Server.js 102 KB

  1. "use strict";
  2. const os = require("os");
  3. const path = require("path");
  4. const url = require("url");
  5. const util = require("util");
  6. const fs = require("graceful-fs");
  7. const ipaddr = require("ipaddr.js");
  8. const { validate } = require("schema-utils");
  9. const schema = require("./options.json");
  10. /** @typedef {import("schema-utils/declarations/validate").Schema} Schema */
  11. /** @typedef {import("webpack").Compiler} Compiler */
  12. /** @typedef {import("webpack").MultiCompiler} MultiCompiler */
  13. /** @typedef {import("webpack").Configuration} WebpackConfiguration */
  14. /** @typedef {import("webpack").StatsOptions} StatsOptions */
  15. /** @typedef {import("webpack").StatsCompilation} StatsCompilation */
  16. /** @typedef {import("webpack").Stats} Stats */
  17. /** @typedef {import("webpack").MultiStats} MultiStats */
  18. /** @typedef {import("os").NetworkInterfaceInfo} NetworkInterfaceInfo */
  19. /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */
  20. /** @typedef {import("express").Response} Response */
  21. /** @typedef {import("express").NextFunction} NextFunction */
  22. /** @typedef {import("express").RequestHandler} ExpressRequestHandler */
  23. /** @typedef {import("express").ErrorRequestHandler} ExpressErrorRequestHandler */
  24. /** @typedef {import("chokidar").WatchOptions} WatchOptions */
  25. /** @typedef {import("chokidar").FSWatcher} FSWatcher */
  26. /** @typedef {import("connect-history-api-fallback").Options} ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions */
  27. /** @typedef {import("bonjour-service").Bonjour} Bonjour */
  28. /** @typedef {import("bonjour-service").Service} BonjourOptions */
  29. /** @typedef {import("http-proxy-middleware").RequestHandler} RequestHandler */
  30. /** @typedef {import("http-proxy-middleware").Options} HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions */
  31. /** @typedef {import("http-proxy-middleware").Filter} HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter */
  32. /** @typedef {import("serve-index").Options} ServeIndexOptions */
  33. /** @typedef {import("serve-static").ServeStaticOptions} ServeStaticOptions */
  34. /** @typedef {import("ipaddr.js").IPv4} IPv4 */
  35. /** @typedef {import("ipaddr.js").IPv6} IPv6 */
  36. /** @typedef {import("net").Socket} Socket */
  37. /** @typedef {import("http").IncomingMessage} IncomingMessage */
  38. /** @typedef {import("open").Options} OpenOptions */
  39. /** @typedef {import("https").ServerOptions & { spdy?: { plain?: boolean | undefined, ssl?: boolean | undefined, 'x-forwarded-for'?: string | undefined, protocol?: string | undefined, protocols?: string[] | undefined }}} ServerOptions */
  40. /**
  41. * @template Request, Response
  42. * @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Options<Request, Response>} DevMiddlewareOptions
  43. */
  44. /**
  45. * @template Request, Response
  46. * @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Context<Request, Response>} DevMiddlewareContext
  47. */
  48. /**
  49. * @typedef {"local-ip" | "local-ipv4" | "local-ipv6" | string} Host
  50. */
  51. /**
  52. * @typedef {number | string | "auto"} Port
  53. */
  54. /**
  55. * @typedef {Object} WatchFiles
  56. * @property {string | string[]} paths
  57. * @property {WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [options]
  58. */
  59. /**
  60. * @typedef {Object} Static
  61. * @property {string} [directory]
  62. * @property {string | string[]} [publicPath]
  63. * @property {boolean | ServeIndexOptions} [serveIndex]
  64. * @property {ServeStaticOptions} [staticOptions]
  65. * @property {boolean | WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [watch]
  66. */
  67. /**
  68. * @typedef {Object} NormalizedStatic
  69. * @property {string} directory
  70. * @property {string[]} publicPath
  71. * @property {false | ServeIndexOptions} serveIndex
  72. * @property {ServeStaticOptions} staticOptions
  73. * @property {false | WatchOptions} watch
  74. */
  75. /**
  76. * @typedef {Object} ServerConfiguration
  77. * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string} [type]
  78. * @property {ServerOptions} [options]
  79. */
  80. /**
  81. * @typedef {Object} WebSocketServerConfiguration
  82. * @property {"sockjs" | "ws" | string | Function} [type]
  83. * @property {Record<string, any>} [options]
  84. */
  85. /**
  86. * @typedef {(import("ws").WebSocket | import("sockjs").Connection & { send: import("ws").WebSocket["send"], terminate: import("ws").WebSocket["terminate"], ping: import("ws").WebSocket["ping"] }) & { isAlive?: boolean }} ClientConnection
  87. */
  88. /**
  89. * @typedef {import("ws").WebSocketServer | import("sockjs").Server & { close: import("ws").WebSocketServer["close"] }} WebSocketServer
  90. */
  91. /**
  92. * @typedef {{ implementation: WebSocketServer, clients: ClientConnection[] }} WebSocketServerImplementation
  93. */
  94. /**
  95. * @callback ByPass
  96. * @param {Request} req
  97. * @param {Response} res
  98. * @param {ProxyConfigArrayItem} proxyConfig
  99. */
  100. /**
  101. * @typedef {{ path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined, context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined } & { bypass?: ByPass } & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions } ProxyConfigArrayItem
  102. */
  103. /**
  104. * @typedef {(ProxyConfigArrayItem | ((req?: Request | undefined, res?: Response | undefined, next?: NextFunction | undefined) => ProxyConfigArrayItem))[]} ProxyConfigArray
  105. */
  106. /**
  107. * @typedef {{ [url: string]: string | ProxyConfigArrayItem }} ProxyConfigMap
  108. */
  109. /**
  110. * @typedef {Object} OpenApp
  111. * @property {string} [name]
  112. * @property {string[]} [arguments]
  113. */
  114. /**
  115. * @typedef {Object} Open
  116. * @property {string | string[] | OpenApp} [app]
  117. * @property {string | string[]} [target]
  118. */
  119. /**
  120. * @typedef {Object} NormalizedOpen
  121. * @property {string} target
  122. * @property {import("open").Options} options
  123. */
  124. /**
  125. * @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
  126. * @property {string} [hostname]
  127. * @property {string} [password]
  128. * @property {string} [pathname]
  129. * @property {number | string} [port]
  130. * @property {string} [protocol]
  131. * @property {string} [username]
  132. */
  133. /**
  134. * @typedef {boolean | ((error: Error) => void)} OverlayMessageOptions
  135. */
  136. /**
  137. * @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
  138. * @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
  139. * @property {boolean | { warnings?: OverlayMessageOptions, errors?: OverlayMessageOptions, runtimeErrors?: OverlayMessageOptions }} [overlay]
  140. * @property {boolean} [progress]
  141. * @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
  142. * @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
  143. * @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
  144. */
  145. /**
  146. * @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record<string, string | string[]>} Headers
  147. */
  148. /**
  149. * @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
  150. */
  151. /**
  152. * @typedef {Object} Configuration
  153. * @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
  154. * @property {Host} [host]
  155. * @property {Port} [port]
  156. * @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
  157. * @property {boolean} [liveReload]
  158. * @property {DevMiddlewareOptions<Request, Response>} [devMiddleware]
  159. * @property {boolean} [compress]
  160. * @property {boolean} [magicHtml]
  161. * @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
  162. * @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
  163. * @property {boolean | Record<string, never> | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
  164. * @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array<string | WatchFiles>} [watchFiles]
  165. * @property {boolean | string | Static | Array<string | Static>} [static]
  166. * @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
  167. * @property {boolean} [http2]
  168. * @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
  169. * @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
  170. * @property {ProxyConfigMap | ProxyConfigArrayItem | ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
  171. * @property {boolean | string | Open | Array<string | Open>} [open]
  172. * @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
  173. * @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
  174. * @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>) => Headers)} [headers]
  175. * @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onAfterSetupMiddleware]
  176. * @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onBeforeSetupMiddleware]
  177. * @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
  178. * @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
  179. */
  180. if (!process.env.WEBPACK_SERVE) {
  181. // TODO fix me in the next major release
  182. // @ts-ignore
  183. process.env.WEBPACK_SERVE = true;
  184. }
  185. /**
  186. * @template T
  187. * @param fn {(function(): any) | undefined}
  188. * @returns {function(): T}
  189. */
  190. const memoize = (fn) => {
  191. let cache = false;
  192. /** @type {T} */
  193. let result;
  194. return () => {
  195. if (cache) {
  196. return result;
  197. }
  198. result = /** @type {function(): any} */ (fn)();
  199. cache = true;
  200. // Allow to clean up memory for fn
  201. // and all dependent resources
  202. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
  203. fn = undefined;
  204. return result;
  205. };
  206. };
  207. const getExpress = memoize(() => require("express"));
  208. /**
  209. *
  210. * @param {OverlayMessageOptions} [setting]
  211. * @returns
  212. */
  213. const encodeOverlaySettings = (setting) =>
  214. typeof setting === "function"
  215. ? encodeURIComponent(setting.toString())
  216. : setting;
  217. class Server {
  218. /**
  219. * @param {Configuration | Compiler | MultiCompiler} options
  220. * @param {Compiler | MultiCompiler | Configuration} compiler
  221. */
  222. constructor(options = {}, compiler) {
  223. // TODO: remove this after plugin support is published
  224. if (/** @type {Compiler | MultiCompiler} */ (options).hooks) {
  225. util.deprecate(
  226. () => {},
  227. "Using 'compiler' as the first argument is deprecated. Please use 'options' as the first argument and 'compiler' as the second argument.",
  229. )();
  230. [options = {}, compiler] = [compiler, options];
  231. }
  232. validate(/** @type {Schema} */ (schema), options, {
  233. name: "Dev Server",
  234. baseDataPath: "options",
  235. });
  236. this.compiler = /** @type {Compiler | MultiCompiler} */ (compiler);
  237. /**
  238. * @type {ReturnType<Compiler["getInfrastructureLogger"]>}
  239. * */
  240. this.logger = this.compiler.getInfrastructureLogger("webpack-dev-server");
  241. this.options = /** @type {Configuration} */ (options);
  242. /**
  243. * @type {FSWatcher[]}
  244. */
  245. this.staticWatchers = [];
  246. /**
  247. * @private
  248. * @type {{ name: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void}[] }}
  249. */
  250. this.listeners = [];
  251. // Keep track of websocket proxies for external websocket upgrade.
  252. /**
  253. * @private
  254. * @type {RequestHandler[]}
  255. */
  256. this.webSocketProxies = [];
  257. /**
  258. * @type {Socket[]}
  259. */
  260. this.sockets = [];
  261. /**
  262. * @private
  263. * @type {string | undefined}
  264. */
  265. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
  266. this.currentHash = undefined;
  267. }
  268. // TODO compatibility with webpack v4, remove it after drop
  269. static get cli() {
  270. return {
  271. get getArguments() {
  272. return () => require("../bin/cli-flags");
  273. },
  274. get processArguments() {
  275. return require("../bin/process-arguments");
  276. },
  277. };
  278. }
  279. static get schema() {
  280. return schema;
  281. }
  282. /**
  283. * @private
  284. * @returns {StatsOptions}
  285. * @constructor
  286. */
  287. static get DEFAULT_STATS() {
  288. return {
  289. all: false,
  290. hash: true,
  291. warnings: true,
  292. errors: true,
  293. errorDetails: false,
  294. };
  295. }
  296. /**
  297. * @param {string} URL
  298. * @returns {boolean}
  299. */
  300. static isAbsoluteURL(URL) {
  301. // Don't match Windows paths `c:\`
  302. if (/^[a-zA-Z]:\\/.test(URL)) {
  303. return false;
  304. }
  305. // Scheme:
  306. // Absolute URL:
  307. return /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d+\-.]*:/.test(URL);
  308. }
  309. /**
  310. * @param {string} gateway
  311. * @returns {string | undefined}
  312. */
  313. static findIp(gateway) {
  314. const gatewayIp = ipaddr.parse(gateway);
  315. // Look for the matching interface in all local interfaces.
  316. for (const addresses of Object.values(os.networkInterfaces())) {
  317. for (const { cidr } of /** @type {NetworkInterfaceInfo[]} */ (
  318. addresses
  319. )) {
  320. const net = ipaddr.parseCIDR(/** @type {string} */ (cidr));
  321. if (
  322. net[0] &&
  323. net[0].kind() === gatewayIp.kind() &&
  324. gatewayIp.match(net)
  325. ) {
  326. return net[0].toString();
  327. }
  328. }
  329. }
  330. }
  331. /**
  332. * @param {"v4" | "v6"} family
  333. * @returns {Promise<string | undefined>}
  334. */
  335. static async internalIP(family) {
  336. try {
  337. const { gateway } = await require("default-gateway")[family]();
  338. return Server.findIp(gateway);
  339. } catch {
  340. // ignore
  341. }
  342. }
  343. /**
  344. * @param {"v4" | "v6"} family
  345. * @returns {string | undefined}
  346. */
  347. static internalIPSync(family) {
  348. try {
  349. const { gateway } = require("default-gateway")[family].sync();
  350. return Server.findIp(gateway);
  351. } catch {
  352. // ignore
  353. }
  354. }
  355. /**
  356. * @param {Host} hostname
  357. * @returns {Promise<string>}
  358. */
  359. static async getHostname(hostname) {
  360. if (hostname === "local-ip") {
  361. return (
  362. (await Server.internalIP("v4")) ||
  363. (await Server.internalIP("v6")) ||
  364. ""
  365. );
  366. } else if (hostname === "local-ipv4") {
  367. return (await Server.internalIP("v4")) || "";
  368. } else if (hostname === "local-ipv6") {
  369. return (await Server.internalIP("v6")) || "::";
  370. }
  371. return hostname;
  372. }
  373. /**
  374. * @param {Port} port
  375. * @param {string} host
  376. * @returns {Promise<number | string>}
  377. */
  378. static async getFreePort(port, host) {
  379. if (typeof port !== "undefined" && port !== null && port !== "auto") {
  380. return port;
  381. }
  382. const pRetry = require("p-retry");
  383. const getPort = require("./getPort");
  384. const basePort =
  385. typeof process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_BASE_PORT !== "undefined"
  386. ? parseInt(process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_BASE_PORT, 10)
  387. : 8080;
  388. // Try to find unused port and listen on it for 3 times,
  389. // if port is not specified in options.
