@@ -1,849 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 1984-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.
- */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-# pragma once
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 3))
-# pragma once
-#ifndef tmwtypes_h
-#define tmwtypes_h
-#ifndef __TMWTYPES__
-#define __TMWTYPES__
- * File : tmwtypes.h
- * Abstract:
- * Data types for use with MATLAB/SIMULINK and the Real-Time Workshop.
- *
- * When compiling stand-alone model code, data types can be overridden
- * via compiler switches.
- *
- * Define NO_FLOATS to eliminate reference to real_T, etc.
- */
-#include <limits.h>
-/* __STDC_VERSION__ version check below means "check for a C99 compiler".
- Visual Studio (checked on versions 2015 and 2017) does
- not define __STDC_VERSION__, however it has stdbool.h available,
- thus a separate check for _MSC_VER below.
- */
-#if defined(__APPLE_CC__) \
- || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)) \
- || (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1900))
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#ifdef NO_FLOATS
-# define double double_not_allowed
-# define float float_not_allowed
-#endif /*NO_FLOATS*/
-#ifndef NO_FLOATS
-#ifndef __MWERKS__
-# ifdef __STDC__
-# include <float.h>
-# else
-# define FLT_MANT_DIG 24
-# define DBL_MANT_DIG 53
-# endif
-#endif /*NO_FLOATS*/
- * The following data types cannot be overridden when building MEX files.
- */
-# undef CHARACTER_T
-# undef INTEGER_T
-# undef BOOLEAN_T
-# undef REAL_T
-# undef TIME_T
- * The uchar_T, ushort_T and ulong_T types are needed for compilers which do
- * not allow defines to be specified, at the command line, with spaces in them.
- */
-typedef unsigned char uchar_T;
-typedef unsigned short ushort_T;
-typedef unsigned long ulong_T;
-#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1500) \
- || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__LP64__) \
- || defined(__LCC64__)
-typedef unsigned long long ulonglong_T;
- * Fixed width word size data types: *
- * int8_T, int16_T, int32_T - signed 8, 16, or 32 bit integers *
- * uint8_T, uint16_T, uint32_T - unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit integers *
- * real32_T, real64_T - 32 and 64 bit floating point numbers *
- *=======================================================================*/
-/* When used with Real Time Workshop generated code, this
- * header file can be used with a variety of compilers.
- *
- * The compiler could be for an 8 bit embedded processor that
- * only had 8 bits per integer and 16 bits per long.
- * In that example, a 32 bit integer size is not even available.
- * This header file should be robust to that.
- *
- * For the case of an 8 bit processor, the preprocessor
- * may be limited to 16 bit math like its target. That limitation
- * would mean that 32 bit comparisons can't be done accurately.
- * To increase robustness to this, comparisons are done against
- * smaller values first. An inaccurate 32 bit comparison isn't
- * attempted if the 16 bit comparison has already succeeded.
- *
- * Limitations on preprocessor math can also be stricter than
- * for the target. There are known cases where a compiler
- * targeting processors with 64 bit longs can't do accurate
- * preprocessor comparisons on more than 32 bits.
- */
-/* Determine the number of bits for int, long, short, and char.
- * If one fails to be determined, set the number of bits to -1
- */
-# if INT_MAX == 0x7FL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_INT 8
-# elif INT_MAX == 0x7FFFL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_INT 16
-# elif INT_MAX == 0x7FFFFFFFL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_INT 32
-# else
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_INT -1
-# endif
-# if LONG_MAX == 0x7FL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_LONG 8
-# elif LONG_MAX == 0x7FFFL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_LONG 16
-# elif LONG_MAX == 0x7FFFFFFFL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_LONG 32
-# else
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_LONG -1
-# endif
-# if SHRT_MAX == 0x7FL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT 8
-# elif SHRT_MAX == 0x7FFFL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT 16
-# elif SHRT_MAX == 0x7FFFFFFFL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT 32
-# else
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT -1
-# endif
-# if SCHAR_MAX == 0x7FL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR 8
-# elif SCHAR_MAX == 0x7FFFL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR 16
-# elif SCHAR_MAX == 0x7FFFFFFFL
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR 32
-# else
-# define TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR -1
-# endif
-# define TMW_CHAR_SIGNED 1
-# else
-# define TMW_CHAR_SIGNED 0
-# endif
-/* It is common for one or more of the integer types
- * to be the same size. For example, on many embedded
- * processors, both shorts and ints are 16 bits. On
- * processors used for workstations, it is quite common
- * for both int and long to be 32 bits.
