@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
#include <complex>
#include <queue>
#include "point.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "tool_time.h"
-#include "card_path.h"
-#include "db_api/CDBSingletonDefine.h"
//区域 地图变换
@@ -24,6 +20,7 @@ struct location_card
point m_p;//入库后的点
int m_direct_index;
uint64_t last_timestamp;
+ bool m_isInsert ; //是否
static uint32_t m_difftime;//进入盲区得时长限制 时长
static int m_distance;//进入盲区后,第一个点与之前得距离 像素距离
struct mini_data
@@ -36,279 +33,38 @@ struct location_card
uint64_t time;
std::queue<mini_data> m_d;
- void init()
- {
- m_areaid=-1;
- m_mapid=-1;
- m_timestamp=0;
- m_p.set(0,0);
- std::queue<mini_data> tmp;
- m_d.swap(tmp);
- m_direct_index=0;
- last_timestamp=0;
- }
- void init_att(const point &pt,uint64_t time)
- {
- std::queue<mini_data> tmp;
- m_d.swap(tmp);
- m_d.emplace(pt,time);
- }
- void set_invalid()
- {
- m_arg=0x12345678;
- }
- bool is_valid()
- {
- return m_arg!=0x12345678;
- }
- double make_arg(const point &pt,const point &p)
- {
- log_info("his_location arg[%d],(%.2f,%.2f)--->(%.2f,%.2f)---->(%.2f,%.2f)",m_cardid,m_p.x,m_p.y,p.x,p.y,pt.x,pt.y);
- return std::arg(std::complex<double>(pt.x,pt.y)-std::complex<double>(p.x,p.y));
- }
- void set(const point &pt,uint64_t time)
- {
- m_timestamp=time;
- m_p.set(pt);
- init_att(pt,time);
- }
- bool line_changed(const point &pt)//,int &df)
- {
- if(!is_valid())
- return false;
- point p;
- if(m_d.empty())p=m_p; else p=m_d.back().p;
+ void init();
+ void init_att(const point &pt,uint64_t time);
- if(point::eq(p.x,pt.x,0.2) && point::eq(p.y,pt.y,0.2)) return false;
- double dis1=m_p.dist(pt);
- if(dis1<2)return false;
- //double dis = p.dist(pt);
- double dis = m_p.dist(pt);
- double arg = make_arg(pt,m_p);
- //查看路径方向是否改变
- bool change_flag=(arg-m_arg > -1e-10 && arg-m_arg<1e-10);
- //change_flag为true,标识没有发生变化
- // if(change_flag)m_direct_index=0;
- log_info("his_location:line_changed:%d,%f,m_arg:%f,%s,%f,%f",m_cardid,arg,m_arg, change_flag?"same":"not same",m_arg-arg,dis);
- //if(dis<0.5 && fabs(fabs(arg)+fabs(m_arg)-3.141593)< 0.000005)
- // return false;
- //判断10次反向才做下一步动作
- // if(fabs(fabs(arg)+fabs(m_arg)-3.141593)< 0.000005)
- // {
- // if(++m_direct_index<=10)
- // {
- // df=1;return false;
- // }
- // }
- //return !point::eq(arg,m_arg,1e-10);
- return !change_flag;
- }
- bool is_speed_changed(const point& pt,uint64_t time)
- {
- bool flag = false;
- double v=0.0;
- point ps=m_d.back().p;
- if(ps.dist(pt)<0.1)return flag;
- if(m_d.size()>=4)
- {
- mini_data d1 = m_d.front();
- double dist = d1.p.dist(pt);
- double t = time-d1.time;
- v = dist/t*1000;
- m_d.pop();
- }
- m_d.emplace(pt,time);
- if(v<=0.1)
- return flag;
- double dist = m_p.dist(pt);
- double t = time - m_timestamp;
- double avge_speed= dist/t*1000;
- log_info("his_location cardid:%d:v:%.2f,avge_v:%.2f,(%.2f--%.2f)",m_cardid,v,avge_speed,0.7*avge_speed,1.3*avge_speed);
- if(v<(1-0.3)*avge_speed || v>(1+0.3)*avge_speed)
- flag=true;
- return flag;
- }
- bool time_out(const point &p,uint64_t time)
- {
- uint64_t t=last_timestamp==0?m_timestamp:last_timestamp;
