## @vue/babel-sugar-composition-api-render-instance > Ported from [luwanquan/babel-preset-vca-jsx](https://github.com/luwanquan/babel-preset-vca-jsx) by [@luwanquan](https://github.com/luwanquan) Babel syntactic sugar for replacing `this` with `getCurrentInstance()` in Vue JSX with @vue/composition-api ### Babel Compatibility Notes - This repo is only compatible with Babel 7.x ### Usage Install the dependencies: ```sh # for yarn: yarn add @vue/babel-sugar-composition-api-render-instance # for npm: npm install @vue/babel-sugar-composition-api-render-instance --save ``` In your `.babelrc`: ```json { "plugins": ["@vue/babel-sugar-composition-api-render-instance"] } ``` However it is recommended to use the [configurable preset](../babel-preset-jsx/README.md) instead. ### Details This plugin automatically replaces `this` in `setup()` with `getCurrentInstance()`. This is required for JSX to work in @vue/composition-api as `this` is not available in `setup()` Input: ```jsx defineComponent({ setup() { return () => <MyComponent vModel={a.b} /> } }) ``` Output (without @vue/babel-sugar-composition-api-render-instance): ```jsx defineComponent({ setup() { return () => <MyComponent model={{ value: a.b, callback: $$v => { this.$set(a, "b", $$v); } }} /> } }) ``` Output (with @vue/babel-sugar-composition-api-render-instance): ```jsx import { getCurrentInstance } from "@vue/composition-api"; defineComponent({ setup() { const __currentInstance = getCurrentInstance(); return () => <MyComponent model={{ value: a.b, callback: $$v => { __currentInstance.$set(a, "b", $$v); } }} /> } }) ```