 1024 ); var stageHeight = this.config.stageHeight !== undefined ? this.config.stageHeight : ( window ? window.innerHeight : 1024 ); if ( stageWidth > stageHeight ) { aspect = stageWidth / stageHeight; width = sea.height * aspect; height = sea.height; } else { aspect = stageHeight / stageWidth; width = sea.height; height = sea.height * aspect; } var camera = new THREE.SEA3D.OrthographicCamera( - width, width, height, - height ); camera.name = sea.name; this.domain.cameras = this.cameras = this.cameras || []; this.cameras.push( this.objects[ "cam/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = camera ); this.addSceneObject( sea ); this.updateTransform( camera, sea ); this.addDefaultAnimation( sea, THREE.SEA3D.CameraAnimator ); }; // // Skeleton // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getSkeletonFromBones = function ( bonesData ) { var bones = [], bone, gbone; var i, il; for ( i = 0, il = bonesData.length; i < il; i ++ ) { gbone = bonesData[ i ]; bone = new THREE.Bone(); bones.push( bone ); bone.name = gbone.name; bone.position.fromArray( gbone.pos ); bone.quaternion.fromArray( gbone.rotq ); if ( gbone.scl !== undefined ) bone.scale.fromArray( gbone.scl ); } for ( i = 0, il = bonesData.length; i < il; i ++ ) { gbone = bonesData[ i ]; if ( ( gbone.parent !== - 1 ) && ( gbone.parent !== null ) && ( bones[ gbone.parent ] !== undefined ) ) { bones[ gbone.parent ].add( bones[ i ] ); } } return new THREE.Skeleton( bones ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readSkeletonLocal = function ( sea ) { var bones = []; for ( var i = 0; i < sea.joint.length; i ++ ) { var bone = sea.joint[ i ]; bones[ i ] = { name: bone.name, pos: [ bone.x, bone.y, bone.z ], rotq: [ bone.qx, bone.qy, bone.qz, bone.qw ], parent: bone.parentIndex }; } this.domain.bones = this.bones = this.bones || []; this.bones.push( this.objects[ sea.name + '.sklq' ] = sea.tag = bones ); }; // // Joint Object // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readJointObject = function ( sea ) { var mesh = sea.target.tag, bone = mesh.skeleton.bones[ sea.joint ]; this.domain.joints = this.joints = this.joints || []; this.joints.push( this.objects[ "jnt/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = bone ); }; // // Morph // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readMorph = function ( sea ) { var attribs = { position: [] }, targets = []; for ( var i = 0; i < sea.node.length; i ++ ) { var node = sea.node[ i ]; attribs.position[ i ] = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( node.vertex, 3 ); attribs.position[ i ].name = node.name; if ( node.normal ) { attribs.normal = attribs.normal || []; attribs.normal[ i ] = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( node.normal, 3 ); } targets[ i ] = { name: node.name }; } sea.tag = { attribs: attribs, targets: targets }; }; // // Animation // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readAnimation = function ( sea ) { var animations = [], delta = ( 1000 / sea.frameRate ) / 1000; for ( var i = 0; i < sea.sequence.length; i ++ ) { var seq = sea.sequence[ i ]; var tracks = []; for ( var j = 0; j < sea.dataList.length; j ++ ) { var anm = sea.dataList[ j ], t, k, times, values, data = anm.data, start = seq.start * anm.blockSize, end = start + ( seq.count * anm.blockSize ), intrpl = seq.intrpl ? THREE.InterpolateLinear : false, name = null; switch ( anm.kind ) { case SEA3D.Animation.POSITION: name = '.position'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.ROTATION: name = '.quaternion'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.SCALE: name = '.scale'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.COLOR: name = '.color'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.MULTIPLIER: name = '.intensity'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.FOV: name = '.fov'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.OFFSET_U: name = '.offset[x]'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.OFFSET_V: name = '.offset[y]'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.SCALE_U: name = '.repeat[x]'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.SCALE_V: name = '.repeat[y]'; break; case SEA3D.Animation.MORPH: name = '.morphTargetInfluences[' + anm.name + ']'; break; } if ( ! name ) continue; switch ( anm.type ) { case SEA3D.Stream.BYTE: case SEA3D.Stream.UBYTE: case SEA3D.Stream.INT: case SEA3D.Stream.UINT: case SEA3D.Stream.FLOAT: case SEA3D.Stream.DOUBLE: case SEA3D.Stream.DECIMAL: values = data.subarray( start, end ); times = new Float32Array( values.length ); t = 0; for ( k = 0; k < times.length; k ++ ) { times[ k ] = t; t += delta; } tracks.push( new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( name, times, values, intrpl ) ); break; case SEA3D.Stream.VECTOR3D: values = data.subarray( start, end ); times = new Float32Array( values.length / anm.blockSize ); t = 0; for ( k = 0; k < times.length; k ++ ) { times[ k ] = t; t += delta; } tracks.push( new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( name, times, values, intrpl ) ); break; case SEA3D.Stream.VECTOR4D: values = data.subarray( start, end ); times = new Float32Array( values.length / anm.blockSize ); t = 0; for ( k = 0; k < times.length; k ++ ) { times[ k ] = t; t += delta; } tracks.push( new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack( name, times, values, intrpl ) ); break; case SEA3D.Stream.INT24: case SEA3D.Stream.UINT24: values = new Float32Array( ( end - start ) * 3 ); times = new Float32Array( values.length / 3 ); t = 0; for ( k = 0; k < times.length; k ++ ) { values[ ( k * 3 ) ] = ( ( data[ k ] >> 16 ) & 0xFF ) / 255; values[ ( k * 3 ) + 1 ] = ( ( data[ k ] >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) / 255; values[ ( k * 3 ) + 2 ] = ( data[ k ] & 0xFF ) / 255; times[ k ] = t; t += delta; } tracks.push( new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( name, times, values, intrpl ) );//ColorKeyframeTrack break; } } animations.push( new THREE.SEA3D.AnimationClip( seq.name, - 1, tracks, seq.repeat ) ); } this.domain.clips = this.clips = this.clips || []; this.clips.push( this.objects[ sea.name + '.anm' ] = sea.tag = animations ); }; // // Skeleton Animation // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readSkeletonAnimation = function ( sea, skl ) { skl = ! skl && sea.metadata && sea.metadata.skeleton ? sea.metadata.skeleton : skl; if ( ! skl || sea.tag ) return sea.tag; var animations = [], delta = ( 1000 / sea.frameRate ) / 1000; for ( var i = 0; i < sea.sequence.length; i ++ ) { var seq = sea.sequence[ i ]; var start = seq.start; var end = start + seq.count; var animation = { name: seq.name, fps: sea.frameRate, length: delta * seq.count, hierarchy: [] }; var numJoints = sea.numJoints, raw = sea.raw; for ( var j = 0; j < numJoints; j ++ ) { var bone = skl.joint[ j ], node = { parent: bone.parentIndex, keys: [] }, keys = node.keys, time = 0; for ( var frame = start; frame < end; frame ++ ) { var idx = ( frame * numJoints * 7 ) + ( j * 7 ); keys.push( { time: time, pos: [ raw[ idx ], raw[ idx + 1 ], raw[ idx + 2 ] ], rot: [ raw[ idx + 3 ], raw[ idx + 4 ], raw[ idx + 5 ], raw[ idx + 6 ] ], scl: [ 1, 1, 1 ] } ); time += delta; } animation.hierarchy[ j ] = node; } animations.push( THREE.SEA3D.AnimationClip.fromClip( THREE.AnimationClip.parseAnimation( animation, skl.tag ), seq.repeat ) ); } this.domain.clips = this.clips = this.clips || []; this.clips.push( this.objects[ sea.name + '.skla' ] = sea.tag = animations ); }; // // Vertex Animation // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readVertexAnimation = function ( sea ) { var attribs = { position: [] }, targets = [], animations = [], i, j, l; for ( i = 0, l = sea.frame.length; i < l; i ++ ) { var frame = sea.frame[ i ]; attribs.position[ i ] = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( frame.vertex, 3 ); if ( frame.normal ) { attribs.normal = attribs.normal || []; attribs.normal[ i ] = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( frame.normal, 3 ); } targets[ i ] = { name: i }; } for ( i = 0; i < sea.sequence.length; i ++ ) { var seq = sea.sequence[ i ]; var seqTargets = []; for ( j = 0; j < seq.count; j ++ ) { seqTargets[ j ] = targets[ seq.start + j ]; } animations.push( THREE.SEA3D.AnimationClip.fromClip( THREE.AnimationClip.CreateFromMorphTargetSequence( seq.name, seqTargets, sea.frameRate ), seq.repeat ) ); } sea.tag = { attribs: attribs, targets: targets, animations: animations }; this.domain.clips = this.clips = this.clips || []; this.clips.push( this.objects[ sea.name + '.vtxa' ] = sea.tag ); }; // // Selector // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.getModifier = function ( req ) { var sea = req.sea; switch ( sea.type ) { case SEA3D.SkeletonAnimation.prototype.type: this.readSkeletonAnimation( sea, req.skeleton ); break; case SEA3D.Animation.prototype.type: case SEA3D.MorphAnimation.prototype.type: case SEA3D.UVWAnimation.prototype.type: this.readAnimation( sea ); break; case SEA3D.Morph.prototype.type: this.readMorph( sea, req.geometry ); break; } return sea.tag; }; // // Actions // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.applyEnvironment = function ( envMap ) { for ( var j = 0, l = this.materials.length; j < l; ++ j ) { var mat = this.materials[ j ]; if ( mat instanceof THREE.MeshStandardMaterial ) { if ( mat.envMap ) continue; mat.envMap = envMap; mat.envMap.mapping = THREE.CubeReflectionMapping; mat.needsUpdate = true; } } }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readActions = function ( sea ) { for ( var i = 0; i < sea.actions.length; i ++ ) { var act = sea.actions[ i ]; switch ( act.kind ) { case SEA3D.Actions.ATTRIBUTES: this.attribs = this.domain.attribs = act.attributes.tag; break; case SEA3D.Actions.SCRIPTS: this.domain.scripts = this.getJSMList( this.domain, act.scripts ); if ( this.config.scripts && this.config.runScripts ) this.domain.runJSMList( this.domain ); break; case SEA3D.Actions.CAMERA: this.domain.camera = this.camera = act.camera.tag; break; case SEA3D.Actions.ENVIRONMENT_COLOR: this.domain.background = this.background = this.background || {}; this.background.color = new THREE.Color( act.color ); break; case SEA3D.Actions.ENVIRONMENT: this.domain.background = this.background = this.background || {}; this.background.texture = act.texture.tag; if ( this.config.useEnvironment && this.materials != undefined ) { this.applyEnvironment( act.texture.tag ); } break; } } }; // // Properties // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.updatePropertiesAssets = function ( sea, props ) { for ( var name in props ) { switch ( props.