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- /*
- MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
- */
- "use strict";
- const Entrypoint = require("../Entrypoint");
- /** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */
- /**
- * @param {Entrypoint} entrypoint a chunk group
- * @param {Chunk=} excludedChunk1 current chunk which is excluded
- * @param {Chunk=} excludedChunk2 runtime chunk which is excluded
- * @returns {Set<Chunk>} chunks
- */
- const getAllChunks = (entrypoint, excludedChunk1, excludedChunk2) => {
- const queue = new Set([entrypoint]);
- const chunks = new Set();
- for (const entrypoint of queue) {
- for (const chunk of entrypoint.chunks) {
- if (chunk === excludedChunk1) continue;
- if (chunk === excludedChunk2) continue;
- chunks.add(chunk);
- }
- for (const parent of entrypoint.parentsIterable) {
- if (parent instanceof Entrypoint) queue.add(parent);
- }
- }
- return chunks;
- };
- exports.getAllChunks = getAllChunks;