  390. const defaultPortRetry =
  391. typeof process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_PORT_RETRY !== "undefined"
  392. ? parseInt(process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_PORT_RETRY, 10)
  393. : 3;
  394. return pRetry(() => getPort(basePort, host), {
  395. retries: defaultPortRetry,
  396. });
  397. }
  398. /**
  399. * @returns {string}
  400. */
  401. static findCacheDir() {
  402. const cwd = process.cwd();
  403. /**
  404. * @type {string | undefined}
  405. */
  406. let dir = cwd;
  407. for (;;) {
  408. try {
  409. if (fs.statSync(path.join(dir, "package.json")).isFile()) break;
  410. // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
  411. } catch (e) {}
  412. const parent = path.dirname(dir);
  413. if (dir === parent) {
  414. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
  415. dir = undefined;
  416. break;
  417. }
  418. dir = parent;
  419. }
  420. if (!dir) {
  421. return path.resolve(cwd, ".cache/webpack-dev-server");
  422. } else if (process.versions.pnp === "1") {
  423. return path.resolve(dir, ".pnp/.cache/webpack-dev-server");
  424. } else if (process.versions.pnp === "3") {
  425. return path.resolve(dir, ".yarn/.cache/webpack-dev-server");
  426. }
  427. return path.resolve(dir, "node_modules/.cache/webpack-dev-server");
  428. }
  429. /**
  430. * @private
  431. * @param {Compiler} compiler
  432. * @returns bool
  433. */
  434. static isWebTarget(compiler) {
  435. // TODO improve for the next major version - we should store `web` and other targets in `compiler.options.environment`
  436. if (
  437. compiler.options.externalsPresets &&
  438. compiler.options.externalsPresets.web
  439. ) {
  440. return true;
  441. }
  442. if (
  443. compiler.options.resolve.conditionNames &&
  444. compiler.options.resolve.conditionNames.includes("browser")
  445. ) {
  446. return true;
  447. }
  448. const webTargets = [
  449. "web",
  450. "webworker",
  451. "electron-preload",
  452. "electron-renderer",
  453. "node-webkit",
  454. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
  455. undefined,
  456. null,
  457. ];
  458. if (Array.isArray( {
  459. return => webTargets.includes(r));
  460. }
  461. return webTargets.includes(/** @type {string} */ (;
  462. }
  463. /**
  464. * @private
  465. * @param {Compiler} compiler
  466. */
  467. addAdditionalEntries(compiler) {
  468. /**
  469. * @type {string[]}
  470. */
  471. const additionalEntries = [];
  472. const isWebTarget = Server.isWebTarget(compiler);
  473. // TODO maybe empty client
  474. if (this.options.client && isWebTarget) {
  475. let webSocketURLStr = "";
  476. if (this.options.webSocketServer) {
  477. const webSocketURL =
  478. /** @type {WebSocketURL} */
  479. (
  480. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */
  481. (this.options.client).webSocketURL
  482. );
  483. const webSocketServer =
  484. /** @type {{ type: WebSocketServerConfiguration["type"], options: NonNullable<WebSocketServerConfiguration["options"]> }} */
  485. (this.options.webSocketServer);
  486. const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
  487. /** @type {string} */
  488. let protocol;
  489. // We are proxying dev server and need to specify custom `hostname`
  490. if (typeof webSocketURL.protocol !== "undefined") {
  491. protocol = webSocketURL.protocol;
  492. } else {
  493. protocol =
  494. /** @type {ServerConfiguration} */
  495. (this.options.server).type === "http" ? "ws:" : "wss:";
  496. }
  497. searchParams.set("protocol", protocol);
  498. if (typeof webSocketURL.username !== "undefined") {
  499. searchParams.set("username", webSocketURL.username);
  500. }
  501. if (typeof webSocketURL.password !== "undefined") {
  502. searchParams.set("password", webSocketURL.password);
  503. }
  504. /** @type {string} */
  505. let hostname;
  506. // SockJS is not supported server mode, so `hostname` and `port` can't specified, let's ignore them
  507. // TODO show warning about this
  508. const isSockJSType = webSocketServer.type === "sockjs";
  509. // We are proxying dev server and need to specify custom `hostname`
  510. if (typeof webSocketURL.hostname !== "undefined") {
  511. hostname = webSocketURL.hostname;
  512. }
  513. // Web socket server works on custom `hostname`, only for `ws` because `sock-js` is not support custom `hostname`
  514. else if (
  515. typeof !== "undefined" &&
  516. !isSockJSType
  517. ) {
  518. hostname =;
  519. }
  520. // The `host` option is specified
  521. else if (typeof !== "undefined") {
  522. hostname =;
  523. }
  524. // The `port` option is not specified
  525. else {
  526. hostname = "";
  527. }
  528. searchParams.set("hostname", hostname);
  529. /** @type {number | string} */
  530. let port;
  531. // We are proxying dev server and need to specify custom `port`
  532. if (typeof webSocketURL.port !== "undefined") {
  533. port = webSocketURL.port;
  534. }
  535. // Web socket server works on custom `port`, only for `ws` because `sock-js` is not support custom `port`
  536. else if (
  537. typeof webSocketServer.options.port !== "undefined" &&
  538. !isSockJSType
  539. ) {
  540. port = webSocketServer.options.port;
  541. }
  542. // The `port` option is specified
  543. else if (typeof this.options.port === "number") {
  544. port = this.options.port;
  545. }
  546. // The `port` option is specified using `string`
  547. else if (
  548. typeof this.options.port === "string" &&
  549. this.options.port !== "auto"
  550. ) {
  551. port = Number(this.options.port);
  552. }
  553. // The `port` option is not specified or set to `auto`
  554. else {
  555. port = "0";
  556. }
  557. searchParams.set("port", String(port));
  558. /** @type {string} */
  559. let pathname = "";
  560. // We are proxying dev server and need to specify custom `pathname`
  561. if (typeof webSocketURL.pathname !== "undefined") {
  562. pathname = webSocketURL.pathname;
  563. }
  564. // Web socket server works on custom `path`
  565. else if (
  566. typeof webSocketServer.options.prefix !== "undefined" ||
  567. typeof webSocketServer.options.path !== "undefined"
  568. ) {
  569. pathname =
  570. webSocketServer.options.prefix || webSocketServer.options.path;
  571. }
  572. searchParams.set("pathname", pathname);
  573. const client = /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */ (this.options.client);
  574. if (typeof client.logging !== "undefined") {
  575. searchParams.set("logging", client.logging);
  576. }
  577. if (typeof client.progress !== "undefined") {
  578. searchParams.set("progress", String(client.progress));
  579. }
  580. if (typeof client.overlay !== "undefined") {
  581. const overlayString =
  582. typeof client.overlay === "boolean"
  583. ? String(client.overlay)
  584. : JSON.stringify({
  585. ...client.overlay,
  586. errors: encodeOverlaySettings(client.overlay.errors),
  587. warnings: encodeOverlaySettings(client.overlay.warnings),
  588. runtimeErrors: encodeOverlaySettings(
  589. client.overlay.runtimeErrors
  590. ),
  591. });
  592. searchParams.set("overlay", overlayString);
  593. }
  594. if (typeof client.reconnect !== "undefined") {
  595. searchParams.set(
  596. "reconnect",
  597. typeof client.reconnect === "number"
  598. ? String(client.reconnect)
  599. : "10"
  600. );
  601. }
  602. if (typeof !== "undefined") {
  603. searchParams.set("hot", String(;
  604. }
  605. if (typeof this.options.liveReload !== "undefined") {
  606. searchParams.set("live-reload", String(this.options.liveReload));
  607. }
  608. webSocketURLStr = searchParams.toString();
  609. }
  610. additionalEntries.push(
  611. `${require.resolve("../client/index.js")}?${webSocketURLStr}`
  612. );
  613. }
  614. if ( === "only") {
  615. additionalEntries.push(require.resolve("webpack/hot/only-dev-server"));
  616. } else if ( {
  617. additionalEntries.push(require.resolve("webpack/hot/dev-server"));
  618. }
  619. const webpack = compiler.webpack || require("webpack");
  620. // use a hook to add entries if available
  621. if (typeof webpack.EntryPlugin !== "undefined") {
  622. for (const additionalEntry of additionalEntries) {
  623. new webpack.EntryPlugin(compiler.context, additionalEntry, {
  624. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
  625. name: undefined,
  626. }).apply(compiler);
  627. }
  628. }
  629. // TODO remove after drop webpack v4 support
  630. else {
  631. /**
  632. * prependEntry Method for webpack 4
  633. * @param {any} originalEntry
  634. * @param {any} newAdditionalEntries
  635. * @returns {any}
  636. */
  637. const prependEntry = (originalEntry, newAdditionalEntries) => {
  638. if (typeof originalEntry === "function") {
  639. return () =>
  640. Promise.resolve(originalEntry()).then((entry) =>
  641. prependEntry(entry, newAdditionalEntries)
  642. );
  643. }
  644. if (
  645. typeof originalEntry === "object" &&
  646. !Array.isArray(originalEntry)
  647. ) {
  648. /** @type {Object<string,string>} */
  649. const clone = {};
  650. Object.keys(originalEntry).forEach((key) => {
  651. // entry[key] should be a string here
  652. const entryDescription = originalEntry[key];
  653. clone[key] = prependEntry(entryDescription, newAdditionalEntries);
  654. });
  655. return clone;
  656. }
  657. // in this case, entry is a string or an array.
  658. // make sure that we do not add duplicates.
  659. /** @type {any} */
  660. const entriesClone = additionalEntries.slice(0);
  661. [].concat(originalEntry).forEach((newEntry) => {
  662. if (!entriesClone.includes(newEntry)) {
  663. entriesClone.push(newEntry);
  664. }
  665. });
  666. return entriesClone;
  667. };
  668. compiler.options.entry = prependEntry(
  669. compiler.options.entry || "./src",
  670. additionalEntries
  671. );
  673. /** @type {string} */ (compiler.options.context),
  674. compiler.options.entry
  675. );
  676. }
  677. }
  678. /**
  679. * @private
  680. * @returns {Compiler["options"]}
  681. */
  682. getCompilerOptions() {
  683. if (
  684. typeof (/** @type {MultiCompiler} */ (this.compiler).compilers) !==
  685. "undefined"
  686. ) {
  687. if (/** @type {MultiCompiler} */ (this.compiler).compilers.length === 1) {
  688. return (
  689. /** @type {MultiCompiler} */
  690. (this.compiler).compilers[0].options
  691. );
  692. }
  693. // Configuration with the `devServer` options
  694. const compilerWithDevServer =
  695. /** @type {MultiCompiler} */
  696. (this.compiler).compilers.find((config) => config.options.devServer);
  697. if (compilerWithDevServer) {
  698. return compilerWithDevServer.options;
  699. }
  700. // Configuration with `web` preset
  701. const compilerWithWebPreset =
  702. /** @type {MultiCompiler} */
  703. (this.compiler).compilers.find(
  704. (config) =>
  705. (config.options.externalsPresets &&
  706. config.options.externalsPresets.web) ||
  707. [
  708. "web",
  709. "webworker",
  710. "electron-preload",
  711. "electron-renderer",
  712. "node-webkit",
  713. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
  714. undefined,
  715. null,
  716. ].includes(/** @type {string} */ (
  717. );
  718. if (compilerWithWebPreset) {
  719. return compilerWithWebPreset.options;
  720. }
  721. // Fallback
  722. return /** @type {MultiCompiler} */ (this.compiler).compilers[0].options;
  723. }
  724. return /** @type {Compiler} */ (this.compiler).options;
  725. }
  726. /**
  727. * @private
  728. * @returns {Promise<void>}
  729. */
  730. async normalizeOptions() {
  731. const { options } = this;
  732. const compilerOptions = this.getCompilerOptions();
  733. // TODO remove `{}` after drop webpack v4 support
  734. const compilerWatchOptions = compilerOptions.watchOptions || {};
  735. /**
  736. * @param {WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} watchOptions
  737. * @returns {WatchOptions}
  738. */
  739. const getWatchOptions = (watchOptions = {}) => {
  740. const getPolling = () => {
  741. if (typeof watchOptions.usePolling !== "undefined") {
  742. return watchOptions.usePolling;
  743. }
  744. if (typeof watchOptions.poll !== "undefined") {
  745. return Boolean(watchOptions.poll);
  746. }
  747. if (typeof compilerWatchOptions.poll !== "undefined") {
  748. return Boolean(compilerWatchOptions.poll);
  749. }
  750. return false;
  751. };
  752. const getInterval = () => {
  753. if (typeof watchOptions.interval !== "undefined") {
  754. return watchOptions.interval;
  755. }
  756. if (typeof watchOptions.poll === "number") {
  757. return watchOptions.poll;
  758. }
  759. if (typeof compilerWatchOptions.poll === "number") {
  760. return compilerWatchOptions.poll;
  761. }
  762. };
  763. const usePolling = getPolling();
  764. const interval = getInterval();
  765. const { poll, } = watchOptions;
  766. return {
  767. ignoreInitial: true,
  768. persistent: true,
  769. followSymlinks: false,
  770. atomic: false,
  771. alwaysStat: true,
  772. ignorePermissionErrors: true,
  773. // Respect options from compiler watchOptions
  774. usePolling,
  775. interval,
  776. ignored: watchOptions.ignored,
  777. // TODO: we respect these options for all watch options and allow developers to pass them to chokidar, but chokidar doesn't have these options maybe we need revisit that in future
  779. };
  780. };
  781. /**
  782. * @param {string | Static | undefined} [optionsForStatic]
  783. * @returns {NormalizedStatic}
  784. */
  785. const getStaticItem = (optionsForStatic) => {
  786. const getDefaultStaticOptions = () => {
  787. return {
  788. directory: path.join(process.cwd(), "public"),
  789. staticOptions: {},
  790. publicPath: ["/"],
  791. serveIndex: { icons: true },
  792. watch: getWatchOptions(),
  793. };
  794. };
  795. /** @type {NormalizedStatic} */
  796. let item;
  797. if (typeof optionsForStatic === "undefined") {
  798. item = getDefaultStaticOptions();
  799. } else if (typeof optionsForStatic === "string") {
  800. item = {
  801. ...getDefaultStaticOptions(),
  802. directory: optionsForStatic,
  803. };
  804. } else {
  805. const def = getDefaultStaticOptions();
  806. item = {
  807. directory:
  808. typeof !== "undefined"
  809. ?
