GeometryUtils.js 6.0 KB

  1. /**
  2. * @author mrdoob /
  3. * @author alteredq /
  4. */
  5. THREE.GeometryUtils = {
  6. // Merge two geometries or geometry and geometry from object (using object's transform)
  7. merge: function ( geometry1, geometry2, materialIndexOffset ) {
  8. console.warn( 'THREE.GeometryUtils: .merge() has been moved to Geometry. Use geometry.merge( geometry2, matrix, materialIndexOffset ) instead.' );
  9. var matrix;
  10. if ( geometry2 instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
  11. geometry2.matrixAutoUpdate && geometry2.updateMatrix();
  12. matrix = geometry2.matrix;
  13. geometry2 = geometry2.geometry;
  14. }
  15. geometry1.merge( geometry2, matrix, materialIndexOffset );
  16. },
  17. // Get random point in triangle (via barycentric coordinates)
  18. // (uniform distribution)
  19. //
  20. randomPointInTriangle: function () {
  21. var vector = new THREE.Vector3();
  22. return function ( vectorA, vectorB, vectorC ) {
  23. var point = new THREE.Vector3();
  24. var a = Math.random();
  25. var b = Math.random();
  26. if ( ( a + b ) > 1 ) {
  27. a = 1 - a;
  28. b = 1 - b;
  29. }
  30. var c = 1 - a - b;
  31. point.copy( vectorA );
  32. point.multiplyScalar( a );
  33. vector.copy( vectorB );
  34. vector.multiplyScalar( b );
  35. point.add( vector );
  36. vector.copy( vectorC );
  37. vector.multiplyScalar( c );
  38. point.add( vector );
  39. return point;
  40. };
  41. }(),
  42. // Get random point in face (triangle)
  43. // (uniform distribution)
  44. randomPointInFace: function ( face, geometry ) {
  45. var vA, vB, vC;
  46. vA = geometry.vertices[ face.a ];
  47. vB = geometry.vertices[ face.b ];
  48. vC = geometry.vertices[ face.c ];
  49. return THREE.GeometryUtils.randomPointInTriangle( vA, vB, vC );
  50. },
  51. // Get uniformly distributed random points in mesh
  52. // - create array with cumulative sums of face areas
  53. // - pick random number from 0 to total area
  54. // - find corresponding place in area array by binary search
  55. // - get random point in face
  56. randomPointsInGeometry: function ( geometry, n ) {
  57. var face, i,
  58. faces = geometry.faces,
  59. vertices = geometry.vertices,
  60. il = faces.length,
  61. totalArea = 0,
  62. cumulativeAreas = [],
  63. vA, vB, vC;
  64. // precompute face areas
  65. for ( i = 0; i < il; i ++ ) {
  66. face = faces[ i ];
  67. vA = vertices[ face.a ];
  68. vB = vertices[ face.b ];
  69. vC = vertices[ face.c ];
  70. face._area = THREE.GeometryUtils.triangleArea( vA, vB, vC );
  71. totalArea += face._area;
  72. cumulativeAreas[ i ] = totalArea;
  73. }
  74. // binary search cumulative areas array
  75. function binarySearchIndices( value ) {
  76. function binarySearch( start, end ) {
  77. // return closest larger index
  78. // if exact number is not found
  79. if ( end < start )
  80. return start;
  81. var mid = start + Math.floor( ( end - start ) / 2 );
  82. if ( cumulativeAreas[ mid ] > value ) {
  83. return binarySearch( start, mid - 1 );
  84. } else if ( cumulativeAreas[ mid ] < value ) {
  85. return binarySearch( mid + 1, end );
  86. } else {
  87. return mid;
  88. }
  89. }
  90. var result = binarySearch( 0, cumulativeAreas.length - 1 );
  91. return result;
  92. }
  93. // pick random face weighted by face area
  94. var r, index,
  95. result = [];
  96. var stats = {};
  97. for ( i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) {
  98. r = Math.random() * totalArea;
  99. index = binarySearchIndices( r );
  100. result[ i ] = THREE.GeometryUtils.randomPointInFace( faces[ index ], geometry );
  101. if ( ! stats[ index ] ) {
  102. stats[ index ] = 1;
  103. } else {
  104. stats[ index ] += 1;
  105. }
  106. }
  107. return result;
  108. },
  109. randomPointsInBufferGeometry: function ( geometry, n ) {
  110. var i,
  111. vertices = geometry.attributes.position.array,
  112. totalArea = 0,
  113. cumulativeAreas = [],
  114. vA, vB, vC;
  115. // precompute face areas
  116. vA = new THREE.Vector3();
  117. vB = new THREE.Vector3();
  118. vC = new THREE.Vector3();
  119. // geometry._areas = [];
  120. var il = vertices.length / 9;
  121. for ( i = 0; i < il; i ++ ) {
  122. vA.set( vertices[ i * 9 + 0 ], vertices[ i * 9 + 1 ], vertices[ i * 9 + 2 ] );
  123. vB.set( vertices[ i * 9 + 3 ], vertices[ i * 9 + 4 ], vertices[ i * 9 + 5 ] );
  124. vC.set( vertices[ i * 9 + 6 ], vertices[ i * 9 + 7 ], vertices[ i * 9 + 8 ] );
  125. totalArea += THREE.GeometryUtils.triangleArea( vA, vB, vC );
  126. cumulativeAreas.push( totalArea );
  127. }
  128. // binary search cumulative areas array
  129. function binarySearchIndices( value ) {
  130. function binarySearch( start, end ) {
  131. // return closest larger index
  132. // if exact number is not found
  133. if ( end < start )
  134. return start;
  135. var mid = start + Math.floor( ( end - start ) / 2 );
  136. if ( cumulativeAreas[ mid ] > value ) {
  137. return binarySearch( start, mid - 1 );
  138. } else if ( cumulativeAreas[ mid ] < value ) {
  139. return binarySearch( mid + 1, end );
  140. } else {
  141. return mid;
  142. }
  143. }
  144. var result = binarySearch( 0, cumulativeAreas.length - 1 );
  145. return result;
  146. }
  147. // pick random face weighted by face area
  148. var r, index,
  149. result = [];
  150. for ( i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) {
  151. r = Math.random() * totalArea;
  152. index = binarySearchIndices( r );
  153. // result[ i ] = THREE.GeometryUtils.randomPointInFace( faces[ index ], geometry, true );
  154. vA.set( vertices[ index * 9 + 0 ], vertices[ index * 9 + 1 ], vertices[ index * 9 + 2 ] );
  155. vB.set( vertices[ index * 9 + 3 ], vertices[ index * 9 + 4 ], vertices[ index * 9 + 5 ] );
  156. vC.set( vertices[ index * 9 + 6 ], vertices[ index * 9 + 7 ], vertices[ index * 9 + 8 ] );
  157. result[ i ] = THREE.GeometryUtils.randomPointInTriangle( vA, vB, vC );
  158. }
  159. return result;
  160. },
  161. // Get triangle area (half of parallelogram)
  162. //
  163. triangleArea: function () {
  164. var vector1 = new THREE.Vector3();
  165. var vector2 = new THREE.Vector3();
  166. return function ( vectorA, vectorB, vectorC ) {
  167. vector1.subVectors( vectorB, vectorA );
  168. vector2.subVectors( vectorC, vectorA );
  169. vector1.cross( vector2 );
  170. return 0.5 * vector1.length();
  171. };
  172. }(),
  173. center: function ( geometry ) {
  174. console.warn( 'THREE.GeometryUtils: .center() has been moved to Geometry. Use instead.' );
  175. return;
  176. }
  177. };