__type[ name ] ) { case SEA3D.Stream.ASSET: if ( ! props.__asset ) props.__asset = {}; if ( ! props.__asset[ name ] ) props.__asset[ name ] = props[ name ]; props[ name ] = props.__asset[ name ].tag; break; case SEA3D.Stream.GROUP: props[ name ] = this.updatePropertiesAssets( sea, props[ name ] ); break; } } return props; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readProperties = function ( sea ) { var props = this.updatePropertiesAssets( sea, sea.props ); this.domain.properties = this.properties = this.properties || []; this.properties.push( this.objects[ "prop/" + sea.name ] = sea.tag = props ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readFileInfo = function ( sea ) { this.domain.info = this.updatePropertiesAssets( sea, sea.info ); }; // // Events // THREE.SEA3D.Event = { PROGRESS: "sea3d_progress", LOAD_PROGRESS: "sea3d_load", DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS: "sea3d_download", COMPLETE: "sea3d_complete", OBJECT_COMPLETE: "sea3d_object", PARSE_PROGRESS: "parse_progress", PARSE_COMPLETE: "parse_complete", ERROR: "sea3d_error" }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onProgress = function ( e ) { e.status = e.type; e.progress = e.loaded / e.total; e.type = THREE.SEA3D.Event.PROGRESS; this.dispatchEvent( e ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onLoadProgress = function ( e ) { e.type = THREE.SEA3D.Event.LOAD_PROGRESS; this.dispatchEvent( e ); this.onProgress( e ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onDownloadProgress = function ( e ) { e.type = THREE.SEA3D.Event.DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS; this.dispatchEvent( e ); this.onProgress( e ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onComplete = function ( e ) { e.type = THREE.SEA3D.Event.COMPLETE; this.dispatchEvent( e ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onCompleteObject = function ( e ) { e.type = THREE.SEA3D.Event.OBJECT_COMPLETE; this.dispatchEvent( e ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onParseProgress = function ( e ) { e.type = THREE.SEA3D.Event.PARSE_PROGRESS; this.dispatchEvent( e ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onParseComplete = function ( e ) { e.type = THREE.SEA3D.Event.PARSE_COMPLETE; this.dispatchEvent( e ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onError = function ( e ) { e.type = THREE.SEA3D.Event.ERROR; this.dispatchEvent( e ); }; // // Loader // THREE.SEA3D.prototype.createDomain = function () { return this.domain = new THREE.SEA3D.Domain( this.config.id, this.objects = {}, this.config.container ); }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.clone = function ( config, onParseComplete, onParseProgress ) { if ( ! this.file.isDone() ) throw new Error( "Previous parse is not completed." ); this.config.container = config && config.container !== undefined ? config.container : new THREE.Object3D(); if ( config ) this.loadConfig( config ); var timeLimit = this.config.timeLimit; this.config.timeLimit = config && config.timeLimit !== undefined ? config.timeLimit : Infinity; this.parse( onParseComplete, onParseProgress ); this.config.timeLimit = timeLimit; return this.domain; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.loadConfig = function ( config ) { for ( var name in config ) { this.config[ name ] = config[ name ]; } }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.parse = function ( onParseComplete, onParseProgress ) { delete this.cameras; delete this.containers; delete this.lights; delete this.joints; delete this.meshes; delete this.materials; delete this.sprites; delete this.sounds3d; delete this.cubeRenderers; delete this.sounds; delete this.glsl; delete this.dummy; delete this.camera; delete this.background; delete this.properties; delete this.scriptTargets; delete this.domain; this.createDomain(); this.setTypeRead(); this.file.onParseComplete = ( function ( e ) { if ( this.config.manager ) this.config.manager.add( this.domain ); ( onParseComplete || this.onParseComplete ).call( this, e ); } ).bind( this ); this.file.onParseProgress = onParseProgress || this.onParseProgress; // EXTENSIONS var i = THREE.SEA3D.EXTENSIONS_LOADER.length; while ( i -- ) { var loader = THREE.SEA3D.EXTENSIONS_LOADER[ i ]; if ( loader.parse ) loader.parse.call( this ); } this.file.parse(); return this.domain; }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.onHead = function ( args ) { if ( args.sign != 'TJS' ) { throw new Error( "Sign '" + args.sign + "' not supported! Use SEA3D Studio to publish or SEA3DLegacy.js" ); } }; THREE.SEA3D.EXTENSIONS_LOADER = []; THREE.SEA3D.EXTENSIONS_DOMAIN = []; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.setTypeRead = function () { this.file.typeRead = {}; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Geometry.prototype.type ] = this.readGeometryBuffer; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Mesh.prototype.type ] = this.readMesh; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Sprite.prototype.type ] = this.readSprite; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Container3D.prototype.type ] = this.readContainer3D; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Line.prototype.type ] = this.readLine; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Material.prototype.type ] = this.readMaterial; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Camera.prototype.type ] = this.readCamera; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.OrthographicCamera.prototype.type ] = this.readOrthographicCamera; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.SkeletonLocal.prototype.type ] = this.readSkeletonLocal; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.SkeletonAnimation.prototype.type ] = this.readSkeletonAnimation; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.JointObject.prototype.type ] = this.readJointObject; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.CubeMap.prototype.type ] = this.readCubeMap; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.CubeRender.prototype.type ] = this.readCubeRender; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Animation.prototype.type ] = this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.MorphAnimation.prototype.type ] = this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.UVWAnimation.prototype.type ] = this.readAnimation; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.SoundPoint.prototype.type ] = this.readSoundPoint; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.TextureURL.prototype.type ] = this.readTextureURL; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.CubeMapURL.prototype.type ] = this.readCubeMapURL; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.TextureUpdate.prototype.type ] = this.readTextureUpdate; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Morph.prototype.type ] = this.readMorph; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.VertexAnimation.prototype.type ] = this.readVertexAnimation; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Actions.prototype.type ] = this.readActions; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.FileInfo.prototype.type ] = this.readFileInfo; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Properties.prototype.type ] = this.readProperties; if ( this.config.dummys ) { this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.Dummy.prototype.type ] = this.readDummy; } if ( this.config.scripts ) { this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.ScriptURL.prototype.type ] = this.readScriptURL; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.JavaScriptMethod.prototype.type ] = this.readJavaScriptMethod; } if ( this.config.lights ) { this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.PointLight.prototype.type ] = this.readPointLight; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.DirectionalLight.prototype.type ] = this.readDirectionalLight; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.HemisphereLight.prototype.type ] = this.readHemisphereLight; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.AmbientLight.prototype.type ] = this.readAmbientLight; } // UNIVERSAL this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.JPEG.prototype.type ] = this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.JPEG_XR.prototype.type ] = this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.PNG.prototype.type ] = this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.GIF.prototype.type ] = this.readTexture; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.MP3.prototype.type ] = this.readSound; this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.GLSL.prototype.type ] = this.readGLSL; // EXTENSIONS var i = THREE.SEA3D.EXTENSIONS_LOADER.length; while ( i -- ) { var loader = THREE.SEA3D.EXTENSIONS_LOADER[ i ]; if ( loader.setTypeRead ) loader.setTypeRead.call( this ); } }; THREE.SEA3D.prototype.load = function ( data ) { this.file = new SEA3D.File(); this.file.scope = this; this.file.config = this.config; this.file.onProgress = this.onLoadProgress.bind( this ); this.file.onCompleteObject = this.onCompleteObject.bind( this ); this.file.onDownloadProgress = this.onDownloadProgress.bind( this ); this.file.onParseProgress = this.onParseProgress.bind( this ); this.file.onParseComplete = this.onParseComplete.bind( this ); this.file.onError = this.onError.bind( this ); this.file.onHead = this.onHead.bind( this ); this.file.onComplete = ( function ( e ) { if ( this.config.manager ) this.config.manager.add( this.domain ); this.onComplete.call( this, e ); } ).bind( this ); // SEA3D this.createDomain(); this.setTypeRead(); if ( data === undefined ) return; if ( typeof data === "string" ) this.file.load( data ); else this.file.read( data ); };