1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889 |
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
- });
- exports.overrideBytesInBuffer = overrideBytesInBuffer;
- exports.makeBuffer = makeBuffer;
- exports.fromHexdump = fromHexdump;
- function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }
- function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }
- function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }
- function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter); }
- function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); }
- function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }
- function concatUint8Arrays() {
- for (var _len = arguments.length, arrays = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
- arrays[_key] = arguments[_key];
- }
- var totalLength = arrays.reduce(function (a, b) {
- return a + b.length;
- }, 0);
- var result = new Uint8Array(totalLength);
- var offset = 0;
- for (var _i = 0, _arrays = arrays; _i < _arrays.length; _i++) {
- var arr = _arrays[_i];
- if (arr instanceof Uint8Array === false) {
- throw new Error("arr must be of type Uint8Array");
- }
- result.set(arr, offset);
- offset += arr.length;
- }
- return result;
- }
- function overrideBytesInBuffer(buffer, startLoc, endLoc, newBytes) {
- var beforeBytes = buffer.slice(0, startLoc);
- var afterBytes = buffer.slice(endLoc, buffer.length); // replacement is empty, we can omit it
- if (newBytes.length === 0) {
- return concatUint8Arrays(beforeBytes, afterBytes);
- }
- var replacement = Uint8Array.from(newBytes);
- return concatUint8Arrays(beforeBytes, replacement, afterBytes);
- }
- function makeBuffer() {
- for (var _len2 = arguments.length, splitedBytes = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
- splitedBytes[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
- }
- // $FlowIgnore
- var bytes = [].concat.apply([], splitedBytes);
- return new Uint8Array(bytes).buffer;
- }
- function fromHexdump(str) {
- var lines = str.split("\n"); // remove any leading left whitespace
- lines = lines.map(function (line) {
- return line.trim();
- });
- var bytes = lines.reduce(function (acc, line) {
- var cols = line.split(" "); // remove the offset, left column
- cols.shift();
- cols = cols.filter(function (x) {
- return x !== "";
- });
- var bytes = cols.map(function (x) {
- return parseInt(x, 16);
- });
- acc.push.apply(acc, _toConsumableArray(bytes));
- return acc;
- }, []);
- return Buffer.from(bytes);
- }