  810. :,
  811. // TODO: do merge in the next major release
  812. staticOptions:
  813. typeof optionsForStatic.staticOptions !== "undefined"
  814. ? optionsForStatic.staticOptions
  815. : def.staticOptions,
  816. publicPath:
  817. // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  818. typeof optionsForStatic.publicPath !== "undefined"
  819. ? Array.isArray(optionsForStatic.publicPath)
  820. ? optionsForStatic.publicPath
  821. : [optionsForStatic.publicPath]
  822. : def.publicPath,
  823. // TODO: do merge in the next major release
  824. serveIndex:
  825. // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  826. typeof optionsForStatic.serveIndex !== "undefined"
  827. ? typeof optionsForStatic.serveIndex === "boolean" &&
  828. optionsForStatic.serveIndex
  829. ? def.serveIndex
  830. : optionsForStatic.serveIndex
  831. : def.serveIndex,
  832. watch:
  833. // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  834. typeof !== "undefined"
  835. ? // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  836. typeof === "boolean"
  837. ?
  838. ?
  839. : false
  840. : getWatchOptions(
  841. :,
  842. };
  843. }
  844. if (Server.isAbsoluteURL( {
  845. throw new Error("Using a URL as is not supported");
  846. }
  847. return item;
  848. };
  849. if (typeof options.allowedHosts === "undefined") {
  850. // AllowedHosts allows some default hosts picked from `` or `webSocketURL.hostname` and `localhost`
  851. options.allowedHosts = "auto";
  852. }
  853. // We store allowedHosts as array when supplied as string
  854. else if (
  855. typeof options.allowedHosts === "string" &&
  856. options.allowedHosts !== "auto" &&
  857. options.allowedHosts !== "all"
  858. ) {
  859. options.allowedHosts = [options.allowedHosts];
  860. }
  861. // CLI pass options as array, we should normalize them
  862. else if (
  863. Array.isArray(options.allowedHosts) &&
  864. options.allowedHosts.includes("all")
  865. ) {
  866. options.allowedHosts = "all";
  867. }
  868. if (typeof options.bonjour === "undefined") {
  869. options.bonjour = false;
  870. } else if (typeof options.bonjour === "boolean") {
  871. options.bonjour = options.bonjour ? {} : false;
  872. }
  873. if (
  874. typeof options.client === "undefined" ||
  875. (typeof options.client === "object" && options.client !== null)
  876. ) {
  877. if (!options.client) {
  878. options.client = {};
  879. }
  880. if (typeof options.client.webSocketURL === "undefined") {
  881. options.client.webSocketURL = {};
  882. } else if (typeof options.client.webSocketURL === "string") {
  883. const parsedURL = new URL(options.client.webSocketURL);
  884. options.client.webSocketURL = {
  885. protocol: parsedURL.protocol,
  886. hostname: parsedURL.hostname,
  887. port: parsedURL.port.length > 0 ? Number(parsedURL.port) : "",
  888. pathname: parsedURL.pathname,
  889. username: parsedURL.username,
  890. password: parsedURL.password,
  891. };
  892. } else if (typeof options.client.webSocketURL.port === "string") {
  893. options.client.webSocketURL.port = Number(
  894. options.client.webSocketURL.port
  895. );
  896. }
  897. // Enable client overlay by default
  898. if (typeof options.client.overlay === "undefined") {
  899. options.client.overlay = true;
  900. } else if (typeof options.client.overlay !== "boolean") {
  901. options.client.overlay = {
  902. errors: true,
  903. warnings: true,
  904. ...options.client.overlay,
  905. };
  906. }
  907. if (typeof options.client.reconnect === "undefined") {
  908. options.client.reconnect = 10;
  909. } else if (options.client.reconnect === true) {
  910. options.client.reconnect = Infinity;
  911. } else if (options.client.reconnect === false) {
  912. options.client.reconnect = 0;
  913. }
  914. // Respect infrastructureLogging.level
  915. if (typeof options.client.logging === "undefined") {
  916. options.client.logging = compilerOptions.infrastructureLogging
  917. ? compilerOptions.infrastructureLogging.level
  918. : "info";
  919. }
  920. }
  921. if (typeof options.compress === "undefined") {
  922. options.compress = true;
  923. }
  924. if (typeof options.devMiddleware === "undefined") {
  925. options.devMiddleware = {};
  926. }
  927. // No need to normalize `headers`
  928. if (typeof options.historyApiFallback === "undefined") {
  929. options.historyApiFallback = false;
  930. } else if (
  931. typeof options.historyApiFallback === "boolean" &&
  932. options.historyApiFallback
  933. ) {
  934. options.historyApiFallback = {};
  935. }
  936. // No need to normalize `host`
  937. =
  938. typeof === "boolean" || === "only"
  939. ?
  940. : true;
  941. const isHTTPs = Boolean(options.https);
  942. const isSPDY = Boolean(options.http2);
  943. if (isHTTPs) {
  944. // TODO: remove in the next major release
  945. util.deprecate(
  946. () => {},
  947. "'https' option is deprecated. Please use the 'server' option.",
  949. )();
  950. }
  951. if (isSPDY) {
  952. // TODO: remove in the next major release
  953. util.deprecate(
  954. () => {},
  955. "'http2' option is deprecated. Please use the 'server' option.",
  957. )();
  958. }
  959. options.server = {
  960. type:
  961. // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  962. typeof options.server === "string"
  963. ? options.server
  964. : // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  965. typeof (options.server || {}).type === "string"
  966. ? /** @type {ServerConfiguration} */ (options.server).type || "http"
  967. : // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  968. isSPDY
  969. ? "spdy"
  970. : isHTTPs
  971. ? "https"
  972. : "http",
  973. options: {
  974. .../** @type {ServerOptions} */ (options.https),
  975. .../** @type {ServerConfiguration} */ (options.server || {}).options,
  976. },
  977. };
  978. if (
  979. options.server.type === "spdy" &&
  980. typeof (/** @type {ServerOptions} */ (options.server.options).spdy) ===
  981. "undefined"
  982. ) {
  983. /** @type {ServerOptions} */
  984. (options.server.options).spdy = {
  985. protocols: ["h2", "http/1.1"],
  986. };
  987. }
  988. if (options.server.type === "https" || options.server.type === "spdy") {
  989. if (
  990. typeof (
  991. /** @type {ServerOptions} */ (options.server.options).requestCert
  992. ) === "undefined"
  993. ) {
  994. /** @type {ServerOptions} */
  995. (options.server.options).requestCert = false;
  996. }
  997. const httpsProperties =
  998. /** @type {Array<keyof ServerOptions>} */
  999. (["cacert", "ca", "cert", "crl", "key", "pfx"]);
  1000. for (const property of httpsProperties) {
  1001. if (
  1002. typeof (
  1003. /** @type {ServerOptions} */ (options.server.options)[property]
  1004. ) === "undefined"
  1005. ) {
  1006. // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
  1007. continue;
  1008. }
  1009. // @ts-ignore
  1010. if (property === "cacert") {
  1011. // TODO remove the `cacert` option in favor `ca` in the next major release
  1012. util.deprecate(
  1013. () => {},
  1014. "The 'cacert' option is deprecated. Please use the 'ca' option.",
  1016. )();
  1017. }
  1018. /** @type {any} */
  1019. const value =
  1020. /** @type {ServerOptions} */
  1021. (options.server.options)[property];
  1022. /**
  1023. * @param {string | Buffer | undefined} item
  1024. * @returns {string | Buffer | undefined}
  1025. */
  1026. const readFile = (item) => {
  1027. if (
  1028. Buffer.isBuffer(item) ||
  1029. (typeof item === "object" && item !== null && !Array.isArray(item))
  1030. ) {
  1031. return item;
  1032. }
  1033. if (item) {
  1034. let stats = null;
  1035. try {
  1036. stats = fs.lstatSync(fs.realpathSync(item)).isFile();
  1037. } catch (error) {
  1038. // Ignore error
  1039. }
  1040. // It is a file
  1041. return stats ? fs.readFileSync(item) : item;
  1042. }
  1043. };
  1044. /** @type {any} */
  1045. (options.server.options)[property] = Array.isArray(value)
  1046. ? => readFile(item))
  1047. : readFile(value);
  1048. }
  1049. let fakeCert;
  1050. if (
  1051. !(/** @type {ServerOptions} */ (options.server.options).key) ||
  1052. !(/** @type {ServerOptions} */ (options.server.options).cert)
  1053. ) {
  1054. const certificateDir = Server.findCacheDir();
  1055. const certificatePath = path.join(certificateDir, "server.pem");
  1056. let certificateExists;
  1057. try {
  1058. const certificate = await fs.promises.stat(certificatePath);
  1059. certificateExists = certificate.isFile();
  1060. } catch {
  1061. certificateExists = false;
  1062. }
  1063. if (certificateExists) {
  1064. const certificateTtl = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
  1065. const certificateStat = await fs.promises.stat(certificatePath);
  1066. const now = Number(new Date());
  1067. // cert is more than 30 days old, kill it with fire
  1068. if ((now - Number(certificateStat.ctime)) / certificateTtl > 30) {
  1069. const { promisify } = require("util");
  1070. const rimraf = require("rimraf");
  1071. const del = promisify(rimraf);
  1073. "SSL certificate is more than 30 days old. Removing..."
  1074. );
  1075. await del(certificatePath);
  1076. certificateExists = false;
  1077. }
  1078. }
  1079. if (!certificateExists) {
  1080."Generating SSL certificate...");
  1081. // @ts-ignore
  1082. const selfsigned = require("selfsigned");
  1083. const attributes = [{ name: "commonName", value: "localhost" }];
  1084. const pems = selfsigned.generate(attributes, {
  1085. algorithm: "sha256",
  1086. days: 30,
  1087. keySize: 2048,
  1088. extensions: [
  1089. {
  1090. name: "basicConstraints",
  1091. cA: true,
  1092. },
  1093. {
  1094. name: "keyUsage",
  1095. keyCertSign: true,
  1096. digitalSignature: true,
  1097. nonRepudiation: true,
  1098. keyEncipherment: true,
  1099. dataEncipherment: true,
  1100. },
  1101. {
  1102. name: "extKeyUsage",
  1103. serverAuth: true,
  1104. clientAuth: true,
  1105. codeSigning: true,
  1106. timeStamping: true,
  1107. },
  1108. {
  1109. name: "subjectAltName",
  1110. altNames: [
  1111. {
  1112. // type 2 is DNS
  1113. type: 2,
  1114. value: "localhost",
  1115. },
  1116. {
  1117. type: 2,
  1118. value: "localhost.localdomain",
  1119. },
  1120. {
  1121. type: 2,
  1122. value: "",
  1123. },
  1124. {
  1125. type: 2,
  1126. value: "*",
  1127. },
  1128. {
  1129. type: 2,
  1130. value: "[::1]",
  1131. },
  1132. {
  1133. // type 7 is IP
  1134. type: 7,
  1135. ip: "",
  1136. },
  1137. {
  1138. type: 7,
  1139. ip: "fe80::1",
  1140. },
  1141. ],
  1142. },
  1143. ],
  1144. });
  1145. await fs.promises.mkdir(certificateDir, { recursive: true });
  1146. await fs.promises.writeFile(
  1147. certificatePath,
  1148. pems.private + pems.cert,
  1149. {
  1150. encoding: "utf8",
  1151. }
  1152. );
  1153. }
  1154. fakeCert = await fs.promises.readFile(certificatePath);
  1155.`SSL certificate: ${certificatePath}`);
  1156. }
  1157. if (
  1158. /** @type {ServerOptions & { cacert?: ServerOptions["ca"] }} */ (
  1159. options.server.options
  1160. ).cacert
  1161. ) {
  1162. if (/** @type {ServerOptions} */ (options.server.options).ca) {
  1163. this.logger.warn(
  1164. "Do not specify 'ca' and 'cacert' options together, the 'ca' option will be used."