- * When there is more than one choice for typdef'ing
- * a portable type like int16_T or uint32_T, in
- * concept, it should not matter which choice is made.
- * However, some style guides and some code checking
- * tools do identify and complain about seemingly
- * irrelevant differences. For example, a code
- * checking tool may complain about an implicit
- * conversion from int to short even though both
- * are 16 bits. To reduce these types of
- * complaints, it is best to make int the
- * preferred choice when more than one is available.
- */
-#ifndef INT8_T
-# if TMW_BITS_PER_INT == 8
-# define INT8_T int
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_LONG == 8
-# define INT8_T long
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR == 8
-# define INT8_T signed char
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT == 8
-# define INT8_T short
-# endif
-#ifdef INT8_T
- typedef INT8_T int8_T;
-#ifndef UINT8_T
-# if TMW_BITS_PER_INT == 8
-# define UINT8_T unsigned int
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_LONG == 8
-# define UINT8_T unsigned long
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR == 8
-# define UINT8_T unsigned char
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT == 8
-# define UINT8_T unsigned short
-# endif
-#ifdef UINT8_T
- typedef UINT8_T uint8_T;
-#ifndef INT16_T
-# if TMW_BITS_PER_INT == 16
-# define INT16_T int
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_LONG == 16
-# define INT16_T long
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR == 16
-# define INT16_T signed char
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT == 16
-# define INT16_T short
-# endif
-#ifdef INT16_T
- typedef INT16_T int16_T;
-#ifndef UINT16_T
-# if TMW_BITS_PER_INT == 16
-# define UINT16_T unsigned int
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_LONG == 16
-# define UINT16_T unsigned long
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR == 16
-# define UINT16_T unsigned char
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT == 16
-# define UINT16_T unsigned short
-# endif
-#ifdef UINT16_T
- typedef UINT16_T uint16_T;
-#ifndef INT32_T
-# if TMW_BITS_PER_INT == 32
-# define INT32_T int
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_LONG == 32
-# define INT32_T long
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR == 32
-# define INT32_T signed char
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT == 32
-# define INT32_T short
-# endif
-#ifdef INT32_T
- typedef INT32_T int32_T;
-#ifndef UINT32_T
-# if TMW_BITS_PER_INT == 32
-# define UINT32_T unsigned int
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_LONG == 32
-# define UINT32_T unsigned long
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SCHAR == 32
-# define UINT32_T unsigned char
-# elif TMW_BITS_PER_SHRT == 32
-# define UINT32_T unsigned short
-# endif
-#ifdef UINT32_T
- typedef UINT32_T uint32_T;
-/* The following is used to emulate smaller integer types when only
- * larger types are available. For example, compilers for TI C3x/C4x DSPs
- * define char and short to be 32 bits, so 8 and 16 bits are not directly
- * available. This target is commonly used with RTW rapid prototyping.
- * Other DSPs define char to be 16 bits, so 8 bits is not directly
- * available.
- */
-#ifndef INT8_T
-# ifdef INT16_T
-# define INT8_T INT16_T
- typedef INT8_T int8_T;
-# else
-# ifdef INT32_T
-# define INT8_T INT32_T
- typedef INT8_T int8_T;
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifndef UINT8_T
-# ifdef UINT16_T
-# define UINT8_T UINT16_T
- typedef UINT8_T uint8_T;
-# else
-# ifdef UINT32_T
-# define UINT8_T UINT32_T
- typedef UINT8_T uint8_T;
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifndef INT16_T
-# ifdef INT32_T
-# define INT16_T INT32_T
- typedef INT16_T int16_T;
-# endif
-#ifndef UINT16_T
-# ifdef UINT32_T
-# define UINT16_T UINT32_T
- typedef UINT16_T uint16_T;
-# endif
-#ifndef NO_FLOATS
-#ifndef REAL32_T
-# ifndef __MWERKS__
-# if FLT_MANT_DIG >= 23
-# define REAL32_T float
-# endif
-# else
-# define REAL32_T float
-# endif
-#ifdef REAL32_T
- typedef REAL32_T real32_T;
-#ifndef REAL64_T
-# ifndef __MWERKS__
-# if DBL_MANT_DIG >= 52
-# define REAL64_T double
-# endif
