#include "CDBConnect.h" #include <string.h> namespace YADB { CDBConnect::CDBConnect( bool IsTemp ) { __pConn = 0; __IsTemp = IsTemp; __pstmt = 0; } CDBConnect::~CDBConnect() { Close(); } bool CDBConnect::Connect( const _DB_CONN_SETTING_ & DBSetting, std::string & Error ) { //创建 __pConn = mysql_init( NULL ); //超时设置 if ( mysql_options( __pConn, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, &(DBSetting.TimeOut) ) != 0 ) { Error = "Failed to call mysql_options,"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); return false; } //设置字符集 if ( mysql_set_character_set( __pConn, DBSetting.CharSet.c_str() ) != 0 ) { Error = "Failed to call mysql_set_character_set,"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); return false; } //连接数据库 if ( !mysql_real_connect( __pConn, DBSetting.Host.c_str(), DBSetting.User.c_str(), DBSetting.PWD.c_str(), DBSetting.DBName.c_str(), DBSetting.Port, NULL, 0 ) ) { Error = "Failed to connect database,"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); return false; } mysql_query(__pConn, "set names utf8"); //依靠 mysql_ping 无法做到重连 char value = 1; mysql_options(__pConn, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &value); return true; } void CDBConnect::Close() { stmtClose(); if ( __pConn ) { mysql_close( __pConn ); __pConn = 0; } } int CDBConnect::ConnctionTest( std::string& Error ) { int nRet = -1; if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; nRet = DB_ERR_NOT_CONNECT_DB; } else { nRet = mysql_ping( __pConn ); if ( nRet != 0 ) { Error = "Failed to mysql_ping,"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); } } return nRet; } int CDBConnect::AutoCommit( bool Mode, std::string& Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return DB_ERR_NOT_CONNECT_DB; } return mysql_autocommit( __pConn, Mode ); } int CDBConnect::Commit( std::string& Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return DB_ERR_NOT_CONNECT_DB; } return mysql_commit( __pConn ); } int CDBConnect::RollBack( std::string& Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return DB_ERR_NOT_CONNECT_DB; } return mysql_rollback( __pConn ); } CDBResultSet * CDBConnect::ExecuteQuery( const char * szSql, std::string & Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return 0; } if ( mysql_query( __pConn, szSql ) ) { Error = "Failed to execute SQL!"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); return 0; } if ( !__RessultSet.Bind( mysql_store_result( __pConn ), Error ) ) { return 0; } return &__RessultSet; } MYSQL_RES* CDBConnect::Query( const char *szSql, std::string& Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return 0; } if ( mysql_query( __pConn, szSql ) ) { Error = "Failed to execute SQL!"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); return 0; } return mysql_store_result( __pConn ); } my_ulonglong CDBConnect::ExecuteSql( const char * szSql, std::string& Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return DB_ERR_NOT_CONNECT_DB; } if ( mysql_query( __pConn, szSql ) ) { Error = "Failed to execute SQL!"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); return DB_ERR_EXCUTE_QUERY; } return mysql_affected_rows( __pConn ); } my_ulonglong CDBConnect::ExecuteRealSql( const char * szSql, std::string & Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return DB_ERR_NOT_CONNECT_DB; } unsigned long uSqlLen = strlen( szSql ); if ( mysql_real_query( __pConn, szSql, uSqlLen ) ) { Error = "Failed to execute SQL,"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); return DB_ERR_EXCUTE_QUERY; } return mysql_affected_rows( __pConn ); } const char * CDBConnect::GetLastError() { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { return ""; } return mysql_error( __pConn ); } my_ulonglong CDBConnect::GetLastInsertID( std::string& Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return DB_ERR_NOT_CONNECT_DB; } return mysql_insert_id( __pConn ); } bool CDBConnect::IsTemp() { return __IsTemp; } bool CDBConnect::Preparestmt( const char *szSql, std::string & Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return DB_ERR_NOT_CONNECT_DB; } stmtClose(); __pstmt = mysql_stmt_init( __pConn ); if ( mysql_stmt_prepare( __pstmt, szSql, strlen( szSql ) ) != 0 ) { Error = "Error, failed to mysql_stmt_prepare!"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); return false; } return true; } bool CDBConnect::stmtExcute( MYSQL_BIND *stBinds, uint64_t * piId, std::string & Error ) { if ( __pstmt == NULL ) { Error = "Bind error, not called Preparestmt function!"; return false; } if ( mysql_stmt_bind_param( __pstmt, stBinds ) != 0 ) { Error = "mysql_stmt_bind_param error,"; Error += mysql_stmt_error( __pstmt ); return false; } if ( mysql_stmt_execute( __pstmt ) != 0 ) { Error = "mysql_stmt_execute error,"; Error += mysql_stmt_error( __pstmt ); return false; } if ( piId ) { *piId = mysql_stmt_insert_id( __pstmt ); } return true; } void CDBConnect::stmtClose() { if ( __pstmt ) { mysql_stmt_close( __pstmt ); __pstmt = 0; } } my_ulonglong CDBConnect::ExecuteSqlID( const char * szSql, std::string & Error ) { if ( 0 == __pConn ) { Error = "Error,not connected to database!"; return DB_ERR_NOT_CONNECT_DB; } if ( mysql_real_query( __pConn, szSql, strlen( szSql ) ) ) { Error = "Failed to execute SQL!"; Error += " LastError="; Error += GetLastError(); return DB_ERR_EXCUTE_QUERY; } return mysql_insert_id( __pConn ); } }