- if(time-t>=30*1000 && m_p.dist(p)>0.1)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool is_area_changed(int new_areaid)
- {
- bool flag =false;
- if(m_areaid != new_areaid)
- {
- m_areaid = new_areaid;
- flag=true;
- }
- return flag;
- }
- bool is_map_changed(int new_mapid)
- {
- bool flag =false;
- if(m_mapid != new_mapid)
- {
- m_mapid = new_mapid;
- flag=true;
- }
- return flag;
- }
- void push(uint64_t timestamp,const point & p,int32_t areaid,int32_t mapid)
- {
- if(m_p.empty() || m_timestamp==0||m_areaid<0||m_mapid<0)
- {
- set(p,timestamp);
- m_areaid=areaid;m_mapid=mapid;
- m_d.emplace(p,timestamp);
- return;
- }
- if(!is_valid())
- {
- //if(p==m_p)
- if(point::eq(p.x,m_p.x,0.2) && point::eq(p.y,m_p.y,0.2))
- {
- set(p,timestamp);
- return ;
- }
- auto v=find_path(m_p,p);
- if(v.empty())
- m_arg=make_arg(p,m_p);
- else
- {
- log_info("his_location:more_abnormal_point....%d,(%.2f,%.2f)---(%.2f,%.2f)",m_cardid,m_p.x,m_p.y,p.x,p.y);
- handle_path(v,timestamp,true);
- set_invalid();
- return;
- }
- log_info("his_location:%d arg:%f",m_cardid,m_arg);
- insert();
- return;
- }
- bool flag=false;
- int iflag=0;
- //判断是否路径发生了变化
- //这里现在又判断,如果反向了也会返回true.但是不运作,依然走下面的逻辑就会有问题
- //比如速度
- flag=handle_message(p,timestamp);
- if(time_out(p,timestamp))
- if(!flag)iflag=1;
- if(is_speed_changed(p,timestamp))
- if(!flag)iflag=2;
- if(is_area_changed(areaid))
- if(!flag)iflag=3;
- if(is_map_changed(mapid))
- if(!flag)iflag=4;
- log_info("his_location cardid:%d:%d",m_cardid,iflag);
- if(iflag)
- {
- update(p,timestamp,iflag);
- //set_invalid();
- if(iflag>1){
- set(p,timestamp);
- insert();
- }
- }
- }
- void insert()
- {
- //std::string tabName=getTabName();
- char nsql[512]={0};
- const char * sql = "replace into his_location (obj_id,card_type_id,ident,begin_time,map_id,area_id,begin_pt,direction)"
- "values(%d,%d,%d,'%s',%d,%d,'%.2f,%.2f',%f);";
- snprintf(nsql,512,sql,m_objid,m_type,m_cardid,tool_time::to_str(m_timestamp/1000).c_str(),m_mapid,m_areaid,m_p.x,m_p.y,m_arg);
- log_info("his_location[%d,%lu]:%s",m_cardid,m_timestamp,nsql);
- sDBConnPool.PushAsync(nsql);
- }
- void update(const point &p,uint64_t timestamp,int flag=0,int dflag=0)
- {
- //std::string tabName=getTabName();
- char nsql[512]={0};
- const char * sql = "update his_location set last_time='%s',speed=%.3f,direction=%f,location_flag=%d where obj_id=%d and begin_time='%s' and last_time is null;";
- double dist = m_p.dist(p);
- double t = (timestamp - m_timestamp)/1000;
- double avge_speed= dist/t;
- if(std::isnan(avge_speed)|| std::isinf(avge_speed))avge_speed=0;
+ void set_invalid();
+ //当前m_arg运动方向角度值 是否有效 0x12345678无效
+ bool is_valid();
+ //计算运动方向角度值
+ double make_arg(const point &pt,const point &p);
- log_info("his_location_time[%d]:%d[%lu,%lu,%lu]",m_cardid,flag,last_timestamp,timestamp,m_timestamp);
- if(last_timestamp != 0)
- {
- const char * ss = "update his_location set last_time='%s',speed=%.3f,direction=%f,location_flag=%d where obj_id=%d and begin_time='%s' and last_time = '%s';";
- snprintf(nsql,512,ss,tool_time::to_str(timestamp/1000).c_str(),avge_speed,m_arg,dflag,m_objid,tool_time::to_str(m_timestamp/1000).c_str(),tool_time::to_str(last_timestamp/1000).c_str());