-# else
-# define REAL64_T double
-# endif
-#ifdef REAL64_T
- typedef REAL64_T real64_T;
-#endif /* NO_FLOATS*/
- * Fixed width word size data types: *
- * int64_T - signed 64 bit integers *
- * uint64_T - unsigned 64 bit integers *
- *=======================================================================*/
-#ifndef INT64_T
-# if defined(__APPLE__)
-# define INT64_T long long
-# define FMT64 "ll"
-# if defined(__LP64__) && !defined(INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG)
-# define INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG
-# endif
-# elif (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__LP64__))&& !defined(__MINGW64__)
-# define INT64_T long
-# define FMT64 "l"
-# if !defined(INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG)
-# define INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG
-# endif
-# elif defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__BORLANDC__) && __BORLANDC__ >= 0x530) \
- || (defined(__WATCOMC__) && __WATCOMC__ >= 1100)
-# define INT64_T __int64
-# define FMT64 "I64"
-# elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(TMW_ENABLE_INT64) \
- || defined(__LCC64__)
-# define INT64_T long long
-# define FMT64 "ll"
-# endif
-#if defined(INT64_T)
-# if defined(__GNUC__) && \
- ((__GNUC__ > 2) || ((__GNUC__ == 2) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >=9)))
- __extension__
-# endif
- typedef INT64_T int64_T;
-#ifndef UINT64_T
-# if defined(__APPLE__)
-# define UINT64_T unsigned long long
-# define FMT64 "ll"
-# if defined(__LP64__) && !defined(INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG)
-# define INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG
-# endif
-# elif (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__LP64__))&& !defined(__MINGW64__)
-# define UINT64_T unsigned long
-# define FMT64 "l"
-# if !defined(INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG)
-# define INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG
-# endif
-# elif defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__BORLANDC__) && __BORLANDC__ >= 0x530) \
- || (defined(__WATCOMC__) && __WATCOMC__ >= 1100)
-# define UINT64_T unsigned __int64
-# define FMT64 "I64"
-# elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(TMW_ENABLE_INT64) \
- || defined(__LCC64__)
-# define UINT64_T unsigned long long
-# define FMT64 "ll"
-# endif
-#if defined(_WIN64) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__LP64__)) \
- || defined(__x86_64__) \
- || defined(__LP64__)
-#if defined(UINT64_T)
-# if defined(__GNUC__) && \
- ((__GNUC__ > 2) || ((__GNUC__ == 2) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >=9)))
- __extension__
-# endif
- typedef UINT64_T uint64_T;
- * Format string modifiers for using size_t variables in printf statements. *
- *===========================================================================*/
-#ifndef FMT_SIZE_T
-# if (defined( __GNUC__ ) || defined(_STDC_C99))&& !defined(__MINGW64__)
-# define FMT_SIZE_T "z"
-# elif defined (__WATCOMC__)
-# define FMT_SIZE_T "l"
-# elif defined (_WIN32 )
-# define FMT_SIZE_T "I"
-# else
-# define FMT_SIZE_T "l"
-# endif
-#ifndef FMT_PTRDIFF_T
-# if defined(__APPLE__)
-# define FMT_PTRDIFF_T "l"
-# elif defined( __GNUC__ ) || defined(_STDC_C99)
-# define FMT_PTRDIFF_T "t"
-# elif defined (__WATCOMC__)
-# define FMT_PTRDIFF_T "l"
-# elif defined (_WIN32 )
-# define FMT_PTRDIFF_T "I"
-# else
-# define FMT_PTRDIFF_T "l"
-# endif
- * General or logical data types where the word size is not guaranteed. *
- * real_T - possible settings include real32_T or real64_T *
- * time_T - possible settings include real32_T or real64_T *
- * boolean_T *
- * char_T *
- * int_T *
- * uint_T *
- * byte_T *
- *===========================================================================*/
-#ifndef NO_FLOATS
-#ifndef REAL_T
-# ifdef REAL64_T
-# define REAL_T real64_T
-# else
-# ifdef REAL32_T
-# define REAL_T real32_T
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifdef REAL_T
- typedef REAL_T real_T;
-#ifndef TIME_T
-# ifdef REAL_T
-# define TIME_T real_T
-# endif
-#ifdef TIME_T
- typedef TIME_T time_T;
-#endif /* NO_FLOATS */
-#ifndef BOOLEAN_T
-# if defined(UINT8_T)
-# define BOOLEAN_T UINT8_T