  1165. );
  1166. } else {
  1167. /** @type {ServerOptions} */
  1168. (options.server.options).ca =
  1169. /** @type {ServerOptions & { cacert?: ServerOptions["ca"] }} */
  1170. (options.server.options).cacert;
  1171. }
  1172. delete (
  1173. /** @type {ServerOptions & { cacert?: ServerOptions["ca"] }} */ (
  1174. options.server.options
  1175. ).cacert
  1176. );
  1177. }
  1178. /** @type {ServerOptions} */
  1179. (options.server.options).key =
  1180. /** @type {ServerOptions} */
  1181. (options.server.options).key || fakeCert;
  1182. /** @type {ServerOptions} */
  1183. (options.server.options).cert =
  1184. /** @type {ServerOptions} */
  1185. (options.server.options).cert || fakeCert;
  1186. }
  1187. if (typeof options.ipc === "boolean") {
  1188. const isWindows = process.platform === "win32";
  1189. const pipePrefix = isWindows ? "\\\\.\\pipe\\" : os.tmpdir();
  1190. const pipeName = "webpack-dev-server.sock";
  1191. options.ipc = path.join(pipePrefix, pipeName);
  1192. }
  1193. options.liveReload =
  1194. typeof options.liveReload !== "undefined" ? options.liveReload : true;
  1195. options.magicHtml =
  1196. typeof options.magicHtml !== "undefined" ? options.magicHtml : true;
  1197. //
  1198. const defaultOpenOptions = { wait: false };
  1199. /**
  1200. * @param {any} target
  1201. * @returns {NormalizedOpen[]}
  1202. */
  1203. // TODO: remove --open-app in favor of --open-app-name
  1204. const getOpenItemsFromObject = ({ target, }) => {
  1205. const normalizedOptions = { ...defaultOpenOptions, };
  1206. if (typeof === "string") {
  1207. = {
  1208. name:,
  1209. };
  1210. }
  1211. const normalizedTarget = typeof target === "undefined" ? "<url>" : target;
  1212. if (Array.isArray(normalizedTarget)) {
  1213. return => {
  1214. return { target: singleTarget, options: normalizedOptions };
  1215. });
  1216. }
  1217. return [{ target: normalizedTarget, options: normalizedOptions }];
  1218. };
  1219. if (typeof === "undefined") {
  1220. /** @type {NormalizedOpen[]} */
  1221. ( = [];
  1222. } else if (typeof === "boolean") {
  1223. /** @type {NormalizedOpen[]} */
  1224. ( =
  1225. ? [
  1226. {
  1227. target: "<url>",
  1228. options: /** @type {OpenOptions} */ (defaultOpenOptions),
  1229. },
  1230. ]
  1231. : [];
  1232. } else if (typeof === "string") {
  1233. /** @type {NormalizedOpen[]} */
  1234. ( = [{ target:, options: defaultOpenOptions }];
  1235. } else if (Array.isArray( {
  1236. /**
  1237. * @type {NormalizedOpen[]}
  1238. */
  1239. const result = [];
  1240. => {
  1241. if (typeof item === "string") {
  1242. result.push({ target: item, options: defaultOpenOptions });
  1243. return;
  1244. }
  1245. result.push(...getOpenItemsFromObject(item));
  1246. });
  1247. /** @type {NormalizedOpen[]} */
  1248. ( = result;
  1249. } else {
  1250. /** @type {NormalizedOpen[]} */
  1251. ( = [...getOpenItemsFromObject(];
  1252. }
  1253. if (options.onAfterSetupMiddleware) {
  1254. // TODO: remove in the next major release
  1255. util.deprecate(
  1256. () => {},
  1257. "'onAfterSetupMiddleware' option is deprecated. Please use the 'setupMiddlewares' option.",
  1259. )();
  1260. }
  1261. if (options.onBeforeSetupMiddleware) {
  1262. // TODO: remove in the next major release
  1263. util.deprecate(
  1264. () => {},
  1265. "'onBeforeSetupMiddleware' option is deprecated. Please use the 'setupMiddlewares' option.",
  1267. )();
  1268. }
  1269. if (typeof options.port === "string" && options.port !== "auto") {
  1270. options.port = Number(options.port);
  1271. }
  1272. /**
  1273. * Assume a proxy configuration specified as:
  1274. * proxy: {
  1275. * 'context': { options }
  1276. * }
  1277. * OR
  1278. * proxy: {
  1279. * 'context': 'target'
  1280. * }
  1281. */
  1282. if (typeof options.proxy !== "undefined") {
  1283. // TODO remove in the next major release, only accept `Array`
  1284. if (!Array.isArray(options.proxy)) {
  1285. if (
  1286., "target") ||
  1287., "router")
  1288. ) {
  1289. /** @type {ProxyConfigArray} */
  1290. (options.proxy) = [/** @type {ProxyConfigMap} */ (options.proxy)];
  1291. } else {
  1292. /** @type {ProxyConfigArray} */
  1293. (options.proxy) = Object.keys(options.proxy).map(
  1294. /**
  1295. * @param {string} context
  1296. * @returns {HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions}
  1297. */
  1298. (context) => {
  1299. let proxyOptions;
  1300. // For backwards compatibility reasons.
  1301. const correctedContext = context
  1302. .replace(/^\*$/, "**")
  1303. .replace(/\/\*$/, "");
  1304. if (
  1305. typeof (
  1306. /** @type {ProxyConfigMap} */ (options.proxy)[context]
  1307. ) === "string"
  1308. ) {
  1309. proxyOptions = {
  1310. context: correctedContext,
  1311. target:
  1312. /** @type {ProxyConfigMap} */
  1313. (options.proxy)[context],
  1314. };
  1315. } else {
  1316. proxyOptions = {
  1317. // @ts-ignore
  1318. .../** @type {ProxyConfigMap} */ (options.proxy)[context],
  1319. };
  1320. proxyOptions.context = correctedContext;
  1321. }
  1322. return proxyOptions;
  1323. }
  1324. );
  1325. }
  1326. }
  1327. /** @type {ProxyConfigArray} */
  1328. (options.proxy) =
  1329. /** @type {ProxyConfigArray} */
  1330. (options.proxy).map((item) => {
  1331. if (typeof item === "function") {
  1332. return item;
  1333. }
  1334. /**
  1335. * @param {"info" | "warn" | "error" | "debug" | "silent" | undefined | "none" | "log" | "verbose"} level
  1336. * @returns {"info" | "warn" | "error" | "debug" | "silent" | undefined}
  1337. */
  1338. const getLogLevelForProxy = (level) => {
  1339. if (level === "none") {
  1340. return "silent";
  1341. }
  1342. if (level === "log") {
  1343. return "info";
  1344. }
  1345. if (level === "verbose") {
  1346. return "debug";
  1347. }
  1348. return level;
  1349. };
  1350. if (typeof item.logLevel === "undefined") {
  1351. item.logLevel = getLogLevelForProxy(
  1352. compilerOptions.infrastructureLogging
  1353. ? compilerOptions.infrastructureLogging.level
  1354. : "info"
  1355. );
  1356. }
  1357. if (typeof item.logProvider === "undefined") {
  1358. item.logProvider = () => this.logger;
  1359. }
  1360. return item;
  1361. });
  1362. }
  1363. if (typeof options.setupExitSignals === "undefined") {
  1364. options.setupExitSignals = true;
  1365. }
  1366. if (typeof options.static === "undefined") {
  1367. options.static = [getStaticItem()];
  1368. } else if (typeof options.static === "boolean") {
  1369. options.static = options.static ? [getStaticItem()] : false;
  1370. } else if (typeof options.static === "string") {
  1371. options.static = [getStaticItem(options.static)];
  1372. } else if (Array.isArray(options.static)) {
  1373. options.static = => getStaticItem(item));
  1374. } else {
  1375. options.static = [getStaticItem(options.static)];
  1376. }
  1377. if (typeof options.watchFiles === "string") {
  1378. options.watchFiles = [
  1379. { paths: options.watchFiles, options: getWatchOptions() },
  1380. ];
  1381. } else if (
  1382. typeof options.watchFiles === "object" &&
  1383. options.watchFiles !== null &&
  1384. !Array.isArray(options.watchFiles)
  1385. ) {
  1386. options.watchFiles = [
  1387. {
  1388. paths: options.watchFiles.paths,
  1389. options: getWatchOptions(options.watchFiles.options || {}),
  1390. },
  1391. ];
  1392. } else if (Array.isArray(options.watchFiles)) {
  1393. options.watchFiles = => {
  1394. if (typeof item === "string") {
  1395. return { paths: item, options: getWatchOptions() };
  1396. }
  1397. return {
  1398. paths: item.paths,
  1399. options: getWatchOptions(item.options || {}),
  1400. };
  1401. });
  1402. } else {
  1403. options.watchFiles = [];
  1404. }
  1405. const defaultWebSocketServerType = "ws";
  1406. const defaultWebSocketServerOptions = { path: "/ws" };
  1407. if (typeof options.webSocketServer === "undefined") {
  1408. options.webSocketServer = {
  1409. type: defaultWebSocketServerType,
  1410. options: defaultWebSocketServerOptions,
  1411. };
  1412. } else if (
  1413. typeof options.webSocketServer === "boolean" &&
  1414. !options.webSocketServer
  1415. ) {
  1416. options.webSocketServer = false;
  1417. } else if (
  1418. typeof options.webSocketServer === "string" ||
  1419. typeof options.webSocketServer === "function"
  1420. ) {
  1421. options.webSocketServer = {
  1422. type: options.webSocketServer,
  1423. options: defaultWebSocketServerOptions,
  1424. };
  1425. } else {
  1426. options.webSocketServer = {
  1427. type:
  1428. /** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */
  1429. (options.webSocketServer).type || defaultWebSocketServerType,
  1430. options: {
  1431. ...defaultWebSocketServerOptions,
  1432. .../** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */
  1433. (options.webSocketServer).options,
  1434. },
  1435. };
  1436. const webSocketServer =
  1437. /** @type {{ type: WebSocketServerConfiguration["type"], options: NonNullable<WebSocketServerConfiguration["options"]> }} */
  1438. (options.webSocketServer);
  1439. if (typeof webSocketServer.options.port === "string") {
  1440. webSocketServer.options.port = Number(webSocketServer.options.port);
  1441. }
  1442. }
  1443. }
  1444. /**
  1445. * @private
  1446. * @returns {string}
  1447. */
  1448. getClientTransport() {
  1449. let clientImplementation;
  1450. let clientImplementationFound = true;
  1451. const isKnownWebSocketServerImplementation =
  1452. this.options.webSocketServer &&
  1453. typeof (
  1454. /** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */
  1455. (this.options.webSocketServer).type
  1456. ) === "string" &&
  1457. // @ts-ignore
  1458. (this.options.webSocketServer.type === "ws" ||
  1459. /** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */
  1460. (this.options.webSocketServer).type === "sockjs");
  1461. let clientTransport;
  1462. if (this.options.client) {
  1463. if (
  1464. typeof (
  1465. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */
  1466. (this.options.client).webSocketTransport
  1467. ) !== "undefined"
  1468. ) {
  1469. clientTransport =
  1470. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */
  1471. (this.options.client).webSocketTransport;
  1472. } else if (isKnownWebSocketServerImplementation) {
  1473. clientTransport =
  1474. /** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */
  1475. (this.options.webSocketServer).type;
  1476. } else {
  1477. clientTransport = "ws";
  1478. }
  1479. } else {
  1480. clientTransport = "ws";
  1481. }
  1482. switch (typeof clientTransport) {
  1483. case "string":
  1484. // could be 'sockjs', 'ws', or a path that should be required
  1485. if (clientTransport === "sockjs") {
  1486. clientImplementation = require.resolve(
  1487. "../client/clients/SockJSClient"
  1488. );
  1489. } else if (clientTransport === "ws") {
  1490. clientImplementation = require.resolve(
  1491. "../client/clients/WebSocketClient"
  1492. );
  1493. } else {
  1494. try {
  1495. clientImplementation = require.resolve(clientTransport);
  1496. } catch (e) {
  1497. clientImplementationFound = false;
  1498. }
  1499. }
  1500. break;
  1501. default:
  1502. clientImplementationFound = false;
  1503. }
  1504. if (!clientImplementationFound) {
  1505. throw new Error(
  1506. `${
  1507. !isKnownWebSocketServerImplementation
  1508. ? "When you use custom web socket implementation you must explicitly specify client.webSocketTransport. "
  1509. : ""
  1510. }client.webSocketTransport must be a string denoting a default implementation (e.g. 'sockjs', 'ws') or a full path to a JS file via require.resolve(...) which exports a class `
  1511. );
  1512. }
  1513. return /** @type {string} */ (clientImplementation);
  1514. }
  1515. /**
  1516. * @private
  1517. * @returns {string}
  1518. */
  1519. getServerTransport() {
  1520. let implementation;
  1521. let implementationFound = true;
  1522. switch (
  1523. typeof (
  1524. /** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */
  1525. (this.options.webSocketServer).type
  1526. )
  1527. ) {
  1528. case "string":
  1529. // Could be 'sockjs', in the future 'ws', or a path that should be required
  1530. if (
  1531. /** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */ (
  1532. this.options.webSocketServer
  1533. ).type === "sockjs"
  1534. ) {
  1535. implementation = require("./servers/SockJSServer");
  1536. } else if (
  1537. /** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */ (
  1538. this.options.webSocketServer
  1539. ).type === "ws"
  1540. ) {
  1541. implementation = require("./servers/WebsocketServer");
  1542. } else {
  1543. try {
  1544. // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require
