/** * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com * @author stewdio / http://stewd.io */ THREE.ViveController = function ( id ) { THREE.Object3D.call( this ); var scope = this; var gamepad; var axes = [ 0, 0 ]; var thumbpadIsPressed = false; var triggerIsPressed = false; var gripsArePressed = false; var menuIsPressed = false; function findGamepad( id ) { // Iterate across gamepads as Vive Controllers may not be // in position 0 and 1. var gamepads = navigator.getGamepads && navigator.getGamepads(); for ( var i = 0, j = 0; i < gamepads.length; i ++ ) { var gamepad = gamepads[ i ]; if ( gamepad && ( gamepad.id === 'OpenVR Gamepad' || gamepad.id.startsWith( 'Oculus Touch' ) || gamepad.id.startsWith( 'Spatial Controller' ) ) ) { if ( j === id ) return gamepad; j ++; } } } this.matrixAutoUpdate = false; this.standingMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(); this.getGamepad = function () { return gamepad; }; this.getButtonState = function ( button ) { if ( button === 'thumbpad' ) return thumbpadIsPressed; if ( button === 'trigger' ) return triggerIsPressed; if ( button === 'grips' ) return gripsArePressed; if ( button === 'menu' ) return menuIsPressed; }; this.update = function () { gamepad = findGamepad( id ); if ( gamepad !== undefined && gamepad.pose !== undefined ) { if ( gamepad.pose === null ) return; // No user action yet // Position and orientation. var pose = gamepad.pose; if ( pose.position !== null ) scope.position.fromArray( pose.position ); if ( pose.orientation !== null ) scope.quaternion.fromArray( pose.orientation ); scope.matrix.compose( scope.position, scope.quaternion, scope.scale ); scope.matrix.premultiply( scope.standingMatrix ); scope.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true; scope.visible = true; // Thumbpad and Buttons. if ( axes[ 0 ] !== gamepad.axes[ 0 ] || axes[ 1 ] !== gamepad.axes[ 1 ] ) { axes[ 0 ] = gamepad.axes[ 0 ]; // X axis: -1 = Left, +1 = Right. axes[ 1 ] = gamepad.axes[ 1 ]; // Y axis: -1 = Bottom, +1 = Top. scope.dispatchEvent( { type: 'axischanged', axes: axes } ); } if ( thumbpadIsPressed !== gamepad.buttons[ 0 ].pressed ) { thumbpadIsPressed = gamepad.buttons[ 0 ].pressed; scope.dispatchEvent( { type: thumbpadIsPressed ? 'thumbpaddown' : 'thumbpadup', axes: axes } ); } if ( triggerIsPressed !== gamepad.buttons[ 1 ].pressed ) { triggerIsPressed = gamepad.buttons[ 1 ].pressed; scope.dispatchEvent( { type: triggerIsPressed ? 'triggerdown' : 'triggerup' } ); } if ( gripsArePressed !== gamepad.buttons[ 2 ].pressed ) { gripsArePressed = gamepad.buttons[ 2 ].pressed; scope.dispatchEvent( { type: gripsArePressed ? 'gripsdown' : 'gripsup' } ); } if ( menuIsPressed !== gamepad.buttons[ 3 ].pressed ) { menuIsPressed = gamepad.buttons[ 3 ].pressed; scope.dispatchEvent( { type: menuIsPressed ? 'menudown' : 'menuup' } ); } } else { scope.visible = false; } }; }; THREE.ViveController.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype ); THREE.ViveController.prototype.constructor = THREE.ViveController;