-# else
-# define BOOLEAN_T unsigned int
-# endif
-typedef BOOLEAN_T booleanT;
-#ifndef CHARACTER_T
-# define CHARACTER_T char
-typedef CHARACTER_T char_T;
-#ifndef INTEGER_T
-# define INTEGER_T int
-typedef INTEGER_T int_T;
-#ifndef UINTEGER_T
-# define UINTEGER_T unsigned
-typedef UINTEGER_T uint_T;
-#ifndef BYTE_T
-# define BYTE_T unsigned char
-typedef BYTE_T byte_T;
- * Define Complex Structures *
- *===========================================================================*/
-#ifndef NO_FLOATS
-#ifndef CREAL32_T
-# ifdef REAL32_T
- typedef struct {
- real32_T re, im;
- } creal32_T;
-# define CREAL32_T creal32_T
-# endif
-#ifndef CREAL64_T
-# ifdef REAL64_T
- typedef struct {
- real64_T re, im;
- } creal64_T;
-# define CREAL64_T creal64_T
-# endif
-#ifndef CREAL_T
-# ifdef REAL_T
- typedef struct {
- real_T re, im;
- } creal_T;
-# define CREAL_T creal_T
-# endif
-#endif /* NO_FLOATS */
-#ifndef CINT8_T
-# ifdef INT8_T
- typedef struct {
- int8_T re, im;
- } cint8_T;
-# define CINT8_T cint8_T
-# endif
-#ifndef CUINT8_T
-# ifdef UINT8_T
- typedef struct {
- uint8_T re, im;
- } cuint8_T;
-# define CUINT8_T cuint8_T
-# endif
-#ifndef CINT16_T
-# ifdef INT16_T
- typedef struct {
- int16_T re, im;
- } cint16_T;
-# define CINT16_T cint16_T
-# endif
-#ifndef CUINT16_T
-# ifdef UINT16_T
- typedef struct {
- uint16_T re, im;
- } cuint16_T;
-# define CUINT16_T cuint16_T
-# endif
-#ifndef CINT32_T
-# ifdef INT32_T
- typedef struct {
- int32_T re, im;
- } cint32_T;
-# define CINT32_T cint32_T
-# endif
-#ifndef CUINT32_T
-# ifdef UINT32_T
- typedef struct {
- uint32_T re, im;
- } cuint32_T;
-# define CUINT32_T cuint32_T
-# endif
-#ifndef CINT64_T
-# ifdef INT64_T
- typedef struct {
- int64_T re, im;
- } cint64_T;
-# define CINT64_T cint64_T
-# endif
-#ifndef CUINT64_T
-# ifdef UINT64_T
- typedef struct {
- uint64_T re, im;
- } cuint64_T;
-# define CUINT64_T cuint64_T
-# endif
- * Min and Max: *
- * int8_T, int16_T, int32_T - signed 8, 16, or 32 bit integers *
- * uint8_T, uint16_T, uint32_T - unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit integers *
- *=======================================================================*/
-#define MAX_int8_T ((int8_T)(127)) /* 127 */
-#define MIN_int8_T ((int8_T)(-128)) /* -128 */
-#define MAX_uint8_T ((uint8_T)(255)) /* 255 */
-#define MIN_uint8_T ((uint8_T)(0))
-#define MAX_int16_T ((int16_T)(32767)) /* 32767 */
-#define MIN_int16_T ((int16_T)(-32768)) /* -32768 */
-#define MAX_uint16_T ((uint16_T)(65535)) /* 65535 */
-#define MIN_uint16_T ((uint16_T)(0))
-#define MAX_int32_T ((int32_T)(2147483647)) /* 2147483647 */
-#define MIN_int32_T ((int32_T)(-2147483647-1)) /* -2147483648 */
-#define MAX_uint32_T ((uint32_T)(0xFFFFFFFFU)) /* 4294967295 */
-#define MIN_uint32_T ((uint32_T)(0))
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__BORLANDC__) && __BORLANDC__ >= 0x530) \
- || (defined(__WATCOMC__) && __WATCOMC__ >= 1100) \
- || defined(__LCC64__)
-# ifdef INT64_T
-# define MAX_int64_T ((int64_T)(9223372036854775807LL))
-# define MIN_int64_T ((int64_T)(-9223372036854775807LL-1LL))
-# endif
-# ifdef UINT64_T
-# define MAX_uint64_T ((uint64_T)(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL))
-# define MIN_uint64_T ((uint64_T)(0))
-# endif
-# ifdef INT64_T
-# ifdef INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG
-# define MAX_int64_T ((int64_T)(9223372036854775807L))
-# define MIN_int64_T ((int64_T)(-9223372036854775807L-1L))
-# else
-# define MAX_int64_T ((int64_T)(9223372036854775807LL))
-# define MIN_int64_T ((int64_T)(-9223372036854775807LL-1LL))
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifdef UINT64_T
-# ifdef INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG
-# define MAX_uint64_T ((uint64_T)(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL))
-# define MIN_uint64_T ((uint64_T)(0))
-# else
-# define MAX_uint64_T ((uint64_T)(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL))
-# define MIN_uint64_T ((uint64_T)(0))
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-/* Conversion from unsigned __int64 to double is not implemented in windows
- * and results in a compile error, thus the value must first be cast to
- * signed __int64, and then to double.