  1545. implementation = require(/** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */ (
  1546. this.options.webSocketServer
  1547. ).type);
  1548. } catch (error) {
  1549. implementationFound = false;
  1550. }
  1551. }
  1552. break;
  1553. case "function":
  1554. implementation = /** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */ (
  1555. this.options.webSocketServer
  1556. ).type;
  1557. break;
  1558. default:
  1559. implementationFound = false;
  1560. }
  1561. if (!implementationFound) {
  1562. throw new Error(
  1563. "webSocketServer (webSocketServer.type) must be a string denoting a default implementation (e.g. 'ws', 'sockjs'), a full path to " +
  1564. "a JS file which exports a class extending BaseServer (webpack-dev-server/lib/servers/BaseServer.js) " +
  1565. "via require.resolve(...), or the class itself which extends BaseServer"
  1566. );
  1567. }
  1568. return implementation;
  1569. }
  1570. /**
  1571. * @private
  1572. * @returns {void}
  1573. */
  1574. setupProgressPlugin() {
  1575. const { ProgressPlugin } =
  1576. /** @type {MultiCompiler}*/
  1577. (this.compiler).compilers
  1578. ? /** @type {MultiCompiler}*/ (this.compiler).compilers[0].webpack
  1579. : /** @type {Compiler}*/ (this.compiler).webpack ||
  1580. // TODO remove me after drop webpack v4
  1581. require("webpack");
  1582. new ProgressPlugin(
  1583. /**
  1584. * @param {number} percent
  1585. * @param {string} msg
  1586. * @param {string} addInfo
  1587. * @param {string} pluginName
  1588. */
  1589. (percent, msg, addInfo, pluginName) => {
  1590. percent = Math.floor(percent * 100);
  1591. if (percent === 100) {
  1592. msg = "Compilation completed";
  1593. }
  1594. if (addInfo) {
  1595. msg = `${msg} (${addInfo})`;
  1596. }
  1597. if (this.webSocketServer) {
  1598. this.sendMessage(this.webSocketServer.clients, "progress-update", {
  1599. percent,
  1600. msg,
  1601. pluginName,
  1602. });
  1603. }
  1604. if (this.server) {
  1605. this.server.emit("progress-update", { percent, msg, pluginName });
  1606. }
  1607. }
  1608. ).apply(this.compiler);
  1609. }
  1610. /**
  1611. * @private
  1612. * @returns {Promise<void>}
  1613. */
  1614. async initialize() {
  1615. if (this.options.webSocketServer) {
  1616. const compilers =
  1617. /** @type {MultiCompiler} */
  1618. (this.compiler).compilers || [this.compiler];
  1619. compilers.forEach((compiler) => {
  1620. this.addAdditionalEntries(compiler);
  1621. const webpack = compiler.webpack || require("webpack");
  1622. new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
  1623. __webpack_dev_server_client__: this.getClientTransport(),
  1624. }).apply(compiler);
  1625. // TODO remove after drop webpack v4 support
  1626. compiler.options.plugins = compiler.options.plugins || [];
  1627. if ( {
  1628. const HMRPluginExists = compiler.options.plugins.find(
  1629. (p) => p.constructor === webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin
  1630. );
  1631. if (HMRPluginExists) {
  1632. this.logger.warn(
  1633. `"hot: true" automatically applies HMR plugin, you don't have to add it manually to your webpack configuration.`
  1634. );
  1635. } else {
  1636. // Apply the HMR plugin
  1637. const plugin = new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin();
  1638. plugin.apply(compiler);
  1639. }
  1640. }
  1641. });
  1642. if (
  1643. this.options.client &&
  1644. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */ (this.options.client).progress
  1645. ) {
  1646. this.setupProgressPlugin();
  1647. }
  1648. }
  1649. this.setupHooks();
  1650. this.setupApp();
  1651. this.setupHostHeaderCheck();
  1652. this.setupDevMiddleware();
  1653. // Should be after `webpack-dev-middleware`, otherwise other middlewares might rewrite response
  1654. this.setupBuiltInRoutes();
  1655. this.setupWatchFiles();
  1656. this.setupWatchStaticFiles();
  1657. this.setupMiddlewares();
  1658. this.createServer();
  1659. if (this.options.setupExitSignals) {
  1660. const signals = ["SIGINT", "SIGTERM"];
  1661. let needForceShutdown = false;
  1662. signals.forEach((signal) => {
  1663. const listener = () => {
  1664. if (needForceShutdown) {
  1665. process.exit();
  1666. }
  1668. "Gracefully shutting down. To force exit, press ^C again. Please wait..."
  1669. );
  1670. needForceShutdown = true;
  1671. this.stopCallback(() => {
  1672. if (typeof this.compiler.close === "function") {
  1673. this.compiler.close(() => {
  1674. process.exit();
  1675. });
  1676. } else {
  1677. process.exit();
  1678. }
  1679. });
  1680. };
  1681. this.listeners.push({ name: signal, listener });
  1682. process.on(signal, listener);
  1683. });
  1684. }
  1685. // Proxy WebSocket without the initial http request
  1686. //
  1687. /** @type {RequestHandler[]} */
  1688. (this.webSocketProxies).forEach((webSocketProxy) => {
  1689. /** @type {import("http").Server} */
  1690. (this.server).on(
  1691. "upgrade",
  1692. /** @type {RequestHandler & { upgrade: NonNullable<RequestHandler["upgrade"]> }} */
  1693. (webSocketProxy).upgrade
  1694. );
  1695. }, this);
  1696. }
  1697. /**
  1698. * @private
  1699. * @returns {void}
  1700. */
  1701. setupApp() {
  1702. /** @type {import("express").Application | undefined}*/
  1703. = new /** @type {any} */ (getExpress())();
  1704. }
  1705. /**
  1706. * @private
  1707. * @param {Stats | MultiStats} statsObj
  1708. * @returns {StatsCompilation}
  1709. */
  1710. getStats(statsObj) {
  1711. const stats = Server.DEFAULT_STATS;
  1712. const compilerOptions = this.getCompilerOptions();
  1713. // @ts-ignore
  1714. if (compilerOptions.stats && compilerOptions.stats.warningsFilter) {
  1715. // @ts-ignore
  1716. stats.warningsFilter = compilerOptions.stats.warningsFilter;
  1717. }
  1718. return statsObj.toJson(stats);
  1719. }
  1720. /**
  1721. * @private
  1722. * @returns {void}
  1723. */
  1724. setupHooks() {
  1725. this.compiler.hooks.invalid.tap("webpack-dev-server", () => {
  1726. if (this.webSocketServer) {
  1727. this.sendMessage(this.webSocketServer.clients, "invalid");
  1728. }
  1729. });
  1730. this.compiler.hooks.done.tap(
  1731. "webpack-dev-server",
  1732. /**
  1733. * @param {Stats | MultiStats} stats
  1734. */
  1735. (stats) => {
  1736. if (this.webSocketServer) {
  1737. this.sendStats(this.webSocketServer.clients, this.getStats(stats));
  1738. }
  1739. /**
  1740. * @private
  1741. * @type {Stats | MultiStats}
  1742. */
  1743. this.stats = stats;
  1744. }
  1745. );
  1746. }
  1747. /**
  1748. * @private
  1749. * @returns {void}
  1750. */
  1751. setupHostHeaderCheck() {
  1752. /** @type {import("express").Application} */
  1753. (
  1754. "*",
  1755. /**
  1756. * @param {Request} req
  1757. * @param {Response} res
  1758. * @param {NextFunction} next
  1759. * @returns {void}
  1760. */
  1761. (req, res, next) => {
  1762. if (
  1763. this.checkHeader(
  1764. /** @type {{ [key: string]: string | undefined }} */
  1765. (req.headers),
  1766. "host"
  1767. )
  1768. ) {
  1769. return next();
  1770. }
  1771. res.send("Invalid Host header");
  1772. }
  1773. );
  1774. }
  1775. /**
  1776. * @private
  1777. * @returns {void}
  1778. */
  1779. setupDevMiddleware() {
  1780. const webpackDevMiddleware = require("webpack-dev-middleware");
  1781. // middleware for serving webpack bundle
  1782. this.middleware = webpackDevMiddleware(
  1783. this.compiler,
  1784. this.options.devMiddleware
  1785. );
  1786. }
  1787. /**
  1788. * @private
  1789. * @returns {void}
  1790. */
  1791. setupBuiltInRoutes() {
  1792. const { app, middleware } = this;
  1793. /** @type {import("express").Application} */
  1794. (app).get(
  1795. "/__webpack_dev_server__/sockjs.bundle.js",
  1796. /**
  1797. * @param {Request} req
  1798. * @param {Response} res
  1799. * @returns {void}
  1800. */
  1801. (req, res) => {
  1802. res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/javascript");
  1803. const clientPath = path.join(__dirname, "..", "client");
  1804. res.sendFile(path.join(clientPath, "modules/sockjs-client/index.js"));
  1805. }
  1806. );
  1807. /** @type {import("express").Application} */
  1808. (app).get(
  1809. "/webpack-dev-server/invalidate",
  1810. /**
  1811. * @param {Request} _req
  1812. * @param {Response} res
  1813. * @returns {void}
  1814. */
  1815. (_req, res) => {
  1816. this.invalidate();
  1817. res.end();
  1818. }
  1819. );
  1820. /** @type {import("express").Application} */
  1821. (app).get("/webpack-dev-server/open-editor", (req, res) => {
  1822. const fileName = req.query.fileName;
  1823. if (typeof fileName === "string") {
  1824. // @ts-ignore
  1825. const launchEditor = require("launch-editor");
  1826. launchEditor(fileName);
  1827. }
  1828. res.end();
  1829. });
  1830. /** @type {import("express").Application} */
  1831. (app).get(
  1832. "/webpack-dev-server",
  1833. /**
  1834. * @param {Request} req
  1835. * @param {Response} res
  1836. * @returns {void}
  1837. */
  1838. (req, res) => {
  1839. /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<Request, Response>}*/
  1840. (middleware).waitUntilValid((stats) => {
  1841. res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
  1842. res.write(
  1843. '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/></head><body>'
  1844. );
  1845. const statsForPrint =
  1846. typeof (/** @type {MultiStats} */ (stats).stats) !== "undefined"
  1847. ? /** @type {MultiStats} */ (stats).toJson().children
  1848. : [/** @type {Stats} */ (stats).toJson()];
  1849. res.write(`<h1>Assets Report:</h1>`);
  1850. /**
  1851. * @type {StatsCompilation[]}
  1852. */
  1853. (statsForPrint).forEach((item, index) => {
  1854. res.write("<div>");
  1855. const name =
  1856. // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  1857. typeof !== "undefined"
  1858. ?
  1859. : /** @type {MultiStats} */ (stats).stats
  1860. ? `unnamed[${index}]`
  1861. : "unnamed";
  1862. res.write(`<h2>Compilation: ${name}</h2>`);
  1863. res.write("<ul>");
  1864. const publicPath =
  1865. item.publicPath === "auto" ? "" : item.publicPath;
  1866. for (const asset of /** @type {NonNullable<StatsCompilation["assets"]>} */ (
  1867. item.assets
  1868. )) {
  1869. const assetName =;
  1870. const assetURL = `${publicPath}${assetName}`;
  1871. res.write(
  1872. `<li>
  1873. <strong><a href="${assetURL}" target="_blank">${assetName}</a></strong>
  1874. </li>`
  1875. );
  1876. }
  1877. res.write("</ul>");
  1878. res.write("</div>");
  1879. });
  1880. res.end("</body></html>");
  1881. });
  1882. }
  1883. );
  1884. }
  1885. /**
  1886. * @private
  1887. * @returns {void}
  1888. */
  1889. setupWatchStaticFiles() {
  1890. if (/** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */ (this.options.static).length > 0) {
  1891. /** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */
  1892. (this.options.static).forEach((staticOption) => {
  1893. if ( {
  1894. this.watchFiles(,;
  1895. }
  1896. });
  1897. }
  1898. }
  1899. /**
  1900. * @private
  1901. * @returns {void}
  1902. */
  1903. setupWatchFiles() {
  1904. const { watchFiles } = this.options;
  1905. if (/** @type {WatchFiles[]} */ (watchFiles).length > 0) {
  1906. /** @type {WatchFiles[]} */
  1907. (watchFiles).forEach((item) => {
  1908. this.watchFiles(item.paths, item.options);
  1909. });
  1910. }
  1911. }
  1912. /**
  1913. * @private
  1914. * @returns {void}
  1915. */
  1916. setupMiddlewares() {
  1917. /**
  1918. * @type {Array<Middleware>}
  1919. */
  1920. let middlewares = [];
  1921. // compress is placed last and uses unshift so that it will be the first middleware used
  1922. if (this.options.compress) {
  1923. const compression = require("compression");
  1924. middlewares.push({ name: "compression", middleware: compression() });
  1925. }
  1926. if (typeof this.options.onBeforeSetupMiddleware === "function") {
  1927. this.options.onBeforeSetupMiddleware(this);
  1928. }
  1929. if (typeof this.options.headers !== "undefined") {
  1930. middlewares.push({
  1931. name: "set-headers",
  1932. path: "*",
  1933. middleware: this.setHeaders.bind(this),
  1934. });
  1935. }
  1936. middlewares.push({
  1937. name: "webpack-dev-middleware",
  1938. middleware:
  1939. /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Middleware<Request, Response>}*/
  1940. (this.middleware),
  1941. });
  1942. if (this.options.proxy) {
  1943. const { createProxyMiddleware } = require("http-proxy-middleware");
  1944. /**
  1945. * @param {ProxyConfigArrayItem} proxyConfig
  1946. * @returns {RequestHandler | undefined}
  1947. */
  1948. const getProxyMiddleware = (proxyConfig) => {
  1949. // It is possible to use the `bypass` method without a `target` or `router`.