- }
- else
- snprintf(nsql,512,sql,tool_time::to_str(timestamp/1000).c_str(),avge_speed,m_arg,dflag,m_objid,tool_time::to_str(m_timestamp/1000).c_str());
- if(flag==1) last_timestamp=timestamp;
- else last_timestamp=0;
+ void set(const point &pt,uint64_t time);
+ // 是否在路径上改变方向
+ bool line_changed(const point &pt);//,int &df)
+ // 判断速度变化
+ bool is_speed_changed(const point& pt,uint64_t time);
+ // 超时
+ bool time_out(const point &p,uint64_t time);
+ // 区域变化
+ bool is_area_changed(int new_areaid);
+ // 地图变化
+ bool is_map_changed(int new_mapid);
+ // 计算当前点是否需要记录到DB中
+ void push(uint64_t timestamp,const point & p,int32_t areaid,int32_t mapid,bool bclose = false);
- log_info("his_location[%d]:%s[%lu,%lu]",m_cardid,nsql,timestamp,m_timestamp);
- sDBConnPool.PushAsync(nsql);
- }
- std::vector<point> find_path(const point &p1,const point &p2)
- {
- std::vector<point> rc=card_path::inst().find_path(point(p1.x,-p1.y),point(p2.x,-p2.y));
- return std::move(rc);
- }
- //virtual bool handle_message(const point &p,uint64_t timestamp)=0;
- bool handle_message(const point &p,uint64_t timestamp)
- {
- bool flag = false;
- //int df=0;
- if(line_changed(p))//,df))
- {
- flag = true;
- //std::vector<point> rc=find_path(m_d.back().p,p);
- std::vector<point> rc=find_path(m_p,p);
- if(rc.empty())
- {
- log_info("his_location:line_changed rc.empty() %d",m_cardid);
- update(m_d.back().p,m_d.back().time);
- set(m_d.back().p,m_d.back().time);
- }
- else
- {
- if(handle_path(rc,timestamp,false))
- return true;
- }
- //置m_arg非法
- set_invalid();
- }
- //if(df==1)flag=true;
- return flag;
- }
- bool handle_path(std::vector<point> &rc,uint64_t timestamp,bool flag)
- {
- double dis=0;point _p=m_p;
- std::for_each(rc.begin(),rc.end(),[&dis,&_p](point &pt){
- pt.y=-pt.y;dis+=_p.dist(pt);_p=pt;
- });
- uint64_t t=timestamp/1000 - m_timestamp/1000;
- if(t==0||dis<0.1)return true;
- double avge_speed= dis/t;
- //有拐点 盲区时间差 距离
- uint64_t difftime=t;int dflag=0;
- if(!m_d.empty()) difftime=timestamp/1000-(m_d.back().time)/1000;
- if(difftime>=location_card::m_difftime && dis>location_card::m_distance)
- {
- log_info("his_location[%d]:abnormal_line difftime:%lu,ltime:%u,dis:%.2f,limit_dis:%d",m_cardid,difftime,location_card::m_difftime,dis,location_card::m_distance);
- dflag=1;
- }
- for(const point & pp:rc)
- {
- m_arg=make_arg(pp,m_p);
- if(flag)insert();
+ void insert();
- log_info("his_location[%d]:line_changed_x point(%.2f,%.2f)--circle point(%.2f,%.2f),speed:%.2f",m_cardid,m_p.x,m_p.y,pp.x,pp.y,avge_speed);
- double dist=m_p.dist(pp);uint64_t tt=dist/avge_speed*1000;
- uint64_t etime=m_timestamp+tt;
- update(pp,etime,0,dflag);set(pp,etime);
- flag=true;
- }
- return false;
- }
+ void update(const point &p,uint64_t timestamp,int flag=0,int dflag=0);
+ // 操作路径上点的集合
+ std::vector<point> find_path(const point &p1,const point &p2);
+ //virtual bool handle_message(const point &p,uint64_t timestamp)=0;
+ bool handle_message(const point &p,uint64_t timestamp);
+ // 处理获取到点的集合,在路径上
+ bool handle_path(std::vector<point> &rc,uint64_t timestamp,bool flag);