- *
- * If the 64 bit int value is greater than 2^63-1, which is the signed int64 max,
- * the macro below provides a workaround for casting a uint64 value to a double
- * in windows.
- */
-# define uint64_to_double(u) ( ((u) > _I64_MAX) ? \
- (double)(__int64)((u) - _I64_MAX - 1) + (double)_I64_MAX + 1: \
- (double)(__int64)(u) )
-/* The following inline function should only be used in the macro double_to_uint64,
- * as it only handles the specfic range of double between 2^63 and 2^64-1 */
-uint64_T double_to_uint64_helper(double d) {
- union double_to_uint64_union_type {
- double dd;
- uint64_T i64;
- } di;
- di.dd = d;
- return (((di.i64 & 0x000fffffffffffff) | 0x0010000000000000) << 11);
-/* The largest double value that can be cast to uint64 in windows is the
- * signed int64 max, which is 2^63-1. The macro below provides
- * a workaround for casting large double values to uint64 in windows.
- */
-/* The magic number 18446744073709551616.0 is 2^64 */
-/* The magic number 9223372036854775808.0 is 2^63 */
-# define double_to_uint64(d) ( ((d) >= 18446744073709551616.0) ? \
- 0xffffffffffffffffULL : \
- ((d) >= 0.0) ? \
- ((d) >= 9223372036854775808.0) ? \
- double_to_uint64_helper(d) : \
- (unsigned __int64)(d) : \
- 0ULL )
-# define uint64_to_double(u) ((double)(u))
-# if defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(__TICCSC__)
-/* double_to_uint64 defined only for MSVC and UNIX */
-# else
-# define double_to_uint64(d) ( ((d) >= 18446744073709551616.0) ? \
- (unsigned long long) 0xffffffffffffffffULL : \
- ((d) >= 0) ? (unsigned long long)(d) : (unsigned long long) 0 )
-# endif
-#if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(__bool_true_false_are_defined)
-#ifndef _bool_T
-#define _bool_T
-typedef bool bool;
-#ifndef false
-#define false (0)
-#ifndef true
-#define true (1)
-#endif /* _bool_T */
-#endif /* !__cplusplus */
- * This software assumes that the code is being compiled on a target using a
- * 2's complement representation for signed integer values.
- */
-#if ((SCHAR_MIN + 1) != -SCHAR_MAX)
-#error "This code must be compiled using a 2's complement representation for signed integer values"
- * Maximum length of a MATLAB identifier (function/variable/model)
- * including the null-termination character.
- */
- * Maximum values for indices and dimensions
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#ifdef MX_COMPAT_32
-typedef int mwSize;
-typedef int mwIndex;
-typedef int mwSignedIndex;
-typedef size_t mwSize; /* unsigned pointer-width integer */
-typedef size_t mwIndex; /* unsigned pointer-width integer */
-typedef ptrdiff_t mwSignedIndex; /* a signed pointer-width integer */
- /* for the individual dim */
-typedef int SLIndex;
-typedef int SLSize;
-/* for the total size */
-#define SLIndexType size_t
-#define INVALID_SIZET_VALUE (std::numeric_limits<SLIndexType>::max())
-#define MAX_VALID_SIZET_VALUE (std::numeric_limits<SLIndexType>::max() -1)
-#if (defined(_LP64) || defined(_WIN64)) && !defined(MX_COMPAT_32)
-/* Currently 2^48 based on hardware limitations */
-# define MWSIZE_MAX 281474976710655UL
-# define MWINDEX_MAX 281474976710655UL
-# define MWSINDEX_MAX 281474976710655L
-# define MWSINDEX_MIN -281474976710655L
-# define MWSIZE_MAX 2147483647UL
-# define MWINDEX_MAX 2147483647UL
-# define MWSINDEX_MAX 2147483647L
-# define MWSINDEX_MIN -2147483647L
-#define MWSIZE_MIN 0UL
-#define MWINDEX_MIN 0UL
-/** UTF-16 character type */
-#if (defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L)) || (defined(_HAS_CHAR16_T_LANGUAGE_SUPPORT) && _HAS_CHAR16_T_LANGUAGE_SUPPORT)
-typedef char16_t CHAR16_T;
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-typedef wchar_t CHAR16_T;
-typedef UINT16_T CHAR16_T;
-#endif /* __TMWTYPES__ */
-#endif /* tmwtypes_h */