  1950. // However, the proxy middleware has no use in this case, and will fail to instantiate.
  1951. if ( {
  1952. const context = proxyConfig.context || proxyConfig.path;
  1953. return createProxyMiddleware(
  1954. /** @type {string} */ (context),
  1955. proxyConfig
  1956. );
  1957. }
  1958. if (proxyConfig.router) {
  1959. return createProxyMiddleware(proxyConfig);
  1960. }
  1961. };
  1962. /**
  1963. * Assume a proxy configuration specified as:
  1964. * proxy: [
  1965. * {
  1966. * context: "value",
  1967. * ...options,
  1968. * },
  1969. * // or:
  1970. * function() {
  1971. * return {
  1972. * context: "context",
  1973. * ...options,
  1974. * };
  1975. * }
  1976. * ]
  1977. */
  1978. /** @type {ProxyConfigArray} */
  1979. (this.options.proxy).forEach((proxyConfigOrCallback) => {
  1980. /**
  1981. * @type {RequestHandler}
  1982. */
  1983. let proxyMiddleware;
  1984. let proxyConfig =
  1985. typeof proxyConfigOrCallback === "function"
  1986. ? proxyConfigOrCallback()
  1987. : proxyConfigOrCallback;
  1988. proxyMiddleware =
  1989. /** @type {RequestHandler} */
  1990. (getProxyMiddleware(proxyConfig));
  1991. if ( {
  1992. this.webSocketProxies.push(proxyMiddleware);
  1993. }
  1994. /**
  1995. * @param {Request} req
  1996. * @param {Response} res
  1997. * @param {NextFunction} next
  1998. * @returns {Promise<void>}
  1999. */
  2000. const handler = async (req, res, next) => {
  2001. if (typeof proxyConfigOrCallback === "function") {
  2002. const newProxyConfig = proxyConfigOrCallback(req, res, next);
  2003. if (newProxyConfig !== proxyConfig) {
  2004. proxyConfig = newProxyConfig;
  2005. proxyMiddleware =
  2006. /** @type {RequestHandler} */
  2007. (getProxyMiddleware(proxyConfig));
  2008. }
  2009. }
  2010. // - Check if we have a bypass function defined
  2011. // - In case the bypass function is defined we'll retrieve the
  2012. // bypassUrl from it otherwise bypassUrl would be null
  2013. // TODO remove in the next major in favor `context` and `router` options
  2014. const isByPassFuncDefined = typeof proxyConfig.bypass === "function";
  2015. const bypassUrl = isByPassFuncDefined
  2016. ? await /** @type {ByPass} */ (proxyConfig.bypass)(
  2017. req,
  2018. res,
  2019. proxyConfig
  2020. )
  2021. : null;
  2022. if (typeof bypassUrl === "boolean") {
  2023. // skip the proxy
  2024. // @ts-ignore
  2025. req.url = null;
  2026. next();
  2027. } else if (typeof bypassUrl === "string") {
  2028. // byPass to that url
  2029. req.url = bypassUrl;
  2030. next();
  2031. } else if (proxyMiddleware) {
  2032. return proxyMiddleware(req, res, next);
  2033. } else {
  2034. next();
  2035. }
  2036. };
  2037. middlewares.push({
  2038. name: "http-proxy-middleware",
  2039. middleware: handler,
  2040. });
  2041. // Also forward error requests to the proxy so it can handle them.
  2042. middlewares.push({
  2043. name: "http-proxy-middleware-error-handler",
  2044. middleware:
  2045. /**
  2046. * @param {Error} error
  2047. * @param {Request} req
  2048. * @param {Response} res
  2049. * @param {NextFunction} next
  2050. * @returns {any}
  2051. */
  2052. (error, req, res, next) => handler(req, res, next),
  2053. });
  2054. });
  2055. middlewares.push({
  2056. name: "webpack-dev-middleware",
  2057. middleware:
  2058. /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Middleware<Request, Response>}*/
  2059. (this.middleware),
  2060. });
  2061. }
  2062. if (/** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */ (this.options.static).length > 0) {
  2063. /** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */
  2064. (this.options.static).forEach((staticOption) => {
  2065. staticOption.publicPath.forEach((publicPath) => {
  2066. middlewares.push({
  2067. name: "express-static",
  2068. path: publicPath,
  2069. middleware: getExpress().static(
  2071. staticOption.staticOptions
  2072. ),
  2073. });
  2074. });
  2075. });
  2076. }
  2077. if (this.options.historyApiFallback) {
  2078. const connectHistoryApiFallback = require("connect-history-api-fallback");
  2079. const { historyApiFallback } = this.options;
  2080. if (
  2081. typeof (
  2082. /** @type {ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} */
  2083. (historyApiFallback).logger
  2084. ) === "undefined" &&
  2085. !(
  2086. /** @type {ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} */
  2087. (historyApiFallback).verbose
  2088. )
  2089. ) {
  2090. // @ts-ignore
  2091. historyApiFallback.logger = this.logger.log.bind(
  2092. this.logger,
  2093. "[connect-history-api-fallback]"
  2094. );
  2095. }
  2096. // Fall back to /index.html if nothing else matches.
  2097. middlewares.push({
  2098. name: "connect-history-api-fallback",
  2099. middleware: connectHistoryApiFallback(
  2100. /** @type {ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} */
  2101. (historyApiFallback)
  2102. ),
  2103. });
  2104. // include our middleware to ensure
  2105. // it is able to handle '/index.html' request after redirect
  2106. middlewares.push({
  2107. name: "webpack-dev-middleware",
  2108. middleware:
  2109. /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Middleware<Request, Response>}*/
  2110. (this.middleware),
  2111. });
  2112. if (/** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */ (this.options.static).length > 0) {
  2113. /** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */
  2114. (this.options.static).forEach((staticOption) => {
  2115. staticOption.publicPath.forEach((publicPath) => {
  2116. middlewares.push({
  2117. name: "express-static",
  2118. path: publicPath,
  2119. middleware: getExpress().static(
  2121. staticOption.staticOptions
  2122. ),
  2123. });
  2124. });
  2125. });
  2126. }
  2127. }
  2128. if (/** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */ (this.options.static).length > 0) {
  2129. const serveIndex = require("serve-index");
  2130. /** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */
  2131. (this.options.static).forEach((staticOption) => {
  2132. staticOption.publicPath.forEach((publicPath) => {
  2133. if (staticOption.serveIndex) {
  2134. middlewares.push({
  2135. name: "serve-index",
  2136. path: publicPath,
  2137. /**
  2138. * @param {Request} req
  2139. * @param {Response} res
  2140. * @param {NextFunction} next
  2141. * @returns {void}
  2142. */
  2143. middleware: (req, res, next) => {
  2144. // serve-index doesn't fallthrough non-get/head request to next middleware
  2145. if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") {
  2146. return next();
  2147. }
  2148. serveIndex(
  2150. /** @type {ServeIndexOptions} */
  2151. (staticOption.serveIndex)
  2152. )(req, res, next);
  2153. },
  2154. });
  2155. }
  2156. });
  2157. });
  2158. }
  2159. if (this.options.magicHtml) {
  2160. middlewares.push({
  2161. name: "serve-magic-html",
  2162. middleware: this.serveMagicHtml.bind(this),
  2163. });
  2164. }
  2165. // Register this middleware always as the last one so that it's only used as a
  2166. // fallback when no other middleware responses.
  2167. middlewares.push({
  2168. name: "options-middleware",
  2169. path: "*",
  2170. /**
  2171. * @param {Request} req
  2172. * @param {Response} res
  2173. * @param {NextFunction} next
  2174. * @returns {void}
  2175. */
  2176. middleware: (req, res, next) => {
  2177. if (req.method === "OPTIONS") {
  2178. res.statusCode = 204;
  2179. res.setHeader("Content-Length", "0");
  2180. res.end();
  2181. return;
  2182. }
  2183. next();
  2184. },
  2185. });
  2186. if (typeof this.options.setupMiddlewares === "function") {
  2187. middlewares = this.options.setupMiddlewares(middlewares, this);
  2188. }
  2189. middlewares.forEach((middleware) => {
  2190. if (typeof middleware === "function") {
  2191. /** @type {import("express").Application} */
  2192. (;
  2193. } else if (typeof middleware.path !== "undefined") {
  2194. /** @type {import("express").Application} */
  2195. (, middleware.middleware);
  2196. } else {
  2197. /** @type {import("express").Application} */
  2198. (;
  2199. }
  2200. });
  2201. if (typeof this.options.onAfterSetupMiddleware === "function") {
  2202. this.options.onAfterSetupMiddleware(this);
  2203. }
  2204. }
  2205. /**
  2206. * @private
  2207. * @returns {void}
  2208. */
  2209. createServer() {
  2210. const { type, options } = /** @type {ServerConfiguration} */ (
  2211. this.options.server
  2212. );
  2213. /** @type {import("http").Server | undefined | null} */
  2214. // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require
  2215. this.server = require(/** @type {string} */ (type)).createServer(
  2216. options,
  2218. );
  2219. /** @type {import("http").Server} */
  2220. (this.server).on(
  2221. "connection",
  2222. /**
  2223. * @param {Socket} socket
  2224. */
  2225. (socket) => {
  2226. // Add socket to list
  2227. this.sockets.push(socket);
  2228. socket.once("close", () => {
  2229. // Remove socket from list
  2230. this.sockets.splice(this.sockets.indexOf(socket), 1);
  2231. });
  2232. }
  2233. );
  2234. /** @type {import("http").Server} */
  2235. (this.server).on(
  2236. "error",
  2237. /**
  2238. * @param {Error} error
  2239. */
  2240. (error) => {
  2241. throw error;
  2242. }
  2243. );
  2244. }
  2245. /**
  2246. * @private
  2247. * @returns {void}
  2248. */
  2249. // TODO: remove `--web-socket-server` in favor of `--web-socket-server-type`
  2250. createWebSocketServer() {
  2251. /** @type {WebSocketServerImplementation | undefined | null} */
  2252. this.webSocketServer = new /** @type {any} */ (this.getServerTransport())(
  2253. this
  2254. );
  2255. /** @type {WebSocketServerImplementation} */
  2256. (this.webSocketServer).implementation.on(
  2257. "connection",
  2258. /**
  2259. * @param {ClientConnection} client
  2260. * @param {IncomingMessage} request
  2261. */
  2262. (client, request) => {
  2263. /** @type {{ [key: string]: string | undefined } | undefined} */
  2264. const headers =
  2265. // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
  2266. typeof request !== "undefined"
  2267. ? /** @type {{ [key: string]: string | undefined }} */
  2268. (request.headers)
  2269. : typeof (
  2270. /** @type {import("sockjs").Connection} */ (client).headers
  2271. ) !== "undefined"
  2272. ? /** @type {import("sockjs").Connection} */ (client).headers
  2273. : // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
  2274. undefined;
  2275. if (!headers) {
  2276. this.logger.warn(
  2277. 'webSocketServer implementation must pass headers for the "connection" event'
  2278. );
  2279. }
  2280. if (
  2281. !headers ||
  2282. !this.checkHeader(headers, "host") ||
  2283. !this.checkHeader(headers, "origin")
  2284. ) {
  2285. this.sendMessage([client], "error", "Invalid Host/Origin header");
  2286. // With https enabled, the sendMessage above is encrypted asynchronously so not yet sent
  2287. // Terminate would prevent it sending, so use close to allow it to be sent
  2288. client.close();
  2289. return;
  2290. }
  2291. if ( === true || === "only") {
  2292. this.sendMessage([client], "hot");
  2293. }
  2294. if (this.options.liveReload) {
  2295. this.sendMessage([client], "liveReload");
  2296. }
  2297. if (
  2298. this.options.client &&
  2299. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */
  2300. (this.options.client).progress
  2301. ) {
  2302. this.sendMessage(
  2303. [client],
  2304. "progress",
  2305. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */
  2306. (this.options.client).progress
  2307. );
  2308. }
  2309. if (
  2310. this.options.client &&
  2311. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */ (this.options.client).reconnect
  2312. ) {
  2313. this.sendMessage(
  2314. [client],
  2315. "reconnect",
  2316. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */
  2317. (this.options.client).reconnect
  2318. );
  2319. }
  2320. if (
  2321. this.options.client &&
  2322. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */
  2323. (this.options.client).overlay
  2324. ) {
  2325. const overlayConfig = /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */ (
  2326. this.options.client
  2327. ).overlay;
  2328. this.sendMessage(
  2329. [client],
  2330. "overlay",
  2331. typeof overlayConfig === "object"
  2332. ? {
  2333. ...overlayConfig,
  2334. errors:
  2335. overlayConfig.errors &&
  2336. encodeOverlaySettings(overlayConfig.errors),
  2337. warnings:
  2338. overlayConfig.warnings &&
  2339. encodeOverlaySettings(overlayConfig.warnings),
  2340. runtimeErrors:
  2341. overlayConfig.runtimeErrors &&
  2342. encodeOverlaySettings(overlayConfig.runtimeErrors),
  2343. }
  2344. : overlayConfig
  2345. );
  2346. }
  2347. if (!this.stats) {
  2348. return;
  2349. }
  2350. this.sendStats([client], this.getStats(this.stats), true);
  2351. }
  2352. );
  2353. }
  2354. /**
  2355. * @private
  2356. * @param {string} defaultOpenTarget
  2357. * @returns {void}
  2358. */
  2359. openBrowser(defaultOpenTarget) {
  2360. const open = require("open");
  2361. Promise.all(
  2362. /** @type {NormalizedOpen[]} */
  2363. ( => {
  2364. /**
  2365. * @type {string}
  2366. */
  2367. let openTarget;
  2368. if ( === "<url>") {
  2369. openTarget = defaultOpenTarget;
  2370. } else {
  2371. openTarget = Server.isAbsoluteURL(
  2372. ?
  2373. : new URL(, defaultOpenTarget).toString();
  2374. }
  2375. return open(openTarget, item.options).catch(() => {
  2376. this.logger.warn(
  2377. `Unable to open "${openTarget}" page${
  2379. ? ` in "${
  2380. /** @type {import("open").App} */
  2381. (
  2382. }" app${
  2383. /** @type {import("open").App} */
  2384. (
  2385. ? ` with "${
  2386. /** @type {import("open").App} */
  2387. (" ")
  2388. }" arguments`
  2389. : ""
  2390. }`
  2391. : ""
  2392. }. If you are running in a headless environment, please do not use the "open" option or related flags like "--open", "--open-target", and "--open-app".`
  2393. );
  2394. });
  2395. })
  2396. );
  2397. }
  2398. /**
  2399. * @private
  2400. * @returns {void}
  2401. */
  2402. runBonjour() {
  2403. const { Bonjour } = require("bonjour-service");
  2404. /**
  2405. * @private
  2406. * @type {Bonjour | undefined}
  2407. */
  2408. this.bonjour = new Bonjour();
  2409. this.bonjour.publish({
  2410. // @ts-expect-error
  2411. name: `Webpack Dev Server ${os.hostname()}:${this.options.port}`,
  2412. // @ts-expect-error
  2413. port: /** @type {number} */ (this.options.port),
  2414. // @ts-expect-error
  2415. type:
  2416. /** @type {ServerConfiguration} */
  2417. (this.options.server).type === "http" ? "http" : "https",
  2418. subtypes: ["webpack"],
  2419. .../** @type {BonjourOptions} */ (this.options.bonjour),
  2420. });
  2421. }
  2422. /**
  2423. * @private
  2424. * @returns {void}
  2425. */
  2426. stopBonjour(callback = () => {}) {
  2427. /** @type {Bonjour} */
  2428. (this.bonjour).unpublishAll(() => {
  2429. /** @type {Bonjour} */
  2430. (this.bonjour).destroy();
  2431. if (callback) {
  2432. callback();
  2433. }
  2434. });
  2435. }
  2436. /**
  2437. * @private
  2438. * @returns {void}
  2439. */
  2440. logStatus() {
  2441. const { isColorSupported, cyan, red } = require("colorette");
  2442. /**
  2443. * @param {Compiler["options"]} compilerOptions
  2444. * @returns {boolean}
  2445. */
  2446. const getColorsOption = (compilerOptions) => {
  2447. /**
  2448. * @type {boolean}
  2449. */
  2450. let colorsEnabled;
  2451. if (
  2452. compilerOptions.stats &&
  2453. typeof (/** @type {StatsOptions} */ (compilerOptions.stats).colors) !==
  2454. "undefined"
  2455. ) {
  2456. colorsEnabled =
  2457. /** @type {boolean} */
  2458. (/** @type {StatsOptions} */ (compilerOptions.stats).colors);
  2459. } else {
  2460. colorsEnabled = isColorSupported;
  2461. }
  2462. return colorsEnabled;
  2463. };
  2464. const colors = {
  2465. /**
  2466. * @param {boolean} useColor
  2467. * @param {string} msg
  2468. * @returns {string}
  2469. */
  2470. info(useColor, msg) {
  2471. if (useColor) {
  2472. return cyan(msg);
  2473. }
  2474. return msg;
  2475. },
  2476. /**
  2477. * @param {boolean} useColor
  2478. * @param {string} msg
  2479. * @returns {string}
  2480. */
  2481. error(useColor, msg) {
  2482. if (useColor) {
  2483. return red(msg);
  2484. }
  2485. return msg;
  2486. },
  2487. };
  2488. const useColor = getColorsOption(this.getCompilerOptions());
  2489. if (this.options.ipc) {
  2491. `Project is running at: "${
  2492. /** @type {import("http").Server} */
  2493. (this.server).address()
  2494. }"`
  2495. );
  2496. } else {
  2497. const protocol =
  2498. /** @type {ServerConfiguration} */
  2499. (this.options.server).type === "http" ? "http" : "https";
  2500. const { address, port } =
  2501. /** @type {import("net").AddressInfo} */
  2502. (
  2503. /** @type {import("http").Server} */
  2504. (this.server).address()
  2505. );
  2506. /**
  2507. * @param {string} newHostname
  2508. * @returns {string}
  2509. */
  2510. const prettyPrintURL = (newHostname) =>
  2511. url.format({ protocol, hostname: newHostname, port, pathname: "/" });
  2512. let server;
  2513. let localhost;
  2514. let loopbackIPv4;
  2515. let loopbackIPv6;
  2516. let networkUrlIPv4;
  2517. let networkUrlIPv6;
  2518. if ( {
  2519. if ( === "localhost") {
  2520. localhost = prettyPrintURL("localhost");
  2521. } else {
  2522. let isIP;
  2523. try {
  2524. isIP = ipaddr.parse(;
  2525. } catch (error) {
  2526. // Ignore
  2527. }
  2528. if (!isIP) {
  2529. server = prettyPrintURL(;
  2530. }
  2531. }
  2532. }
  2533. const parsedIP = ipaddr.parse(address);
  2534. if (parsedIP.range() === "unspecified") {
  2535. localhost = prettyPrintURL("localhost");
  2536. const networkIPv4 = Server.internalIPSync("v4");
  2537. if (networkIPv4) {
  2538. networkUrlIPv4 = prettyPrintURL(networkIPv4);
  2539. }
  2540. const networkIPv6 = Server.internalIPSync("v6");
  2541. if (networkIPv6) {
  2542. networkUrlIPv6 = prettyPrintURL(networkIPv6);
  2543. }
  2544. } else if (parsedIP.range() === "loopback") {
  2545. if (parsedIP.kind() === "ipv4") {
  2546. loopbackIPv4 = prettyPrintURL(parsedIP.toString());
  2547. } else if (parsedIP.kind() === "ipv6") {
  2548. loopbackIPv6 = prettyPrintURL(parsedIP.toString());
  2549. }
  2550. } else {
  2551. networkUrlIPv4 =
  2552. parsedIP.kind() === "ipv6" &&
  2553. /** @type {IPv6} */
  2554. (parsedIP).isIPv4MappedAddress()
  2555. ? prettyPrintURL(
  2556. /** @type {IPv6} */
  2557. (parsedIP).toIPv4Address().toString()
  2558. )
  2559. : prettyPrintURL(address);
  2560. if (parsedIP.kind() === "ipv6") {
  2561. networkUrlIPv6 = prettyPrintURL(address);
  2562. }
  2563. }
  2564."Project is running at:");
  2565. if (server) {
  2566.`Server: ${, server)}`);
  2567. }
  2568. if (localhost || loopbackIPv4 || loopbackIPv6) {
  2569. const loopbacks = [];
  2570. if (localhost) {
  2571. loopbacks.push([, localhost)]);
  2572. }
  2573. if (loopbackIPv4) {
  2574. loopbacks.push([, loopbackIPv4)]);
  2575. }
  2576. if (loopbackIPv6) {
  2577. loopbacks.push([, loopbackIPv6)]);
  2578. }
  2579.`Loopback: ${loopbacks.join(", ")}`);
  2580. }
  2581. if (networkUrlIPv4) {
  2583. `On Your Network (IPv4): ${, networkUrlIPv4)}`
  2584. );
  2585. }
  2586. if (networkUrlIPv6) {
  2588. `On Your Network (IPv6): ${, networkUrlIPv6)}`
  2589. );
  2590. }
  2591. if (/** @type {NormalizedOpen[]} */ ( > 0) {
  2592. const openTarget = prettyPrintURL(
  2593. ! ||
  2594. === "" ||
  2595. === "::"
  2596. ? "localhost"
  2597. :
  2598. );
  2599. this.openBrowser(openTarget);
  2600. }
  2601. }
  2602. if (/** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */ (this.options.static).length > 0) {
  2604. `Content not from webpack is served from '${
  2605. useColor,
  2606. /** @type {NormalizedStatic[]} */
  2607. (this.options.static)
  2608. .map((staticOption) =>
  2609. .join(", ")
  2610. )}' directory`
  2611. );
  2612. }
  2613. if (this.options.historyApiFallback) {
  2615. `404s will fallback to '${
  2616. useColor,
  2617. /** @type {ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} */ (
  2618. this.options.historyApiFallback
  2619. ).index || "/index.html"
  2620. )}'`
  2621. );
  2622. }
  2623. if (this.options.bonjour) {
  2624. const bonjourProtocol =
  2625. /** @type {BonjourOptions} */
  2626. (this.options.bonjour).type ||
  2627. /** @type {ServerConfiguration} */
  2628. (this.options.server).type === "http"
  2629. ? "http"
  2630. : "https";
  2632. `Broadcasting "${bonjourProtocol}" with subtype of "webpack" via ZeroConf DNS (Bonjour)`
  2633. );
  2634. }
  2635. }
  2636. /**
  2637. * @private
  2638. * @param {Request} req
  2639. * @param {Response} res
  2640. * @param {NextFunction} next
  2641. */
  2642. setHeaders(req, res, next) {
  2643. let { headers } = this.options;
  2644. if (headers) {
  2645. if (typeof headers === "function") {
  2646. headers = headers(
  2647. req,
  2648. res,
  2649. /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<Request, Response>}*/
  2650. (this.middleware).context
  2651. );
  2652. }
  2653. /**
  2654. * @type {{key: string, value: string}[]}
  2655. */
  2656. const allHeaders = [];
  2657. if (!Array.isArray(headers)) {
  2658. // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in
  2659. for (const name in headers) {
  2660. // @ts-ignore
  2661. allHeaders.push({ key: name, value: headers[name] });
  2662. }
  2663. headers = allHeaders;
  2664. }
  2665. headers.forEach(
  2666. /**
  2667. * @param {{key: string, value: any}} header
  2668. */
  2669. (header) => {
  2670. res.setHeader(header.key, header.value);
  2671. }
  2672. );
  2673. }
  2674. next();
  2675. }
  2676. /**
  2677. * @private
  2678. * @param {{ [key: string]: string | undefined }} headers
  2679. * @param {string} headerToCheck
  2680. * @returns {boolean}
  2681. */
  2682. checkHeader(headers, headerToCheck) {
  2683. // allow user to opt out of this security check, at their own risk
  2684. // by explicitly enabling allowedHosts
  2685. if (this.options.allowedHosts === "all") {
  2686. return true;
  2687. }
  2688. // get the Host header and extract hostname
  2689. // we don't care about port not matching
  2690. const hostHeader = headers[headerToCheck];
  2691. if (!hostHeader) {
  2692. return false;
  2693. }
  2694. if (/^(file|.+-extension):/i.test(hostHeader)) {
  2695. return true;
  2696. }
  2697. // use the node url-parser to retrieve the hostname from the host-header.
  2698. const hostname = url.parse(
  2699. // if hostHeader doesn't have scheme, add // for parsing.
  2700. /^(.+:)?\/\//.test(hostHeader) ? hostHeader : `//${hostHeader}`,
  2701. false,
  2702. true
  2703. ).hostname;
  2704. // always allow requests with explicit IPv4 or IPv6-address.
  2705. // A note on IPv6 addresses:
  2706. // hostHeader will always contain the brackets denoting
  2707. // an IPv6-address in URLs,
  2708. // these are removed from the hostname in url.parse(),
  2709. // so we have the pure IPv6-address in hostname.
  2710. // For convenience, always allow localhost (hostname === 'localhost')
  2711. // and its subdomains (hostname.endsWith(".localhost")).
  2712. // allow hostname of listening address (hostname ===
  2713. const isValidHostname =
  2714. (hostname !== null && ipaddr.IPv4.isValid(hostname)) ||
  2715. (hostname !== null && ipaddr.IPv6.isValid(hostname)) ||
  2716. hostname === "localhost" ||
  2717. (hostname !== null && hostname.endsWith(".localhost")) ||
  2718. hostname ===;
  2719. if (isValidHostname) {
  2720. return true;
  2721. }
  2722. const { allowedHosts } = this.options;
  2723. // always allow localhost host, for convenience
  2724. // allow if hostname is in allowedHosts
  2725. if (Array.isArray(allowedHosts) && allowedHosts.length > 0) {
  2726. for (let hostIdx = 0; hostIdx < allowedHosts.length; hostIdx++) {
  2727. const allowedHost = allowedHosts[hostIdx];
  2728. if (allowedHost === hostname) {
  2729. return true;
  2730. }
  2731. // support "." as a subdomain wildcard
  2732. // e.g. "" will allow "", "", "", etc
  2733. if (allowedHost[0] === ".") {
  2734. // "" (hostname === allowedHost.substring(1))
  2735. // "*" (hostname.endsWith(allowedHost))
  2736. if (
  2737. hostname === allowedHost.substring(1) ||
  2738. /** @type {string} */ (hostname).endsWith(allowedHost)
  2739. ) {
  2740. return true;
  2741. }
  2742. }
  2743. }
  2744. }
  2745. // Also allow if `client.webSocketURL.hostname` provided
  2746. if (
  2747. this.options.client &&
  2748. typeof (
  2749. /** @type {ClientConfiguration} */ (this.options.client).webSocketURL
  2750. ) !== "undefined"
  2751. ) {
  2752. return (
  2753. /** @type {WebSocketURL} */
  2754. (/** @type {ClientConfiguration} */ (this.options.client).webSocketURL)
  2755. .hostname === hostname
  2756. );
  2757. }
  2758. // disallow
  2759. return false;
  2760. }
  2761. /**
  2762. * @param {ClientConnection[]} clients
  2763. * @param {string} type
  2764. * @param {any} [data]
  2765. * @param {any} [params]
  2766. */
  2767. // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
  2768. sendMessage(clients, type, data, params) {
  2769. for (const client of clients) {
  2770. // `sockjs` uses `1` to indicate client is ready to accept data
  2771. // `ws` uses `WebSocket.OPEN`, but it is mean `1` too
  2772. if (client.readyState === 1) {
  2773. client.send(JSON.stringify({ type, data, params }));
  2774. }
  2775. }
  2776. }
  2777. /**
  2778. * @private
  2779. * @param {Request} req
  2780. * @param {Response} res
  2781. * @param {NextFunction} next
  2782. * @returns {void}
  2783. */
  2784. serveMagicHtml(req, res, next) {
  2785. if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") {
  2786. return next();
  2787. }
  2788. /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<Request, Response>}*/
  2789. (this.middleware).waitUntilValid(() => {
  2790. const _path = req.path;
  2791. try {
  2792. const filename =
  2793. /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<Request, Response>}*/
  2794. (this.middleware).getFilenameFromUrl(`${_path}.js`);
  2795. const isFile =
  2796. /** @type {Compiler["outputFileSystem"] & { statSync: import("fs").StatSyncFn }}*/
  2797. (
  2798. /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<Request, Response>}*/
  2799. (this.middleware).context.outputFileSystem
  2800. )
  2801. .statSync(/** @type {import("fs").PathLike} */ (filename))
  2802. .isFile();
  2803. if (!isFile) {
  2804. return next();
  2805. }
  2806. // Serve a page that executes the javascript
  2807. // @ts-ignore
  2808. const queries = || "";
  2809. const responsePage = `<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/></head><body><script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="${_path}.js${queries}"></script></body></html>`;
  2810. res.send(responsePage);
  2811. } catch (error) {
  2812. return next();
  2813. }
  2814. });
  2815. }
  2816. // Send stats to a socket or multiple sockets
  2817. /**
  2818. * @private
  2819. * @param {ClientConnection[]} clients
  2820. * @param {StatsCompilation} stats
  2821. * @param {boolean} [force]
  2822. */
  2823. sendStats(clients, stats, force) {
  2824. const shouldEmit =
  2825. !force &&
  2826. stats &&
  2827. (!stats.errors || stats.errors.length === 0) &&
  2828. (!stats.warnings || stats.warnings.length === 0) &&
  2829. this.currentHash === stats.hash;
  2830. if (shouldEmit) {
  2831. this.sendMessage(clients, "still-ok");
  2832. return;
  2833. }
  2834. this.currentHash = stats.hash;
  2835. this.sendMessage(clients, "hash", stats.hash);
  2836. if (
  2837. /** @type {NonNullable<StatsCompilation["errors"]>} */
  2838. (stats.errors).length > 0 ||
  2839. /** @type {NonNullable<StatsCompilation["warnings"]>} */
  2840. (stats.warnings).length > 0
  2841. ) {
  2842. const hasErrors =
  2843. /** @type {NonNullable<StatsCompilation["errors"]>} */
  2844. (stats.errors).length > 0;
  2845. if (
  2846. /** @type {NonNullable<StatsCompilation["warnings"]>} */
  2847. (stats.warnings).length > 0
  2848. ) {
  2849. let params;
  2850. if (hasErrors) {
  2851. params = { preventReloading: true };
  2852. }
  2853. this.sendMessage(clients, "warnings", stats.warnings, params);
  2854. }
  2855. if (
  2856. /** @type {NonNullable<StatsCompilation["errors"]>} */ (stats.errors)
  2857. .length > 0
  2858. ) {
  2859. this.sendMessage(clients, "errors", stats.errors);
  2860. }
  2861. } else {
  2862. this.sendMessage(clients, "ok");
  2863. }
  2864. }
  2865. /**
  2866. * @param {string | string[]} watchPath
  2867. * @param {WatchOptions} [watchOptions]
  2868. */
  2869. watchFiles(watchPath, watchOptions) {
  2870. const chokidar = require("chokidar");
  2871. const watcher =, watchOptions);
  2872. // disabling refreshing on changing the content
  2873. if (this.options.liveReload) {
  2874. watcher.on("change", (item) => {
  2875. if (this.webSocketServer) {
  2876. this.sendMessage(
  2877. this.webSocketServer.clients,
  2878. "static-changed",
  2879. item
  2880. );
  2881. }
  2882. });
  2883. }
  2884. this.staticWatchers.push(watcher);
  2885. }
  2886. /**
  2887. * @param {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Callback} [callback]
  2888. */
  2889. invalidate(callback = () => {}) {
  2890. if (this.middleware) {
  2891. this.middleware.invalidate(callback);
  2892. }
  2893. }
  2894. /**
  2895. * @returns {Promise<void>}
  2896. */
  2897. async start() {
  2898. await this.normalizeOptions();
  2899. if (this.options.ipc) {
  2900. await /** @type {Promise<void>} */ (
  2901. new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  2902. const net = require("net");
  2903. const socket = new net.Socket();
  2904. socket.on(
  2905. "error",
  2906. /**
  2907. * @param {Error & { code?: string }} error
  2908. */
  2909. (error) => {
  2910. if (error.code === "ECONNREFUSED") {
  2911. // No other server listening on this socket, so it can be safely removed
  2912. fs.unlinkSync(/** @type {string} */ (this.options.ipc));
  2913. resolve();
  2914. return;
  2915. } else if (error.code === "ENOENT") {
  2916. resolve();
  2917. return;
  2918. }
  2919. reject(error);
  2920. }
  2921. );
  2922. socket.connect(
  2923. { path: /** @type {string} */ (this.options.ipc) },
  2924. () => {
  2925. throw new Error(`IPC "${this.options.ipc}" is already used`);
  2926. }
  2927. );
  2928. })
  2929. );
  2930. } else {
  2931. = await Server.getHostname(
  2932. /** @type {Host} */ (
  2933. );
  2934. this.options.port = await Server.getFreePort(
  2935. /** @type {Port} */ (this.options.port),
  2937. );
  2938. }
  2939. await this.initialize();
  2940. const listenOptions = this.options.ipc
  2941. ? { path: this.options.ipc }
  2942. : { host:, port: this.options.port };
  2943. await /** @type {Promise<void>} */ (
  2944. new Promise((resolve) => {
  2945. /** @type {import("http").Server} */
  2946. (this.server).listen(listenOptions, () => {
  2947. resolve();
  2948. });
  2949. })
  2950. );
  2951. if (this.options.ipc) {
  2952. // chmod 666 (rw rw rw)
  2953. const READ_WRITE = 438;
  2954. await fs.promises.chmod(
  2955. /** @type {string} */ (this.options.ipc),
  2956. READ_WRITE
  2957. );
  2958. }
  2959. if (this.options.webSocketServer) {
  2960. this.createWebSocketServer();
  2961. }
  2962. if (this.options.bonjour) {
  2963. this.runBonjour();
  2964. }
  2965. this.logStatus();
  2966. if (typeof this.options.onListening === "function") {
  2967. this.options.onListening(this);
  2968. }
  2969. }
  2970. /**
  2971. * @param {(err?: Error) => void} [callback]
  2972. */
  2973. startCallback(callback = () => {}) {
  2974. this.start()
  2975. .then(() => callback(), callback)
  2976. .catch(callback);
  2977. }
  2978. /**
  2979. * @returns {Promise<void>}
  2980. */
  2981. async stop() {
  2982. if (this.bonjour) {
  2983. await /** @type {Promise<void>} */ (
  2984. new Promise((resolve) => {
  2985. this.stopBonjour(() => {
  2986. resolve();
  2987. });
  2988. })
  2989. );
  2990. }
  2991. this.webSocketProxies = [];
  2992. await Promise.all( => watcher.close()));
  2993. this.staticWatchers = [];
  2994. if (this.webSocketServer) {
  2995. await /** @type {Promise<void>} */ (
  2996. new Promise((resolve) => {
  2997. /** @type {WebSocketServerImplementation} */
  2998. (this.webSocketServer).implementation.close(() => {
  2999. this.webSocketServer = null;
  3000. resolve();
  3001. });
  3002. for (const client of /** @type {WebSocketServerImplementation} */ (
  3003. this.webSocketServer
  3004. ).clients) {
  3005. client.terminate();
  3006. }
  3007. /** @type {WebSocketServerImplementation} */
  3008. (this.webSocketServer).clients = [];
  3009. })
  3010. );
  3011. }
  3012. if (this.server) {
  3013. await /** @type {Promise<void>} */ (
  3014. new Promise((resolve) => {
  3015. /** @type {import("http").Server} */
  3016. (this.server).close(() => {
  3017. this.server = null;
  3018. resolve();
  3019. });
  3020. for (const socket of this.sockets) {
  3021. socket.destroy();
  3022. }
  3023. this.sockets = [];
  3024. })
  3025. );
  3026. if (this.middleware) {
  3027. await /** @type {Promise<void>} */ (
  3028. new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  3029. /** @type {import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<Request, Response>}*/
  3030. (this.middleware).close((error) => {
  3031. if (error) {
  3032. reject(error);
  3033. return;
  3034. }
  3035. resolve();
  3036. });
  3037. })
  3038. );
  3039. this.middleware = null;
  3040. }
  3041. }
  3042. // We add listeners to signals when creating a new Server instance
  3043. // So ensure they are removed to prevent EventEmitter memory leak warnings
  3044. for (const item of this.listeners) {
  3045. process.removeListener(, item.listener);
  3046. }
  3047. }
  3048. /**
  3049. * @param {(err?: Error) => void} [callback]
  3050. */
  3051. stopCallback(callback = () => {}) {
  3052. this.stop()
  3053. .then(() => callback(), callback)
  3054. .catch(callback);
  3055. }
  3056. // TODO remove in the next major release
  3057. /**
  3058. * @param {Port} port
  3059. * @param {Host} hostname
  3060. * @param {(err?: Error) => void} fn
  3061. * @returns {void}
  3062. */
  3063. listen(port, hostname, fn) {
  3064. util.deprecate(
  3065. () => {},
  3066. "'listen' is deprecated. Please use the async 'start' or 'startCallback' method.",
  3068. )();
  3069. if (typeof port === "function") {
  3070. fn = port;
  3071. }
  3072. if (
  3073. typeof port !== "undefined" &&
  3074. typeof this.options.port !== "undefined" &&
  3075. port !== this.options.port
  3076. ) {
  3077. this.options.port = port;
  3078. this.logger.warn(
  3079. 'The "port" specified in options is different from the port passed as an argument. Will be used from arguments.'
  3080. );
  3081. }
  3082. if (!this.options.port) {
  3083. this.options.port = port;
  3084. }
  3085. if (
  3086. typeof hostname !== "undefined" &&
  3087. typeof !== "undefined" &&
  3088. hostname !==
  3089. ) {
  3090. = hostname;
  3091. this.logger.warn(
  3092. 'The "host" specified in options is different from the host passed as an argument. Will be used from arguments.'
  3093. );
  3094. }
  3095. if (! {
  3096. = hostname;
  3097. }
  3098. this.start()
  3099. .then(() => {
  3100. if (fn) {
  3102. }
  3103. })
  3104. .catch((error) => {
  3105. // Nothing
  3106. if (fn) {
  3107., error);
  3108. }
  3109. });
  3110. }
  3111. /**
  3112. * @param {(err?: Error) => void} [callback]
  3113. * @returns {void}
  3114. */
  3115. // TODO remove in the next major release
  3116. close(callback) {
  3117. util.deprecate(
  3118. () => {},
  3119. "'close' is deprecated. Please use the async 'stop' or 'stopCallback' method.",
  3121. )();
  3122. this.stop()
  3123. .then(() => {
  3124. if (callback) {
  3125. callback();
  3126. }
  3127. })
  3128. .catch((error) => {
  3129. if (callback) {
  3130. callback(error);
  3131. }
  3132. });
  3133. }
  3134. }
  3135. module.exports = Server;